Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Hubby and daughter are still working so we have to know the day. 👎 But even then, we're still getting days mixed up. Sunday night my hubby said..."is it Sunday? Bummer":laughing:

Question of the day 3/31: Whatcha reading or what is a favorite book you have read?

Not a big reader here. Every now and then I will pull up the kindle on my tablet and read a 'romance' novel, but it's just not my thing anymore. When I was young I read anything I could get my hands on. Life then got in the way and reading kind of got pushed back. Maybe now is a good time to start again. "The Hope Chest' sounds interesting..off to look it up!

Same...I used to LOVE to read but I just can't get into it anymore. It's really takes alot for me to focus and get into a book and that makes me sad. I used to read anything I could. I just told my daughter I wanted to reread Harry Potter so I'll see how it goes.
Question for 4/1: What's a favorite memory of yours?

I have so many memories through the years....its hard to pick just one.

Childhood would be times we spent with my parental grandparents. We would spend almost every weekend with them and had the best time. Always an activity or adventure and the amount of love we felt from them was amazing. I miss them so much.

Young adult would be all the fun times I had with my friends right before I met my husband. Just soo much fun...I always say they were they the best times of my life.

Married/family life would be when our daughter was young and we were just establishing out own family traditions.

Recent memories include our best friends and all the good times we've spent with them. It's like we've met our soul mates of friends. LoL
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I went to the grocery store today for the first time in 20 days. Shopped for another 3 weeks, I hope. Got most everything between Food Lion and Aldi. But the bill. WOW!

Dinner tonight is breakfast bowls and pancakes. Look, it's freaking pandemic. I'm going to eat me some damn pancakes. It's only right at this point!
I like your style. I am trying to stay on program with WW but pancakes sound good.

Question for 4/1: What's a favorite memory of yours?
So many. The best was in 1992 when my kids were 6 and 4. It was their first visit to WDW. We were riding the trolley back from the Castle to the train station at the entrance. (After making dinner reservations at the castle.) Unknown to them, my parents were meeting us there as a surprise. As we are on the trolley, they looked out and said "those people look like grandmom and granddad. They ARE grandmom and granddad!" It was great.

Getting groceries today.
Having a church that reaches out to members. I am honored to be on the congregational care team and making calls.
Having neighbors that check on each other.
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Happy Wednesday All

My heart is heavy today. Just the stress of everything in the world and worrying about loved ones. We are in "deployment" mode at our house and now can only control what we can personally influence and no news is good news. Limited news every day and methodical thinking and planning for grocery shopping and doing things as safely as possible. Please remember every day is one day closer to this being "done" no matter what the news says and how bad it gets every day is progress.

My husband's grandmother is so depressed and it's heartbreaking. She lost her husband (Matt's grandpa) of 67 years this past October and then was diagnosed with cancer on her nose and subsequently had 3 surgeries to remove good portion of her little nose. The reconstruction should have started but due to everything happening she was told to stay home and possibly for next several months. Very limited family is going to see her and she is lonely and still grieving. We are going to do zoom call with her this weekend. We are trying to cram all 60+ of us on the zoom meeting. I hope it happens! I think it will do us all good. Dinner tonight is breakfast bowls and pancakes. Look, it's freaking pandemic. I'm going to eat me some damn pancakes. It's only right at this point!

I don't have anything exciting to report. I have my first accounting test on Monday. I'm still trying to learn all this new fangled way of learning. I'm still not sure what's wrong with old school textbooks but adapting to new ways slowly but surely. Also, as life does, threw me curve ball last night when I got call asking if I wanted to go back to work. I'm not sure if I am going to but agreed to hear them out and do interview. We will see.

Oh! Regarding all the lawn talk, I had to laugh as I saw all the houses around us have mowed after my trouble maker started mowing yesterday.

Blessings, safety and good health to all.

Onto question...

...debits to the left, credits to the right...;).
GL with your test score!

