"OUR BIG, FAT DISNEYLAND ROADTRIP" The End 4/20 pg. 44 Better Than Cats...


Ya know, I kinda know WDW(the one in Orlando:rotfl2:) like the back of my hand, kinda sorta.

I know NOTHING about Disneyland. Cept I want to go and Grampy promised me he would take me. :yay:

I got lots and lots and lots of researching to do. I haven't a clue about anything you have talked about :lmao: but I best get a cracking.

Still I loved it! Ending is the sad part but hey, you got another trip coming up.

Rip off the bandaid and get the pain over with.

Since I am sooooo timely with my own updates :lmao: :rotfl2:

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
ok, you like to start at the top of a page and this is the bottom of the page, ergo (Is that right?) yours should be the next post. PLEASE.::rolleyes1

We're waiting.................................

Well, you messed it up, DO. You see, UMA likes to post at the top of the page. But you're there, so now we have to wait for 14 more posts. Wait, I just posted, so 13 more. Life is just so hard!:confused3

(j/k) I can't believe there's not a smilie for a wink.

Uma, we miss you.
Well, you messed it up, DO. You see, UMA likes to post at the top of the page. But you're there, so now we have to wait for 14 more posts. Wait, I just posted, so 13 more. Life is just so hard!:confused3

(j/k) I can't believe there's not a smilie for a wink.

Uma, we miss you.

Psst.... there is ;)
Dang, Uma, I am late catching up, again!

Loverly report as always!

But we are still not up to meetin Sidalicous?????
This Jersey Girl is lookiing forward to your next update, UtahMama! I really enjoy your trip reports. I have never been to Disneyland, but came close in Aug 2003. We ended up going to Universal Studios during that trip. Now I would really like to get to the DLR!
STILL February 26th and 27th.The finale and curtain call...

The eve of our last day was spent at Disneyland. We left CA Adventure for the last time this trip and walked through the gates of Disneyland for the last time. Any last anything makes me sad, I’m weird that way.

Just to rub salt on the wound, I thought I’d take Norah through the mini-castle to ride the carousel one last time. I love to watch her posture grow more graceful and her expression of joy to spread across her entire face. And her cute disappointment when the rides slows to a stop. So we rode again, of course!


and our snarly faces not getting to ride a third time...


The King Arthur’s Carousel isn’t nearly as good as the King Triton’s Carousel (sea-theme) at Paradise Pier or the one in the Magic Kingdom called Cinderella's Golden Carousel, but she loves it just the same.

Norah and I then went on the Snow White’s Scary Adventures. No, my 2 year old princess isn’t the least bit scared of this ride. Even though the cries and screams of a few other kids were drowning out the narration and music. Un-phased, she loves Dopey on this ride with the diamonds. I flash forward 20 years that my daughter is a thriller-loving, diamond grubbing, dopey man seeking, horsy-riding, princess panty-wearing, lipgloss lover, exactly like her mama!

We met up with the fellas for a little ride called “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride”! I loves me some Mr. Toads! It’s just as loud and cheesy as I remember! I really love the devils and pitchforks scene! It’s a hoot. I was more ascared than Norah as we pretend-clung-for-dear-life to one another!

Hey, did you know there’s a teeny tiny gift shop inside the teeny tiny castle? Oh Yes There IS! I purchased these really neato children’s books that show two sides of the story! There’s Ursula and Ariel, Snow White and the Evil Queen, and Cruella and the Dalmatians and Cinderella and her StepMother. They are really good, if you get a chance to look through them. The villains, it turns out, were merely misunderstood folks like you and me! Those pesky, spoiled, princesses were manipulating each story! I KNEW it all along!

The rides we did not ride this time were the Tea Cups, Peter Pan, and Dumbo! We had the chance several times, but where in a hellfire hurry to get somewhere each time! ((NEXT time!!))

The sun was setting and it was nearly time to get some prime spots for out last chance to see the Parade of Dreams! We did get awesome spots at the end of Main Street USA where the parade curves left. LOTS of character interaction in this spot, much to our delight!

It was also our last chance to get Disneyland Corn Dogs! There’s a very busy Corn dog stand just across the street neat First Aid and Baby Care. For a mere $35.00 I got corn dogs and a few drinks and mustard and ketchup packets…with super bonus under-filled potato chips bags (“FREE”!)

We settled in, front row, and sat on our hoodies and ate the most delicious meal of the trip anticipating the parade we hadn’t seen before! DH sat up the tripod to video the parade (Norah watches this all the time!) As I finished eating, I talked to my new friend SDY on the cell phone, a super cool Dis-ser, and told her what we were doing. I really couldn’t wait to meet her! She was on her way to Disney as we spoke. YAY!

