People with multiple reservations

Isn't the last line the definition of selfish?

(of a person, action, or motive) Lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure."

Well, if what DisneyPrincess said is your definition of selfish, I'm pretty sure everyone at Disney is guilty of being selfish.

Your comparison of her last line is akin to saying, it's selfish to ride Toy Story Mania more than once because it's so popular, and you are taking a turn away from someone else.
Well, if what DisneyPrincess said is your definition of selfish, I'm pretty sure everyone at Disney is guilty of being selfish.

Your comparison of her last line is akin to saying, it's selfish to ride Toy Story Mania more than once because it's so popular, and you are taking a turn away from someone else.

I agree, that is one heck of a stretch! It is an entirely different situation when you make ADR's that you have no intention of honoring, and then try to compare that to making ADR's that you fully intend to enjoy. I always shake my head when someone runs off on a tangent like this one, it makes not one bit of sense.
I've seen posters in the past go so far as to say that parties of only adults shouldn't book CRT (sometimes they just said "any character meals") because that takes seats away from children. How far are we supposed to go in the name of fairness?

As far as I'm concerned, if you're actually going to eat at the restaurant every time you reserve it, it doesn't matter to me how many reservations you have.

And I like the credit card hold because it forces cancellations. Apparently at the popular places they had a major problem with no-shows. I have a hard time getting worked up if the reservation is going to be cancelled and someone else gets to pick it up.
I've seen posters in the past go so far as to say that parties of only adults shouldn't book CRT (sometimes they just said "any character meals") because that takes seats away from children. How far are we supposed to go in the name of fairness?

The Kid card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have read here that only children should get into character lines, people with children should be able to get the front "seats" at parades, people who have children should get seats on the bus.....on and on and on.

And if this spilled out into workplace squabbles over people with children needing preferential treatment, the thread would blow up!

Fair is fair, and then there is entitlement.
It is an entirely different situation when you make ADR's that you have no intention of honoring.

As one who has made multiple ADR's, I do have the attention of honoring one of them (and will cancel all unused/unplanned when our plans are more firmed up). I believe most double-bookers plan on honoring one of them.. You think there are people who make ADR's and have no intention of honoring any of them? That would be odd behavior.
It is an entirely different situation when you make ADR's that you have no intention of honoring. /QUOTE]

As one who has made multiple ADR's, I do have the attention of honoring one of them (and will cancel all unused/unplanned when our plans are more firmed up). I believe most double-bookers plan on honoring one of them.. You think there are people who make ADR's and have no intention of honoring any of them? That would be odd behavior.

This discussion on this thread mainly centers around people who make multiple ADR's for the same time frame when they can only eat at one of those restaurants at a time. I am completely aware that you find it acceptable to make multiple ADR's and cancel some later. WE both know that you will honor one of those ADR's that you made, and will not honor the other. That is the behavior I referred to.

I really get frustrated when responses turn into nonsensical hypothetical situation in order to attempt to ridicule an opinion. I have been respectful of your opinion and others, even though I do not agree with you.
Yes, I will book too many reservations at the 180 day mark!

Planning dining, flying, and park hours at the 180 days isn't always possible.

We are thinking of the dessert party but that can't be booked until 60 days in advanced. (just figured this out today!)

I also booked a night at BWV after our stay at VWL because I'm not yet sure when we'll come home.

Add in waiting for the CP narrator schedule be announced and it doesn't make for easy planning!

I've also ordered shoes from Zappos in two sizes with the intention to return the pair that doesn't fit.
Well the guilty party always tells on themselves and will always justify it.

Guilty of what, exactly? Being helpful? Last I checked, that's what these boards were intended for...I hope that someone on here was able to grab those ADRs and have an even better trip because of it:thumbsup2
My two cents:

As I've stated many times before, I agree 1000% that the 180-day window is utterly ridiculous and the root cause of EVERY problem associated with ADRs. I've always felt that the proper window should be 45 days. Reduce the window down to 45 days, and many of the issues go away. However, it seems there are some DISers that would rather give up their first-born before giving up the ability to book ADRs six months in advance. Overall, it's much better now, post-CC holds and cancellation fees, than it was before the policy was put into place, but there are still abuses and some people will always be looking to game the system for their own benefit - just to a lesser extent.

