Pregnancy and Weight Maintenance

About 15 minutes after I posted last night, I ate two fun size kitkats:confused3:sad2::guilty:. Not looking at a goal for the week , I have a goal only concerning today's sweets intake. I am going to go today without eating any kind of sweets(cakes, pies, cookies, etc.). Today so far, I have eaten a serving of Kashi Island Vanilla Cereal with 2% milk and half a grapefruit with 1/2 t sugar. Exercise will be 35 minutes of walking either outside or the walking dvd(probably after lunch because I am going with my hubby to take an animal to the vet this morning).

B:Kashi Island Vanilla with 2% milk and 1/2 grapefruit with 1/2 t sugar
Snack:Arby's Regular Roast Beef Sandwich with one packet Arbys and Horseys Sauce
Lunch:1 T peanut butter and 1 banana on 2 slices whole wheat bread and 1 c onion soup with 1/4 c mozzerella cheese melted in it
Snack:1/2 c coke
Supper:1/2 baked chicken breast with indian spices, about 1/2 c each of potato curry(homemade) and basmati rice mixed with peas(homemade), 1c salad with 1 T ranch dressing, 1 c sliced strawberries and blueberries sprinkled with a little bit of sugar
Snack:2 bowls kix with 2% milk

I didn't eat any sweets today :thumbsup2(cakes, cookies, pies, etc.). Probably could have done without adding sugar to my fruit, the 1/2 c coke, and the extra bowls of kix last nite. I did my 35 minutes of walking on my walking dvd.

Today so far I have had 1 serving Kashi Island Vanilla and 1 serving of kix(my husband said I gave him to much and you can't save cereal so I ate it to avoid wasting it.......we have a limited budget.....gonna try to skip the snack before lunch) with 2% milk and 1/2 grapefruit with 1/2 t sugar.

Today will be no formal exercises. I have a La Leche League Meeting for the first time today. I am going with a few friends so that should be fun:thumbsup2. Then we are meeting up to all eat lunch at either Quizno's or Taco Bell. I am gonna go check out their nutritional facts and see what I can come up with that isn't too bad.
If we go to quizno's I am planning on getting a Ham and Cheese Sub Kid's Meal. If we go to Taco Bell I will get 2 chicken soft taco's fresco style and a pinto's and cheese.
B: Kashi Island Vanilla Cereal and Kix with 2% milk, 1/2 grapefruit with 1/2t sugar
L:2 enchiladas, 1/4 c each beans and rice, about 20 chips, small bowl of cheese dip
S:5 pirouette cookies (those long skinny wafery things with the filling)
D:1/4 of a chicken breast, 1/2 c basmati rice with peas, bowl of onion soup with a small peice of french bread toasted with cheese on top (about 1/8 c)
S: 1/2 c each of blueberries and strawberries

I should have eaten more veggies but I think I did alright. My lunch plans were kind of messed up because the friends I was gonna meet up with ended up not coming to town because of their baby. I went out with a different friend for lunch and she wanted to go somewhere close to her house because she wasn't sure how her baby would take being in the carseat for a long we went to a Mexican Restaurant close to her house. In retrospect I would have asked for a guacamole salad in place of my rice and beans.....I assumed it would have come with my meal but it didn't. Water intake was about 72 oz plus a diet caffeine free coke.

So far I have eaten a biscuit with 1/2 T butter and 1t strawberry jelly, 2 slices 40% less fat bacon, 1 scrambled egg, and about 32 oz water. I am trying to boost my water today because I know if has been down the last couple of days. I am going to cook okra today to go with my leftover chicken and rice so I can get my veggies in. Probably gonna make fruit my snacks today.

