Show of hands-who will buy/add on at BCV?


Running, Disney, Aladdin...
Jul 11, 2000
All this talk about future DVC resorts and the upcoming BCV makes me wonder if the BCV will be as popular as most predict. How many of you plan on buying an add-on or a good chunk of points at the BCV? I think for DH and I, it will depend on the point schedule but am hoping to buy around 60-70 points.

Are some people waiting to see what's next? Or are simply happy with their point supply and location?? I would like to hear input from other people!

We hope to buy an add on at BCV. Depending where are finances are, we hope to do at least 50 points, but I am hoping for 100 points.
I would like to do a small add-on for a visit there once per year. I agree with the others and will decide according to the point schedule.
I just love that location.
DH and I have discussed it, and if we can afford it, we will probably add on 50-100 points. I keep cringing at the price increases on points, but at this point, we're not at a place where we could buy more. Frankly, we'd prefer to own at BCV than VWL at this point, regardless of the finances.
We've stayed at the BC almost every year since it opened, it is hands down our favorite resort. We did the DVC tour solely because we saw the construction in Jan and knew we would join if DVC was built there. Came home and found these boards and just decided we couldn't wait to become members, especially since at that time they were saying BC was 6 months behind schedule, pushing it's opening into 2003. So we bought BWV resale at a very decent price. Our inital thought was buy BWV, and add another 150-200 at BCV. We will not be going"Home" for the first time until Dec. So I have no idea how much we will like BWV. But I think if we like it half as much as the owners on this board do, we may decide to pass on BCV if the points are higher and the cost rises dramatically. I guess it depends also on how nicely they turn out- I'm not too keen on a view of Epcot Resorts Blvd, on the other hand, with pool hopping privileges questionable, how can we resist the lure of SAB? :)
We will be waiting for what's next. Our sources tell us it will be at Bonnet Creek and similar to OKW. Much larger than BC which is only 200 units.:pinkbounc
We might do an add-on of enough points to get us a long weekend in a studio.
We are definately considering adding 75 points. We have 225 at BWV right now and would love to have an even 300!

115 days to we return home!!!
We would like a small add-on, 50-100 points but it depends on how we like Hilton Head. If we fall in love with it, which I think we will, we'll probably do an add-on there. That is, if HH does not sell out before we are ready.
No decisions here will depend highly on the cost and point schedules and if we're ready to do another add-on when BCV are selling. Honestly though, if we're going to do a larger add on (100-150 points or so) we'd probably look into resale at BWV or possibly OKW (for those occasions that we might want a GV!) rather than at BCV.

Also it might depend on the pool hopping situation...if we get a chance to try SAB and fall in love with it, and they stop allowing pool hopping there after BCV opens we might do a minimal add on to just have a day or two each year to use SAB. But we have yet to try it, so it may turn out to not be such an attraction for of now though, it sounds great. (And I'm wondering if I should have even said this...don't want to give DVC any ideas on how to manipulate me into buying more points..I'm dangerous enough on my own!)

And I think that once we own over 300 points we'll have about as many points as we can that's a factor too. Right now we have 200 total. And it also depends on what's happening with DVC after BCV! Too many factors to decide now.

I do know that when we first considered DVC we had planned to buy at VWL or BCV (depending on timing) , but when we had the opportunity to join earlier we decided upon BWV. But then after thinking we wouldn't add on so soon...we added points at VWL.

I don't have any doubts that the add-on bug will attack many current members when the property actually opens.....look at what happened with VWL! Especially if they announce a pending price
Can someone tell me what the minimum add-on is for a resort other than your initial home resort? For some reason, I was under the (apparently wrong) impression that the minimum buy-in at a new (not your current home) resort was 150.
150 points can be a new contract with a different Use Year. The minimum add-on is 25 points and I think it can be from another resort. The minimum to have DVC finance is 50 points. This is from memory, so feel free to add any corrections!
We have 300 points at BWV with a use year of Feb. When the BCV open we are hoping to buy another 300 points. (DH's goal is to leave 150 points to each child)Can we have a different month for our use year with a new contract? Right now Feb. is OK because we go to WDW in summer. After our DS graduates next year from HS we will probably go more in the Fall.
Thanks for your help.:D
Us! We'll get 250-350 points depending on the price! How much longer do we have to wait?? Can't wait to become a DVC Member! (maybe if the right resale at BWV comes along...)
I thought I read that the minimum points for an add-on at your home resort is 25 and any other resort is 50.
We will probably add on at least 100 points at BCV and if Bonnet Creek is built we will definitly add on another 150 points (Love the golf there). We own at VWL (March 2001) and have already added on twice. (We can't stop)
Minimum add on, at your home resort or any other DVC resort is 25 points. The paperwork does state 50 points for non-home resort add ons, but they have been allowing 25 points and up. Our VWL add on is 38 points.

I'm not sure if this is just a thing for those whose home resorts are sold out (BWV and OKW) or if it extends to everyone.
Don't plan on it. We own at BWV and if anything I would like some points at VWL before they are all gone, but not till the first of the year.

Dizholic-150 points will(unless they change things) be eligible for a new contract. So yes, you can get a new use year; just don't say you want an add-on, you want a new contract.

Anyone know if there will be preferred views? I guess I'm thinking there won't be so I could care less about buying there. For that reason I feel I'm better off "home" at BWV. Not that VWL is any better, it's just a different location.
No BCV add on for us. Believe it or not, we did not care for BC (gasp)!:(


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