For me, it ultimately all comes down to intent...which makes it virtually impossible to police completely. If you book any ADR and you don't fully intend to show up and attend that meal - for whatever reason - at the time you're booking it... it's "wrong". I have no problem with someone booking and actually eating at a particular restaurant multiple times during a single trip. But booking the same restaurants multiple times until you decide which day works best for you (or any of the other, similar offenses)? That's selfish. And as for the rationale that someone gets a little pixie dust when you cancel it at the last minute? Seems to me that is just people trying to convince themselves that what they're doing is okay because deep down they know it's not.
But booking the same restaurants multiple times until you decide which day works best for you (or any of the other, similar offenses)? That's selfish. And as for the rationale that someone gets a little pixie dust when you cancel it at the last minute? Seems to me that is just people trying to convince themselves that what they're doing is okay because deep down they know it's not.
Getting or not getting an ADR is not going to ruin our vacation at the most magical place on earth. That being said, I am grateful to the openings that popped up in the last 2 weeks as people changed plans and I'm not going to sweat having multiple ADRs for a sum total of 3 weeks while I check my friends' plans, touringplans and disney calendars to determine which schedule works best for us.
Nope - not selfish. And, nope- I don't feel the least bit guilty about it. "Deep down", I figure it is just a restaurant reservation - not life and death.
Nope - not selfish. And, nope- I don't feel the least bit guilty about it. "Deep down", I figure it is just a restaurant reservation - not life and death.

If it was just a restaurant reservation (not a big deal) you wouldn't feel the need to double book, would you? You would just book what you are actually going to use, and not sweat the rest.
Getting or not getting an ADR is not going to ruin our vacation at the most magical place on earth. That being said, I am grateful to the openings that popped up in the last 2 weeks as people changed plans and I'm not going to sweat having multiple ADRs for a sum total of 3 weeks while I check my friends' plans, touringplans and disney calendars to determine which schedule works best for us.

Nope - not selfish. And, nope- I don't feel the least bit guilty about it. "Deep down", I figure it is just a restaurant reservation - not life and death.

So something can only be "wrong" if it's a matter of life and death? By that logic, if someone randomly walks up to you, and punches you in the face.....nothing really wrong with that, as it's not going to kill you.

Wrong is wrong. Yes, certain "wrong" actions may have only very minor repercussions/impacts in the grand scheme of things. However, that doesn't mean that those actions no longer qualify as being "wrong".
Wow---so I'm selfish, guilty, don't care about others, and other host of horrible things! Boy, didn't know a dining reservation could lead to such anger!!!!!! Oh, well. If that's my biggest sin, guess I'm doing pretty well in the world!

So, for all the people complaining about us selfish good-for-nothings getting all the ADRs, why are you so upset? Is it because there's an ADR you want and can't get? Or are you just angry in general? If you didn't get the ADR you wanted, why not? You could set your alarm, get up at the crack of dawn on the 180th or 180+10th day and call in just like anyone else. Or did you wait too long? So we should have sat around taking a chance that there wouldn't be anything available until after you made up your mind? Sorry. Everyone's on a level playing field and everyone has just as much chance to get what they want, if they plan and work at it a bit.

Have you ever gotten a FP and not gone back, for whatever reason? Shame on you!

Have you ever bought the last two of an item at a store, even though you really only needed one, and not left one for someone else? The horrors!

Have you ever booked a room at Disney and then changed the reservation before the 45 days--to a different resort or different days? Selfish!

I'm pretty much a newbie here and had no idea how serious people take this kind of thing!
If it was just a restaurant reservation (not a big deal) you wouldn't feel the need to double book, would you? You would just book what you are actually going to use, and not sweat the rest.

