Question for Moms with ADD kids?

a :hug: and a good work to our moms and dads on the boards...

You're so right, PigletsPal, really it is wonderful to have a spot where you're supported. thanks all:)

Terry S said:
My daughter was recently diagnosed with ADD . The doctor has suggested that we give her a "vacation" from her meds during the summer, school holidays and vacations. I was thinking that it would benefit her to be on the meds during vacation because of all the waiting in lines which she has always have difficultly with. I think the plane ride might be a bit more pleasureable as well. What do all the other moms here with ADD kids do? Thanks in advance for you answers.

well, a vacation is always good coz it helps keep them emotionally i think your daughter would enjoy a vacation.
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. The major side effect for my daughter is the EXTREME headaches. She has a tendency toward headaches and even migraines without the Ritalin. When we add the Ritalin (or the others except Strattera), the headaches are just AWFUL. She gets sick at her stomach and then will eventually vomit at times. She then falls asleep for a while and will ususally feel better after that. The severe headaches aren't every day that she is on the meds, but more often than not. Then, the other effect is the sleeplessness. If allowed, she would be one to stay awake until 1 or 2 in the morning and sleep the next day. Obviously, with school that is out of the question. Many times I have fallen asleep and would wake up to hear her going full steam in her room. We did cut her dosage back on the Ritalin and it seemed to help some of the sleeplessness, but she is still a night owl. Then, I have to get her up the next morning and it is miserable for everyone. I am so glad that today is her last day of testing and the last day of meds until next school year!
Thank you for sharing.
About the sleeplessness, we have the same problem with DD8. She slept great until age 6 when all of a sudden she stopped sucking her thumb. she used to suck it at night. I think that this calmed her down and she fell asleep easily. At age 6, her grandfather threathened to take away the birds her had given her it she wouldn't stop sicking it and she stopped immediately. I am not upset with him, she will defiantely need braces since she has ruined her teeth by sucking it, he was just trying to help.

We have gone through a lot of different things in the last two years trying to get her to sleep and stop wandering around her room until the wee hours. So far we have had the best luck with warm milk before bed, Yoga, massage, and playing relaxing music in her room. Also staying outside for several hours per day (weather permitting) seems to tire her out.

Thanks again for sharing.

Suzy V.
On our Dr's advice, we give our ds and dd Melatonin to help when they can't go to sleep. They are usually out in 15 - 30 minutes.
:sunny: My son was diagnosed 12 years ago ADHD when he was 9. He is now on 1 Adderall 20mg time released capsul per day. I was one of those parents that absolutely did not want him to be on medication and after trying everything from diet to special vitamins etc, I knew there was no choice. Her has not been on the time release for 5 years and it is wonderful, nothing else worked for him or caused stomach problems. Ritalin has latose in it and he is lactose intollerant but Adderall was not available back then. Adderall does not have lactose like many of the meds used for ADD. Anyway my MD, who I trust and has save my son's life many times due to Reactive Airways when he was little that caused pnemonia,(sp) asked me a question, "is it fair to him to not give him the med on weekends or during the summer?" The condition is still there. SO it made me realize when he was young that to be fair I really needed to be sure he took his med on a daily basis. Adderall only affected his appetite for about a month and he grew normally and ate normally. I always gave him vitamins as well. So this is my two cents worth from a mom who has delt with this for many years. Now that he is 21 he knows that he needs this and never questions its. He is in college earning his Technician (automotive) Degree and works full time. Needless to say I am proud. Sorry so long. :sunny:
I am glad to hear such a positive story. Mine is nine now and I like knowing that good things can happen when they grow older!!! :goodvibes
Wow, this is the first thread I have read on the boards where everyone was so supportive. I should have come to this section a long time ago!

Both of my kids (DD 11 and DS 8) have ADHD. My daughter is a "quiet" hyperactive who really only has to make small movements with her hands, etc. My son is quite hyperactive in the traditional sense (jumping around, can't sit still, etc). Both have been on medication for several years. In fact, I had to literally beg the doctor to put DS on meds as soon as he turned six.

