Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.7

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Me doing Disney shopping, never! LOL!!!! :lmao:

OK...I went in and added the information...I saved it so hopefully it got saved.

I didn't have much of a chance to read yesterday. I worked at the Disney Store in the morning and then in the early evening I had to go to the doctor to have an ingrown toenail that was infected and very painful. I was hoping that it would heal on it's own, but it wasn't meant to be. So I got there, and the doctor takes one look at it and says "we're going to have to numb it up to get that nail out oft here". OK...a shot in the toe is VERY painful - I've had them before.

I don't know what I was thinking - that it was going to take her longer to prepare the medicine than what it did, but when it came time for her to come with the needle (which I don't even remember seeing) I completely freaked out! :eek: I didn't hurt as much as I remembered, but it did hurt and then I was embarrassed for freaking out so much! Needless to say, the local didn't numb the part that was REALLY infected and sadly I felt it when she was taking it out. :( I have to go back and have the procedure to remove part of my nail again to help prevent this from happening - did I mention I already that this procedure done once?! Only me!

I had to wear a slipper home from my parent's house - on my bad foot was the flat slipper and on my other foot was my Sketcher Fit Flop which is about an inch off of the ground. It was quite funny watching me walk! LOL!

It's feeling better today, but I think I'm going to take something when I go in for that procedure. I had myself so worked up over the needle (well the pain) that I just freaked out. I'm usually not like that...I think my nerves just got the best of me.

On a better note, I cashed in my $100 on Sunshine Rewards for a Disney Gift Card to take on the cruise! :yay: I love Sunshine Rewards - I've earned most of that money just taking surverys online. I do a little online shopping (where you can earn a percentage back) but it's mostly surverys. :)

Only 50 days now! :)

Oh Amy,,,I can so relate. I had the procedure done twice on both big toes. Thought I could get by!!!

Yes the pain is really intense. I won't go into detail, but it was worse when I had the pin taken out after having a bunion taken care of.:eek:
What "bubble net" fishing? Sounds interesting. Hope to see some next July. We go July 12-19.

Here is info on bubble fishing. We went whale watching out of Juneau this past May. Don't miss it.

The humpback has the most diverse feeding repertoire of all baleen whales.[25] Its most inventive technique is known as bubble net feeding: a group of whales swims in a shrinking circle blowing bubbles below a school of prey. The shrinking ring of bubbles encircles the school and confines it in an ever-smaller cylinder. The whales then suddenly swim upward through the 'net', mouths agape, swallowing thousands of fish in one gulp. This ring can begin at up to 30 metres (98 ft) in diameter via the cooperation of a dozen animals. Using crittercam attached to whale's back it was discovered that some whales blow the bubbles, some dive deeper to drive fish toward the surface, and others herd prey into the net by vocalizing.[26] Humpbacks have been observed bubble net feeding alone as well.

For any one travelling with ABD and have to take a CPAP machine I have received confirmation today that they do not consider it your carry on luggage. You can carry it as well as your regular carry on and a purse. Although not required by ABD they did suggest that I bring a letter from my doctor explaining the need for and use of the machine. I checked with British Air and they said the same thing. They said this might be needed by airport security. Also I am being allowed 2 pieces of checked baggage with BA but only one with ABD. When I explained to ABD that my ABD trip was being followed by a 14 day Disney cruise they agreed to a second bag at no additional charge. Now I can seriously get down to packing. I will have one bag for chocolates for the exchange, fish extender presents, Secret Mickey presents, door magnets and room decorating stuff, formal and semi-formal clothes and another for regular clothes. Good think I got the second bag. I'm sured you all would have been fed up with seeing in my formal clothes all the time especially around the pool. :rotfl:
Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

I was so pleased to see that there are going to be so many fun ppl on this trip! As you can see by my signature, I am somewhat green to Disney, at least when it comes to the likes of some of you!! (I'm impressed and somewhat jealous of all your fabulous vacations!)

Myself and my boyfriend LOVE Disney and are wanting to make Disney a part of our vacation plan every year!! We live in CA, which is why most of our trips have been to DL (still getting used to all the abbreviations) so many times...well so many times in the short time we have been together. We have been dating about 2 1/2 years, are madly in love and pretty much booked this trip at the very begining of our relationship! Kinda risky, but we knew we were going to be together! We would love to get marreid abourd a disney ship(we actually met on a cruise ship, so cruises are special to us) So hopefully that dream will come true some day!