I'm sure your Grandmother will enjoy communicating with as many family members as can get together for the Zoom call:).
I forgot to share a favorite memory before. Here's a fun one from last December. There is a local family restaurant about 20 minutes from my church. There is an elderly couple who (from the restaurant) I was told are very regulars. Each early December, they dress up as Santa and Mrs. Claus. I believe they go to schools, hospitals, etc. They also on one day come to the restaurant in costume. I was able to find out exactly when they would be coming last year and a group of friends and I went and had a fun time. We got some great pictures. One of the ladies who was with us, Sue, later shared how she had such fun telling her grand-children over Christmas how she personally met Santa :santa: Hope this brings each of you some added cheer.
Back in the day I read my way through the entire Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) series and loved them. They're cheesy but good and way better than the HBO show IDK what happened with that show but it went crazy far away from the plot of the books! Christine Feehan has a number of good ones that I loved but my fave was probably the Cowboy and the Vampire by Clark Hays and Kathleen McFall. It's a weird mix of genres with some jokes thrown in and it just had this humorous quality to it but still managed to feel like a romance novel!
I also loved the Sookie Stackhouse series :) I haven't heard of the other authors so I'll check them out. Thanks!
Random memory - One summer when my brother and I were too old for a babysitter, but too young to be left alone all day without structure, my mom signed us up for a recreation program. We alternated swimming and outdoor games with the other group. But on one rainy day, we couldn't go out, and had to make do with the school auditorium for games.

The counselors taught us "Sardines" - which is like Hide 'n Seek in reverse. Everyone counts except the person who is "it". That person hides. When you're done counting, you split up, and if you find the person, you hide with them, until everyone is squished in a tiny little hiding spot. It was hilarious (and especially well-suited to the setting) and I've taught it to bunches of kids since.
Bumping up so noone has to hunt for Tina's question of the day when she has time to post one. Sunny and windy here. Yard work all done, laundry done, cleaned up some in the cellar, hubby working at the kitchen table. Time for a little 'me time' with a nice soak in the tub, do my hair, and relax for awhile. Stay safe DIS family!
Happy Thursday!

It's beautiful day here at least. I hear people still mowing and probably lot curse words flying as people start the mowing season. I'm having cup decaf with touch chocolate syrup and hot milk pretending it's Starbucks while I eat lemon oreo. I'm didn't have the pancakes last night. I'm really trying my best to be good and not just go all out eating my feelings. That would be lot of eating! I'm still up doing my yoga from Adrienne on YouTube. If you haven't ever done yoga or want to try, she is great and has pre beginner series before rolling into the beginner series of the 30 days. I will also confess I have been binge watching, well 75% watching Love is Blind on Netflix. I have no idea what is wrong with those people but good on them for wanting to find love supposedly. I don't even know if I can recommend the show it's so bad.

Our governor has extended the stay at home order until 1May now, which stinks but has to be done. I certainly understand. We will do this. I will start wearing that pants that button every so often as a gauge to make sure I haven't had too many oreos now I think. LOL That will be my gauge of how well I navigate this pandemic.

Dinner tonight is chicken cooked in the crockpot and then I'll sauce and put in the oven to crisp up while roasting some potatoes and green beans. I am really tired of cooking. I miss being spontaneous and calling up friends and hey grab some beers, wings, and pizza and come over. We will get there again as today is one day closer to "normal."

My 3 items of gratitude

1. The beautiful day and sunshine. With it brings hope and peace.
2. Creator of lemon oreos. I appreciate that person greatly.
3. Netflix. Endless amount of mindless entertainment.

Peace and good health to all.
Question of the day 4/2: What's a favorite snack?

I mentioned having lemon oreos today. I don't snack a lot just because I'm always trying to keep even weight and it's easier to go on than come off. However, I do keep a bag of doritos in the pantry. They are awful for you but oh so good.

Matt's favorite snack by far is anything and everything peanut butter. He is fine eating it out jar with a spoon...bleh no..
Question of the day 4/2: What's a favorite snack?

I mentioned having lemon oreos today. I don't snack a lot just because I'm always trying to keep even weight and it's easier to go on than come off. However, I do keep a bag of doritos in the pantry. They are awful for you but oh so good.

Matt's favorite snack by far is anything and everything peanut butter. He is fine eating it out jar with a spoon...bleh no..

