Short Fort Review-photos included

Great Trip report! I just wanted to let you know that Presidents day usally falls around Daytona 500 or bike week so it busy down ther plus a 3 day week end. I also wanted to mention that we would take our son out of school (we did not want to spend vacation in Disney when it was busy) and the teacher would all get his assignments for the week and he would turn them in when he got back. He was a honor roll student and very rarely missed school.
Loved you Report!

Thank you. I think President's Day is going to be out. I'll try to talk to her teacher again.

very well said. people that have little ones will soon see you can't get those days back and the school days , while important, are not really missed in the whole scheme of things. we took my son out up until 9th grade (when attendance starts to count) and he still got in the air force academy! if you're going to do it, the lower grade school years are the best. Family time is important too! Don't let the teachers make your vacation schedules!

Funny you mention that. I don't remember much from K-5 grade but I remember every family vacation we took.

My thoughts exactly..! We've been lucky the past few years in that my DW (school principal) and our girls (3rd and 5th grades) have had spring break at the same time (different school districts).

Found these "excuse letters" here:


Thank you.
Hey we were at the fort during the same time and had a great trip! Our first trip and for a DD who does not like the whole Disney thing as much as me and my DD4 and DS6 he actually had a wonderful time too.....He loved the fort! I am sooo ready to go back but my DD has to wait until he gets more vacation days. The school thing is also an issue, this year his teacher was great with it, but with both of them in school next year it may not be such a breeze. However, if I can swing it we will always go back in January! Really enjoyed your trip report.......TSM was my DS6 favorite and my DD4 loved the BBB, she was Jasmine for the day! The only thing we missed was Fantasmic I think they only had one show that week bummer.....Thanks Disney for having the Fort, there is hope my DD will return
I just have one thing to say... read 'em and weep! Muhahaahah

Hey we were at the fort during the same time and had a great trip! Our first trip and for a DD who does not like the whole Disney thing as much as me and my DD4 and DS6 he actually had a wonderful time too.....He loved the fort! I am sooo ready to go back but my DD has to wait until he gets more vacation days. The school thing is also an issue, this year his teacher was great with it, but with both of them in school next year it may not be such a breeze. However, if I can swing it we will always go back in January! Really enjoyed your trip report.......TSM was my DS6 favorite and my DD4 loved the BBB, she was Jasmine for the day! The only thing we missed was Fantasmic I think they only had one show that week bummer.....Thanks Disney for having the Fort, there is hope my DD will return

Isn't January great!?! I think Disney really has a hit with TSM. All of us loved it. Glad your DD had a good time at BBB. Little girls really get into all the pampering.

See you next year. :thumbsup2
I just have one thing to say... read 'em and weep! Muhahaahah


:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:


Now I have to go back for sure! I just noticed you got a freaky looking cat for your prize and I only got a beaver. Sooooo jealous!

The first couple of times we rode I had a high accuracy (95%) but a much lower score. My score doubled when I fired like crazy and didn't care about hitting a target everytime. I see you have already learned that trick though.
Wow! That's just COLD! It took me like 7 rides to get that score, that was hard fought for! Sheesh! LOL I seriously thought my arm was gonna fall off.

Ooooh - nicely done! :rotfl:

But hey - Santa wouldn't lie (although we do know he's a whiz at photo retouching!)

Ok, I think someone should start a new thread. Let's see who has the best score by the end of the year (hey, I'm not going until November and I wanna play too!!)

She is a little doll, :goodvibes :sigh I need more kids :scared:, sadly a bit hard to do as a single parent. Mine is hitting teen now; why do they have to grow up so quick? Don't get me wrong, we have a lot of fun together doing more grown up rides and stuff but I miss having little ones around. I don't know what to do when he grows up, guess I'll have to adpot :laughing: :lmao:; Oh well at least I still have an 8yo niece to spoil :tinker: pixiedust:
I really enjoyed your trip report!
The tips you gave, the pictures, oh my!!!
Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous and you can totally see she was excited the whole time! :)
My youngest has also promised never to grow up but I think she was fibbing! She'll turn 9 this year and grew like 6 inches since last year! Yeah, she was fibbing. LOL


Give it a little time to percolate (Shannon's suggestion is great!) Reminisce, look at the pics, let DD go on and on about what a wonderful time she had...

Before you know it DH will be coming home saying, "I've been thinking, maybe it WOULD be fun to go back this year..."

After the first trip DH and I took together (land/sea - stayed at BC), he was very much "ok, that's enough for a while." Then we went back 2 years later and stayed off site. He was a bit more enthusiastic, but still "well, enough for a while..." So we went back 2 years later- this time with our first TT and our pups. He was pretty much sold, but that TT was kind of more than we needed and a bit tougher to deal with than we'd have liked (long story), so he wasn't super keen to come back right away.