We just can't believe that the trip is almost here! We are SOOO excited it takes up most of our conversations!

We will be traveling with his parents on this trip, and ALL four of us are sharing a room(should be interesting, lol). We origanally planned to have his sister, her husband and there two children along with us....until she found out she was pregnant. And it turned out that she didn't meet DCL restrictions for pregnant women (24 weeks) by FOUR they ended up booking a med. cruise that leaves next week, she is well within the "safe zone" for that trip. So it will just be the four of us...together...for a total of 21 days straight...bonding... :)

We are headed to Barcelona 5 days early to see as much as we possibly can, and then when back in Florida we are going for ONE DAY to Disneyworld...I have never been, and we are still deciding on which land to go to, so any suggestions would be great!

Long story long, I am so happy to have found y'all and I hope its not too late to sign up for some of the fun stuff you guys are doing...and if it is, well, we can still have a coctail on the ship!


Definitely contact me to get lanyards by PM or sending me an email at (because if you're very new to the DISboards you might not be able to send PMs yet). Contact me before this weekend in order to make sure I have lanyards for you!!

JluvsC - check out all the posts on pages 1 and 2 for the various activites we've planned as a group. It's not too late to join in practically everything (or nothing if you so desire). This is aside from the activities you'll find available on the cruise itself!

First - be sure to contact Erik about the lanyards. They are a group lanyard, they are free and there still may be some of the extras left but they'd like to finalize the list to start getting them together this weekend. Erik's disname (tig something - I always have to double check) is listed in the post on lanyards. You need ten posts to PM but if needed just post on the thread for now.

There is also a spread sheet to add your name for special DIS bracelets (again they are free to all).

The thread shirts are closed but you can print the logo and make your own if you can do that sort if thing.

There is still an FE group open if you wish to join.

On top if that we are organizing various alcohol tastings, a PJ breakfast, and a champagne girls event! Feel free to join us.

You will also find our cruise website link where you can add yourself to the roll call. It's alot but wanted to give you an idea of what's available as things are beginning to close as we lock everything in.


Erik for lanyard requests is tig82174

Oh you're all so well trained!! I don't even need to tell people!! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
We ended up having to go to Barcelona by train and ferry when we went on our Med cruise because of the volcano disruption and had a wonderful time doing this.

Corinna, can you pm me the details of your rail/ferry adventure please.:)

Well checking in after a while. I have been very busy at work this week. Since Monday a have driver over 675 miles. :scared1: Here is a pic of my route the last 3 days.

Tomorrow a should be local, but Friday it looks like another 200 mile day.

On other new it looks like the wrist is finally healed. It only took over 3 months, but now I need to rebuild the wrist muscle to get rid of the stiffness and get my strength back in my hand and wrist.

Only 49 days till I leave for Barcelona:cool1:
And you didn't stop by my house in Cherry Hill to say hi? :drive:

Not only did we get our t-shirts today (thanks to Susan, Todd & Helen for all their AWEsome work!) we also got a couple of really cool tattoo's in the box (thanks Todd & Helen!)!!!!
The Tattoos are over the top! Thank you Todd & Helen and everyone else involved in the t-****rts. I can't believe they made it out here so fast!:thumbsup2

OK - I am up to page 268...

Sorry - should have read farther before replying to this one...

YEP!!! Glenn and I are celebrating 18 years or marriage!!! Everyone is invited to celebrate with us on the MAGIC!!! :)
We're celebrating our 15th on Oct 1 on Castaway Cay! seems fitting since we started off with a honeymoon at the Wilderness Lodge.
The Esaiest way to get to PM is...
Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

I was so pleased to see that there are going to be so many fun ppl on this trip! As you can see by my signature, I am somewhat green to Disney, at least when it comes to the likes of some of you!! (I'm impressed and somewhat jealous of all your fabulous vacations!)

Myself and my boyfriend LOVE Disney and are wanting to make Disney a part of our vacation plan every year!! We live in CA, which is why most of our trips have been to DL (still getting used to all the abbreviations) so many times...well so many times in the short time we have been together. We have been dating about 2 1/2 years, are madly in love and pretty much booked this trip at the very begining of our relationship! Kinda risky, but we knew we were going to be together! We would love to get marreid abourd a disney ship(we actually met on a cruise ship, so cruises are special to us) So hopefully that dream will come true some day!

