Pregnancy and Weight Maintenance


Apr 28, 2010
I am almost 23 weeks pregnant. I am not looking to lose massive amounts of weight through this journal. My dr got onto me about my weight gain and so I am trying to keep the weight down but not drive myself crazy. My pre-pregnancy weight was 199 and my current weight is 220. I realize that I may gain some more weight but I want to make sure I am being as healthy as I can be:yay:. I will post weekly weigh in's on Saturday mornings. Any encouragement would be appreciated.

Healthy Eating Goals
1. 2 fruits and vegetables a day:banana:
2. 2 meats/proteins every day:hippie:
3. 1 serving of whole grains
4. Limit sweets (eat low sugar things when available)

Daily Exercise Goals
1. Starting January 31st, 2011 start the walking Hal Higdon training for a 10k in my town and follow the daily workouts:cheer2:

My first post will be tomorrow so wish me luck.:grouphug: (I know it is cliche to say you are going to start a journal on January 1 and never do it....but I am going to)

Weigh In Progress:
December 29, 2010 22weeks 220.2 Last Dr Visit
January 1, 2011 22weeks 220.2
January 8, 2011 23weeks 220.2
January 15, 2011 24weeks 221.2
January 22, 2011 25weeks Didn't weigh : (
January 29, 2011 26weeks 224.2 Dr Visit
February 5, 2011 27weeks 223.2
February 12, 2011 28weeks 224.4 Dr Visit
February 19, 2011 29weeks
February 26, 2011 30weeks Dr Visit
March 5, 2011 31weeks
March 12, 2011 32weeks Dr Visit
March 19, 2011 33weeks
March 26, 2011 34weeks 10K&Dr Visit
April 2, 2011 35weeks
April 9, 2011 36weeks
April 16, 2011 37weeks
April 23, 2011 38weeks
April 30, 2011 39weeks
I did a 3 mile Leslie Sansome dvd this morning which gives me 45 minutes of exercise:thumbsup:. We woke up a little late and are going out to eat at 1030 for a late breakfast so I haven't had much to eat yet.

So far:
1 slice american cheese
48 oz water

My plan for when we eat out is a sandwich on whole grain bread and a salad with ranch dressing and strawberry sweet tea(I love their strawberry sweet tea:cloud9:) and more water. Afterwards we are going with the in laws to see Narnia. I hope it is good. See ya back later today!:grouphug:
So I did really good at lunch. I had a half a glass of 2% milk before we left for the restaurant. At the restaurant, I got a philly cheese steak sandwich on whole wheat bread and a salad with ranch dressing. I drank two glasses of strawberry sweet tea. We went to see the movie and got a large popcorn to split between the 5 of us. I ate approximately 2 cups. After the movie we went back to the in-laws house. We stuck around and visited for awhile. My in laws are going on a fast tomorrow and they can't have sugar or meat (among other things) so they were frequently offering for us to eat them while we were visiting. There were a lot of sweets and some other food leftover from Christmas and I ate a lot of them. 4 peanut butter balls:sad2:, 3 date balls:scared1:, 2 oreo balls:eek:, 1 martha washington ball:sad2:, two milk chocolate bourdeaux Sees Candies:scared1:, about 5 chips with bites of buffalo chicken dip, and 1/2 c of a pasta dish(comprised of noodles, spinach, bacon and olive sauce or anything). Here is my breakdown of the day:

The Good:
Total water for the day:
96 oz (12 cups):worship:
45 minutes of walking dvd:banana:
-Got in a serving of whole grain with my sandwich at the restaurant:cool1:
-Got in two servings of meat/protein (the philly had about two 3-oz servings of meat on it, as well as swiss cheese, plus the american cheese I had this morning as a snack before we went):hippie:
-Got in two servings of vegetables because my salad at the restaurant was about 2 c lettuce and some tomatoes:woohoo:
-Got protein in my brunch this morning (which counts as my breakfast):woohoo:

The Bad:
I should have planned the whole days food and not just brunch at the restaurant. We were planning on going home after the movie but we ended up visiting. Even if I hadn't have planned after the movie I could have made better choices while at the in-laws. They did have fruits available at my in-laws. I definitely could have done without all the sweets :confused3(and they were definitly impulse sweets).

