Prayers for Mom * Dad (now) * - Update Post #97


DIS Veteran
Dec 15, 2006
As I was lying upstairs in my room dreaming of thoughts of mom, I was awoken suddenly with someone calling my name. I thought I was dreaming until I heard my dad's voice and then I knew I was not dreaming. It turns out that Mom had decided to get up on her own and took a fell again and hit the right side of her brain.

She has a massive blood clot on the right side of her brain and the Drs have given my dad 2 choices: #1. Either to let things go naturally and just let time take her away or
#2. Opt for the surgery, giving her a very slim to none ability at life

Well, Dad oped for the 2nd, as I think he wants Mom to see that he did everything he could to keep her alive.

Please say your prayers to everyone you know who has passed and welcome Beverly Hansen into their arms, as I truly do not believe that she will be able to make it through this surgery.

I love you Mom and am going to miss you with all my heart :love: :love: :love: :love: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You, your mom, and your entire family are definitely in my prayers today.
With everything in me, be blessed in this time of heartache.:hug:
You and your family will definately be in our prayers. We wish you all the best and all the strength you need to help get you and your family through this. Please keep us posted.
God Bless you, Lyn, and your whole family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Just know everyone is thinking of you and your Mom.
Astro :hug:
Awww, Tigger! You MUST believe! Your Dad has chosen to fight for your Mom and I applaud him for that choice. I will think many many happy thoughts for strength for your Mom to pull through her surgery. Sending hugs your way and mountains of pixie dust to your Mom. Do not ever lose hope Tigger!

aww tiger so many things are going on in your life prayers for your family you and your mom hope she feels better!
I will be praying for your mom ! We had to make the decision 6 years ago this week to let my hubby die in our arms and be at peace.He was only 51 and we know he is pain-free and happy in heaven ! God Bless !::hug: :hug:
What a difficult decision your father faced. I'm sure your mother is aware of the love around her and it will give her the strength she needs to get thru this. Special prayers from my family to yours
Robert :grouphug:
My heart is aching for you and your family right now.

May God give you the courage and strength to get through this. If you need anything at all, let me know. Hugs and pixiedust my friend!

Aww Tigger! you and your mom have been going through so much this year it seems. I will for sure keep you and your family in my thoughts. I hope that she can pull through this at least to give you a chance to really be with her again but if she does not I do hope it will be peacefully and at least she will not have pain or illness anymore. Many many hugs to you! :hug: and lots of pixie dust pixiedust:
Well, it has been a little over 36 hours since mom's surgery and she is still in a "natural" coma, which is the result of pressure on the brainstem. The Dr did explain a little more in depth what Mom's "closed-head traumatic brain injury" meant, and this was his basic response:it is a rapid acceleration and deceleration of the head that can force the brain to move back and forth across the inside of the skull. The stress from the rapid movement pulls apart nerve fibers and causes damage to brain tissue. These are some of the things she is unable to do:

Breathe on her own
Make ANY purposeful movement, even though she was bending her leg
last night (seemed purposeful to me, but what do I know?)
Incapable of sensing or responding to external stimulus
When her eyes are opening, she is unable to focus on ANYTHING !! She
just lays there and stares a hole right through you
Finally, when we all enter REM sleep, our eyes bounce all over the place,
however in Mom's case, her eyes only go side-to-side

Now here we were, Dad & I, SO excited that she had her eyes open and then her Dr had to come along and dash ANY and ALL hopes we ever had when it came to mom having her eyes open. These words STILL echo in the deepest recess of my mind, "This is a type of non-purposeful movement, here eyes being open, and I would not expect her to get ANY better. I think she just got lucky when she pulled through the surgery. So don't expect anything to get better!!"

He had made a statement to me just before he took her for surgery that, even HE would not have allowed them to do this type of surgery on his mother/aunt/sister, etc and I got to thinking that maybe he is a bit jealous that MY MOM survived the surgery and IS showing signs of coming out of the coma :snooty: Anyway, Dad and I will continue to hold every movement with mom so dearly and lovingly. :love:

My brother, John, flew in from Denver yesterday, as before she went in for surgery we were told to tell her our "good-byes" now, as it may be our last time. So, I was thrilled to learn that he was staying out here till Saturday or Sunday, as John will be GREAT company for dad and dad will not have so much time on his hands worrying about mom.

From her CT Scan yesterday it showed:

1. The excess fluid build-up on the left hand-side is GONE :goodvibes
2. The bleeding in the brain has stopped :woohoo: :woohoo:
3. No new areas of bleeding :yay: :yay: :yay:

They will repeat the scan either Saturday or Sunday and I think that is the ONE that will be more definitive. Mom has a VERY, VERY long road ahead of her before she even has a chance to get out of ICU, but it is a beautifully paved road, nonetheless. I have already told the discharge planner for mom that, when the time comes for her to be transferred, she is to go to English Oaks.

Dad is doing well and when John goes back to Denver, I will have hubby, James, go over and spend some time with dad so he is not all alone. Then of course, whenever my intestines decide THEY want to want to wake up and participate in all this hoopla and allow me to be discharged, then I can go keep Dad company. But, my intestines have taken a step backwards, NO ... the DR caused this problem !! They pulled my NG tube too soon and now my abdomen has blown up resembling that of a 9mth expectant mother of twins :eek:

Thank you ALL so very kindly for your good thoughts, prayers, pixie dust, etc, for I believe my mom has heard each and every one of them and is doing her best to come back to say "thank you" personally, to each and every one of you :sad1: :flower3:

:love: and :hug:

I am so so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for your mom and all your family. I am sorry you are having a tough time medically too. I know what it is like to be doing better and then you have to climb that same mountain again. It will as you know get better. Remember you have people all over the states and different parts of the world praying. We do not know what the out come will be but we do know that you can be comforted through this. So when you feel sad think of all your friends holding hands together and surrounding you with LOVE.


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