We just can't believe that the trip is almost here! We are SOOO excited it takes up most of our conversations!

We will be traveling with his parents on this trip, and ALL four of us are sharing a room(should be interesting, lol). We origanally planned to have his sister, her husband and there two children along with us....until she found out she was pregnant. And it turned out that she didn't meet DCL restrictions for pregnant women (24 weeks) by FOUR they ended up booking a med. cruise that leaves next week, she is well within the "safe zone" for that trip. So it will just be the four of us...together...for a total of 21 days straight...bonding... :)

We are headed to Barcelona 5 days early to see as much as we possibly can, and then when back in Florida we are going for ONE DAY to Disneyworld...I have never been, and we are still deciding on which land to go to, so any suggestions would be great!

Long story long, I am so happy to have found y'all and I hope its not too late to sign up for some of the fun stuff you guys are doing...and if it is, well, we can still have a coctail on the ship!

My new luggage arrived. And my cute t-shirts to put in them. I'm a happy girl.
Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

I was so pleased to see that there are going to be so many fun ppl on this trip! As you can see by my signature, I am somewhat green to Disney, at least when it comes to the likes of some of you!! (I'm impressed and somewhat jealous of all your fabulous vacations!)

Myself and my boyfriend LOVE Disney and are wanting to make Disney a part of our vacation plan every year!! We live in CA, which is why most of our trips have been to DL (still getting used to all the abbreviations) so many times...well so many times in the short time we have been together. We have been dating about 2 1/2 years, are madly in love and pretty much booked this trip at the very begining of our relationship! Kinda risky, but we knew we were going to be together! We would love to get marreid abourd a disney ship(we actually met on a cruise ship, so cruises are special to us) So hopefully that dream will come true some day!

We just can't believe that the trip is almost here! We are SOOO excited it takes up most of our conversations!

We will be traveling with his parents on this trip, and ALL four of us are sharing a room(should be interesting, lol). We origanally planned to have his sister, her husband and there two children along with us....until she found out she was pregnant. And it turned out that she didn't meet DCL restrictions for pregnant women (24 weeks) by FOUR they ended up booking a med. cruise that leaves next week, she is well within the "safe zone" for that trip. So it will just be the four of us...together...for a total of 21 days straight...bonding... :)

We are headed to Barcelona 5 days early to see as much as we possibly can, and then when back in Florida we are going for ONE DAY to Disneyworld...I have never been, and we are still deciding on which land to go to, so any suggestions would be great!

Long story long, I am so happy to have found y'all and I hope its not too late to sign up for some of the fun stuff you guys are doing...and if it is, well, we can still have a coctail on the ship!


Hi & WELCOME! I'm Andrea, traveling with my husband Greg on our 4th Disney Cruise (17th total cruises).

You will love Barcelona--it's a very romantic city, in the evening just wander all the back streets and squares in the gothic quarter. :love:

Last year we took a 14 day med cruise with our son and his girlfriend--we had a blast! :banana:

This is a weird question, but does anyone know if I can Pampers diapers in Barcelona? Just trying to decide if I should bring them with me or use the diaper service onboard. Although, it's going to be $140 if I use the onboard service. So, pretty expensive!

What is my curse with it's a small world? It will be in rehab when we get off the Magic! Whenever I get off a DCL ship, east or west coast that darn ride is shut down.

Think the mods have forgotten us?

Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

Welcome aboard!

I'm Paula, travelling with my partner Robert and my Mum. We are from New Zealand. We'll be the ones avoiding those pesky Australians :rotfl:

I'm organising the candy swap - page 1 of this thread and details on page 2 of new thread once this closes when the mods decide we've been too chatty. ;)
I've worked in a podiatry office for 20 years. Don't be embarrassed. You should see the big football players, we usually have to hold their ankles while they get the shots. Also make sure your following the directions they gave you for post op care. If not it will never get better. Especially get the permanent procedure(chemical to kill the root) done so the nail does not regrow otherwise you will have to have this done every 6-8 months.


If I had to have that procedure done every 6-8 months, I'd cry! I am using Amerigel Post-OP kit to keep it clean and covered. It does feel a lot better together - that pesky nail isn't poking my skin anymore! LOL!

Oh, you poor baby. Hope it heals fast now. I had to take Patrick to the foot doctor today, too. His right toenail seems to have grown fungus and is trying to grow inwards. He had ingrown toenail surgery about 15 years ago, and we have always had trouble iwth that toe eversince.

