Really Bad Night


DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2005
Ok, I can't believe that I am writing, on behalf of my daughter, to let you know about something so sad that happened to her today.

My daughter was at her friends house recently and they were both palying on VMK. Her friends little brother kept trying to watch my dd log on to her account, but she kept asking him to turn away while she typed in her password. Unfortunately, he must have caught a glimpse, and has been using it over the past few days to go into her account and buy LOTS of stuff using her credits that she has been saving up to buy the new stuff coming up, and taking her items trading them to his, so that he can trade them for other items he wanted. She had been saving up to trade for some hats she wanted (which she probably wouldn't have gotten anyway :sad2:

I never thought that a virtual game would get so cut throat! Needless to say, my dd lost a lot of her items, and even after talking to the boy's mom, there is basically nothing that can be done, because the items have been traded away!

My dd was crying her eyes today! He was curious as the her inventory, because she has been on ALMOST since day one. So I guess once he got into her account, jealousy reared it's ugly head and the rest is history! Literally!!!

There aren't many ppl who I can vent to about, because not everyone understands the whole VMK thing, and I definately can't vent to my daughter, because I'm trying not get her even more upset, and teach her that things like this will happen in life! It just makes me so mad! :mad:

I promise this post is not a plea for items. I have seen how generous youcan all be, and am truly not looking for handouts, but rather a place just to vent! This whole thing has made me feel sick!! :sick:

Thanks for just letting me get mad and try to get over it! AARRRGGHHH!!
Oh, I am so very sorry to hear about this happening to your daughter:guilty:
It never ceases to amaze me how cruel kids can be to other kids. Please, I know you are not asking for stuff; but let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Maybe, we can make her feel better somehow:grouphug:
The items may be gone, but the boy certainly owes your daughter. Whether that means him trading stuff away to get back her items, working to earn credits to buy her the hats she was saving for, or whatnot.

It is a virtual game, but real lessons can be taught. Sadly, your daughter has learned a lesson. The boy needs to be taught his lesson as well.
Make sure you have changed the password to her account so this can't happen again to her. There is information in the stickies above that tell you how to do this.

And - if you pm me, I will watch out for her and give her a few things to replace what she lost. I have some Halloween stuff and a princess dress and crown if she needs those.
The items may be gone, but the boy certainly owes your daughter. Whether that means him trading stuff away to get back her items, working to earn credits to buy her the hats she was saving for, or whatnot.

It is a virtual game, but real lessons can be taught. Sadly, your daughter has learned a lesson. The boy needs to be taught his lesson as well.

Yes. Trishqtpi, you said that you talked to the boy's mother. You should talk to her again and have her help to teach him a lesson by getting everything back to your dd.
If she is not willing to take control of her son and his actions, you should contact VMK and tell them exactly what happened. I don't really think they will do much, but you never know. :confused3
Wow, I am So sorry! Tragically, something just like that happened to a very close friend of mine too.I definentley suggest telling the mother.I think that your dd should get ALL of the boys VMK belongings, besides his rooms of course, after all the stuff he traded, your dd deserves everything!
That is truelly sad how a mother can make excuses for her own son when he is in the wrong. Wether or not he traded the items she should have made him give her equal value of the items and credits back plus some for being so mean. I guess if she does not hold him accountable for his actions then he doesn't feel responsible for hurting others feelings and/or stealing. If she lets him get away with things like this now I can't imagine what he will be like in a few years. I am sure she would have had a different reaction if he had taken something of hers and traded it for something he liked better. :sad2:
I can imagine how mad you are and how upset your daughter is. Karma has a wonderfull way of giving back to you more than what you have given to others. Both of them will learn this the hard way.
Please send me a list or post it here of the things she lost and what she really misses the most. I might have a few things laying around that I can help her out with and I know even if I dont she can have some things to trade and replace what she lost. I know it doesn't stop her from feeling hurt and betrayed by that kid but maybe it can reminded her that there are many more nice people in this world who are there for her. Karma works both ways :goodvibes
I agree with everybody that said your daughter should get every item that boy owns. If he traded your daughter's stuff, then he should have the items he got for them.
What is up with that mother. Of course something can be done. Maybe she can not get her original stuff back but this kid stole from her and needs to make amends. I would be on that phone asking the mother to get on his account and find out what he has and then to start giving over items to your daughter. The kid who stole learned nothing from this other than he can get away with it.
If I was the mom of the boy that's what I'd do. My child would have to give all of her stuff to the person who's account she destroyed and afterward she'd lose her VMK priviledges for a good long while, possibly permanently. It doesn't matter to me that "it's just a game", wrong is wrong. The mom of the boy isn't doing him any favors by turning a blind eye to his behavior. Someday he'll do something stupid that will get him in major trouble and his mother won't be able to pretend it's no big deal.