While Day 1 of my goals was not perfect I would say that I did make some good choices and tomorrow is a new day with a lot of oppurtunity to make even more good choices. :thumbsup2:
Oh, by the way, I forgot to post my weight in for yesterday. It was 220.2. Today I made a mistake. I got on the scale just because I figured....I have been exercising every day since Tuesday....I had to have dropped a little bit. Well, I weighed this morning and I was 222:headache:. I know, I know....I did that to myself. Your weight fluctuates and yada, yada, yada. Henceforth I will weigh myself only once a week.

That being said it put my in a bad mood this morning. I was going to do my walking dvd but it just looked boring today. Me and my husband decided to go for a walk outside. I started too fast (using my garmin and trying to hit my old walking pace of 15 minutes per mile) and I ended up hurting myself:sad2:....I think the pains were round ligament pains. They were toward the bottom right of my stomach. Anyway for the rest of the walk we had to slow way down to like 30 minutes per mile:mad:. I ended up balling my eyes out:sad1: and feeling sorry for myself, reminiscing about the days that I could make 15 minutes per mile easy and go for 20 miles at times. I felt like a pathetic loser. My husband was great through this. He encouraged me and made me feel better:hug:. He reminded me that it has been several months since I trained for a race and that I can't just get back to my old pace overnight.

So far I have eaten:
-2 eggs and a piece of kraft american cheese (with no added fat to the pan:thumbsup2)
-1/2 c 2% milk
-3 oz baked ham
-1 c canned (yes I know.....i should probably avoid the sodium, but I don't really have access to very many veggies right now) collard greens
-1/4 c instant sweet potatoes with some sort of sweet seasonings in them.....not very good because I put a 1/2 c on my plate and didn't finish them
-2" corn on the cob plain:thumbsup2

The plan for supper is to make cabbage tonight with onions and greek seasoning and put a little bit of sausage in it (about 1/4 lb). Other than that, I may have a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread and/or some milk.

By the way, I know I am eating a lot of ham lately but I cooked a free ham from work last week and it is still hanging around. Does anyone know if ham freezes well because I feel like I have been eating it forever? I don't really want to throw it out because right now we have a very limited budget for food (13 dollars a week:eek:).
Since lunch I had :
2 slices kraft american cheese
1/2 c 2 % milk
1/2 bagel with a little bit of cream cheese
1 c kraft mac and cheese
42 oz water
1 3inch square peice of peppermint bark and one 3/4" piece of fudge

The good:
I got in 30 minutes of exercise.:woohoo:
I got in my two servings of veggies and protein:banana:
I got 74 oz water in: popcorn::
I got protein in my breakfast:yay:

The bad:
I didn't eat any fruits today (mainly because we don't have any in the house right now).:sad2:
I didn't do my pregnancy stretches:sad2:
I didn't get through the day without eating sweets:sad2:....however I think I did well with portion control when I had the two sweets tonight:cheer2:
So far today:
-48 oz water
-1 slimfast shake made with 2% milk, 1 c strawberries added, and 2-3 tablespoons yogurt added :p
-1 slice kraft american cheese

I also did the Walking Dvd for 3 miles:thumbsup2.
I did one of my pregnancy stretches:wizard:

The plan for lunch is to get a whole wheat sandwich of some sort in the deli at target(going to look for one with veggies). I have to run some errands today. Supper is going to be red beans:woohoo: and two corn muffins:banana:.
So yesterday.....the rest of the day included:
32 oz water
-1 grapefruit with a little sugar
-1/2 c whole grain granola with a little soy milk
-Chargrilled chicken sandwich from Chic fil a on a whole grain bun with 1 packet light mayo
-1/2 can cherry coke
-1 slice american cheese
-1 slice whole wheat 45 cal bread
-1 small thin slice roast beef
-1 tsp light olive oil mayo
-about 1 and 1/2 c red beans and rice
-3 corn muffins

I also got in another 20 minute walk while at my MIL's today.:yay:

The good:
I got in two fruits today:banana:
I got 80 oz water:woohoo:
I did the 45 minutes walking tape and a 20 minute walk outside:cool1:
I got 2 servings whole grain:cool1:
I got 2 servings of protein:thumbsup2:
I had protein in my breakfast (milk):woohoo:
The bad:
I only got one serving of veggies (the lettuce and tomato on my chicken sandwich):sad2:
I think I just ate too much today......sometimes you don't realize how much you eat until you write it down.:sad2:
I could have done without the 3rd corn muffin, the 1/2 can of cherry coke, and the little mini sandwich I made with 1 pc bread, 1tsp mayo, and 1 slice roast beef.:sad2:

The plan for today, Tuesday:
Work on the baby room.....clean out the store. I am not planning on getting any formal exercise in today but I will see what happens.

