Scottish Wedding & Christmas Disneymoon: Photos added

Oh Kirsteen everything looks gorgeous, your dress, your shoe options, the ceremony site/venue...I love it! I love how the bridesmaid dress goes so great with the style of your dress!

I hope you have a wonderful time in the will be our first time on-site as well! I loved Weight Watchers when I did it, I think its a great program...I need to get back on it again. Congrats on your weight loss so far though!
Thanks JoDee, I've just joined Curves too and I am really enjoying that. I don't seem to be losing any weight but I feel like I'm toning up so hopfully I'm losing inches rather than lbs. I'm getting measured again at the class on the 8th September - I can't wait to find out if I've shrunk!! :goodvibes Kx
Hen Night Plans

I am having a Halloween themed hen party!!! :goodvibes :banana: :yay: I realised last week that the dates we have been looking at for my hen party were around Halloween and while doing a google search for 'party nights' I came across a place called Frankensteins... and they cater for hen parties and have party nights so I thought what the heck and emailed my bridesmaid who thinks it's a fab idea. So we're going to Frankensteins and we're going in halloween fancy dress :rotfl: :yay: :cheer2:


Now for an outfit, here are a few things I've found...


There are two Corpse Bride outfits out is around $40 and one is $200! I love the more expensive one but not sure I can justify it for a fancy dress costume ... what do you guys think?

Guest Book

I'm just trying to do all those little things that I'm likely to forget about nearer the time ;) so I've started looking at guest books today. I've picked two guests books I really like. Here they are...


A wee close up of the second one...


I'm going to order one of these personalisation tags too as I think they are cute...


What do you guys think? Do you have any photos of your guest books - I'd love to have a peek. :goodvibes

Gorgeous dress!!! Oooh, pretty stationary! Love the rings, too.
The ice blue color you selected for your BM dresses is so pretty.
Of course, I'm biased since we have blue as our wedding color... ;)

Looking forward to more...
Hi alltvseries and jasonandlisa for the lovely comments - also thanks for reading my PJ as I'm not a Disney bride I know it's not the same as reading about all the excitement of a Disney wedding. :goodvibes

I went with the first guest book in the end as it is leather and I figured it would be more durable and could be wiped clean if needed. I'm thinking at the reception with all those drinks that will be flowing :goodvibes and I ordered the personalisation plate too - I can't wait for it to arrive :cloud9:

I've been trying to finish our scrapbook for our first trip to WDW in 2005 before we go in December so I can work on our honeymoon photos straight away as we are having the honeymoon photo shoot at MK and are planning to buy the photopass CD I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that we have a few nice shots of us that I can scrap. Anyway my scrapping isn't going great but I thought I'd share a few pages here with you guys...




I Love It....and I'm not a Disney bride so I'm more excited to read about home weddings and disneymoons.....
Kirsteen, everything looks absolutely fantastic! I'm not a disbride either but I love to read everyone's plans and see their hopes and dreams - after all, we are all marrying our "prince", right??!!

did you decide on a dress for your "hen" night?

Michelle :cloud9:
Your scrapbooking pages are amazing!! What great work. If I find a photo of my guestbook I will post it. My mother got me a matching guestbook, signing pen and ring bearer pillow from Walmart. They had the flowergirl basket, but since my FG is going to be an Honorary FG since she will only be 3months old, I figured she did not need the basket. :rotfl:

Great PJ so far and I have really enjoyed reading it!
Kirsteen, everything looks absolutely fantastic! I'm not a disbride either but I love to read everyone's plans and see their hopes and dreams - after all, we are all marrying our "prince", right??!!

did you decide on a dress for your "hen" night?

Michelle :cloud9:

Hey Michelle, I'm thinking I might buy the cheaper dress but buy the deluxe wig and head piece. The cheaper dress looks like it covers up more lol as well as being about a 10th of the price :eek: so I think I'll go with that. I'd be so worried on the night that the dress would be walked all over because I'm a shortie anyway and it trails on the floor. THe other dress looks like a could chop a bit off if needed whereas I wouldn't want to mess with the other one.

I hadn't even thought that you were an at home bride too - coz your wedding is just so magical I think :goodvibes Kx
Your scrapbooking pages are amazing!! What great work. If I find a photo of my guestbook I will post it. My mother got me a matching guestbook, signing pen and ring bearer pillow from Walmart. They had the flowergirl basket, but since my FG is going to be an Honorary FG since she will only be 3months old, I figured she did not need the basket. :rotfl:

Great PJ so far and I have really enjoyed reading it!

