People with multiple reservations

Wow, regardless of where you stand on this issue... this thread is an awesome read. :happytv:
And it's why I stick to my out of the way places ;) (I guess not travelling with 39 1/2 other people also helps... it's nice to be solo at (most) times). As a note, I booked ADRs I have no idea how far out. Last week for this October trip. I got everything, at the exact time I wanted. Huzzah!

(I admit, I really just wanted to say Huzzah in a post...twice.)

Right or wrong, it's never going to change. As long as people CAN do it, they will. As long as the risk of creating further issues with the ADR system as a whole is greater than the reward of preventing possible abuse, nothing will get changed. While I don't agree with those that hold onto several groups of multiples until the very edge of the deadline, with Disney's horrific track record of QA/Web Development, I'm even more against them touching a system that, for the most part, works fine!

(I admit, I really just wanted to say Hu..erm...get another jab at TWDCWB in there... That's "The Walt Disney Company Web Development" for those not in the "know" (which everyone, since I just made it up)).

(The previous post has been brought to you by not feeling like working...and a hefty grant from the Parenthesis Manufacturers of America (and China))
This is just silly. "Wrong" means against the rules. There is no prohibition against multiple bookings. I can make one and my wife can make one. Neither of us has done anything "wrong". There is an entire area of this Board dedicated to people announcing what ADRs they are going to toss back into the pool and when they are going to do so. Is everyone who cancels doing something "wrong"? Or only the people who are tossing back a second ADR for the same night? And isn't it better for all the complainers to have an orderly method of announcing what ADRs are going to be made available than having everyone left to the random chance of getting their ADR from the get-go? If a person announces on this Board that they are going to cancel an ADR for BoG at such-and-such a date at such-and-such a time and you stalk that cancellation, I am rather certain that you would have a better chance of grabbing that ADR than you would of simply leaving your ADR to chance on the 180 day mark. For every person who posts a happy dance here that they were able to get their coveted ADR only 45 days out, (or whatever day they got it), there is a person who canceled said reservation. So the cancellation actually helped someone. All is not lost.

As I stated in my earlier post...IMO, intent is the determining factor for what is "wrong" (and something that is virtually impossible to prove or disprove). If you make an ADR, with the full intention that you will be attending that meal at the time you booked that ADR, but later on cancel that ADR for whatever reason...obviously nothing wrong with that. Making any ADR where you do not have that full intention - which could be for a variety of reasons - may not be against the rules per se, but would still be considered "wrong" in my book. However, that's based on morality/decency standards - which, admittedly, are completely subjective and therefore different for everyone.
Wow---so I'm selfish, guilty, don't care about others, and other host of horrible things! Boy, didn't know a dining reservation could lead to such anger!!!!!! Oh, well. If that's my biggest sin, guess I'm doing pretty well in the world!

So, for all the people complaining about us selfish good-for-nothings getting all the ADRs, why are you so upset? Is it because there's an ADR you want and can't get? Or are you just angry in general? If you didn't get the ADR you wanted, why not? You could set your alarm, get up at the crack of dawn on the 180th or 180+10th day and call in just like anyone else. Or did you wait too long? So we should have sat around taking a chance that there wouldn't be anything available until after you made up your mind? Sorry. Everyone's on a level playing field and everyone has just as much chance to get what they want, if they plan and work at it a bit.

Have you ever gotten a FP and not gone back, for whatever reason? Shame on you!

Have you ever bought the last two of an item at a store, even though you really only needed one, and not left one for someone else? The horrors!

Have you ever booked a room at Disney and then changed the reservation before the 45 days--to a different resort or different days? Selfish!

I'm pretty much a newbie here and had no idea how serious people take this kind of thing!

Great post newbie!! :thumbsup2
As I stated in my earlier post...IMO, intent is the determining factor for what is "wrong" (and something that is virtually impossible to prove or disprove). If you make an ADR, with the full intention that you will be attending that meal at the time you booked that ADR, but later on cancel that ADR for whatever reason...obviously nothing wrong with that. Making any ADR where you do not have that full intention - which could be for a variety of reasons - may not be against the rules per se, but would still be considered "wrong" in my book. However, that's based on morality/decency standards - which, admittedly, are completely subjective and therefore different for everyone.