The plan for food is to have a smoothie for breakfast, turkey sandwich for lunch with some collard greens that I have in the fridge, and red beans and rice for supper. Gonna try for 100 oz of water today as a challenge to myself.:teacher:
So yesterday I did dishes, laundry, rearranged my tupperware cabinet, and started working on organizing the babies closet. My poor doggie has had diarrhea for 3 days now so I decided to go ahead and take him to the vet.:sick: They gave him some shots and some pills to take and he seems to be doing better today. Food did not go how I planned it. Here are the results:
-turkey sandwich (made with 45 cal whole wheat bread, 1 tsp light mayo, 1 slice american cheese, and 1 serving turkey lunchmeat)
-1 slimfast shake made with 2% milk and 1c strawberries added
-6 oz fat free milk
-haystacks (my neighbor made me some and left them on the door.....I ate most of them (probably like a cups worth))
-1 slice american cheese
-1/2 c chicken flavored whole grain rice
about 96 oz water

The good:
I got two servings of fruits:cool1:
I had protein in my breakfast:thumbsup2
Because of all the milk products I had today I feel like I met my two servings of protein popcorn::
I had two servings of whole grains:cutie:

The bad:
I got no veggies today:sad2:
I didn't make my 100 oz water today:sad2:
I didn't exercise:sad2:
I impulsively ate the sweets my neighbor gave me:eek:
I didn't do any pregnancy stretches:sad2:

So....starting today Wednesday I am going to measure my food intake by the old weight watchers system. From what I calculated I should get 31 pts. I did weight watchers for about 5 years so I remember how to calculate the points. Hopefully this will help me to see how much food I am eating in a different light.:yay:

So far today:
0 pts-32 oz water
6.5 pts-1 egg and cheese breakfast sandwich (made with 45 cal whole wheat bread, 2 eggs, and 1 slice american cheese)
1 pt-1 orange

The plan for lunch is boneless skinless chicken thighs and chicken flavored whole grain rice with cabbage or collard greens. Supper will probably be a slim fast shake.
So yesterday (Tuesday) was as follows:

7 pts-from previous post
0 pts- 92 oz water
3 pts- 1 sandwich made with roast beef, 1 tbsp light mayo, 45 cal whole wh bread
2 pts- 1 medium to lg banana
1.5 pts- 1 slice american cheese
1.5 pts-1/2 can cherry coke
6 pts- handful of haystacks.....thankfully they are gone now.....I should have just thrown them out in the street :sad2:
Hubby took me to captain d's and I got
17 pts-a fish sandwich:scared1:
3.5 pts- 1/2 serving fries

Total pts = 41.5
Holy Cannoli:eek:

Well that was a terrible first day on counting the weight watchers points in my food.

The good:

-I had protein in my breakfast
-I had two servings of protein today
-I rocked the water today:yay: ending with 124 oz total water intake:woohoo:
-I had two servings of fruit
-I did the three mile walking dvd (45 minutes):thumbsup2
-I had two servings of whole grain today (45 cal whole wheat bread)

The bad:

-I ate that fried fish sandwich and the fries....that is really what put into the overeating category:eek:
-I didn't get any veggies:scared1:
-I could have done without the 1/2 can of coke:sad2:
-I impulsively ate those haystacks again:guilty:
Today (Thursday) so far I have eaten:

0pts- 32 oz water
2pts- 1 egg fried in nonstick pan with a little pam

I am about to do my walking dvd (and laundry, and dishes, and etc. etc. etc......meh I hate housework). The plan for lunch today is to cook the boneless skinless chicken thighs that I thawed out in the fridge yesterday and eat them with the cabbage that I also need to cook. Dinner will probably be red beans and rice or maybe a slim fast shake with fruit added.
So Yesterday (Thursday) I ate:
opts- 85 oz water
1pt-1 small banana
1/2pt-1 slice 45 cal whole wheat bread
3.5pts-1 baked chicken thigh (no skin)
1pt-1 c steamed cabbage(with some light margarine)
4pts-1/2 c whole wheat rice flavored with chicken
6pts-9 mini whole wheat low sugar blueberry muffins (only had 3 tablespoons of sugar in whole recipe.....whole recipe was for 8 muffins at 2 pts a piece.....I made 24 mini muffins so it ended up being 2 pts for 3)
6.5 pts-1 baked potato w/ light margarine, 2 tblsp sour cream, a light sprinkle of cheese
16 pts-2 large brownies ( I made the mix in an 8x8 pan. I didn't bother to look at the servings in the container. When they came out, I cut them into 9 pieces...I ate 2 thinking, "not bad, I only ate two brownies". This morning I thought about it and looked a the package and it said there were 20 servings in the package....Oh My!)

