Pfizer vaccine authorized for 12-15yo in US

I work in a school district and my primary school is a high school so this is awesome news!

If you're having trouble getting appointments, keep an eye on your school districts. The district I work for is offering a clinic for our students next Thursday! It'll be right at one of the schools. I know many districts here in NH have either set up clinics or are setting up clinics.
I got my DD14 an appointment at her pediatrician for tomorrow. I'm a little worried she might be still a bit fatigued for her recital on Sunday, but she doesn't have any games or practices tomorrow or Saturday, so that seemed like a good window. Our high school also is offering a vaccination clinic for students, family and staff next Thursday, with the 2nd clinic three weeks later. I was going to do that but next week her schedule is a little busier with games so went with the one tomorrow! Hoping not to have too much in the way of side effects but my DS16 was a bit tired the following day. Also heading to Disney in June! :goodvibes
So it was confirmed Children's Mercy hospital in my area but they are doing it in clinics like they have been doing (up to age 22). So far it's the 17th, 19 and 22nd and appointments needed.

In addition 4 hospital systems are also offering it. However the one where my husband and I got it you can only sign up for alerts at this point which will then send you an e-mail when clinics open up. If they follow like ours it will be a Saturday clinic for the first dose followed by a Friday for the second dose.

Then there are 5 counties and 1 city (the largest in our metro) health departments also offering it. Various procedures follow each health department.

And lastly 5 pharmacy companies: CVS (already mentioned earlier in thread), Walmart, Walgreens, Hy-Vee and Ball Foods (which does multiple grocery stores in the area)

Basically plenty of opportunities and enough locations to choose from which should help out :hyper: This is just my metro information too
First appointment is today after school and second is June 4! He'll be all set for jumping on a plane later in June to visit family and attend a weeklong science camp. Couldn't be happier! Like someone upthread said, could we have imagined this a year ago right now? And in a weird twist of fate, he and DH will be interviewed by our local NPR station about his age group getting the shot. He plans to talk about how the vaccine is a big win for science and society!
So the Snapchat buzz in my daughter's friend group yesterday was all about the "I got my shot" stickers. We're such a small school that I know these numbers can't be extrapolated as any sort of local trend, but three of the four in-person students in her grade and all of the girls in the next grade up either had appointments yesterday or will get theirs this weekend (none of the boys in the next grade are in their group chat, which started as a volleyball team thing, so I can't speak for the male half of the class). I was so pleased to hear that so many of the middle school parents have decided not to wait on vaccinating!
Just got back from getting DD & DS both 15 first dose. The place was non stop with people bringing in their kids to get vaccinated with more coming in as we were leaving. It was awesome to see!

About 12 mins into our 15 min wait DD said she was dizzy and needed to sit down and said she had rushing in her ears. I do not think it was a reaction but more of an adrenaline come down after being worked up about getting a shot and suddenly being around a bunch of people. We waited around for a few extra minutes just in case and she is fine.

So the Snapchat buzz in my daughter's friend group yesterday was all about the "I got my shot" stickers. We're such a small school that I know these numbers can't be extrapolated as any sort of local trend, but three of the four in-person students in her grade and all of the girls in the next grade up either had appointments yesterday or will get theirs this weekend (none of the boys in the next grade are in their group chat, which started as a volleyball team thing, so I can't speak for the male half of the class). I was so pleased to hear that so many of the middle school parents have decided not to wait on vaccinating!
DD said all the kids in her classes (online) were talking about their upcoming appointments. Such a great thing to hear.
So the Snapchat buzz in my daughter's friend group yesterday was all about the "I got my shot" stickers. We're such a small school that I know these numbers can't be extrapolated as any sort of local trend, but three of the four in-person students in her grade and all of the girls in the next grade up either had appointments yesterday or will get theirs this weekend (none of the boys in the next grade are in their group chat, which started as a volleyball team thing, so I can't speak for the male half of the class). I was so pleased to hear that so many of the middle school parents have decided not to wait on vaccinating!
That's awesome! I will say that the place we went to today was full of teens all getting their vaccines. It was an endless stream. My girlfriend said it was the same where she took her kids!

And we did find out that my DD15's entire ballet class will be fully vaccinated by the middle of June! DD17's has two hold outs, but that's still not bad for a class of 12. And gives me hope for a normal dance season and Nutcracker this year - especially since it's my oldest's last one.


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