You would be incorrect in that I do not feel a NEED to do anything. I WANT to have ressies at CP before opening on 2 mornings until I finalize which morning we are going to MK vs which one is a rest day. I WANT ressies at Ohana's during Wishes OR tickets to the Wishes Dessert party (neither of which I currently have). I wouldn't mind ressies for BOG while we are there. But, I NEED none of them. Last time I checked, lots of people still go out of their way to do things they want vs need. But, I am perfectly aware that we had tons of fun our first trip to WDW without going to CP or Ohanas at all (and BOG wasn't even open).

I am so glad that some of you are so confident that everyone should know where they want to be, decide where they want to eat, and book everything 180 days out. But, luckily, we don't all have to agree on everything. I am not that good at planning; I actually booked this trip about 120 days out; and I feel perfectly fine about what I am doing. I will have my schedule nailed down within the next week or so, will cancel all my unwanted ADRs at that time, and will continue to stalk the system for some of the ADRs I want but have not gotten.

The funny thing is that our behavior in regards to ADRs is not actually a full picture of our characters. I am sure some of us ADR dupe people are not considered selfish by those around us and some of the no-dupe ADR peeps are considered selfish by their friends. We all make value judgments by different measures. I can look myself in the mirror every morning just fine knowing full well that I will not have extra/disposable ADRs going into the month of my vacation much less the week or day ;)

ETA: Would it be better for all of your collective happinesses if I just decided to keep all of my CP ressies? Cause we could just go back to MK on our rest day just to go to CP just to make y'all feel better. But, I would feel guilty about THAT. I would feel bad about taking 2 back-to-back pre-opening ressies at CP thus keeping someone else from getting one for their family. Whereas some of you are just fine with it. I don't think those of you who are fine with it are selfish- I just figure you are making your judgments off of a different value system
So something can only be "wrong" if it's a matter of life and death? By that logic, if someone randomly walks up to you, and punches you in the face.....nothing really wrong with that, as it's not going to kill you.

Wrong is wrong. Yes, certain "wrong" actions may have only very minor repercussions/impacts in the grand scheme of things. However, that doesn't mean that those actions no longer qualify as being "wrong".

No. I don't classify wrong by the repercussions at all. I was classifying the level of importance I give ADRs in the grand scheme of things. They will not be life-altering whether I have them or not. And a lack of ADRs will not be the deciding factor on whether or not we have fun on our vacation. Therefore, they are super nice to have and desirable - and, because of that, something I will put work into - but they are not NECESSARY.

Really, it is quite clear that we will have to agree to disagree on all of this. I was just responding to the suggestion that I must have some deep-seated guilt. Believe me, I am great at guilt. But, this is neither a source of guilt nor self-esteem issues. :confused3
So something can only be "wrong" if it's a matter of life and death? By that logic, if someone randomly walks up to you, and punches you in the face.....nothing really wrong with that, as it's not going to kill you.

Wrong is wrong. Yes, certain "wrong" actions may have only very minor repercussions/impacts in the grand scheme of things. However, that doesn't mean that those actions no longer qualify as being "wrong".

This is just silly. "Wrong" means against the rules. There is no prohibition against multiple bookings. I can make one and my wife can make one. Neither of us has done anything "wrong". There is an entire area of this Board dedicated to people announcing what ADRs they are going to toss back into the pool and when they are going to do so. Is everyone who cancels doing something "wrong"? Or only the people who are tossing back a second ADR for the same night? And isn't it better for all the complainers to have an orderly method of announcing what ADRs are going to be made available than having everyone left to the random chance of getting their ADR from the get-go? If a person announces on this Board that they are going to cancel an ADR for BoG at such-and-such a date at such-and-such a time and you stalk that cancellation, I am rather certain that you would have a better chance of grabbing that ADR than you would of simply leaving your ADR to chance on the 180 day mark. For every person who posts a happy dance here that they were able to get their coveted ADR only 45 days out, (or whatever day they got it), there is a person who canceled said reservation. So the cancellation actually helped someone. All is not lost.


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