Our Home Wedding/Disneymoon 9/05/09 Updated 8/6

The invitations came in last night!! I have the best fiance ever because he addressed almost all of them last night! My only problem with the invites is the response cards...when I ordered them I didnt notice that there isnt a place to mark no?? Please look at the response cards and tell me how people are going to reply their no's, Im really worried!! My bridesmaid dresses also came in yesterday and I am going with one of them today to try it on :) Will post pics as soon as I can. I aplogize for the horrible paint job trying to cover up names, i shouldnt have used a laptop with no mouse!
Hmm... hmmm

Did you see your RSVPs before you ordered your invitations? Looks as though you may only hear from people who are attending and just assume those you haven't heard from are not. You might contact whom ever you ordered your invites from and see if they have a suggestion.

My only other thought is to head to Paper Source and pick out something that matches and print new RSVPs at home.
Thought I would let you know how the coffee beans went....Im scrapping the florist foam....when i used it, you had to put the foam and flowers in before the beans and then you had very little rooms to get the beans in so it took FOREVER and carnation seems to be pretty drought resistant so I am just putting damp paper towels into the sandwhich bag and rubber banding it off....And low and behold we went to Target today and in their clearance section they had free standing wreath hooks....in BRONZE!!! I couldnt believe the luck...so we took all the buckets and shepherds hooks back... The pictures I took are from earlier in the week so it includes the old way we are doing it, but you will get the idea.....only 55 days to go i believe!



Thought I would do another update, dont really have readers anymore but its a good way for me to organize my "planning thoughts"

So....we decided to do a little something different for the ceremony, which is so far a secret from all of the guests, charmaine if you are reading this DONT TELL ANYONE!!!


I actually ended up firing my florist and am doing my flowers myself! My inspiration was this bouquet which I am using garden roses.

this is one of my DIY projects

We also ended up making this sign to show people where to park after seeing a sign on the knot
This was my bridal shower, I dont have any of the pics of people yet but this is what I have so far!





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