Saying "NO" to timeshare

THis time around we decided to have fun at Westgate expense. My hubby and I have vowed that Westgate will provide us with tickets as long as they let us keep coming to their presentations. All of these because Westgate will not pay a lousy 500 dollar claim that we filed when their housekeeping removed, stole or whatever with our thing on our vacation in 2005. Well this past week we signed up for our 110 tour. This time DH and I went in and said we have been thru your presentation and we are ready to buy. GIve us your best offer. Well that put a bright smile on my salespersons face. My hubby asked if he could "hook us up" since we were buying. Well yes we were offered 2 free Disney tickets + cash. After all the signing and the merriment. We left with our money and tickets and this morning at 9:30 my letter to cancel was sent FEDEX. The whole presentation took under and 1.5. We were all smiles and the staff treated us royal. But in the end they have paid 1/5th of their debt only four times to go!!
Mama - Wow! Thats putting it to them where it really hurts.

I'm not sure but they may not allow you to sign up anymore after a rescission. I guess you'll be testing how good their bookkeeping is too.

If more "buyers" were that aggressive with them - which really is only turning the same type of behavior back at them - I'll bet it would end the pressure sales fairly quickly. While it is almost lowering yourself to their level I can't think of a more deserving group. Hope you enjoyed your tickets too.
DH is the chatty one - I'm the numbers one. It really screws with chauvinistic salespeople. They think they've got a sale and then I open my mouth.

Anyway, what I do for any sales - timeshare, car, etc - is to be upfront. I say that I am in the market but under no circumstances will I buy that day. I want the whole picture - prices, terms, etc. And if I do choose their company/location to buy from, I will be sure to contact my salesperson directly to make sure that they get credit for the sale.
I just tell them the great deals on re-sales and the fact that some weeks can be bought on Ebay for less than the price of the maintenance fees make me not want to buy.

I also say that we would never buy unless it was a resale. And as long as I can get the deals I get on the internet, they don't have a sale...

If that fails,

I would like to try this one "All my money comes from illegal activities and therefore I can't have anything in my name but If I ever clean up my act, I will give them a call..." :lmao:
PhotobearSam said:
I would like to try this one "All my money comes from illegal activities and therefore I can't have anything in my name but If I ever clean up my act, I will give them a call..." :lmao:

I love this one. What's wrong with a little white collar crime? It's only a crime if you get caught!
WE took a tour at Westgate palms a while ago and we were trapped for FOUR HOURS... I told the guys up front "we are not buying a time share so let's do the reader's digest version of this tour so you can move onto someone who might buy one" he said"ok" but still tried like mad to sell us one.
during the third hour and after may comments like "hmmm, I wonder what's happening at Universal now" (which was where our tickets were for) I finally grabbed the pad he was pitching figures to us on and wrote NO!!!! on it. then handed it back. Then he went to get his supervisor. who tried to give us a better deal on a unit under construction. My friend said " I' don't believe this!"
The guy said "believe it lady this is a sales pitch" I said "this is the sales pitch from hell and if you do not get my kids NOW, I will make the biggest scene you guys have ever witnessed" We were at Universal about 30 min later. I wish I'd said that about 2 hours earlier. As they shuffled us out the back door we saw our sales guy looking totally defeated and then passed a group of people obviously there for the same "free tickets" discussing a plan " if we just stay strong as a group we can get in and out really fast" I said "hey guys? RUN NOW, get out while you still can, no free tickets on earth are worth that HELL in there" I never heard if they got out alive or not.

Janet Paddock
Then lie and tell them you are owners already, and your presentation will be a lot less painful and hardly any time at all. We're marriott t/s owners and when we do the presentations at this point we're only after the marriott reward points. We tell them we are owners already and they say, ok then since you already know about the program, would you like to see the rooms? Thats happened to us each time we've gone to presentations as owners, and they dont ask for any proof that you're an owner, just pretend for a day that you are a wealthy t/s owner just in town to look around.. :sunny: :banana:
It never ceases to amaze me how much pride people around here take in wasting valuable vacation time in order to save a few bucks.

