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That one taken in October is a little concerning, but it was a 160-point fully loaded, and seems to be an outlier. So I'm going to cross my fingers and trust I'll be all good. Nothing to do now but wait...
I did some analysis which showed Disney hadn’t taken a contract under 100points in our threads for a long long time, must be the closing costs per point or something.
I’m super confident for you!
Here’s the ones taken in last 9 month

—$200-$32702-160-VGC-Oct-0/18, 320/19, 160/20- sent 9/24, taken 10/11

--$165-$29975-175-VGC-Sep-0/18, 175/19, 175/20, 175/21- sent 11/14, taken 11/26

—$155-$25800-160-VGC-Jun-0/18, 0/19, 125/20, 160/21-seller paying closing- sent 10/28, taken 12/6

--$165-$37987-225-VGC-Feb-0/19, 23/20, 225/21- sent 12/2, taken 12/11

-$165-$27400-160-VGC-Dec-0/18, 142/19, 160/20, 160/21- sent 1/17, taken 2/4
two of those mine. dangit.
My sale of 310 OKW points went to Disney on August 8th and they exercised their ROFR on September 9th. It took them until September 18th to forward me the closing documents which I returned on September 21st, and they received on September 22nd. I was told today that since everyone is working remotely, they only pick up and review packages once or twice a week - Friday or Monday.
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I knew all that talk about saving money and that you didn't really need VGC was ALL A RUSE :P:thumbsup2:rotfl:
It's what I was telling myself to console myself for not finding the 50-point SEP UY first... and for passing up the 100-point because I couldn't stomach $237/point. Because I didn't NEED VGC - we could just make that a cash stay, renting WDW points to cover it - and I absolutely could not go spend $20+k for it and leave my finances in a good state. But, yes, I WANTED VGC. :)

That said, this is dipping into savings I had not intended to touch, so now that I've achieved my goals I REALLY NEED TO STOP. I kinda need January to come to hit with the "Annual Dues Bill" reality check / addonitis vaccine. ;-)
Lorana---$195-$5812-27-VGC-Oct-0/19, 13/20, 27/21, 27/22-seller pays MF '20- sent 9/25*
Lorana---$195-$7,373-35-VGC-Oct-0/19, 0/20, 35/21, 35/22-seller pays MF '20- sent 9/25*
*expecting this to be sent tomorrow

Woo Hoo - It's going to be fun going through this process with you, @Lorana! DH @JavaDuck and I just put in for a VGC contract on Tuesday so (knock on wood) are just on your heels of becoming owners there - SO EXCITED! We'll post ours using the tool once it heads off to ROFR (very soon!) but it's 200 points @ $199/point. Stripped of 2021 points (and Feb Use Year)... so 2020 likely won't happen in time to use anywhere. Buyer paid 2020 and 2021 MFs though so that works. Seeing that one $200 contract recently taken make me nervous but let's hope! See you at the finish line!
Woo Hoo - It's going to be fun going through this process with you, @Lorana! DH @JavaDuck and I just put in for a VGC contract on Tuesday so (knock on wood) are just on your heels of becoming owners there - SO EXCITED! We'll post ours using the tool once it heads off to ROFR (very soon!) but it's 200 points @ $199/point. Stripped of 2021 points (and Feb Use Year)... so 2020 likely won't happen in time to use anywhere. Buyer paid 2020 and 2021 MFs though so that works. Seeing that one $200 contract recently taken make me nervous but let's hope! See you at the finish line!
Oh, congrats!! Hope we both make it to the finish line, ROFR-buddy! :)
That said, this is dipping into savings I had not intended to touch, so now that I've achieved my goals I REALLY NEED TO STOP. I kinda need January to come to hit with the "Annual Dues Bill" reality check / addonitis vaccine. ;-)

It's a good thing I want the DLH tower so badly or I don't think I would stop either. Unless there's a third lockdown here. I buy 1 contract per lockdown.
It's a good thing I want the DLH tower so badly or I don't think I would stop either. Unless there's a third lockdown here. I buy 1 contract per lockdown.
DLH Tower was my backup if I couldn't get VGC, so unless DLH Tower has a great add-on offer, I'm likely to pass at this point now that I have VGC. Reflections, though, is another matter... but now I need to save up again. I guess it's a good thing it's delayed, lol (shhhh! don't tell me it's cancelled! I'm holding out hope it's only delayed!).
Tower is going to be cool but well... just can't beat the location of VGC!!! It also has some of the biggest rooms (for WDW only OKW, RIV and Poly are larger for studios and only OKW for 1 bedrooms). Those Californians like to stretch out. Yaaaaass.! And it will be a lot easier getting a room (using our direct points) at Tower than the other way around since VGC is so small. Will be so nice to have home court 11month advantage @VGC! But yes... I wouldn't rule out getting some Tower points when that happens (but for now they can just slow that construction down so we can save - haha).
We're at day 45 of waiting. Reached out to the broker and she said she would check back again with DVC on day 50. I feel like most people are seeing passes on day 30. Has anyone else had such a long wait? Our first contract we offered on got taken at ROFR on day 35 back in August. Hopeful new member....I WANT TO GET INTO THIS CLUB ALREADY!!!! 🤣
I had to wait 62 days. I have a theory that they were waiting for banked points to expire on the contract I purchased before they let it pass. I can’t think of any other reason it would take so long. It was a pretty run of the mill Poly contract.
This gives me so much hope for mine to pass!!!
I PASSED!!!!!! OMG!! I’m now a DVC owner!! Is it crazy I’m actually crying?!?

Pharmgirl123---$86-$26865-280-SSR-Aug-0/19, 313/20, 280/21, 280/22- sent 8/27, passed 9/24

Oh WOW - You passed ROFR at $86PP for SSR ?
That's awesome (maybe upsetting to a few folks who had theirs taken at higher prices per point) :eek:
Welcome Home, SSR neighbor!
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