Total points was 40.5....not good, so not good.

I did end up doing a 15 minute mile on my walking dvd and then I walked outside for about 30 minutes. I did one 20 minute mile with a 5 minute warm up and cool down.

The good :
I got two servings of protein today!
I got 117 oz water today!
I got several servings of whole grain!
I got two servings of vegetables!
I had protein in my breakfast!
I exercised for a total of 45 minutes today!
The bad:
I only got in one fruit today :(
The brownie explanation needed:(
No pregnancy stretches:(
Today so far I have eaten:

1.5pts-2 pcs bacon
1pt-1 small banana
0pts-32 oz water

Gonna do the 3 mile walking dvd in a few minutes. I will probably eat a turkey sandwich with a slice of american cheese to eat once I get done (5pts). Dinner will be 1-2 chicken thighs with cabbage(4.5-8.5pts). Snack in there will be a slimfast shake with strawberries added (7pts). That is a total of 23 pts so I will have about 8 left if I get hungry sometime between there. We have company coming tomorrow so I need to do a lot of housework today : (
Yesterday's food:
1pt-1 orange
5pts-Turkey sandwich with american cheese and light mayo on 45 cal whole wheat bread
4pts-Turkey Chili (3 cups with some light cheddar cheese and sour cream)
6pts-9 mini whole wheat blueberry muffins
4.5pts-Baked Chicken Thigh and 1 c cabbage
8pts-1 brownie
1.5pts-slice american cheese
3pts-banana sandwich with one banana light mayo and 45 cal whole wheat bread
0pts-136 oz water

Total Pts= 34.5 My target is I am doing better!

The good:
I got three fruits today:thumbsup2
I got three servings veggies today:thumbsup2
I got 136 oz water:thumbsup2
I did 45 minutes of exercise:thumbsup2
I got protein in my breakfast:thumbsup2
The bad:
I ate a brownie:sad2:
I had 9 mini whole wheat blueberry muffins (that is too much):sad2:
I didn't do any pregnancy stretches.:sad2:
Today(Saturday) I weighed in. I am 220.2, the exact same as last Saturday!

Henceforth, saturdays will be my cheat day after I weigh in. Today so far I have eaten:

24pts- (not sure on the pts value so I am guestimating 12 pt's a piece)2 spicy chicken biscuits from chic-fil-a with 2 packets strawberry jelly
0pts- 76oz water

I am planning on doing the 3 mile walking dvd again today (45 minutes). Not sure what the rest of the day will hold food wise.....we have a sunday school party at our house from 3 to 6 tonight and everyone is supposed to bring something. I am still gonna try to get in my two fruits and 2 vegetables today.
I didn't track the rest of Saturday because it was my cheat day.
Today I have eaten:
0pts- 112oz water
1 banana
1.5pts-2 slices bacon
2pts- 1 egg
2pts- 1/2 c corn grits
3.5pts- 1 chicken thigh
1pt- 1 and 1/4 c cabbage
6pts- 2 corn muffins
4pts-1 pc almond pound cake (small)
1pt- 1/2 c peach soda
1pt- banana
.5pts- 1 whole wheat blueberry muffin(it was gross today....they are ruined for sure)
1pt 3 c air popped popcorn
4.5pts- 1 turkey sandwich w/American cheese, 45 cal whole wheat bread, 5 slices turkey
Thats 29 pts total....I am also about to eat a small piece of strawberry cake. It should come in at about 6pts. So I will be 4 pts over at the end of the day.

