Seems like new fastpass rides aren't a good thing

I love that these rides are getting fastpass. I would never ride these rides except for first thing in the morning because me and my wife don't wait in long lines. We would hit the nonfastpass rides first thing and then just work the fastpass system as the day rolled on. We will now be able to ride these rides at all times of the day thanks to this. This excites me.
FastPass was intended to get people out of lines and into stores and restaurants.

Theme Park commandos (I am one and work all the tricks), use the system to get more rides rather than free up time spent in lines for shopping and dining as was intended.

The down side of that is, since it doesn't change ride capacity, those using FastPass to get on more rides are taking rides from the more casual guests that don't "work the tricks". With almost 2 decades of abusing the FastPass system to get a disproportionate share of rides, the theme park commandos have grown to have a sense of entitlement to the loopholes. Some might even say something really self-centered like "I am not willing to accept getting on a couple fewer headline rides per day", as if they own those rides. What next? Refusing to get off the plane when you are told to, then being surprised when you are drug off with force? Seriously people, that is not how reality works.

As attendance increases, each guest is going to get fewer rides per day. Disney is going to seek to please the more casual visitors and equalize the rides-per-day. Statements like "I am not willing to accept" beg the question, "Are you really going to stop going?" That's the only choice you have. If so, good, because that is the only solution to overcrowding and ticket prices increasing at 7x the rate of inflation.

In addition to capacity of rides being limited, the number of FastPasses on those rides are limited. As the number of guests per day increases, the FastPasses run out sooner in the day. To ensure every guest can get a few FastPasses per day, they have to increase the number of rides with FastPasses.

Does it increase the stand-by wait time? Sure. But it also offers the opportunity to avoid that stand-by, and ensure more total FastPasses are available on any given day. If you ride it twice, once with FastPass and once without, then the times should average out to be the same wait time as before FastPass is added. If you ride it once with FastPass, then you wait less time.

The other thing Disney needs is FastPasses for all guests, not just thrill riders. Adding FastPass to attractions that can accommodate guests of all ages, like Mansion and Toy Story Mania, provides opportunities for people with babies to enjoy the FastPass system too.

In short, FastPass has a mix of pros and cons. If you want to find cons, then you will be able to.
So why do people wait 60+ minutes when they can wait 5 minutes in the single rider line????
The single rider line hasn't moved very fast when I've been there. I think I waited 20 minutes with only a few people ahead of me in line. It was still a shorter wait than the regular line, but for people doing rides together, they may have to wait quite a while for the entire group to have gone on the ride if they are using single rider.
So why do people wait 60+ minutes when they can wait 5 minutes in the single rider line????
I'd venture to say that a fair number of people don't even know about the single rider line.

Some want to ride "together" (in the same car) so don't consider single rider.

Some have kids under 7 who cannot ride alone.
I am fine with rides like TSMM and Matterhorn having FP. Also Peter Pan, if the logistics can be worked out. From what I understand, the lines for those rides have always been pretty long. Theme park guests expect the FP option to be available for high-demand rides. (Although, Universal takes an interesting opposite approach to HP rides.)

What I don't want to see at DL/DCA is what has happened at WDW. Not just the prebooking, which I dislike because (1) we're early birds and the old system benefited us, especially at Epcot & DHS and (2) I could never predict what my kids felt up to riding 60 days in advance. I am talking about the FP on every ride -- like Winnie the Pooh, Pirates, Small World, etc. When that happens, guests aren't just using FP to avoid the longest lines. They are creating fully regimented days, with no room for spontaneity. I will confess that we're going to get a DAS for the first time because of my son's diagnoses; however, I also want to us and all families to be able to wander through the lower demand/faster load rides without having to first book a FP or a ride on our DAS card. A balanced approach makes for a better theme park experience for all guests, IMO.
I am fine with rides like TSMM and Matterhorn having FP. Also Peter Pan, if the logistics can be worked out. From what I understand, the lines for those rides have always been pretty long. Theme park guests expect the FP option to be available for high-demand rides. (Although, Universal takes an interesting opposite approach to HP rides.)

What I don't want to see at DL/DCA is what has happened at WDW. Not just the prebooking, which I dislike because (1) we're early birds and the old system benefited us, especially at Epcot & DHS and (2) I could never predict what my kids felt up to riding 60 days in advance. I am talking about the FP on every ride -- like Winnie the Pooh, Pirates, Small World, etc. When that happens, guests aren't just using FP to avoid the longest lines. They are creating fully regimented days, with no room for spontaneity. I will confess that we're going to get a DAS for the first time because of my son's diagnoses; however, I also want to us and all families to be able to wander through the lower demand/faster load rides without having to first book a FP or a ride on our DAS card. A balanced approach makes for a better theme park experience for all guests, IMO.