I agree with you. Make multiple ADRs for the same place, with the intention of attending each and every one? Have at it. Make multiple ADRs because you don't know where you will want to eat and what a variety to choose from? Not such a great move. Not illegal, but not something I would do.
As I stated in my earlier post...IMO, intent is the determining factor for what is "wrong" (and something that is virtually impossible to prove or disprove). If you make an ADR, with the full intention that you will be attending that meal at the time you booked that ADR, but later on cancel that ADR for whatever reason...obviously nothing wrong with that. Making any ADR where you do not have that full intention - which could be for a variety of reasons - may not be against the rules per se, but would still be considered "wrong" in my book. However, that's based on morality/decency standards - which, admittedly, are completely subjective and therefore different for everyone.

If I make an adr for one restaurant on two separate nights, I am making these reservations with the full intention of keeping one of them. There are legitimate reasons why I do not know at 180 days out which one I will keep.

Let's step outside the Disney bubble for a moment.

Recently I inquired about booking a particular play place for my daughter's birthday. My daughter's birthday is not until December. I asked how far in advance I would have to book. I was told because December is a popular month for Christmas parties, I should start to figure out a date as soon as possible. Since I couldn't decide between a Friday night or Saturday morning party due to work schedules, the play place suggested that I put down a $50 deposit for Friday and a $50 deposit for Saturday. Both these deposits would be fully refundable if I cancelled within two weeks of the dates. I thanked the woman and told her that I would probably know which date would be better two to three months before December and that I would cancel as soon as possible. She said it was no problem and it would easily be booked by someone even just two weeks in advance.

Am I supposed to feel immoral or indecent about this?

Subjective or not, I really do not see how morality/decency standards come into play here.
I'm kind of amazed at the judgment going on in this thread. I seriously doubt any of us would give up a night in the castle just so another random family could have it. How are ADRs any different? If I'm willing to try planning ahead enough to get up at the butt crack of dawn to make reservations, I'm going to make whatever reservations I can. Some will be cancelled. Others will be added. "Hoarding" ADRs - the notion that this stresses people out is funny.
So something can only be "wrong" if it's a matter of life and death? By that logic, if someone randomly walks up to you, and punches you in the face.....nothing really wrong with that, as it's not going to kill you.

Wrong is wrong. Yes, certain "wrong" actions may have only very minor repercussions/impacts in the grand scheme of things. However, that doesn't mean that those actions no longer qualify as being "wrong".

Wrong is subjective. Even if you define it as something that causes a minor repercussion/impact, I don't see how that applies to ADRs. The popular restaurants will be full of people and not everyone who wants to eat there will get to. Someone who makes an extra ADR has no impact on that.
I'm kind of amazed at the judgment going on in this thread. I seriously doubt any of us would give up a night in the castle just so another random family could have it. How are ADRs any different? If I'm willing to try planning ahead enough to get up at the butt crack of dawn to make reservations, I'm going to make whatever reservations I can. Some will be cancelled. Others will be added. "Hoarding" ADRs - the notion that this stresses people out is funny.

:thumbsup2 Exactly. While I always cancel any reservation once we realise it simply isn't going to work for us (or we have a change of plans), I wouldn't not book CRT, Tusker House or Le Cellier just so a random family could have it instead. By that logic, I shouldn't stay at one of the resorts "in case" I'm stopping another family from having that room. I shouldn't buy the last Mickey mug that World of Disney has so another family could have it. :confused3 When does it end?

Every time we make a reservation, at that point in time we intend of dining there. Does it always work out? No, sometimes we have a change of plans (we have already changed a few days around for our upcoming trip, made new reservations and cancelled old ones) But the intent when we make the reservation is to use it.
:thumbsup2 Exactly. While I always cancel any reservation once we realise it simply isn't going to work for us (or we have a change of plans), I wouldn't not book CRT, Tusker House or Le Cellier just so a random family could have it instead. By that logic, I shouldn't stay at one of the resorts "in case" I'm stopping another family from having that room. I shouldn't buy the last Mickey mug that World of Disney has so another family could have it. :confused3 When does it end?

Every time we make a reservation, at that point in time we intend of dining there. Does it always work out? No, sometimes we have a change of plans (we have already changed a few days around for our upcoming trip, made new reservations and cancelled old ones) But the intent when we make the reservation is to use it.

Most people on the thread are talking about booking multiple ADR's for the same time in order to have a choice of restaurants on any given day. There have been people who suggested that it is selfish to book the "special" ADR's more then once while on vacation, but honestly, that is just silly.

WE all make changes as we tweak our plans so of course, that involves making changes dining plans. :thumbsup2
Most people on the thread are talking about booking multiple ADR's for the same time in order to have a choice of restaurants on any given day. There have been people who suggested that it is selfish to book the "special" ADR's more then once while on vacation, but honestly, that is just silly.