Aw thanks hun :cloud9: Your matching set sounds gorgeous, I'd love to see a photo. I went with the first one in the end although I still really like the second one but as it didn't have anything written on it I thought I could always get it for something else - maybe even use it as a planning journal. :goodvibes xx

Your Scrapbook pages put mine to shame. I have to say though I have been inspired and will continue to work on mine!

Other than that, the wedding things look amazing!!!!! I am so excited for you!
:goodvibes Thanks Mariacj - I hope I can get our 2005 album finished before we go. Are you an up-to-date scrapbooker?

I can't remember if I mentioned but I've been struggling to find anything to hang our wedding favours from on the table. Here is a photo of our favors...


... with personalised light blue satin ribbon with our names and the date of the wedding on as the bauble tie.

I found these...


... today @ and I think they could be perfect :cloud9: I've emailed them to ask if they will send to the UK - fingers crossed that they do and that they have enough in stock as I can't find anything here in the UK.

I'm still chasing up my MK brick that I bought DF as his wedding gift from me. I've not received the certificate and I don't know if the brick is in place or not - I'd still really like the certificate to gave to DF on our wedding day. I've emailed the contact at WDW and some lovely DISers have offered to look out for it for me to see if they can take a photo and one lovely DISer has even tried phoning WDW for me as I can't make International calls from work - how nice is that?! :goodvibes Fingers crossed that it all works out in the end as otherwise I have nothing for DF! :eek:

A wee update

Bronners will happy to ship to the UK so I placed my order for the ornament hangers - I can't wait for them to arrive - I hoep everyone likes them and takes them with them so they can use them again (otherwise I might scoot around and save them all from the hotel) :goodvibes

Also with the help of a fellow DISer I got in contact with someone working on the Walk Around the World paving stones and my stone is due next Friday and will be put in place the following week. They are also re-sending my certificate as the one they sent has gone astray. I'm just so pleased to have someone reply to my emails!! :goodvibes I can't wait to see DF face when I give him his wedding gift.

I have been thinking about wedding gifts and when to exchange them. DWhen did you exchange yours? I know it's traditional to do it on the morning of the weddign via the bestman/bridesmaid but I'd like to see DFs face so I think I'd ratehr set aside soon time before the day of the wedding to do this. What do you guys think?

Thank Crunchie it's Friday tomorrow lol Kxx
Kilt Drama

I found out yesterday by chance that the shop we have hired our kilts from have gone in liquidation. We've lost our deposit and according to the liquidators there is nothing they can do to get our money back. I'm a little sad as the couple who own the shop would have known when they took our money that they were in dire straits. :sad2:

Kirsteen, I am so sorry to hear about this. Is there no way that you will get any money back from the company that is looking after the liquidation?

Hope you DF recovers okay:goodvibes
Kirsteen, I am so sorry to hear about your DF!!!! how horrible that is! truly I hope he feels better! and that's a shame about the kilt you have a back-up shop to go to? I would sue them for my deposit anyway - you may still get something from them.. as for the $$$ issues, I completely understand as do many of the brides here. all of a sudden, it's 2 or 3 months out and you just never realize how much you've spent!!! it's all worth it in the end, it's just the trip to get there!!! :rotfl:

chin up, it'll all work out....:hug:

Michelle :cloud9:
Kirsteen, I am so sorry to hear about this. Is there no way that you will get any money back from the company that is looking after the liquidation?

Hope you DF recovers okay:goodvibes

I thought the liquidators would help but they told me to go to my bank as DF paid by debit card. The bank told me that there was nothing they could do.:confused3
Kirsteen, I am so sorry to hear about your DF!!!! how horrible that is! truly I hope he feels better! and that's a shame about the kilt you have a back-up shop to go to? I would sue them for my deposit anyway - you may still get something from them.. as for the $$$ issues, I completely understand as do many of the brides here. all of a sudden, it's 2 or 3 months out and you just never realize how much you've spent!!! it's all worth it in the end, it's just the trip to get there!!! :rotfl:

chin up, it'll all work out....:hug:

Michelle :cloud9:

Hiya chick,

Yeah DF has phoned a few other kilt shops today and has found one that is a little bit cheaper than the previous one so we've recouped a few pennies. :woohoo: It's also in our home town which will make picking the kilts up and taking them back easier - every cloud and all that :goodvibes


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