That's how I feel. I'm ok with what they've done and will probably be ok with the electronic FP (depending on how it interfaces with APs). But I'm very nervous they won't be able to resist the urge to keep adding it to more and more things. That's the path I don't want to see them go down.
the theme park commandos have grown to have a sense of entitlement to the loopholes. Some might even say something really self-centered like "I am not willing to accept getting on a couple fewer headline rides per day", as if they own those rides. What next? Refusing to get off the plane when you are told to, then being surprised when you are drug off with force? Seriously people, that is not how reality works.

I get what you're saying in your post, and I understand it.


It is this one paragraph that I still can't quite figure out. I don't know if I'm interpreting the way you intended, but I'm reading it as if you are lumping all the people who like the old system as self entitled brats. If that's your stance, I really don't think that's fair.

Everyone has their own way of touring the parks. And then DL changes things ... we go through the growing pains, but eventually move on. We are all currently doing that.

But when you've been touring a certain way and the new changes hinder it, I think it's pretty normal to be bummed. So some come on here and commiserate with each other. And being bummed out is different than throwing a hissy fit. I haven't seen anyone on here going off the deep end over the changes.

Personally, I like adding FP to Matterhorn because we are notoriously unlucky on our visits with wait times. But I can understand how some may not like the changes, esp if they are evening visitors who are on limited time and can't pull a FP.

The Dis is a theme park saavy group that will adjust. We may not all agree on the changes, but that's ok.
I get what you're saying in your post, and I understand it.


It is this one paragraph that I still can't quite figure out. I don't know if I'm interpreting the way you intended, but I'm reading it as if you are lumping all the people who like the old system as self entitled brats. If that's your stance, I really don't think that's fair.

Everyone has their own way of touring the parks. And then DL changes things ... we go through the growing pains, but eventually move on. We are all currently doing that.

But when you've been touring a certain way and the new changes hinder it, I think it's pretty normal to be bummed. So some come on here and commiserate with each other. And being bummed out is different than throwing a hissy fit. I haven't seen anyone on here going off the deep end over the changes.

Personally, I like adding FP to Matterhorn because we are notoriously unlucky on our visits with wait times. But I can understand how some may not like the changes, esp if they are evening visitors who are on limited time and can't pull a FP.

The Dis is a theme park saavy group that will adjust. We may not all agree on the changes, but that's ok.
Putting on my flame suit....... I'd actually be ok with them adding FP to Peter Pan! :duck:

We never waste rope drop on it and never find the line short enough that we want to ride. (and generally aren't there at park close). So we usually skip it. But my fear with all of it is that if they find a way to add it there, they'll add it to something else. Then something else. And something else. And so on. And that's where the whole thing starts to fall apart in my eyes. Once they add FP to too many things, then you no longer have rides that are standby only and the waits go up. And you only have so many FP opportunities in a day.

But as I have said many times, on balance, I will likely be ok with the new system as long as it doesn't have advance booking. And as long as they don't give it to all the APs for next to nothing.
Putting on my flame suit....... I'd actually be ok with them adding FP to Peter Pan! :duck:

We never waste rope drop on it and never find the line short enough that we want to ride. (and generally aren't there at park close). So we usually skip it. But my fear with all of it is that if they find a way to add it there, they'll add it to something else. Then something else. And something else. And so on. And that's where the whole thing starts to fall apart in my eyes. Once they add FP to too many things, then you no longer have rides that are standby only and the waits go up. And you only have so many FP opportunities in a day.

I agree. In our last 3 visits we only hit PP once because of the wait. I'd be fine with that. :thumbsup2

And agree again on the addition upon addition to FP. All I keep thinking about is Figment and Living with the Land -- two rides that had little to no wait. They did not need FP, but got it just because. :sad2:
I have always felt Matterhorn needed a FP as it's an important ride, one of the mountains, and a coaster. And it wasn't unheard of for it to have an hour + wait, and I would say it was common to have a 40+ minute wait. I also think giving Toy Story FP was a no brainer as the line was consistently 50 minutes. And I too would be happy with a Peter Pan FP. I do not want to see everything having FP either though. I think anything that is usually 30 minutes or less wait shouldn't have FP, that goes for Buzz too.
Seriously. FP+ is atrocious. Can't believe Anaheim has fallen for the madness.

They had to bring a new Fastpass system to Anaheim from WDW. Disney spent an absurd amount of money on the technology and careers would be over if the company didn't spread the tech around. I agree change for the sake of change is stupid but Disney does stupid stuff all the time. Just look at Guardians of the Galaxy. Instead of building a much needed new ride in DCA, they ripped up a much beloved ride and threw something that looks like radioactive looking vomit on it.

So this new Fastpass system will be everywhere in disneyland before you know it and increasing wait times everywhere it goes. Personally for me it doesn't matter. Anything more than 20 minutes and I'm not waiting so I don't care if it's 30 minutes or 130 minutes. But for people who wait in lines, it's going to be miserable.
I have read so many times that DL/DCA will always be treated differently than WDW by Disney because the crowds are just different. Many more locals and other laidback guests who refuse to plan their days down to the hour months in advance. WDW is currently designed to appeal to the trip-of-a-lifetime budget-busting guests from all over the country and the world who spend a full week at the parks and expect to plan every detail to create a perfect trip -- and FP+ helps keep those guests in the WDW parks and spending money.

