Revival of the angry thread!

Hugs all around!:grouphug:

Phyllis...I'm sending healing prayers your way. You've had a rough time of it lately.

Denise...Scott's company just came out of chapter was rough for awhile but now there is talk of reinstating 401k perhaps and other perks they took away. They had to let go some people, but kept most employees by mandating a furlough. Rough, but it has passed. I hope things are just as smooth for your DS!

Rob, kids say the darndest things. The good thing about this age is no matter the offense, kids are so resiliant and forgiving. Sounds like it may be a good learning experience too. Maybe one that most people don't have the benefit of learning in Kindergarten.....

How's the dog?
Thanks Ami. I hope he takes this to heart. For a 7 year-old, even minor differences can be difficult to understand. I could just beat him with a noodle for hurting such a sweet person that way.

The dog is fine, apparently. No problems during the night, and she was playing all day. Better shape than I would be in if I ate that much, that fast.

Phyllis, I do hope things can get easier for you. Please don't hesitate to vent here whenever you need to. We'll just eventually hijack the thread and turn it into a discussion on beer and otters. :hug:
I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, Phyllis. I'm sending prayers your way. I, too, wish there was more I could do.

What you are going thru with your dad right now is really the worst of times. Having been there myself, I know how draining it is both physically and emotionally. While your dad is in such good hands at the CCU, please take the time to care for yourself. You are going to need your strength for him after he is released from the hospital, and you won't be any good to him or yourself if you're worn to a frazzle. As I've told you before...I'm here for you & you have my number. If all you want to do is call me, scream obscenities, cry, and hang up, that's okay...I'm here.

I know you haven't said a thing about your mom, but I'm telling not spread yourself thin between the two of them. Your dad is the priority for the time being.

I'm praying for you and what is best for everyone.

Hugs to you, friend!
Yesterday was bad. While his potassium is getting lower..albeit slowly and they decided to hold off on the emergency dialysis. His mental state...I don't know what the hell happened. He's hallucinating. It was horrible. It could be the toxins in his body. Why does God let these things happen. I know,.. I should have faith..and I do. There are times when my faith is the only thing that's kept me from going crazy. Only.. why God...why? When is enough...enough? How much is he supposed to take.
Phyllis, do they have him on Percocet? My mom had hallucinations after double knee replacement surgery. Nobody realized it was caused by the pain meds. It got to the point that we thought she'd had a stroke. Finally one of the nurses suggested that Percocet can sometimes cause that reaction in older patients (my mom was 69 at the time). Just a thought. I hope things get better quickly. As Deb said, I'm here for you, whatever you need. :hug:
No he wasn't on any meds for pain. Actually they wanted to give him some morphine but his blood pressure was so low that they couldn't. It would have killed him. With his kidneys not working, your body isn't filtering out the toxins. At this point the feeling is that it's these toxins in his body that are causing the bouts of dementia?. With his blood pressure increasing from the dopamine?(sorry sp.?)..they did sedate him with some atovan (again..forgive me the spelling). Today he is restrained as well. My sister is at the hospital now..and I'll get there around I should no more at that point. I can only hope today will be better.
My FIL would hallucinate and not know what was going on around him when he would get pneumonia, or even be on the verge of pneumonia. Not getting enough oxygen to the brain would be the cause. Do they have your Dad on oxygen? Funny thing, he was always worse when he was in ICU.
Phyllis - I wish you and your family well. Will say a prayer for you all tonight as well. These will be difficult days, I hope they get better and that your family becomes closer through it all. The stress can tear you apart or bring you together as a team. I hope it's the latter.
Home early tonight.
Was a better day. While dad seemed uncomfortable and from time to time agitated...he was nothing like yesterday. No hallucinating. Although, he did try to get out of bed and leave. Frankly, I think he knew exactly what he was doing. He just wants OUT. Medically..he's doing better. Blood pressure is staying up..and the kidneys are working. Potassium coming down. They are even starting him back on some of his cardiac meds to keep his heart rate up...which has been low. He's eating and drinking. His doctors are very pleased..and a bit surprised at the turn around. I tell ya..the man's a bull. :sad2: Also...very strange but nice, was when a nurse looked at his wrist band and asked him his name.... he told them exactly who he is. Which of course..he knows who he is. It's just that verbally he can't answer's very slow and with great difficulty because he's aphasiac. (damage from his cerebral hemmorage 12 years ago.) Anyway he answered her very matter of factly, and clear enough that the person who asked, didn't appear to be aware he was aphasiac, and went about their business. He gave me a wink, as if to say.."see..she doesn't know".
After I helped him with dinner, I was getting ready to leave. Kissed him good bye and I told him I'd see him in the morning. To my surprise he responded.... "okay..6:30". :eek: I told him.."Daddy..I love ya..but not that much...I'll be here around 11:00" :laughing:
Phyllis, you made my day, and made me smile!!! I am sooo happy for you. I hope tomorrow is even better!!!