I've had problems with ingrown toe nails for years too! :(

Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

I was so pleased to see that there are going to be so many fun ppl on this trip! As you can see by my signature, I am somewhat green to Disney, at least when it comes to the likes of some of you!! (I'm impressed and somewhat jealous of all your fabulous vacations!)

Myself and my boyfriend LOVE Disney and are wanting to make Disney a part of our vacation plan every year!! We live in CA, which is why most of our trips have been to DL (still getting used to all the abbreviations) so many times...well so many times in the short time we have been together. We have been dating about 2 1/2 years, are madly in love and pretty much booked this trip at the very begining of our relationship! Kinda risky, but we knew we were going to be together! We would love to get marreid abourd a disney ship(we actually met on a cruise ship, so cruises are special to us) So hopefully that dream will come true some day!

We just can't believe that the trip is almost here! We are SOOO excited it takes up most of our conversations!

We will be traveling with his parents on this trip, and ALL four of us are sharing a room(should be interesting, lol). We origanally planned to have his sister, her husband and there two children along with us....until she found out she was pregnant. And it turned out that she didn't meet DCL restrictions for pregnant women (24 weeks) by FOUR they ended up booking a med. cruise that leaves next week, she is well within the "safe zone" for that trip. So it will just be the four of us...together...for a total of 21 days straight...bonding... :)

We are headed to Barcelona 5 days early to see as much as we possibly can, and then when back in Florida we are going for ONE DAY to Disneyworld...I have never been, and we are still deciding on which land to go to, so any suggestions would be great!

Long story long, I am so happy to have found y'all and I hope its not too late to sign up for some of the fun stuff you guys are doing...and if it is, well, we can still have a coctail on the ship!


Welcome!!!! I'm traveling with my DH and my DMIL (MagicMe). My DH and I met on a Disney dating site 4 years ago and we just got married in October of '09.

So sorry to hear about your toe. It sounds very painful. Hope it heals quickly. My daughter (Terapin's sister) bought new shoes from a specialist running show store and then ran for several days. The shoes didn't fit and she developed "black toe" a fairly common complaint according to the store. The nails that were banging into the front of the shoe got injured and turned black. The toes got very inflamed and sore. Luckily the store guaranteed the fit of the shoes so they gave her a bigger size. Unfortunately it is going to take about six months for those nails to heal. She says she realizes now she should have quit running when she first had pain but thought she would just tough it out. Lesson learned. Nothing worse than foot problems. Trudy
I've never heard of it, but I don't think I'd want to experience it for sure!
Hope the toe feels better soon. You need to be ship-shape in just a few short weeks!

What are Sunshine Rewards?

Thanks! Like I said, my toe is feeling better today. :)

Sunshine Rewards is hard to describe (at least right now for me...I've getting really tired! LOL!) ...seems like I can't post the link. Basically just do the regular www sunshine reward com - but take the spaces out and put the regular periods in. That should explain it to you much better than I can. :)

Oh Amy,,,I can so relate. I had the procedure done twice on both big toes. Thought I could get by!!!

Yes the pain is really intense. I won't go into detail, but it was worse when I had the pin taken out after having a bunion taken care of.:eek:

OMG, this will be the second time on my left toe. I'm not looking forward to it at all - I'm going to take a Xanex or something - if it knocks me out for a plane ride, it will knock me out to get a painful shot in the toe. Thankfully they sprayed some cold stuff (that's the scientific term I'm using! LOL!) on it so it didn't hurt too much when the needle went in... sorry if that's TMI!
Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

I was so pleased to see that there are going to be so many fun ppl on this trip! As you can see by my signature, I am somewhat green to Disney, at least when it comes to the likes of some of you!! (I'm impressed and somewhat jealous of all your fabulous vacations!)

Myself and my boyfriend LOVE Disney and are wanting to make Disney a part of our vacation plan every year!! We live in CA, which is why most of our trips have been to DL (still getting used to all the abbreviations) so many times...well so many times in the short time we have been together. We have been dating about 2 1/2 years, are madly in love and pretty much booked this trip at the very begining of our relationship! Kinda risky, but we knew we were going to be together! We would love to get marreid abourd a disney ship(we actually met on a cruise ship, so cruises are special to us) So hopefully that dream will come true some day!

We just can't believe that the trip is almost here! We are SOOO excited it takes up most of our conversations!