My question is, does Disney hope DL/DCA will become more like WDW, with the anniversary attendance increase, catching the Marvel trend, and Star Wars land drawing guests to DL/DCA before WDW?
My question is, does Disney hope DL/DCA will become more like WDW, with the anniversary attendance increase, catching the Marvel trend, and Star Wars land drawing guests to DL/DCA before WDW?
Ask Disney, they might know what they want. Although it's Disney, so there may not be a single goal. I'm sure they want both US resorts to have as many people as possible at all time, because that's how they make the most money. As far as which one people go to first or how changing FP relates to that, I don't see the connection.
Ask Disney, they might know what they want. Although it's Disney, so there may not be a single goal. I'm sure they want both US resorts to have as many people as possible at all time, because that's how they make the most money. As far as which one people go to first or how changing FP relates to that, I don't see the connection.

If Disney has a goal of replacing APs/frequent guests with trip-of-a-lifetime guests who spend a lot more per person, I doubt they'd tell me. ;) I'm sure they have a goal of maximizing the number of guests at all parks at all times, but there is a physical limit to that (and it requires new guest-management techniques to keep everyone happy). There are obviously incentives to attracting guests with more open wallets and keeping those wallets open for add-ons, expensive meals, and of course merchandise. IF Star Wars land opens significantly sooner at DL than WDW, that would shift certain guests toward DL, temporarily at least. Having a more extensive FP system may appeal to those types of guests, while it does not generally appeal to locals and other frequent visitors. It also, theoretically, helps Disney manage the larger crowds. I won't get into all the rumors floating out there about how Disney will manage the initial Star Wars crowds. :)
Does adding extra fp impact how many fastpasses people end up getting all day? Because if now they are getting TS ones, then they are prob not getting as many other ones. So like maybe RSR is faster return times?
Does adding extra fp impact how many fastpasses people end up getting all day? Because if now they are getting TS ones, then they are prob not getting as many other ones. So like maybe RSR is faster return times?

This is what I've been wondering as well ... with additional FP rides, have the FP wait times on the former "big" FP rides decreased at all? Or has the time the FPs run out on those rides moved later in the day? Like RSR, Star Tours, Space?
This is what I've been wondering as well ... with additional FP rides, have the FP wait times on the former "big" FP rides decreased at all? Or has the time the FPs run out on those rides moved later in the day? Like RSR, Star Tours, Space?

Statistically speaking one would assume. I think it will also help when Mission Breakout opens at the end of the month and Indy reopens at DL.

Toy Story currently has an 85 minute wait, compared to a typical 50-60 minute wait but you can get a FP for less than 3 hours out. Of course that assumes you don't already have one. I will note that Ariel has a wait of 15 minutes instead of a typical 5 minute posted wait. So it seems to be a bit busy. But Soarin' is only 40 minutes. It is crazy to think the wait is less for Soarin' than Toy Story. I am worried about Soarin'. Is the new film really just meh?

The wait at Matterhorn is 120 minutes compared to 90 at Space. But I do not blame that all on FP. Both rides have FP. The difference is that Matterhorn has been closed for months. I think by summer things will regulate. Especially as we see more local blockouts replaced by visiting tourists. When Matterhorn reopened 2 years ago the wait was over 4 hours, of course they had just added the new tech.
ETA: FP return time is less then 2 hours out for Matterhorn but is more than 4 hours out for Space.
I was also wondering about Soarin' - is it really not that good compared to before (CA one)?

Is Matterhorn any different? Still completely bumpy? If so, I don't need to go! Lol
If Disney has a goal of replacing APs/frequent guests with trip-of-a-lifetime guests who spend a lot more per person, I doubt they'd tell me. ;) I'm sure they have a goal of maximizing the number of guests at all parks at all times, but there is a physical limit to that (and it requires new guest-management techniques to keep everyone happy). There are obviously incentives to attracting guests with more open wallets and keeping those wallets open for add-ons, expensive meals, and of course merchandise. IF Star Wars land opens significantly sooner at DL than WDW, that would shift certain guests toward DL, temporarily at least. Having a more extensive FP system may appeal to those types of guests, while it does not generally appeal to locals and other frequent visitors. It also, theoretically, helps Disney manage the larger crowds. I won't get into all the rumors floating out there about how Disney will manage the initial Star Wars crowds. :)
The other So Cal parks have a FOTL system for an additional fee. Those are the parks DLR is in direct competition with, not WDW.
I think FP+ is much better for those like my family that rarely spend full days in a park.

It's especially nice if you want to enter at 4:30 for nighttime entertainment to still ride headliners. We are still in Ride swap territory, so we tend to build them up early in the trip, then sleep in, enjoy the day and do late entry with RS and FP+ and still ride the best rides
I can see that being a big help.


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