Training calls for a 35 minute walk. My husband needs his oil changed so I am going to bring it to walmart and walk around in the air conditioning while they do it.
B-1 biscuit with 1/2 T low fat margarine, 1 t strawberry jelly, 1 scrambled egg, 2 pcs 40% less fat bacon
S:1/2 c coke (my baby hadn't moved at all yesterday by almost 9 o'clock and I wanted to make sure he was still in there....he moved like crazy after I drank it)
L-about 2 oz chicken breast, 1/2 c basmati rice with peas, 1/2 c okra
S-2 c Edy's Samoa Ice Cream (not the best choice but at least it wasn't full was the 1/2 the fat kind....I think it had about 130 calories per serving of 1/2 c)
D-3/4 c homemade potato and chickpea(got some protein in there) curry, 4 pcs roti bread (indian flatbread made from durum whole wheat flour....1 c durum wheat flour, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp oil, and about 7 T water is all that went into this recipe and it made 8-4" pcs of flatbread)
S:3/4 c Edy's Samoa Ice Cream
Water: 92 oz:cool1:

Probably should have eaten fruit instead of at least one of the ice creams today. I ended up doing my 35 minute walk outside today. I went 1.77 miles which is just under 20 minutes per mile:banana:.

Today so far I have eaten a serving of Kashi Island Vanilla cereal with 2% milk and about 12 oz water.
So I can't even begin to remember what all I have had the last couple of sucks when you get behind...UGGhhh. I can remember my exercise though. I got in all of my walks this week for the 10K training. I got 35 minutes on Monday, 35 minutes on Wednesday, did the 4 mile walking dvd Friday, and did a 55 minute walk outside yesterday. Today, I also did a 35 minute very easy walk although it was not on the training schedule.

I had a terrible headache that lasted half the day yesterday, all of last night, and into this morning. I am glad it is finally going away now. I kind of got a little scared that I had HBP in the middle of the night.....although I have never had it before and my dr has never said anything about I called the on call dr for my OB office. He said to try to rest and if it got worse or didn't go away to go to Labor and Delivery and get checked out. The hospital is 45 minutes away so when I still had the headache this morning we went and checked my BP at the machine at Walmart and it looked fine so we came back and home and I took some more tylenol. I am so glad it is going away now:cool1:.

So far today, I have eaten a Hardees Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit, 1/2 of a small hasbrowns, 1/2 packet of grape jelly, and 12 oz coke(trying to banish the headache). I have also had 12 oz milk, 16 oz water, and 1 samoa girl scout cookie. We are going to the in-laws for lunch today and I am pretty sure we are having grilled chicken, squash, and rice but I will update later.

L: 1/2 grilled chicken breast, 1/2 c squash and onions, 1 and 1/2 c salad with ranch dressing, 1 roll, 1/4 c chicken flavored rice
S: Valentine's Candy (about 8 Lindt Truffles), small peice of chocolate almond cake, 8 oz 2 % milk
D: 1/2 grilled chicken breast, a little over 1/2 c Edy's Samoa Ice Cream:sad2:

B: 3/4 c honey bunches of oats, 1/2 apple with skin, 1/2 c OJ, 12 oz water

Morning snack will be 2 T peanut butter (we get it on WIC and I need to be eating it so it doesn't waste). Lunch will be 1/2 grilled chicken breast, 1/2 c squash and onions, 1/2 c chickpea and potato curry and possibly some rice....but probably not. Afternoon snack will probably be some milk. For Dinner I am probably going to make Broccolli and Cheese Soup:banana:.....if I don't make it today it will be sometime this week.

Training calls for a 40 minute walk today. I may do it outside if it warms up enough. If not....its the walking dvd for me.

I forgot to post my weigh in for this week. I went to the dr Friday morning and I was 124.4. So I have only gained .2 pounds since my last visit. Not too shabby:thumbsup2.
S: 4 oz coke (baby only moved 6 times in a 2 hour period after breakfast and dr said to drink something with sugar and caffeine to make sure I got my kicks.....she said I should always feel 10 in a 2 hour worked)
S: 2T peanut butter mixed with 1/2 T honey on 2 slices of pepperidge farm thin 100% whole wheat 40 calorie bread
L: 1/2 grilled chicken breast, 1 c squash and onions, 1/2 c potato and chickpea curry
S:7 Samoa Girl Scout Cookies, 1/2 c Samoa Ice Cream :sad2: At least they are both gone now.

