~*~PJ Amanda and Jon 1/13/10~WP/Ohana/UK Lower ~DPS photos are in 2/9!!~

Haha, you don't look *really* old in your pics!! I love the tiara, very bright and shiny. And one positive about the "flimsy" feeling is that it should weigh less and will probably be more comfortable in the long run.

And yay for the kindle. I'm more of a paperback girl myself, but birthday presents are fun! I'm getting a new camera for mine :thumbsup:

thanks for telling me i don't look old :rotfl:
I have like wrinkles on my forehead!!!! the tanning package that I'm starting today is not going to do anything to help that, but at least i wont be a wrinkly looking ghost anymore. :lmao:

i see your point about the head band. it is really comfy so I wont get a head ache which is good.

i really need a new camera too, jons is like 10 years old, cell phone cameras have a higher pixel count than our digital camera!

i'll give updates about my kindle to see if it is worth it, it is arriving tomorrow. I'm kind of mad because i just ordered like 3 books online. maybe i'll put them on ebay and then re buy them for the kindle.
So i decided to do some christmas decorating tonight. After buying our tree I was in the christmas spirit to do a little shopping. So I came home and put up the wreath, garland, and some lights on our tree. Then I decided to take some pics of my accomplishments for the night, so enjoy!:santa:


you cant see them very well but there are bows holding the garland up.

the tree still looks a little bare without ornaments but it is coming along.

the wreath

thats all for now :cutie:
our refrigerator broke so now I am in diet crisis mode.popcorn:: I have been off for 3 days - 4 including tomorrow. We have no food in the house so i have pretty much been eating fast food the past couple days. ugh I am not happy with myself. :headache:
My first post! Hi Amanda! Your xmas decorations look great - you should leave them up for me when I watch your dogs! I also love the tiara. good choice.
The tiara looks so nice on you! I have the same one and it does help seeing it on someone else too, I do agree it's a little flimsy, especially the center of the side accent, but it does only need to last one day and I'm sure it will.

Love the decorations! Great job! I've been super lazy and haven't felt like putting them up yet, although I did order a few things from the Disneystore.com and that has slowly given me some x-mas spirit.

Oh no, sorry about the fridge. I know how frustrating it is to be off track, especially when you're really trying to be good.

Some healthier Fast food options for you and of course portion control is key:
-subway: do whole wheat bread and vinegar or mustard; you can get apple slices instead of chips
-chinese food: chicken with broccoli is not too bad, watch the rice portion
-Italian: pick whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce, a tomato based primavera would also be a good choice.
-Greek: chicken souvlaki
-Mcdonalds or FF burger places: order a kids meal, you can also get apples instead of fries, but who can resist those fries?

Most places will also make grilled chicken for you and just try to get in a lot of veggies too. You can do salads too, but really limit the dressing.

Good luck!
The tiara looks so nice on you! I have the same one and it does help seeing it on someone else too, I do agree it's a little flimsy, especially the center of the side accent, but it does only need to last one day and I'm sure it will.

Love the decorations! Great job! I've been super lazy and haven't felt like putting them up yet, although I did order a few things from the Disneystore.com and that has slowly given me some x-mas spirit.

Oh no, sorry about the fridge. I know how frustrating it is to be off track, especially when you're really trying to be good.

Some healthier Fast food options for you and of course portion control is key:
-subway: do whole wheat bread and vinegar or mustard; you can get apple slices instead of chips
-chinese food: chicken with broccoli is not too bad, watch the rice portion
-Italian: pick whole wheat pasta with tomato sauce, a tomato based primavera would also be a good choice.
-Greek: chicken souvlaki
-Mcdonalds or FF burger places: order a kids meal, you can also get apples instead of fries, but who can resist those fries?

Most places will also make grilled chicken for you and just try to get in a lot of veggies too. You can do salads too, but really limit the dressing.

Good luck!

thanks for listing all that. chicken and broccoli sounds yummy! I think we are buying an eliptical today so hopefully i can just sweat out all the fat i have been eating on that
We get take out a lot. You can definitely find some great options. Don't forget about sushi either!! Yum yum.

The x-mas decorations look nice! We're planning on buying our stuff for next year now, when it's discounted. Hopefully we'll get some nice things. The wreath is really lovely. I hope you like your kindle. It is very tempting...

And yay for an elliptical. I'm really tempted to buy something, but then again, we don't have a house so putting a pause on that. I like ellipticals, low impact. But I have to run :(
so today i have been in bed sick and sleeping for the greater portion of the time. as much as i hate being sick i do enjoy sleeping for 8 hours straight. The fridge should be fixed tomorrow so then i am able to start my diet again. I have gained 5lbs back. i hope to lose it pretty quick. the kindle is still amazing, im 53% done with my 900 page book and i cant wait to start something new. The new Steven King book looks intriguing to me. I have never read him but I kind of want to see how his new one plays out. Th melting pot was really really good. expensive, but totally worth it. The bottle of Rosa Regale was 45.00!!!!! at the store up the street it is 20.00. oh well, like jon said it is my birthday so we can spend the money for one day. thats it for now. the wedding gets paid off dcember13th and we just paid off our honeymoon.