I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself, and you reminded me how lucky we all are. I am praying for you and hope it all works out for the best. :hug:

I am in so much pain from just a little tiny bit of work today, that I haven't even eaten anything yet... (I don't even want to walk to kitchen) All this just to make a little money so I can come meet you guys in Oct, SEE HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU NUTS! ;)
:surfweb: I just got word that they moved Dad to a regular floor during the night. This is usually trouble. :sad2: ...Good from a medical stand point that he doesn't need CCU care..but bad that he doesn't get the one on one interaction. Because of his being aphasic, it's usually a disaster. I've got to get up there, and get one of his aides to stay the day..and hope he doesn't get to agitated and confused by the change to his normal routine that he does'nt try to get out of bed and leave. That gets nasty....and the you know what starts to hit the fan.:rolleyes1

I hope you get to feeling better today John :hug:...I know how much you're looking forward to the October trip. Every little bit helps right?.. The entire October GG was your idea..and I really hope you're able to attend. :thumbsup2
Phyllis, glad your Dad is doing better. What a character! It's great that he still has his sense of humor, too. :goodvibes I hope he keeps on improving, despite being moved to a regular floor. I'm still praying....
Phyllis, WOW...your really going through it. I hope things improve for you and your parents soon. Ill be praying for all of you. Just know we're all here for you.
Well, the crud got me!!

I was doing everything right, drinking lots of fluids, taking lots of vitamins, taking the right cold medicines and washing my hands like a germaphobic fool, but after coughing my fool head off all night last night, I broke down and went to the doctor.

Turns out I was "this" close to having bronchitis, so they were pretty aggressive and gave me a breathing treatment right there, two shots in the butt and 3 prescriptions.

Everybody says I should have gone to the doctor sooner, but I really think we over "antibiotic" as it is, and it "was" just a common cold to start with.

What can ya do different??
:sick: Wow..thank goodness you went to the doctor Carol. Hope those anitbiotics kick in quickly and you get to finally feeling better. :hug:
Well, the crud got me!!

I was doing everything right, drinking lots of fluids, taking lots of vitamins, taking the right cold medicines and washing my hands like a germaphobic fool, but after coughing my fool head off all night last night, I broke down and went to the doctor.

Turns out I was "this" close to having bronchitis, so they were pretty aggressive and gave me a breathing treatment right there, two shots in the butt and 3 prescriptions.

Everybody says I should have gone to the doctor sooner, but I really think we over "antibiotic" as it is, and it "was" just a common cold to start with.

What can ya do different??

I agree with you on over-doing the antibiotics. I had strep & pneumonia so much as a kid that eventually penicillin was useless to me. Thank goodness stronger antibiotics were developed.

My doctor always reads me the riot act for not getting in to see him sooner when I come down with an URI - because my thinking is "just one more day...I'll give it one more day." Then it ends up going into pneumonia. I don't usually run a fever - so that's no indicator. Last December when I knew after 3 days my URI was severe - I went in and yep...I had pneumonia in both lungs. I can't tell, cause I'm so cavalier when it comes to my own health. He told me that the moment my pleghm has any discoloration to get my azz in to see him.

Now, here's my expert medical advice: apply Vicks to the soles of your feet, put socks on. Have Rick make a pot of ho-made chicken soup with lots of gahlic - or a spicy gumbo. Mix honey & lemon juice and liberally add bourbon/whiskey of choice. The Vicks and soup will actually help you. The honey & lemon fight infection and the bourbon's soul purpose is to mask how sh!tty you feel!! :lmao:

If you don't feel better the next day, use more bourbon!:thumbsup2

Stay on the couch today & watch college football! :flower3:
I agree with you on over-doing the antibiotics. I had strep & pneumonia so much as a kid that eventually penicillin was useless to me. Thank goodness stronger antibiotics were developed.

My doctor always reads me the riot act for not getting in to see him sooner when I come down with an URI - because my thinking is "just one more day...I'll give it one more day." Then it ends up going into pneumonia. I don't usually run a fever - so that's no indicator. Last December when I knew after 3 days my URI was severe - I went in and yep...I had pneumonia in both lungs. I can't tell, cause I'm so cavalier when it comes to my own health. He told me that the moment my pleghm has any discoloration to get my azz in to see him.

Now, here's my expert medical advice: apply Vicks to the soles of your feet, put socks on. Have Rick make a pot of ho-made chicken soup with lots of gahlic - or a spicy gumbo. Mix honey & lemon juice and liberally add bourbon/whiskey of choice. The Vicks and soup will actually help you. The honey & lemon fight infection and the bourbon's soul purpose is to mask how sh!tty you feel!! :lmao:

If you don't feel better the next day, use more bourbon!:thumbsup2

Stay on the couch today & watch college football! :flower3:

Most definitely plan to lay on the couch today!!! Lot's of football abounds. Unfortunately, no alcohol with the drugs I'm on :-(


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