So Much To Celebrate - LIFE and Sophie Kate!

Oh No. I hope you feel better when you wake back up.

I hate to waste a sick day, but I would be miserable trying to sit up and listen in a workshop. I'll be much more productive here, and maybe I can get a nap, too. Sleeping helps get through anything, doesn't it?


Let's get started on this report. Turn your clock back to October. :)

I think it is appropriate that the first picture on the card is of this little girl.


To be such a little thing, she had caused quite a commotion in our lives! Her arrival was joyous, but what she did to Mommy in the process of getting here was not very nice. ;) We went from bliss to disbelief in a matter of a few short hours. It was good that I had my hands full taking care of Brooklynn, Bella, and a newborn baby - and Ben Dog. I was also sending back 'directives' to school via my grade level teachers to help them guide my sub along, and I was fielding questions and concerns from all over about Jill's health. All of this kept me busy enough that I did not have many minutes to really let it soak in that if all of the things these doctors were doing didn't end up working, I could lose my daughter, my friend, my Disney buddy. I held up pretty well, I think, but I will tell you that letting that thought have time to soak in even for a few minutes is a sickening shock that you never want to feel. Outside, I was assuring everyone around me that these smart doctors would resolve things quickly, and we would be back to the 'crazy' that is our normal. Inside, I was having midnight conversations with God about how I really hoped His plan and mine were the same this time. My plan was for those three little girls to be raised by their Mommy. I shed a few tears during middle of the night Sophie feedings. I talked to her and told her how loved she was and how lucky she was to have a Daddy who would provide a good material life for her and a Mommy who would provide a fun and nurturing environment. I will admit that it was hard to put her down, as holding her warm body on my chest brought me such happiness and made me feel close to Jill, who was laying in a hospital bed hooked up to tubes and monitors with no family around her. For Jill's sake, though, I didn't hold Sophie as long as I wanted to. I didn't want Mommy to come home to a spoiled baby to have to deal with. :upsidedow

I remember those days as both a blur and in moments of great detail - a mix of both, depending on how sleep deprived I was at any given time. The most vivid memory I have throughout the entire ordeal is when we were allowed to sneak the girls into ICU for a few minutes. Jill was the amazing person she always is, and she played down all of the tubes she had in her and talked to Brooklynn and Bella as if nothing was wrong at all. At first, she ignored the baby I was holding and focused on the big girls, as that was the most important thing. After a few minutes of time with the girls, and after getting them involved in a TV show she put on for them, she finally looked toward Sophie. I put Sophie into her arms, and Jill pulled her close and fell into quiet tears. I have a picture of them, and the look on her face is heartwrenching. We both held back tears, since we had spent so much effort downplaying all of this to the big girls. To them, it was just a matter of 'Mommy has to stay in the hospital until they get the right medicine to make her feel good', and that was all they really ever knew. We could not put any doubt into that by becoming blubbering fools and making them wonder if there was more to it, right?

As Jill said, after an emergency gall bladder surgery, she took a major turn for the better, and with much help from her dear friends there in Alabama who promised to make her go slowly even after I left, she was on the road to complete recovery. It took a while, and she was still moving slowly even when we went to Disney World. She did a good job of taking it easy when she needed to. She says that truthfully, much of this trip was a bit of a blur, as she was still recovering and she had a baby to attend to. Still, she was where she needed to be to help her get back to normal and to have some of her greatest possibilities of smiles and laughter. She was in Disney World with her girls, and we certainly know the happiness that comes from

WDW + those we love

don't we? ::yes::

And during this whole ordeal, by way of phone, Facebook, and the DIS, we had the support and encouragement of people not in Alabama, too -church, school, and DIS friends from all over were constantly showing love and concern for our situation. It was much needed and much appreciated.

On this memorable October trip day, John could have been a single dad, and oh what a wild idea that would have been, and I could have been having to figure out how to keep their Mommy's memory very much alive for three very small girls. Again, I feel sick when I even write that.

BUT, we had our Sophie and we had our Jill, and we were all feeling incredibly blessed! We were heading to our Happy Place, Jill was sharing it with friends, and we would be having cousin time, too, as Brandy, Sloan, Carson, and Parker would be there, as well. The dark days were bright again, and I couldn't be more grateful and happy!

