September 2012 roll call

only one thing for it... popcorn::

yep.......just preparing myself for the mentality of people on buses at WDW...thats why we hire a car..dont then have to deal with all the BS about peoples rights.....but still fun to watch
Why go there? You know you are just on a hiding to nowhere! :rotfl:

A scheduled Air NZ plane just wobbled (and I do mean wobbled) over the house. :eek:

Back-up plan... DH reckons they'll bus us down to Wellington to fly via jet up to Auckland, this is unconfirmed. DH also discovered he has no travel insurance and we know he's a walking liability. I rang him this morning at 7AM (fair as I'd been up since 3AM with the wind hitting the house) and could tell he was hungover, he kept claiming he'd been hypnotised by the Hypnotist they'd hired at work. I give up.

My back-up back-up is that the dog looked like she was rapt to go to her boarding kennel, may just join her as we seem to have been dusted by the Bad JuJu Fairy at the moment.

I hope you have a fantastic trip BigDisneyOE. Can't wait to hear all about it :thumbsup2
Hope you are well on your way BigDisneyOE.

DD has hurt her arm at school today, currently lying on the couch dosed with Panadol and an ice pack. Claims it hurts to move her arm. Praying she has only jarred it and that it is not broken. :headache:

It must be sore because we were meant to be going to the movies after school but she just wanted to come home.
australiankaren said:
I'm trapped in reading the wheelchair on bus debate...its like a train wreak..horrible to see but i cant stop watching

Link please! I spent a good portion of my workday reading a thread titled "does your dog sleep in your bed"
OMG - I know people do it, but I think of my jack russell and all the hair he leaves on my back deck, just gross, he is not even allowed in the house!
This time next week i will be at Melbourne airport , I really wish that i could be more excited and less stressed but i think once im on the plane next week my excitement will return. I think this week is going to be a very long week.
This time next week i will be at Melbourne airport , I really wish that i could be more excited and less stressed but i think once im on the plane next week my excitement will return. I think this week is going to be a very long week.

I really sympathise Jess, :grouphug:

I find the last week pretty stressy too - all the things that need to be done at home and work before you go, keeping track of all the things that you need to NOT forget to pack etc. :scared:

DD has hurt her arm at school today, currently lying on the couch dosed with Panadol and an ice pack. Claims it hurts to move her arm. Praying she has only jarred it and that it is not broken.

Morning spent at Dr and hospital - fractured elbow and wrist. Plaster from shoulder to hand. Still able to go at this stage but not getting excited until we see another Dr next week. :sad2::sad2::sad2:
Morning spent at Dr and hospital - fractured elbow and wrist. Plaster from shoulder to hand. Still able to go at this stage but not getting excited until we see another Dr next week. :sad2::sad2::sad2:

Oh no! That sucks :sad2: how did it happen? Must have hit hard to fracture both of them.

The one upside I can see is that your DD will be able to get Disney characters to sign her cast :thumbsup2
Morning spent at Dr and hospital - fractured elbow and wrist. Plaster from shoulder to hand. Still able to go at this stage but not getting excited until we see another Dr next week. :sad2::sad2::sad2:

Oh no!!! :sad2:

I really hope you get the all clear for her to travel - is she still in much pain?? Poor kid.

She fell off some play equipment at school. No pain although I am keeping up the nurofen/panadol every 4hrs.

I really hope you get the all clear for her to travel

The Dr said they would give us all the necessary paperwork required for the airline. Only hope they don't change their mind when we go back to get the next cast on Wed/Thur.

I haven't had a cigarette in over 7 years but could've quite easily had one earlier today :rolleyes1
She fell off some play equipment at school. No pain although I am keeping up the nurofen/panadol every 4hrs.

The Dr said they would give us all the necessary paperwork required for the airline. Only hope they don't change their mind when we go back to get the next cast on Wed/Thur.

I haven't had a cigarette in over 7 years but could've quite easily had one earlier today :rolleyes1

that is sorry it had to happen now.....hoping it all works out..geeze, what can you say:confused3
Morning spent at Dr and hospital - fractured elbow and wrist. Plaster from shoulder to hand. Still able to go at this stage but not getting excited until we see another Dr next week. :sad2::sad2::sad2:

:worried:Poor little thing! I hope the Doc gives the all clear for travel, and that she gets lots of extra attention from the CMs and Characters.
Morning spent at Dr and hospital - fractured elbow and wrist. Plaster from shoulder to hand. Still able to go at this stage but not getting excited until we see another Dr next week. :sad2::sad2::sad2:


Poor little thing.

Hope you get the all clear...
meandmygirl said:
Morning spent at Dr and hospital - fractured elbow and wrist. Plaster from shoulder to hand. Still able to go at this stage but not getting excited until we see another Dr next week. :sad2::sad2::sad2:

Oh dear! I hope all goes well for you both. Sending all the best wishes for you.
i booked my flight to the US late last year but early this year they updated the times for the flight and i was wondering if anyone knows if airlines are suppose to send through a new confirmation email with the updated times or do you just use the original confirmation email with the old times on it or doesn't it matter as long as you have ticket & confirmation numbers?
Check your reservation online. No notification sent to me. I found out by checking online. :confused3 I have had 3 changes so far!
Check your reservation online. No notification sent to me. I found out by checking online. :confused3 I have had 3 changes so far!

so the last week before travelling i check twice I am now an official stalker of the Delta site...I even have a badge:rotfl2:

they sometimes tell you, sometimes dont...just never leave it up to them...proactive is the name of the game:dance3:

4 sleeps:wave2:


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