Rental Rates/Concerns

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Aug 18, 1999
On the rent trade board here there was a recent question concerning needing a studio for sure and possibly a two bedroom if more people join.

This is part of the response from the renter:
I'd be happy to help you with this. Subject avilability I would make two reservations and wait to see which you needed.

I think this is pretty ridiculous. Someone is going to tie up a room, knowing it won't be used, just to get $11 per point.

I really wish there was a way to end renting for profit. I would definitely support a rule only allowing points to be rented for dues.
While I've never rented out my points, nor do I anticipate doing so, it is nice that that option is there in case I do have some points I am unable to use.

I'm sure members have done similar things (holding rooms) when they have had problems trying to make arrangements with friends and family, so it is really no different. What surprises me more is that the member is willing to tie up his own points in that manner for a potential renter. The member is taking a chance on being "stuck" with unbankable or short term ressie points.
Originally posted by Richyams
On the rent trade board here there was a recent question concerning needing a studio for sure and possibly a two bedroom if more people join.

This is part of the response from the renter:

I think this is pretty ridiculous. Someone is going to tie up a room, knowing it won't be used, just to get $11 per point.

I really wish there was a way to end renting for profit. I would definitely support a rule only allowing points to be rented for dues.

This is one of those RARE times I agree with you. Personally, I would love a members ONLY resort. No renting, no CRS, etc.
Just members.
Originally posted by Chuck S
While I've never rented out my points, nor do I anticipate doing so, it is nice that that option is there in case I do have some points I am unable to use.
Agreed. I'm in the same boat, although I've rented 14 points one time to add an extra day to a vacation. However, renting points for only the cost of dues is way too cheap, an unheard of bargain for the renter. That's unreasonable.

I do agree that renting for profit (not just trying to recover costs in some points a DVC member can't use this year) is not beneficial overall to DVC members. Hopefully there's a happy medium.
Try to relax Richyams!!!

I was the individual who posted on the rent board that...
I'd be happy to help you with this. Subject avilability I would make two reservations and wait to see which you needed.

Anyone who frequents these boards knows how you feel about renting points. I feel differently as do other owners, the rent board proves that. The fact that this renter had unusual circumstances had no influence on my $11.00 per point price. I started a thread on the rent board that clearly shows my points are for rent at $11.00. Anything less than that is too low and I'll do what I can to increase the rental rate from the common $10.00 per point. We currently have more points than we need and will continue to accumulate more points via resale until we retire and use all the points we have. Get used to it because I'll be renting for the next 4 years. I don't earn a living renting points and quite frankly I don't even know what the rental rate would need to be to make a profit. I never calculated it and doubt I will.

This potential renter wasn't sure what size villa she needed. I responded with a perfectly reasonable solution. I just so happen to have enough points to help her with her vacation and I'd do the same for my family or my friends. You have no idea what the terms of the rental might be...I might give the renter 1 week to decide...or maybe 5 don't know.

I've never tried to do anything outside the contract I signed when I purchased the points we have and this certainly falls within the guidelines for making reservations.
This potential renter wasn't sure what size villa she needed. I responded with a perfectly reasonable solution. I just so happen to have enough points to help her with her vacation and I'd do the same for my family or my friends. You have no idea what the terms of the rental might be...I might give the renter 1 week to decide...or maybe 5 don't know.

IMHO, tying up time for someone is not reasonable. Other members my not be able to be accomodated because of this.
Why not wait until this person decides what they need. The issue is NOT renting the points but tying up time.
I responded with a perfectly reasonable solution.

No you didn't.

You responded by saying that you would take two rooms out of member's inventory while knowing full well that only one would be used. Its absurd for a person to call CRO and do this, I know its done all the time, that doesn't make it any more palatable.....doing it with your DVC membership is a different story. You aren't supposed to be doing things to hurt other members.

Like taking rooms you never plan to use out of inventory. Renting strictly weekdays to throw off weekend occupancy even more. These things hurt other members and I am personally offended by those that engage in these immoral activities.
I have been in this situation for myself. Last year I didn't get my choice hotel as I had booked a studio for my DD and I and than my in-laws decided to come. I had to switch resorts which I didn't want. This year they are "deciding" so I did book 2 rooms and told them I need to know shortly.

The one comment I wanted to make is DVC is unlike CR. As you all know there is a waitlist in priority order. Yes it is true a member may not get what they want immediately because the room is reserved but someone will be very happy when their waitlist comes through. (The other thing is we don't even know if this is a sold out time or not )

Just MHO
The cool thing about owning DVC is....we own our points, to do as we please! If I want to rent two rooms with my points, and I have points that are current and the dues are all paid for, I can book as many rooms at I like and then cancel them, once I decide what size party I have ;)

The wait list holds people for those rooms, when I release one, someone else will get that room, if I don't release any, then I lose my points, or use two rooms....I simply don't see what the problem is.