We are currently using short acting Ritalin (4 hr). We tried the all day meds, but also had the problems of no appetite and sleeplessness. With the short acting, we have much better control of when they are hungry (can actually time it for lunch and dinner), and to make sure they are tired at night. The downside is a trip to the nurse everyday during school.

My DH is also ADD (not hyperactive). He takes Strattera and it works well for him. However, it doesn't work for DD.

The original question here was whether or not to take a meds break. IMHO, absolutely NOT! First, we didn't want to send them a signal that this was something they could really function well without. They can't. Secondly, we are so much more relaxed when everyone is in control of themselves. There is much less arguing, etc. Everyone gets to enjoy themselves much more since the level of tension is so much lower. Even if I thought they would enjoy being off the meds (which they don't), DH and I could never relax and just enjoy being with them. That goes for at home, and especially at WDW!

Again, thanks for the support out here. It's refreshing to realize you are not alone dealing with these issues! :banana: :love:
nope! we don't take our kids off of their meds either. One is an ADHD kid (boy11) the other is ten and an asperger, obsessive compulsive, pdd type of guy. If I took them to disney without their meds the little guy would start ticking and going off on his echolalia (sp) tangents...not to mention the tantrums. The older one would become completely in flexible and impulsive.

you might as well shoot me with the two of them off their meds.

nice to be in a place where people understand!

Can I join the club?? DS9 is BP with comorbid ADHD as well as some conduct disorders. We have let him have a med "vacation" before but have found that it is more of a detriment. He has a harder time dealing with situations and then he has to get used to the meds again when it's time for school to start back up. He has had a hard time re-adjusting. We will however cut his Risperdal does in 1/2 while at WDW (this is the one that makes him the sleepiest) but the rest (dexostrat, prozac, trileptal) will stay the same for everyones sanity! :)
I have a 5 yr old who was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago. He's on 15mg Adderall XR and doing wonderfully, with no noticed side effects. I was thinking about how he will cope with all of the chaos, long lines and late hours since the Adderall is pretty much gone by 5:00. I have considered asking his Dr. about giving his meds later since we don't have to worry about him being sleepy at bedtime. Any suggestions? :flower:
jenniskinni said:
I have a 5 yr old who was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago. He's on 15mg Adderall XR and doing wonderfully, with no noticed side effects. I was thinking about how he will cope with all of the chaos, long lines and late hours since the Adderall is pretty much gone by 5:00. I have considered asking his Dr. about giving his meds later since we don't have to worry about him being sleepy at bedtime. Any suggestions? :flower:

Since this is not medication that HAS to be taken at a certain time everyday, we move the medication times around when we need to. I can't imagine your doctor would have any problems with it.

Just be careful that you don't end up with the child who won't go to sleep until 2 am. I would try it at home once or twice before you get to WDW. We found that even though the "good" effects of the meds wore off early, the side effects tended to hang around a little longer. That's not an issue when bedtime is several hours away, but it sure is if you need them to go to sleep within an hour or so.
You could ask your Dr. for a regular dose of Adderall rather then a time release which is what XR is. That way it should only be in the system for 4 hours. We have both time release and straight doses for our two children for situations like that.
My son takes meds year round unless he is SICK.
He needs it to function at school,work, church, socially, and on vacation.

However we do adjust the dose during the summer and on weekends when life is not as demanding as a school day. I think it depends alot on your child and the level of adHd or add. Our son is very hyper and if he forgets to take a dose I sure can tell!

One school day he thought he took it and I thought he didn't
But couldn't risk a double dose. By that afternoon we had a call from one teacher, two notes , and another teacher met us at the car pool lane! Needless to say he hadn't taken it and showed everyone including son how much the medicine HELPS!