Wasting any portion of the few weeks a year you get to spend away from it all is a complete waste, IMO. If you know in advance that you're not interested, and if you know in advance that these presentations are unpleasant, why go?!? :confused3 Don't waste your time. Don't waste your children's time. Don't waste the salesperson's time.
Brutie said:
Then lie and tell them you are owners already, and your presentation will be a lot less painful and hardly any time at all. We're marriott t/s owners and when we do the presentations at this point we're only after the marriott reward points. We tell them we are owners already and they say, ok then since you already know about the program, would you like to see the rooms? Thats happened to us each time we've gone to presentations as owners, and they dont ask for any proof that you're an owner, just pretend for a day that you are a wealthy t/s owner just in town to look around.. :sunny: :banana:

I agree!!!! We are t/s owners with OLCC and we did a t/s in Las Vegas and once we said we were owners and RCI members they knew we knew the program and just showed us the room. It made no sense to buy in Vegas when we could exchange through RCI for $149 a week etc! Fastest time share presentation ever! :rotfl2:
limabeanmom2003 said:
If you have ever attended one of those 90min timeshare presentations, what is the easiest way to deal with the salesperson when you aren't interested in buying? I hear they turn on you when they realize you aren't interested. If they say you only have to attend a "90minute" presentation, can they drag it out longer and make you stay? I got a great rate by agreeing to attend a sales pitch, and I really don't mind going, but I just want some good suggestions from others on what to tell the salesperson if I am not interested.

My husband drags me to them often. Best approach is to say from the start that you are not interested. In order to get the tickets, money or hotel stay you are promised you agreed to go and listen, you never said you were interested. I find if you are upfront from the start they will do they can to get you in and out as fast as possible so they can go on to the next person who might be interested in buying. Also just listen and say as little as possible that way they will see you mean business and you are not going to change your mind.
:rotfl2: wealthy t/s owner...????:rotfl:
don't get me wrong, we love our t/s's but, if we were what I consider to be wealthy, we'd have bought a condo @ the beach instead.:thumbsup2

BTW, I quoted that same reasoning to several TS sellers, who respond that current owners are their fav. customers...something about they've already been bitten by the bug.
Brutie said:
Then lie and tell them you are owners already, and your presentation will be a lot less painful and hardly any time at all. We're marriott t/s owners and when we do the presentations at this point we're only after the marriott reward points. We tell them we are owners already and they say, ok then since you already know about the program, would you like to see the rooms? Thats happened to us each time we've gone to presentations as owners, and they dont ask for any proof that you're an owner, just pretend for a day that you are a wealthy t/s owner just in town to look around.. :sunny: :banana:
edcopp said:
It never ceases to amaze me how much pride people around here take in wasting valuable vacation time in order to save a few bucks.

Wasting any portion of the few weeks a year you get to spend away from it all is a complete waste, IMO. If you know in advance that you're not interested, and if you know in advance that these presentations are unpleasant, why go?!? :confused3 Don't waste your time. Don't waste your children's time. Don't waste the salesperson's time.

I 150% agree. It's not worth our time and the last thing I want to be while on vacation is aggravated, just to save a few bucks.
MaMa3Princess said:
THis time around we decided to have fun at Westgate expense. My hubby and I have vowed that Westgate will provide us with tickets as long as they let us keep coming to their presentations. All of these because Westgate will not pay a lousy 500 dollar claim that we filed when their housekeeping removed, stole or whatever with our thing on our vacation in 2005. Well this past week we signed up for our 110 tour. This time DH and I went in and said we have been thru your presentation and we are ready to buy. GIve us your best offer. Well that put a bright smile on my salespersons face. My hubby asked if he could "hook us up" since we were buying. Well yes we were offered 2 free Disney tickets + cash. After all the signing and the merriment. We left with our money and tickets and this morning at 9:30 my letter to cancel was sent FEDEX. The whole presentation took under and 1.5. We were all smiles and the staff treated us royal. But in the end they have paid 1/5th of their debt only four times to go!!
That is just wonderful. I am doing the Bluegreen tour and we are staying at the Springhill Suites on Universal. I have a 10yr old, who is so impatient he will tear up anything he can get his hands and then twirl around on the floor,chair, ceiling fan, he does not care. He is perfect for timeshare presentations.
keishashadow said:
:rotfl2: wealthy t/s owner...????:rotfl:
don't get me wrong, we love our t/s's but, if we were what I consider to be wealthy, we'd have bought a condo @ the beach instead.:thumbsup2

when I start consider DVC I looked at a condo on the beach in Ft Walton. We loved it. It accepts pets and Spicey really loved playing 'gotta ya' on the steps...

but my mother, not to mention my niece and nephew would appreciate DVC more.

that condo was $50,000 - DVC was $11,000 - so I went with 93.

both have gone up in value. but that condo is now on the market for $300,000.

I didn't know a deal when I saw one....
edcopp said:
It never ceases to amaze me how much pride people around here take in wasting valuable vacation time in order to save a few bucks.