To show that life was normal again, I took this picture of the morning hair rituals. :goodvibes


Jill had decided it would be good for us to stay in a hotel near the airport and have a short getting ready and travel time in the a.m., so we had done our traveling the night before.

Happy girls, ready to roll!


Crazy Bella, her snack, and a traveling companion.


Across the aisle.


The sky was full of many cloud formations on this flight.







Off the plane, we take the usual mosaic tile picture.


On the first unofficial ride of any Disney trip.


You know what it feels like to be right here, don't you?





We are really here! Pretty exciting stuff!
On to Magical Express...


and that wonderful movie!




After we took our original seat in almost the very back, Bella moved to the back row, where she fell asleep.




Driving under the Arch of Magic.


First stop was Caribbean Beach.



Next stop - Pop!



Special buttons at check-in.
Happy Birthday, Jill!



We were given ground floor rooms very near the bus stop. Very nice!

Here is a picture of my room - and me. :)


The first order of business was food!


I had to make a run through Everything Pop to get pictures of all the cool fall merchandise.










And then it was time to go to our first park.

What do you think about all of this so far, Sophie?

What a very moving start...

Looking forward to the brighter magical days.

Hope the day home does the trick for you.
Sorry to hear that you're not so well, and whilst I'm hoping you get better soon, I can't say I'm sorry that you had to stay home and give us our first TR instalment ;)

Those airport pictures conjure up all those feelings of excitement and "I'm really here" :yay:
Great start to the TR! It was scary when Jill was so sick. I knew that her condition could be treated but the going through part is the roughest.
Yay for Magical Express and the first day. I cannot wait until we get on ME! I just called this weekend to reserve our ride for March.:dance3:
What a scary start! I know we prayed for Jill through that whole ordeal! PTL she came through it and can be mommy to those 3 beautiful girls.

Ground floor next to a bus stop sounds like a perfect place to be!
Sorry you aren't feeling well, but it looks like we are all the beneficiaries!!! :yay:

What a scary and touching story! Every trip to Disney is special, but this one had to be extra special for everyone! Looks like a great start to the trip, and so happy to be able to come along for the ride! :goodvibes

And :woohoo: for the elusive MeMom picture posting........ :rolleyes1 :confused3 :rotfl:
Come on now. Did you have to make me cry right from the start???

That brought back a really hard time. As helpless as we all felt so far away, I can't even imagine how awful it was for you....

So glad that the trip happened and everything turned out so well!

I hope you are already feeling better today, and I'm glad that you took the day off with me!;)
Hope you're feeling better soon! :goodvibes

I'm right there with Anita on the crying part. Not so good since I'm at work! I am so glad that God's plan and your plan were the same and that those 3 precious girls got their Mommy back.
I hope you are feeling better MeMom. I know that was such a scary time for you and Jill and the rest of the family. So glad everything is much better now. I think my favorite picture was of Jill and Bella doing her hair. Can't wait to read more.
The picture of Bella sleeping on the bus reminds me of my Evan. He was always(still is) in motion. He never slowed down. As soon as he would sit still, it would take him about 2 minutes to go to sleep. On his first Disney bus ride, he was so excited. It was all he was looking forward to on our trip. We always drive to the parks, even when we stay onsite. Well, we decided to take the bus because he was so excited. Yep, you guessed it. Asleep as soon as the bus started moving. And the poor kid never saw a parade. He would sit in the stroller, get still, and be asleep before it started. Even as he got older and was no longer in the stroller, he would lay his head on my shoulder and fall asleep before the parade started.

It must have been hard to type the words about Jill. I cannot imagine anything happening to my babies.
I was tearing up at the beginning again. I am so, so glad that all is well.

I just got back a week ago and I miss it so much already. :sad:

Hope you feel better!
What a very moving start...

Looking forward to the brighter magical days.

Hope the day home does the trick for you.

I told Jill that staying home was the right call. The headache got better around lunchtime, but even being at home, it still seemed like a long day. I would have been miserable in the meetings.

Sorry to hear that you're not so well, and whilst I'm hoping you get better soon, I can't say I'm sorry that you had to stay home and give us our first TR instalment

Those airport pictures conjure up all those feelings of excitement and "I'm really here"

I also got several things done at home, so it was a good thing to just be home.