We will be traveling with his parents on this trip, and ALL four of us are sharing a room(should be interesting, lol). We origanally planned to have his sister, her husband and there two children along with us....until she found out she was pregnant. And it turned out that she didn't meet DCL restrictions for pregnant women (24 weeks) by FOUR they ended up booking a med. cruise that leaves next week, she is well within the "safe zone" for that trip. So it will just be the four of us...together...for a total of 21 days straight...bonding... :)

We are headed to Barcelona 5 days early to see as much as we possibly can, and then when back in Florida we are going for ONE DAY to Disneyworld...I have never been, and we are still deciding on which land to go to, so any suggestions would be great!

Long story long, I am so happy to have found y'all and I hope its not too late to sign up for some of the fun stuff you guys are doing...and if it is, well, we can still have a coctail on the ship!


:welcome: to our chatty group.
Im Annie and hubby is Howard, this is our 14th cruise with Disney, but our first TransAtlantic:banana:
Join in on the planned activities... they are going to be a blast:woohoo:

welcome again Josh and Cassandra :grouphug:

Why are you flying to Rochester for labor day? We will miss you as we are flying down to Orlando the Thursday night before Labor Day to stay at WDW for 4 days before heading to Barcelona to start our Med cruise and then the WBTA.

Sorry I will miss you. I am coming up to see my brother and go to the Dansville Hotair Ballon festival.


Done. Thanks again for doing this

Attention jewellery people

I am now ready to take payment for the supplies. The cost per person (which includes shipping of the materials worldwide) is GBP15 per person. Could you please use the personal option and mark it as "gift" as this seems to avoid fees even for international transactions. If any fees are incurred, I would appreciate it if you took care of them.


Ok, So I hope that I'm doing this right! I am VERY new to the DISboards, meaning I just stumbled upon them two days ago! So please bear with me as I get used to this whole thing!

I was so pleased to see that there are going to be so many fun ppl on this trip! As you can see by my signature, I am somewhat green to Disney, at least when it comes to the likes of some of you!! (I'm impressed and somewhat jealous of all your fabulous vacations!)

Myself and my boyfriend LOVE Disney and are wanting to make Disney a part of our vacation plan every year!! We live in CA, which is why most of our trips have been to DL (still getting used to all the abbreviations) so many times...well so many times in the short time we have been together. We have been dating about 2 1/2 years, are madly in love and pretty much booked this trip at the very begining of our relationship! Kinda risky, but we knew we were going to be together! We would love to get marreid abourd a disney ship(we actually met on a cruise ship, so cruises are special to us) So hopefully that dream will come true some day!

We just can't believe that the trip is almost here! We are SOOO excited it takes up most of our conversations!

We will be traveling with his parents on this trip, and ALL four of us are sharing a room(should be interesting, lol). We origanally planned to have his sister, her husband and there two children along with us....until she found out she was pregnant. And it turned out that she didn't meet DCL restrictions for pregnant women (24 weeks) by FOUR they ended up booking a med. cruise that leaves next week, she is well within the "safe zone" for that trip. So it will just be the four of us...together...for a total of 21 days straight...bonding... :)

We are headed to Barcelona 5 days early to see as much as we possibly can, and then when back in Florida we are going for ONE DAY to Disneyworld...I have never been, and we are still deciding on which land to go to, so any suggestions would be great!

Long story long, I am so happy to have found y'all and I hope its not too late to sign up for some of the fun stuff you guys are doing...and if it is, well, we can still have a coctail on the ship!


Welcome! I re-newed my vows at Castaway Cay and My Dsis is doing hers on board the ship for this cruise. If you have any questions we will be happy to answer them. All I can tell you is that the wedding was better than my first and it was awesome as was the cake and all that DCL did for us on the cruise. I highly reccommned it!
It's feeling better today, but I think I'm going to take something when I go in for that procedure. I had myself so worked up over the needle (well the pain) that I just freaked out. I'm usually not like that...I think my nerves just got the best of me.

I hope you heal well and never have to do this again. (I'm shuddering just thinking about it--yikes!)

Welcome! I re-newed my vows at Castaway Cay and My Dsis is doing hers on board the ship for this cruise. If you have any questions we will be happy to answer them. All I can tell you is that the wedding was better than my first and it was awesome as was the cake and all that DCL did for us on the cruise. I highly reccommned it!

That sounds lovely; maybe for our 40th in 3 years.
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