Thanks for warning us about this Trishqtpi. It would have never occurred to me that someone would be so selfish and nasty. I'll warn my dd about being careful with where she logs in.
I swear, if one of my two kids (granted they're one and two) ever ever EVER did this, they would be giving everyone of their items to that girl and they would not be allowed on VMK ever again and they would lose computer time for a few months. There is no excuse for this whatsoever. And for that mother to have the nerve not to do anything.... it makes me furious. People want to know why the youth of America are so screwed up.. take a look at the parenting and lack of discipline. What is your daughter's VMK name? If I see her around, I have a few things I could give her. I've been on for awhile so I have some stuff. Tell her we are all so sorry and that this is, IN NO WAY, her fault. Hope everything works out
I'm sorry your daughter had to learn this ugly lesson; maybe the experience, while painful now, will serve her well in future dealings. :grouphug:

My 12-year-old son had a "friend" hack his Runescape account. He didn't end up losing much, but it is a cruel thing to learn what "friends" may do.
1 thing if he didnt give a thing back in a window then you can report it and you can get your stuff back also this is a really important lesson u have to learn in your life and its better to have it happen with virtual stuff and when your young
Its sad how ppl are taken advantage of in the game. Friends come to me often that had items taken in unfair trades.

I have been fortunate in the game and would like to help out if your daughter allows me to. Have her come to one of my rooms and i will give her some things to get her back on her feet. Plz pm me her vmk title first.

And i pledge to buy her the first new hat. Anyone else?
1 thing you should do right now is change the name and password also i would like to donate

ps. does she play animal crossing wild world for ds because if she does i would like to give her a lot of money and thing in that game too
Its sad how ppl are taken advantage of in the game. Friends come to me often that had items taken in unfair trades.

I have been fortunate in the game and would like to help out if your daughter allows me to. Have her come to one of my rooms and i will give her some things to get her back on her feet. Plz pm me her vmk title first.

And i pledge to buy her the first new hat. Anyone else?

Kids can be so mean. I am so sorry this happened to your DD.

Please let us know what items your daughter is missing. I have some extra stuff.

Or we can give the items to you, and you can give them to her.

I will also pledge buy her one of each of the new hats that are coming out.
I too will donate some things to your daughter. It seems the new hats coming out are covered so how about full sets of pins from halloween, space and holiday month including all host pins. PM me her vmk title and we can arrange to meet up in the game so I can give her the pins.
i am So sorry for what happened to your daughter. i have like a lot of hats i can give her... if you want you can pm me her vmk name so maybe i can get her something... :)
Its sad how ppl are taken advantage of in the game. Friends come to me often that had items taken in unfair trades.

I have been fortunate in the game and would like to help out if your daughter allows me to. Have her come to one of my rooms and i will give her some things to get her back on her feet. Plz pm me her vmk title first.

And i pledge to buy her the first new hat. Anyone else?

Thank you so much! I promise I didn't post to get anything, but I shoudl have expected how generous everyone can be. I have sat with my DD and had her read thru some of the posts with me, and it literally makes her light up! She gets a huge smile and I think just loves knowing that there are ppl on her side out there! Thank you all for your very sweet words and kindness!
It really is true the DISBOARD PEEPS are the best in town! Thank you again!
i am So sorry for what happened to your daughter. i have like a lot of hats i can give her... if you want you can pm me her vmk name so maybe i can get her something... :)

Thank you so much for generous offer. You are so sweet to even offer. princess:

Just having the support she has had thru this thread has been awesome enough for her!! :grouphug:

Thanks again!


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