WE all make changes as we tweak our plans so of course, that involves making changes dining plans. :thumbsup2

:thumbsup2 I know, I was called selfish personally by someone :thumbsup2 I'm just saying, the concept of being selfish by booking a reservation is a little crazy ;)
Most people on the thread are talking about booking multiple ADR's for the same time in order to have a choice of restaurants on any given day.

Actually you can't do this anymore in the Disney system. Unless you're making reservations under different names and then it's a whole different ballgame!

I think what most people are calling selfish is exactly what I've done. I have a popular dinner booked on two different nights right now. I'm only going to be using one, but not sure on which night yet. When we figure it out, I'll cancel the other one.

I don't find this wrong, I'm not feeling guilty, and I'm not at all concerned with what a vocal few on this board think of me right now!

Actually, how about putting this spin on it? I will eventually cancel the second reservation, but it might not be until a few days ahead. I'm 100% sure someone will be stalking the ADR site and scoop it up in no time. I've just made their day!!!!! They didn't think they'd get into this dinner and now they will. I'm sure they're absolutely thrilled! So maybe I was just saving a spot and creating a little Disney magic for that person! pixiedust:
Actually you can't do this anymore in the Disney system. Unless you're making reservations under different names and then it's a whole different ballgame!

I think what most people are calling selfish is exactly what I've done. I have a popular dinner booked on two different nights right now. I'm only going to be using one, but not sure on which night yet. When we figure it out, I'll cancel the other one.

I don't find this wrong, I'm not feeling guilty, and I'm not at all concerned with what a vocal few on this board think of me right now!

Actually, how about putting this spin on it? I will eventually cancel the second reservation, but it might not be until a few days ahead. I'm 100% sure someone will be stalking the ADR site and scoop it up in no time. I've just made their day!!!!! They didn't think they'd get into this dinner and now they will. I'm sure they're absolutely thrilled! So maybe I was just saving a spot and creating a little Disney magic for that person! pixiedust:

I know how people get around the WDW reservation system. I cannot tell anyone else what to do, but I figure that the reason Disney has tried to place restrictions on multiple ADR's is because they do not want folks to do it. For me, that is enough. For you it is not.

I am not impacted by this behavior, because I am one of those people who are up and on the phone at 7 180 days out and get the ADR's I want, but I am not going to put a spin on it to make anyone think that they are not circumventing Disney's policy. You want to do this, that is your business. You want to tell yourself that you are a bundle of pixie dust for other families, go ahead. I just don't agree.
I am not going to put a spin on it to make anyone think that they are not circumventing Disney's policy. You want to do this, that is your business. You want to tell yourself that you are a bundle of pixie dust for other families, go ahead. I just don't agree.

How exactly am I circumventing the system? I don't have two dinners booked on the same night. I made all my ADRs under one name, through their system. What policy am I not following?
How exactly am I circumventing the system? I don't have two dinners booked on the same night. I made all my ADRs under one name, through their system. What policy am I not following?

I need to apologize. I read that you had two dinners booked the same night and would cancel one. Not enough coffee this morning I thing. Again, I am sorry I misread.
I need to apologize. I read that you had two dinners booked the same night and would cancel one. Not enough coffee this morning I thing. Again, I am sorry I misread.

That's okay--understand the coffee thing. :surfweb:

Some people may not agree with what I've done--and that's okay--but I'm not breaking any rules.
That's okay--understand the coffee thing. :surfweb:

Some people may not agree with what I've done--and that's okay--but I'm not breaking any rules.

I don't have issues with that either. I make sure that I have dining reservations for every night and as I tweak our plans, I make changes in our ADR's. What irritates me, and again, I usually am not impacted, are the multiple ADR's for every given meal. I just don't understand that.
Isn't the last line the definition of selfish?

(of a person, action, or motive) Lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure."

Right, but the problem with those calling people holding multiple ADR's selfish is that they are doing so because they are chiefly concerned with how it affects their own ability to get ADR's.

By the definition above, saying "I can't get ADR's because someone else has them" is just as selfish as getting multiple ADR's. In doing so, they are expressing their concern about their own personal profit (if you can consider guaranteeing yourself the right to overpay a rich mega corporation for mediocre food profit) or pleasure.

You can book 2 reservations for any meal within the same time period (not 2 hours in between) under the same name, linked to the same room reservation if you book one using the online system & one using the app. I found this out by accident b/c DH wanted me to change one when we were talking about our upcoming trip in the car & the system did not ask me to cancel the existing reservation before booking the new dinner reservation which was 1/2 hour apart. When I viewed our upcoming dining reservations I saw both online & on the app.


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