I cannot control myself around potato chips, it is bad. If I were back in Buffalo with my mom, I would be living on ruffles and Bison french onion dip. Because I cannot get Bison dip here, I am instead eating an unhealthy mix of queso flavored ruffles and pizza flavored pringles.

My next favorite snack is key lime pie. I make amazing key lime pie bars in the summer, but I also cannot be trusted around those.

My dad and I used to eat oreos and milk together all the time before he passed, so those were one of the first quarantine foods I purchased, definitely feels like a big hug from dad when I sit down with those.
I agree completely about potato chips--so good! :) For something sweet I love tollhouse cookies made with milk chocolate chips.

Three positives from today:

Grateful to have gotten needed banking done.

Glad it's Thursday because that means after tomorrow (laundrymat day) I'll be home until Tuesday morning. I've posted this before and probably will again but I will never take feeling safe outside for granted again! Right now, while it is a huge Blessing getting outside food and supplies, laundry done as needed, it just does not feel comfortable doing so.

Talking with a friend.
Question of the day 4/2: What's a favorite snack?

I mentioned having lemon oreos today. I don't snack a lot just because I'm always trying to keep even weight and it's easier to go on than come off. However, I do keep a bag of doritos in the pantry. They are awful for you but oh so good.

Matt's favorite snack by far is anything and everything peanut butter. He is fine eating it out jar with a spoon...bleh no..

Dinner tonight is delivery. Tijuana Flats has Throwback Thursdaze Burritos; $5.99 for a burrito, chips and a drink. (Tuesdays is 2 tacos, chips & drink for $5.99). Chips & queso, and I'm a happy girl! No margaritas (I forgot to buy tequila) so I have to settle for some Not Your Father's Root Beer.

My favorite snack depends on what I'm in the mood for!

Sweet and nutty trail mix: Archer Farms Dark Chocolate Espresso Mix. You can't go wrong with nuts, dark chocolate and coffee beans..

Salty: Sonoma Creamery Parmesan Crisps. Crispy bits of parmesan, yum!

Spicy: Flamin' hot Limon Cheetohs

Trail Mix: Archer Farm's Tex Mex

Cold and sweet: Tillamook's ice cream. Vanilla Bean or Malted Moo.
Jeni's Lemon & Blueberry, Darkest Chocolate, and Blackout Chocolate Cake flavors are pretty awesome also.

Candy Bar: Payday or Pearson's peanut nougat roll or gourmet pecan/peanut nougat rolls.
My favorite snack besides cookies would be popcorn. I pop it in the microwave, pour it into one of my Disney buckets, douse it with white cheddar powder and chow down. Last time I went to Target (feels like ages ago) I made sure to get the 12 pack.

Lately I settle down and watch some Disney YouTube while snacking. I love the park bench series by the DIS Unplugged team. Nothing like snacking on some popcorn and people watching! ;)

Today I baked chocolate chip cookies using a new recipe and it is a winner.

Question of the day 4/2: What's a favorite snack?

I mentioned having lemon oreos today. I don't snack a lot just because I'm always trying to keep even weight and it's easier to go on than come off. However, I do keep a bag of doritos in the pantry. They are awful for you but oh so good.

Matt's favorite snack by far is anything and everything peanut butter. He is fine eating it out jar with a spoon.
..bleh no..
My favorite indulgent sweet snack:....... (internet photo, not mine)
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But my go-to everyday snacks tend to be salty - cheese and crackers or mixed nuts.
Veggie Straws and I'm almost out! I already ran out of Monster but holding out until we really need to go shopping.

OMG..Hostess snowballs.!!! I had a pkg a couple of weeks ago. They are hard to find here. It brought me right back to being a kid. I love them!
But my favorite snack has to be Pretzel M & M's. Keep the bag away from me, or noone else will get any, lol! I am almost out, have to look for more when I go shopping Saturday. We need fresh veggies, produce, some meat, and dairy,,and M & M's!

My hubby is like Matt with the peanut butter. He will eat peanut butter and onion sandwiches, peanut butter and lettuce, peanut butter and almost anything! lol!


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