+++Scavenger Hunt Sent/Received+++.....COMPLETED!!!

Mine is almost ready....but I am doing something special for one item so I won't get it mailed until next Thursday ;)
Oh, I just hate it when I get wrapped up into life that I MISS SIGN UPS FOR ONE OF MY FAVORITE EXCHANGES!!! :worship:

I guess i will have to catch this one in the Spring!! :banana: :love:

It will be fun to read about everyone else's....:wizard:

Now on to find another exchange....:3dglasses
I am kind of stuck on the pirate item. :confused3 I do have a pirate pin, while not new and on the card, it is in great shape. I might try to check out a couple more places later today to see if I can find something.
the pin would be fine.....the person you're sending to is usually in the pin exchange ;)

If you want something else, try the party section at WalMart or Target. There are usually lots of party things pirate based. (also mine came from the school supply section ;) )
the pin would be fine.....the person you're sending to is usually in the pin exchange ;)

If you want something else, try the party section at WalMart or Target. There are usually lots of party things pirate based. (also mine came from the school supply section ;) )

I went back out for more "hunting" this afternoon and I found something. Guess I just wasn't looking in the right places. :goodvibes

I'm ready to get my box taped up and mailed. I'll post after I mail.
I'm planning on doing my shopping tomorrow after work and hopefully mail out on Tuesday or Wednesday, that's if the weather holds out, we're suppose to get more snow/ice etc. I'll report back when my package is mailed.
Took my package to the post office today using the automated machine. It will go out tomorrow. :thumbsup2
Well, since the international item can be a food item, I am done with my hunting! Just have to pack it up. We are supposed to be getting bad weather tomorrow & Wednesday, so this may not be going in the mail until Thursday.
I'm having trouble finding something with my town's name on it. I have one other place to try tonight. Hopefully I can drop it off at a 24 hour drop-off box tonight :)
It can be your state, Christi. ::yes::

Glad you found all yours, Missy......sorry about the bad weather. Just post back when you mail.
It can be your state, Christi. ::yes::

Glad you found all yours, Missy......sorry about the bad weather. Just post back when you mail.

:thumbsup2 that I can do. Although thy NY Times actually did a flattering article on my town recently. Guess I could add that too :rolleyes1
Yes, you could ::yes::

Thanks, Missy....sorry about the name change, but at least we caught you before mailing. That's what happens when someone drops out after names go out :rolleyes:
I have 1 more item left to get...I'm a lil stuck on the pirate item :confused3
I'm gonna go hunt tomorrow and hopefully will get it into the mail on Wednesday!!!


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