Wasting any portion of the few weeks a year you get to spend away from it all is a complete waste, IMO. If you know in advance that you're not interested, and if you know in advance that these presentations are unpleasant, why go?!? :confused3 Don't waste your time. Don't waste your children's time. Don't waste the salesperson's time.

Westgate will lie to get people to intend their sales pitch.... they treat people like things... so why not waste their time - they are definitely trying their best to waste your time....

for the marriott if you get a 3 or 4 days stay in a 2-bedroom for $149.....that is a steal and well worth listening to the pitch...

depends upon what is offered.

I am sorry you feel that way - but if it upsets you don't in the future read any posts about the timeshare pitch....
spiceycat said:
Westgate will lie to get people to intend their sales pitch.... they treat people like things... so why not waste their time - they are definitely trying their best to waste your time....

for the marriott if you get a 3 or 4 days stay in a 2-bedroom for $149.....that is a steal and well worth listening to the pitch...

depends upon what is offered.

I am sorry you feel that way - but if it upsets you don't in the future read any posts about the timeshare pitch....

Those salespeople are there whether or not you buy anything, so technically it's impossible to waste their time.

It's your vacation, not theirs. IMO it's not worth the obvious aggravation that you go through to save a few hundred dollars. Those couple of hours that can be spent doing something else, on the other hand, are priceless.

Either way, it doesn't upset me - more like it amuses me... People can't say no to a deal, I guess.
edcopp said:
It's your vacation, not theirs. IMO it's not worth the obvious aggravation that you go through to save a few hundred dollars. Those couple of hours that can be spent doing something else, on the other hand, are priceless.

I'd have to disagree with this, as applied to some people. As you stated, some of these presentations involve incentives that amount to hundreds of dollars in value, and I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who would be happy to give up 1.5 hours of time in exchange for $100. That's not a bad "salary' on an hourly wage basis for the "job" of sitting down, listening, and politely saying no a half dozen times or so.

I understand your point that if you're on vacation, you could be spending that time doing something else. But for some people, sacrificing 90 minutes of time one morning might be the only way some people can financially get into the Magic Kingdom that day. For them, it's well worth it.

In the meantime, I don't think there's any question but that the timeshare developers and their salespeople are well aware that many of those who take advantage of these incentives have no intention at all of buying. That's not the point. They're not paying for your promise to consider buying. They're paying for the right to make you sit there for 90 minutes to try to change your mind. That's it.

edcopp said:
It never ceases to amaze me how much pride people around here take in wasting valuable vacation time in order to save a few bucks.

Wasting any portion of the few weeks a year you get to spend away from it all is a complete waste, IMO. If you know in advance that you're not interested, and if you know in advance that these presentations are unpleasant, why go?!? :confused3 Don't waste your time. Don't waste your children's time. Don't waste the salesperson's time.

I feel sorry for those who go to a pitch, with no idea how awful it can get.
But if you know, and are okay with it - why not? :goodvibes

Our vacation time - to do with as we choose:) Just like yours is :)

And the kids have fun for a couple of hours on a rainy day with some new friends and toys:)

And the salesperson's time...statistically, not everyone is going to be a yes. DH and I are happy to be in their "no" quota column. And we tell them up front that we're a no.

Rationalizing?...yeah, maybe. I'm nosey. I like to know what developments are going up. I like to know what the pool area looks like. If nothing else, we've taken a look at a unit that we might rent for another vacation.
Happy to have dinner/extra tickets on them?..sure.

Life's good. Enjoy your vacations everyone :goodvibes

mbb said:
I feel sorry for those who go to a pitch, with no idea how awful it can get.
But if you know, and are okay with it - why not? :goodvibes

Our vacation time - to do with as we choose:) Just like yours is :)

And the kids have fun for a couple of hours on a rainy day with some new friends and toys:)

And the salesperson's time...statistically, not everyone is going to be a yes. DH and I are happy to be in their "no" quota column. And we tell them up front that we're a no.

Rationalizing?...yeah, maybe. I'm nosey. I like to know what developments are going up. I like to know what the pool area looks like. If nothing else, we've taken a look at a unit that we might rent for another vacation.
Happy to have dinner/extra tickets on them?..sure.

Life's good. Enjoy your vacations everyone :goodvibes


Are there any good properties to buy in too? I would like to buy a timeshare and I am going to a bluegreen presentation in September. Would anyone know about the property called Floriday Orlando. They claim they are better than traditional timeshares.


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