I am going on a month now with this crap!

Never buy ANYTHING from Sears! They are the worst company in the entire world! The guy that they finally sent out to fix the fridge apparently put some piece in it and just left... didn't turn it on...nothing, that was it. So guess what happened, it didn't do anything! it is still broken! Jon called them and they said that it takes 24 hours for the fridge to start working...so somehow the fridge must know that it needs to start working on the 24th hour after the repairman leaves? Or maybe Jesus Christ manifests in my kitchen on the 24th hour and performs the miracle of decent customer service by repairing my appliance for me, all while singing "Myyyyy kitcheeenn iii-iii-iiisss a house of prayer-air-aaaiir!" (jesus christ superstar anybody?) I really dont think that is any more far fetched than having sears send a repair person who actually knows what they are doing at this point.
(Therese and Brittany I hope you are out there laughing at this post)

Jon went into the store today and told them I want a new fridge so they told him to pick one out at a similiar price point. So here come problem # 2 with them....Every single fridge is about 500.00 more than it was a couple months ago because they jacked up all the prices on their crappy non working appliances to make unsuspecting nice new home buyers pay more for their junk for christmas. So they try and tell Jon that he has the pay the difference ON THE EXACT SAME FRIDGE that we just bought 2 months ago which is now 500.00 more. At that point he raised hell, and ended up getting out of that little scheme of theirs.

Honestly, this has been the worst experience ever dealing with this company. I'm going to quote Jon here as to what he told teh customer service rep on the phone "We are a young couple just starting out and over the years we plan on spending a lot of money on home appliances and furnishing, and I can tell you without a doubt that none of that money will ever be spent at a Sears ever again." and in the words of the customer service rep, "Well, I suggest you just stop shopping there then." That pretty much sums up our entire experience with them from start to finish. This is a company that must be on the down fall and they could just care a less about their clients, their reputation, and their customer satisfaction.

Just because I mentioned it now i have to post it:

just pretend its my kitchen, you'll get the idea
The dress and tiara are gorgeous! They look great on you. And you in no way look old. There's a difference between wrinkles when you make faces and permanent wrinkles! :lmao:

Can't wait to see things all put together. You're getting close!
The dress and tiara are gorgeous! They look great on you. And you in no way look old. There's a difference between wrinkles when you make faces and permanent wrinkles! :lmao:

Can't wait to see things all put together. You're getting close!

thank you! I know, I am getting excited...one month left. With the hollidays time is just going to fly by.
To aduck126,
My name is Brian and I am part of the Sears Cares Escalations team. I am very sorry to hear about the issues with your refrigerator. Waiting a month to have the issue resolved is very concerning to us. There are several things here that are also not acceptable behavior by Sears associates, and we would like very much to talk with you about these things. Your replacement should have been done, no questions asked if it was the same model. I would also seriously like to know if you folks got a name and ID of the associate who told you to stop shopping with Sears. We definitely need to address that. We do value you as a customer and we are very serious when it comes to issues such as this. At your convenience, please contact my office via email at searscares@searshc.com so you don’t have to continue to be frustrated. In the email, please provide a contact phone number and we will call you directly. Also, please provide the screen name (aduck126) used to post here for reference to your issue, and we do look forward to talking to you soon.

Thank you,
Brian J.
Senior Case Manager
Sears Cares
I just joined the boards but have been reading your PJ for a while. Your engagement story is so sweet! What a great job planning by your fiance! The engagement story was so great I just had to keep reading!
I just joined the boards but have been reading your PJ for a while. Your engagement story is so sweet! What a great job planning by your fiance! The engagement story was so great I just had to keep reading!

aw thanks! well welcome to the dis boards :cutie:
So I decided to upload pics of my bridesmaids gifts.

I got them each a personalized tote bag filled with goodies, first up are the tote bags.

they each get a disney beach towel, one with princesses the other with nemo

they each get a mickey shirt to wear in the parks

i got them each some jewelery. nicole is a hippy so she gets peace signs, grace is more classic so she gets pearls.

then last but not least, some vacation travel lotion and sanatizer and a pair of flip flops.
I cant believe how big my great dane puppy is getting! he will be 7 months old on january 3rd. Here he is laying on me the other day.

and attacking my face with kisses, he is a real sweetie

Jon and I went to the mall on monday and it was doggie pictures with Santa night so there were a ton of dogs there. We saw a lady with her full grown great dane and it was actually almost the same size as Prince is now. Jon said that his parents were HUGE. So I am hoping he just keeps on growing. I pretty much just want a horse in dog form.
last minute details:

I'm trying to remember if i am forgetting anything...

I'm kind of stressing about everyone getting there and flying in on time and the tuxes being ready. I need to ship out my dress either tomorrow or the next day. I have to pay for my hair and make up. I dont know if i need to do anytjing else at all, I'm starting to freak out. :eek:


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