I got about 76 oz water today + 4 oz coke.

Next came the surprise Valentine's Day Dinner. Me and the hubby weren't going to do anything for V-Day, but we decided to at the last minute. We got dressed up and went to the Japanese Hibachi, Shogun. We asked for a booth but still ordered from the Hibachi. It was pretty awesome. We got the Hibachi Steak, Chicken, and Shrimp for Two which was 42.95. It sounds a little expensive but it comes with soup, salad, fried rice, noodles, steak, chicken, and shrimp. We got double rice instead of noodles. It was way too much food. We both had tons left over. I ate about 1 c of fried rice, 1/2 c of hibachi vegetables, and about 1/2 c meat (mixed) and took the rest home. We filled up two to-go boxes to the brim to bring home and we were both very satisfied.....we just mixed everything up so now I have a lot of fried rice with veggies and meat mixed in the eat this week. Then, we went by tcby and I got a regular size hand dipped chocolate mint yogurt.

It was a pretty awesome V-Day. Hubby told me that my eyes were pretty tonight...... which I don't think he has every told me. I never wear makeup (except for the occasional tinted chapstick, tinted moisturizer, and mascara) but last night I wore eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara and the rest of the regular makeup.

Today so far:
B: serving of Honey Bunches of Oats with 2% milk, 12 oz water

The plan for lunch is 1/2 grilled chicken breast, 1/2 c fried rice, and 1-2 c salad with ranch dressing.
S: 1 slice 100% whole wheat 40 cal bread with 1 T peanut butter, 1/2 c milk
L:1/2 grilled chicken breast, 1 c salad with ranch dressing, 1c fried rice (left over from hibachi
S:12 oz milk
D:1.5 c whole wheat macaroni and cheese, 1/2 can strawberry soda
S:1 slice 100% whole wheat 40 cal bread with 1/2 T peanut butter and 1/2 T jelly (to make a half sandwich)

Water was about 80 oz today:woohoo: + 16 oz milk.

Today so far:
B: 3/4 c honey bunches of oats with 2% milk, 1/2 apple, 1 T peanut butter, 1/2 c apple juice
S: 1/2 c fried rice (leftover from hibachi)

The plan for lunch is 1/2 grilled chicken breast, fried rice, and salad. Supper will probably be potato and chickpea curry with whole wheat roti bread....maybe some squash and onions if I fix it. Gonna do a 40 minute walk today (probably inside because I am cold).
L:1 c fried rice
S:2 slices whole wheat 40 cal bread w/ 1 T peanut butter and 1 T jelly, 12 oz milk
S: 1 apple cinnamon pop tart
D: Sonic Burger with 2 extra packets of mayo:sad2:, 1/2 can diet caffeine free coke

I did 45 minutes on my walking dvd:thumbsup2. Water was about 80 oz today.:cool1:

B: 3/4 c honey bunches of oats w/ 2% milk, 1/2 apple, 1 T peanut butter, 1/2 c apple juice

Probably gonna go with a peanut butter and jelly for lunch today. Tonight I am making Chicken Korma, Basmati Rice with Peas, Potato and Chickpea Curry, Roti Bread, and Chai Tea for some dinner guests so I will try to curtail too much snacking. No exercise on the agenda today although I will be doing a great deal of cleaning.
S:Apple Cinnamon Pop Tart
L:PB and jelly (1T of each) on whole wheat 40 cal bread
D:1/4 c basmati rice, 1/4 c potato and chickpea curry, 1/2 c chicken korma, 4 4inch pcs roti whole wheat bread(think like a tortilla), 1 jaggery coconut puff, 1 small slice razzleberry pie, 1/2 c chai tea

Today so far:
B: 3/4 c honey bunches of oats with 2% milk, 1 jaggery coconut puff

For lunch planning to make some squash and some baked chicken....I really need to get more veggies cuz I have been skimping the last couple of days. Dinner will be over at my SIL's house. She is having all the girls over for games and my MIL is supposed to provide food. Exercise plan calls for a 4 mile walk (probably going to do my walking dvd).


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