Also, we are allowed to rent out rooms, we are allowed to give rooms to friends....I had a friend that wanted to go in May, but wasn't sure. We booked him a room to make sure he got it....but, just last month he decided that he would rather go later on in the, I canceled that reservation....that's the way DVC works...I think it works great! Now, someone else is free to have that room :jester:

Oh well.....if you don't have the points, you can't book, as long as someone has points, there is availability, they can book whatever they please!
Food for thought:

I have 2 Grand Villas booked a 5 nights in June, and a 2 bedroom booked all for the same time.

I'm not renting out, however, I can't occupy all three rooms....yes, it's true, non members will be staying in those rooms......

I'm having a family reunion......I want 3 rooms, there is no way to stop someone that has the points from booking rooms......
How is that relavent?

No one is saying anything about booking rooms. Book as many as you have points for and want to use.

I didn't get your point
Richyams, if you are so unhappy with your DVC membership and it's rules maybe you should sell it and quit complaining about it. Renting is perfectly legal and within the DVC guidelines. How many members have made a reservation and then decided later whether or not they would use it. Why are you so concerned what others do with their property?
Originally posted by Richyams
How is that relavent?
No one is saying anything about booking rooms. Book as many as you have points for and want to use.
I didn't get your point

lt is relevant because no member will be staying in those rooms. It doesn't matter whether the rooms have been given to friends/family or rented to friends/family/total strangers. The result is the same- the points used for the reservation are not being used by a DVC member.

While I've never rented any points, I have given trips to my staff members on several occasions. Twice, they have been unable to go at the last minute- leaving me with unusable points- in one case a room sat empty due a cancellation on the day of the reservation.

The point is that we, as members, as allowed to use our points in a variety of ways. As several have pointed out in this thread, as long as we have the points to use, the DVC program allows us to make/change/cancel/rent/use/enjoy reservations made with those points based on availability and in accordance with the rules of the program.

Reservations are made and cancelled everyday. These reservations are all based on the same things- the DVC points used to make them- nothing more-nothing less. This is not a morality issue, it is a legal issue guided by the contract we all enjoy with DVC.
Webmaster Doc, can I commute and work for you? Any employer that gives out DVC trips sounds OK by me.... And I would NEVER cancel, last minute or otherwise... :)
Count me as one of the guilty!

I was planning a large family gathering for Next January at BWV. At the time the 11 month window opened, I had NO idea how many family members would be joining us or how many rooms I would need-- knowing full well BWV rooms go fast (esp. studios) I booked as many rooms as I could with my available points--knowing full well that I would probably end up canceling one or two (which i did as soon as it was apparent my sisters would not be joining us). I am still sitting on one studio that may or may not get used (friends of ours have tentatively stated they would come but wont know thier vacation situation for next Janaury until at least June (I told them they had until August to decide--the last date I could get the points back and banked into next year!)). I guess I dont see how this is any different from holding 2 rooms for a renter and then releasing one as soon as they find out what their needs are. thats why there is a wait list right? ( I may feel differently about a person who deliberately books a "hot" week like Xmas or Easter knowing full well they are not going to use it and then posting it on the rent board-but that is clearly not the situation here). to each his own...
As long as the DVC points are worth so little for exchange into Disney cruises and the Concierge Collection, DVC points must be able to be rented out for market value in order to keep vacation options open on a fair financial basis. For those who want to limit the possibility of renting out points, you would need to press just as hard to improve the currency of DVC points for exchange.
1) Let's look at DVC for what it is - a floating timeshare.
2) For that matter, let's look at any "floating" timeshare.
3) The idea is flexibility.
4) With flexibility, there is sometimes uncertainty.

5) People have to sometimes book a ressie "on spec".
6) People then cancel or confirm based upon their final needs.
. . . It doesn't matter if they keep the ressie.
. . . It doesn't matter if they cancel the ressie.
. . . It doesn't matter if the ressie is given/rented to another.
. . . It doesn't matter if the week is booked and left vacant.

11) We all knew the rules when we bought.
12) We accepted the flexibility.
13) We acepted the possible occupancy scheduling problems.

14) The bottom line is
. . . There is a set amount of points sold at DVC.
. . . How they are used is the owners right.
. . . Some will use and some will seemingly abuse the rights.
. . . You take the good with the bad.

PS - Just so my opinion doesn't seem from left field. I own DVC as well as fixed-week timeshares (the fixed weeks are for the same time week, just multiple units). The fixed-week is to guarantee a time so we can schedule family vacations from work/school. The DVC allows last-minute-type flexible trip scheduling.
Supporting a rule that would dictate how people can use THEIR property?

Spoken like a true liberal marxist. I am surprised at you.
For those of you that think renting hurts members, have you considered this:

If Disney would stop point gouging DVC members for Disney collection trades, members wouldn't find it necessary to rent out so many points. :rolleyes: :mad: :mad:

Additionally, when a member rents out points, those points stay in the member inventory. Those points can still be used by other members if plans change, and fewer points are required.

When DVCers trade them out (DCL/DC), they go to the CRO inventory and are lost for member use all together, unless you book cash through CRO.

Therefore it is better for DVCers to rent points out themselves, than to trade an inflated number of points to MS/CRO.

DVCers who rent out there own points (for DC trades):
1) Use far fewer points than trading through MS
2) Keep points in the member inventory:
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