Back to the parade. BOY, was it good! It is my favorite! It really is spectacular! My boys, with their ketchup smeared cheeks, were just glued to it! Here’s what the Entertainment Times Guide had to say about this parade: “In this magical place where dreams come true, your favorite Disney Characters welcome you to their family with a dazzling, larger than life celebration for children of all ages.” And it was!

Of COURSE I took a picture of Ursula...She's my favorite! Dare me to say "Heaving Bosoms" again???


a photo, 2 seconds after the actual one I wanted...dang digital! "WHOO ARE YOU?!"


As the parade was ending, Norah was losing her cool. Surprised? I gathered our belongings and packed the stroller and took Riley and Norah while DH and Dallen went somewhere else (an unimportant detail to this chapter) and trekked up stream with the slow moving crowd down Main Street. I hardly ran over anyone’s Achilles’ heels as I maneuvered the crowds. I always have the urge to “Mooo” at this point. So I did, to Riley only. He thought it was funny. I heard from Sid that she was parking and tramming on her way over. She has a very pretty voice, I noted. I heard in her voice that she was “classy” and I worried I’d be too shmucky for her time. But, she WAS funny and funny is the universal language, so I calmed down!

At some time between point A and point B, Riley rode in the stroller and I held Norah. My huge 7 year old was just too tired to walk another step so I thought this was easier than carrying his 70 pound carcass. We made it safely outside the gates and proceeded to wait for SDY (or “Sid” or “Sidalicious” or the Ninja Warrior). SOME how she recognized us and approached us . Well, have you ever met a person and totally jived with them instantly? That’s my Sid! I have pondered this and think maybe she brings out my secret inner single sophisticated lady and MAYBE I bring out her secret inner scrapbooking, PTA / soccer mom??? It doesn’t matter because we talked and talked and never once had one of those awkward silent moments! She is just SO beautiful, I may have mentioned a hundred times. If I was a well educated, wealthy, funny, handsome gentleman, I’d go for her! Wait, that didn’t come out right….LOL!


She totally engaged Norah and told Riley Happy Birthday a zillion times (he developed a huge crush on her!) and made our whole family feel special.

Soon DH and Dallen met up with us and it was time to head for the car. Sid walked with us but wanted to go to Down Town Disney for a bite to eat. It truly was great meeting Sid. And we’ve remained good friends ever since!

We said our good-byes and boarded the trams for the last time. Again, that familiar lump in my throat formed and I got really quiet. Knowing we’d be back in May eased the pain a little. But still.

It was late and we had to go to my little sister’s new home the next morning.

On the very last day in California, February 27th, it rained. Perfect!
We ate our kids-eat-free breakfast in the Hotel café. We stopped for gas at
$ 2.63 per gallon and filled up the Suburban and loaded up on cold beverages. I fiddled with the radio stations and found my old favorite, 106.7 KROQ but it was unfamiliar.

Our visit with my sister was short but I have a treasured picture of her newborn Emma in my heart. Riese excitedly gave us the grand tour of their beautiful new home. We exchanged a year’s worth of Christmas and birthday gifts and hugged goodbye, again.

We had a long drive ahead of us and needed to get a move on. We put in a DVD settled in with our pillows and made our way back home to Utah. This drive was noticeably quieter than the excited trip a few days before. The only thing keeping us from being too sad was the prospect of coming back in May, for Jordan and Dallen’s birthdays!

Thank you all for reading this Disneyland trip report. It was a lot of fun to pack on these pages. In May, we’ll be taking pictures to do more of a pictures-only comparison Trip Report. I’m fascinated by the differences and similarities between California’s and Florida’s Disney parks.
you are coming in May?? we will be there the 23rd-27th...I might actually be at DLR at the same time as the famous UtahMama? so cool.

I have to say all your TR's are wonderfully written. I can't wait to see the side-by-side comparison in photos.
Uma, great report, sad it's over. But I have to say I am really looking forward to your September report!!!!!!!!!!! :banana:
Great report! I always get sad at the end of things, even other people's endings! So is it time to start a pre trip for may?

Norah and I then went on the Snow White’s Scary Adventures. No, my 2 year old princess isn’t the least bit scared of this ride. Even though the cries and screams of a few other kids were drowning out the narration and music. Un-phased, she loves Dopey on this ride with the diamonds. I flash forward 20 years that my daughter is a thriller-loving, diamond grubbing, dopey man seeking, horsy-riding, princess panty-wearing, lipgloss lover, exactly like her mama!


?? Do they make princess panties for the big girls like us??:rotfl:


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