Reviews yet on Coco?

I thought it was okay. Nothing great. A little slow in places to set up the parts of the story. Effects were great. I am glad that I saw it but probably wouldn't go see it again.
Saw Coco over the weekend. Thought it was a very good movie! The creative team that worked on this should have worked on The Last Jedi. Much better plot and flow.
Saw it yesterday finally and really liked it!

Unfortunately theaters around here are already severely limiting their screenings. A lot of them have already stopped it completely and the few remaining are almost all going to mid-day screenings only. A VERY select few (and these are ones a pretty good drive from us) have maybe 1 showing at night starting this week.

This was even more surprising to us when the theater yesterday ended up being nearly sold out. All through the week a lot of the screenings were completely sold out too.
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I went back yesterday for trip # 3. I just love this more and more; I swear I was more teary this time than before. We were in the smallest theatre in my multiplex but had a decent sized and responsive audience.

I'm so slow, I finally made the connection on a gag/dialogue exchange:
When Hector takes Miguel to the rehearsal hall and the fashion designer tells Hector "you'd better have my dress!" and he tells her he lost it - they're talking about his "Frida" dress from earlier (which the policeman confiscated). Told you I was slow!
Hopefully, winning the Golden Globe will give the movie a shot in the arm here in America.

Also, I am absolutely shocked to see it flop in Brazil this weekend. That market usually goes gangbusters for animation!


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