Oh, and my and my husband walked 2 miles outside this morning. The first mile was 19:50 including the warmup and the second mile was about 21 minutes + a cool down, so I got 45 minutes of exercise.:banana:

So 35 pts minus my 3 activity pts is 32. Only one point over my target!:cool1:

The good:
I got two servings of fruit today:thumbsup2
I got two servings of vegetables today:thumbsup2
I got whole grains in today:thumbsup2
I got two servings of protein:thumbsup2
I had protein in my breakfast:thumbsup2
I got 112 oz water:thumbsup2
I exercised for 45 minutes today:thumbsup2
The bad:
No pregnancy stretches:sad2:
Probably could have done without the small piece of pound cake in the middle of the day:sad2:
Yesterday (Monday):
3pts-roast beef sandwich w/whole wheat 45 cal bread, light mayo, 5 slices roast beef
8pts-4 small biscuits
5pts-lasagna (about 3/4 c)
4pts-1 pc strawberry cake no icing
18pts-3 pcs strawberry cake with some icing
3pts-1 packet strawberries and cream oatmeal
3pts-3 reduced fat vienna finger cookies
6pts-mac and cheese
2pts-1 slice american cheese
1pt-5 slices roast beef
0pts-96 oz water

Did the walking dvd (45 minutes)!

Total= 55pts:sad2: I won't even try to justify it. The sweet tooth and carbs got the better of me yesterday. But tomorrow it will be different.

The good:
I got in two servings of fruit:thumbsup2
I got in two servings of protein:thumbsup2
I got in one serving of whole grains:thumbsup2
I did 45 minutes of exercise:thumbsup2
The bad:
I didn't get any veggies:sad2:
I ate 4 pieces of cake and cookies:guilty::sad2::guilty:
I almost doubles my pt intake:sad2:
Today so far:
0pts-28 oz water
6pts-slim fast shake with 1 c strawberries, 1 banana and fat free milk added
3pts-turkey sandwich made with whole wheat 45 cal bread and light mayo
7pts-baked potato with sour cream and reduced fat cheese
2pts-1 c fat free milk

I also went to the mall and walked today. According the people at the customer service desk it is 1.45 miles around the perimeter of the inside of the mall. I did it twice and it took me about 50 minutes. That it 2.9 miles in 50 minutes which makes a pace of about 17:15 per mile:yay:.

3pts-1 reduced fat ice cream cone from Mcdy's
6pts-4 snickerdoodle cookies
1.5pts-2 reduced fat vienna finger cookies
3pts-turkey sandwich made with 45 cal whole wheat bread, light mayo, 4 slices turkey
6pts-about 2 cups turkey chili with lots of veggies, sour cream, cheese
0pts-48oz water

That makes 37.5 pts total (not bad....even though I went over my pts I walked for 50 minutes today). I got a total of 76 oz water so that was pretty good(but not the best I have done) too!
So far today:
0pts-8 oz water
6pts-slim fast smoothie with nonfat milk, 1 c strawberries, 1 banana and a few pieces of pineapple added

The plan for the rest of the day is to cook chicken thighs, okra, and maybe baked beans (or blackeyed peas). I want to do the walking dvd today but I have been feeling faint:sick: this morning when I stand up for too we will see what happens.

On another note, I am not sure how anyone around here feels about WIC, but I am so glad that my husband and I qualify for it since we have the baby on the way. It is going to help us immensely with our groceries. Our budget is really tight since I am no longer working, not to mention we are paying for Cobra Insurance, which is close to 400 dollars a month to cover just me. My first meeting is tomorrow. Hopefully there won't be any problems. Pray for me if you think about it please.:angel:
I haven't been able to get on and post the last day or I will start fresh now.
Yesterday I did my 3 mile walking was ok but I didn't write it down and don't remember all of it.

Today, so far:
0pts-40 oz water
1pt-1 banana
.5pt-1/2 grapefruit
2.5pt-1and1/2 c king vitamin cereal
3pt-1 c 2%milk
7pts-baked potato w/light margarine, sour cream, and 1/3c reduced fat cheese

Total so far is 14.(17 pts left)

Gonna eat a baked chicken thigh for lunch(3.5pts), cook some squash(1pt), and maybe some whole grain rice(2pts).

My parents may come into town tonight, so we may eat out. Right now, I am thinking about getting fried oysters (6 oysters has only 4.5 pts), a salad with blue cheese dressing(probably about 5pts), and hush puppies(2 have 4 pts).

I am feeling like I am coming down with a cold. Since I am pregnant, I can't take much:sick:. Didn't feel like exercising dvd today, but I did do the dishes, rearrange my drawers, change the bed sheets, and put up a lot of laundry already so that counts as about 45 minutes of exercise. I still have to vacuum and do more laundry.:laundy:


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