Cut to 2 years later, our new hybrid TT that we love and use a TON, and our first time trying the DDP. That trip really cemented FW and Disney as "our vacation" for him and before we'd even packed up to leave he was brainstorming how we could manage to swing *3* weeks the next year.

The last 2 years we've booked the next trip before we even arrived. :dance3:

It can happen. Good luck!! ;)
I agree with this (and Shannon's suggestion IS great! it works! LOL)

For us I wanted to go to WDW my whole life but DH just tolerates it for us.
Yes, put your DD on the case- she'll get it done. Atleast that's what works for us (our youngest doing the begging LOL)
Anyway DH tolerates it for us- we've gone a few times without him too though. But he is okay with going when it's a longer trip and we don't have to go commando the entire time. What really clinched it for him was the cruises- he likes the Disney cruise- so I can usually sneak in a trip to WDW or DL before the cruise without any problems at all. hehe ;)

We're staying at FW for the first time on our upcoming trip and I just KNOW he'll be hooked then... he likes going camping in the TT and I know he'll like FW way better than any of the resorts, combined with cruise- I anticipate he'll be raring to go again after this trip as much as the rest of us always are! :)
What a great trip report! Love your sense of humor' ;) And your daughter IS a princess. All the pictures are great!

How great it is to go on a low season. You guys did make a lot out of your days. Good job! :thumbsup2

Thanks for the tips about the Character Spot. I guess I have a better idea of what to expect now.

I haven't even gone to Disney yet and I already know I will have the Disney blues as soon as we get back :)

I'm just now getting around to writing a quick review of our time a the Fort. We've been suffering from some sort of post-Disney depression and haven't been motivated to do anything.

We got back Saturday 1/17 from our first trip to Fort Wilderness and Disney World. We were lucky enough to stay for 9 nights from January 8th - 17th. We had such a great time. Fort Wilderness is the best campground I have ever stayed in. The staff was so kind, the grounds were kept perfectly clean and we loved being a short boat ride away from MK.

My husband and I are 30 years old and my DD is 4. Oops, I mean 4 and a half. She would correct me for sure. My daughter is a girly-girl and loves anything to do with the princesses. My husband went to Disneyland when he was a kid but the only thing he remembers are the words to It's a Small World. I have wanted to go to Disney World since the day my daughter was born.

Here's a summary of our first day at the Fort and other comments about our trip:

We live west of Atlanta and left when by husband got off work early Thursday morning. Actually, it was really, really early…2:00 AM to be exact. My husband drove till 4:00 and then went to sleep leaving me behind the wheel. I should mention that I am a very nervous RV driver. I can't parallel park my Corolla so driving a 31ft vehicle is pretty scary to me. Of course, to top it off there was tons of road work on I-75 so the lanes seemed tiny and the big trucks were everywhere.

I survived though and about 7:00AM my husband and daughter woke up just as we passed the Florida state line. I was exhausted from my death grip on the steering wheel and not blinking for several hours but I drove till 8:00 while my husband and daughter ate breakfast.

We made great time and arrived at Fort Wilderness about 10:15. We pulled up to the empty gate and met John who I'm sure is the happiest person to ever live. He seemed more excited about our trip than we were. :) It was a great way to start the trip. He gave us all of our paperwork, answered all our silly questions and informed us that our site was not ready but directed us to the overflow parking lot.


My husband really wanted a nap so my daughter and I decided to explore. We made it about 10 steps out of the RV before we turned around to change into t-shirts and shorts. Man, it was hot for January. It had to be close to 80 degrees.

We walked to the building next to the gate only to learn that it was a front desk/check-in area and a bus stop to go to the airport. Not very interesting.

We turned around walked to the other side of the parking lot and found the kennel. Would be more interesting if we had a dog.


We walked along the path past the stable and found the bus stop.



Hmmm..where should we go? Downtown Disney came to mind but we didn't want to venture to far. Then a bus pulls up that says "yellow". I ask the driver, "Is this the bus that goes to the other side of the campground?". He responds, "That's what it says on the front of the bus":rolleyes: Well, I guess all Disney employees can't be as happy as John at the gate.

So we hop on the bus. We check out the Settlement trading post (bought an autograph book), the marina, and the playground. My DD rode a pony ($5). The ponies were really sweet and all named after Disney characters. :thumbsup2











We were tent camping from Jan 9-16th, same week as you...I'm pretty certain we had the same grumpy driver on the yellow bus line we took to the settlement! I guess he was having a bad week!
We were tent camping from Jan 9-16th, same week as you...I'm pretty certain we had the same grumpy driver on the yellow bus line we took to the settlement! I guess he was having a bad week!

I realized as I was looking thru your pictures that we were not at Disney on the same week since you were not wearing coats...I kept thinking, there is no way this can be right!!! I went back and looked, noticed that your trip was last year and someone's new comment bumped your thread up making think it was new.

I guess that grumpy driver wasn't having a bad week...he's having a bad year!!!

Your pics were still fun to look at even though are trips were a year apart!


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