I wish my DS (14) could take smaller doses. He is quite the unique one. He's currently on 80mg of Adderall XR a day (40mg at 6am and 40mg at noon). On this dose he still gets very hyper around 5pm, but at the same time he does not want to go to bed until between 12-1am. The doctor suggested giving him a 5mg Adderall (regular) to see if that gets him through the evening, but I'm a little affraid of the not going to sleep part. His body just seems to eat the meds up. He also takes many other meds in high doses as well.
I can't thank you all enough for this thread!! My granddaughter has recently been diagnosed ADD and has also just been increased from 5 mgs. of Adderall XR to 10 mgs. We will be doing a weekend trip to Disney next weekend and my husband had suggested we take a "break" from the medication--and I know how she is or has been without. I am taking her Adderall with us, but do have one question...we are staying at Fort Wilderness and am wondering if anyone has been leery about where you have stored their medications when you leave the resort room? I also have asthma and have always been afraid to come back from the parks (I lock mine in my suitcase) and find them gone. Thankfully that hasn't happened. But I am aware these drugs are controlled substances and might entice someone to nab them.

She also has lost weight and we're not finding much to help supplement whatever she is eating. Any advice? Thanks!!
re: gaining weight: Have you considered milk shakes at bed time? During both my pregnancies I was 105 lbs. at 3 months pregnant. The doctor recommended drinking a LARGE milk shake right before bed. It worked for me.

Up until baby #2 was born I was grossly underweight. After baby #2 my metabolism changed (slowed down) and I am now a very healthy weight. For years I tried to gain but only the milk shakes seemed to work. For years I also drank protein shakes (from the health food store) and added 4 scoops of ice cream as well (total calories= 1000).

I tend to do things the natural way, but DD8 (ASD tendencies/ADHD/SID) was diagnosed with both bulimia/infantile anorexia by age 1.5 years . Her sensory issues were so extreme at the time that she couldn't stand the sensation of food in her mouth/throat. It was terrible. She would flap her hands the whole time she ate and most often vomit right after. She was diagnosed as a "failure to thrive baby/child". She pretty much stopped eating by age 2. By age almost 3 the dr. finally convinced me to try prescription meds. She was put on 2 mg 2x/day of cyproheptadine (low dose anti histamine, BIG side effect for kids is that it makes them STARVING).

Well within a month she had gained almost 4 pounds (prior to this she hadn't gained any weight in over a year) and ate like an average 3 year old. I In one month, she changed into a totally different child (eating wise). Now at 8 she can eat most textures (except sauces) and is 70+ pounds, 90% percentile for weight and CHUBBY!!!! She eats all day!!!! We couldn't be happier. The dr. wanted her to stay on it for 3 months but after one month I could see DRASTIC postive changes so I took her off.

maybe talk to the dr. about trying it (and/or the milkshakes) for your granddaughter. The only negative side effect from this med is that it makes kids sleepy (but juice sometimes helps this the dr. told us).
Good luck
Suzy V.
You know, I never thought about people stealing the meds! My son has lost weight also, but not a significant amount. I always give him a bedtime snack and offer seconds at dinner. Our Dr. says give him a good breakfast before his dose, but that's not always possible. Although he does eat breakfast. Have you tried yogurt smoothies? My son loves Danimals and Gogurt. Granola bars would be good too, but I can't get him to eat those. My neighbor has underweight kids (not from meds) and she give them Pediasure to gain weight. Thanks to everyone sending advice my way!
LindaDVC said:
One school day he thought he took it and I thought he didn't
But couldn't risk a double dose. By that afternoon we had a call from one teacher, two notes , and another teacher met us at the car pool lane! Needless to say he hadn't taken it and showed everyone including son how much the medicine HELPS!


We had a similar issue with my son, so now for both kids we have a 7 day pill pack with am and pm. I fill it up on Sunday for the week and can easily see if they have taken their meds or not.
I have been through every medication for ADHD and many doctors for DD7. She now takes strattera, 1 low dose of short acting ritalin, and one low dose of long acting metadate CD a little later, combined with Balanced Omega Complex supplements (it is all very precisely timed and orchestrated). It has taken us 18 months to find this "cocktail" and it works wonderfully for her. She is gaining weight now since she started the strattera and we lowered the other stuff. We found neither one of those medications works well without the other.

Our doctors are at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia. I am more confident with them than any other doctor I have taken her to. They do NOT recommend stopping her meds for vacation since there is no other medical reason to do so. I agree. If we take her off meds for vacation she would spend her whole vacation getting reprimanded to control herself. She does not like feeling out of control either.


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