Photography Board's Picture of the Day

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Went to the Channel Island National Park today. This is from their tidepool exhibit.

nice shot, last sun and monday i drove all over creation ( really about 190 miles round trip) trying to find a single tree or at least just a clump together in a field and couldn't find a one, guess those farmers chopped them all so they wouldn't shade the corn;). i was pretty annoyed at the time but at least i can enjoy it vicariously via your shot:goodvibes

Thanks Jann, around here it's hard to find open fields, most of the old farm land is all grown over with trees now, or a parking lot.
My older brother makes sculptures from logs and rocks he finds in the woods. This is one he has sitting on his bar in his rec room. He uses no glue or other means of holding things together .. its all done with size and balance.


If you want to see more of what he does making art from rocks and logs you can see it here on my flickr page in the set of pictures titled "Satori Designs"
It is a day late and just from my camera phone, but I was wearing red to support the cause yesterday!

One big Icicle, sorry deletedpenguin but that's all there is to shoot around here now. EXIF embedded in pics.



Hehe, that's alright. Those are pretty cool pics. I've seen some big icicles, but nothing ever that big. I went to school at NAU in Flagstaff AZ and at 7000ft, we got some good snowstorms. Unfortunately, it was still AZ, and it'd warm up relatively quickly and things got messy. Everynight stuff would freeze, but during the day we'd get 40-50F temps and there was ice everywhere.

Sucks. Especially when you had to walk across campus for class every morning at 7am.

Indian River Lagoon,last yr( ok so i'm slow at the raw conversion) at night, what more can i say
iso200, 80mm. f5.0 20 sec shutter, hand held naturally (hahaha just kidding, tripod and timeror remote, don't remember if this was before or after i lost it)
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