Our Journey Slinkyman's Cancer Success Story With Pictures

Bug asked me to move this over for her just so everyone who does not venture over to the VMKCB sees it.
Thank you for sharing your story. I am so glad that Slinkyman is doing so well. He sounds like a very brave and caring young man. Hope that you have a wonderful time on your cruise.
Wow, what a touching story. I knew a little bit about what was going on with Inky, but never in real detail. It's good to finally know what he has gone through and it's inspiring as well. Thanks for sharing this!
What a touching and inspiring story. I'm so glad that Slinkyman has kicked the cancer. What a brave and strong young man. I hope you all have a wonderful time on your cruise. I'll be thinking of you and sending my best. :hug:
So glad to hear all the Pixie Dust sent to you'all is helping. Slinky, you have been so courageous through your ordeal. I'm so very happy that you are getting well!
Bug, my heart just lit up reading Slink's story about his victory over cancer! It was a courageous battle, one accomplished with the love, prayers, and support of family and friends! Here's a big WOOT! out to Smalld for being the 'bestest' friend anybody could ever ask for. You all have a wonderful cruise -- you deserve this celebration together!

My continued prayers for good news through the rest of Slink's testing.
Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know how well everything has gone for your son, you and your family and friends. It was fun to see the hat I sent Slinkyman actually got to him. Have a great time on the cruise!:tink:
Bug I just want to say that I'm very glad you and Slink are doing so well now and it is just such great news. I've had to deal with cancer in my family in the past and I know it is not easy at all. I just love to hear happy stories and I really am happy everything turned out great. Even though I was not told about the problem until the end I was there hoping everything would be alright and look how our good thoughts ended up. It just shows some that hope and a bit of magic (even virtual) can go along way.



P.S. I recognize that stitch race to be in the Gift Shop attached to Stitch's great escape, am i right? :)
P.S. I recognize that stitch race to be in the Gift Shop attached to Stitch's great escape, am i right? :)

I just want to say that *I* WON that race and did NOT cheat (as it was never stated in the rules we couldnt drag stitch our to the finish) :lmao:
BUT they declared a re-do where my title was taken away from me! I have blocked from my memory the person who ripped MY win away from me! Bug? Who won the re-do? :confused3 :lmao:

We were laughing so hard! (We got nice certifcates YOMD for racing)

Oh and yes, that is in the gift shop attached to Stitch's great escape. ;)
Bug and slinkyman, Thank you so much for sharing your story. It is truly amazing and inspiring. And it was fun to put the faces with the characters on VMK. I hope all of slinkyman's wishes come true and that he have the long and healthy life that he deserves. And being a mom myself and worrying about every little thing, i can only imagine what you must have gone through bug, and are still going through even now. Have fun on your trip and don't worry about a thing, just have fun!! You all deserve it!

2 survivors - Bug and Slink !!!
(You the man, Slink) !!!

:dance3::dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
what a beautiful story - thank you for sharing! What an amazing inspiration you all are!!

The laptop donations is AMAZING!!!

Congratulations on your triumph and for raising such a wonderful young man!!!
What a wonderful update, thank you so much for letting us know how Slink is doing.
The two of you are so courageous.
Good luck Slink, I'm sure you'll have a happy and healthy future
Aww I almost cried! Thanks for sharing that, it was an inspiration. In other words it's going into my favourites. So happy that's he's okay!

By the way tell him he made an awesome quest. ;)
Thanks Bug for sharing yours and Slinks journey. I was praying for him and heard he had finished chemo and glad to hear he is cancer free.

And to have such a special friend in smalld what a blessing I am so glad they can do the cruise together.

So lets keep the celebration going. And wow I loved seeing all the hats Slink sure got alot. Which I was very glad to see.

And I am thankful that VMK did give pixie dust to Slink and encouragement to you as well. I was so touched by that. Thanks for sharing with us.
this is a TRULY amazing story! :)

Congrats Slink! :)

hehe, you got all the cool hats :( lol, they're awesome! :)
Thank you for sharing your's and Slink's journey. So glad it had such a wonderful ending. :woohoo: Woot - way to go Slink :woohoo:
What a great story and and amazing group of people!
Bug, whatever you may think of yourselves, many families that go through this kind of thing just completely fall to pieces. It takes courage, determination and a positive outlook to get through this. Most people may have one or two of these, but rarely all three. And to top it off, you both had amazing friends to help you through it. Especially Bearz and smalld. Not many young teenage boys would be willing to do almost whatever they had to do to help their friends. He is an amazing guy and will grow to be an amazing man alongside Slink. Bearz, not many people would reach through the internet and over the miles to help people that they don't really know. It is a testament to the kind of heart you have.

Hugs, prayers and pixie dust to you all!
So very happy for you Bug and especially Slinky for that incredible journey. He is indeed a very courageous boy and I have nothing but love and respect for him. Thank you for sharing your incredible story with us Bug, it really means a lot to hear that he is doing well. He indeed deserves that CL title and what a great leader he will be.

It's awesome to read about the donations, it makes me believe there are still generous people out there and warms my heart at the huge generosity I've seen in this thread alone. Big hugs to you and your family Bug!!


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