I like getting to MCO in the daytime, because the sun shining through the glass is so welcoming. Arriving after dark is not quite as exciting - to me, anyway.

Wow love the update have to say though my fave pix was the everyday hair ritual one

It was good to be back to normal. :)

Great start to the TR! It was scary when Jill was so sick. I knew that her condition could be treated but the going through part is the roughest.
Yay for Magical Express and the first day. I cannot wait until we get on ME! I just called this weekend to reserve our ride for March.

I have some lovely little yellow tags ready and waiting to go right now! :yay:

Ground floor next to the bus stop-very nice!

Hope you are feeling better!

Anxious for more.

Yes, we were on the parking lot side of the Walkman, so we were so close to the bus stop. That's not my favorite section of Pop as far as buildings go, but the proximity to the bus stop was fabulous.

I'm late but I am here to enjoy another TR! Excited to hear about Sophies first trip!

Good to have you here, of course. Sophie probably remembers nothing about that trip. :laughing: She'll be making her second trip in a couple of months. Wonder how many cast members will say something about it being her first trip? ;) And in December, the same thing for her third trip? :santa:

What a scary start! I know we prayed for Jill through that whole ordeal! PTL she came through it and can be mommy to those 3 beautiful girls.

Ground floor next to a bus stop sounds like a perfect place to be!

Thank you for those prayers. All kinds of support came to us, and we were overwhelmed and appreciative. We were so blessed to have many friends and family caring about us.

Sorry you aren't feeling well, but it looks like we are all the beneficiaries!!!

What a scary and touching story! Every trip to Disney is special, but this one had to be extra special for everyone! Looks like a great start to the trip, and so happy to be able to come along for the ride!

And :woohoo: for the elusive MeMom picture posting........

It was nothing big - just sinusy mess, I am sure. No stomach issues, so that's a plus. I will take any kind of headaches and colds over stomach issues any day!

I guess you came in long after all of that drama happened. We'll try not to have drama in this one. :thumbsup2

You found the arm in the mirror, didja? :goodvibes

Come on now. Did you have to make me cry right from the start???

That brought back a really hard time. As helpless as we all felt so far away, I can't even imagine how awful it was for you....

So glad that the trip happened and everything turned out so well!

I hope you are already feeling better today, and I'm glad that you took the day off with me!

I was glad I didn't have to make sub plans. With the few little breaks we've had and that I have given myself, I have just about made it through another winter! :cool1:

Thankfully, Jill is back to her normal cheery, beautiful self! :love: And she's excited about many Disney trips ahead with three awesome little girlies! :earsgirl::earsgirl::earsgirl:

What did you do on your off day? I did some school work, weeded some clothes out of my closet, did some laundry, and spent some time on the DIS. I fell asleep with the laptop in my lap at one point. I always know I am sick when I can't stay awake.

Hope you're feeling better soon!

I'm right there with Anita on the crying part. Not so good since I'm at work! I am so glad that God's plan and your plan were the same and that those 3 precious girls got their Mommy back.

I didn't feel too horrible, but I sure didn't feel like getting out in the cold and facing a workshop, either.

I am sure glad things worked out as they did! ::yes::

I hope you are feeling better MeMom. I know that was such a scary time for you and Jill and the rest of the family. So glad everything is much better now. I think my favorite picture was of Jill and Bella doing her hair. Can't wait to read more.

Always good to hear from you. I am amazed at how Jacob has grown over the years you've been with us. We really have watched each others' kids grow up!

I hope I wake up with no headache and certainly no gunky eyes tomorrow. :thumbsup2

Joining in for the ride, and what a blessed one it is

That it is. :goodvibes Good to have you here, friend!

The picture of Bella sleeping on the bus reminds me of my Evan. He was always(still is) in motion. He never slowed down. As soon as he would sit still, it would take him about 2 minutes to go to sleep. On his first Disney bus ride, he was so excited. It was all he was looking forward to on our trip. We always drive to the parks, even when we stay onsite. Well, we decided to take the bus because he was so excited. Yep, you guessed it. Asleep as soon as the bus started moving. And the poor kid never saw a parade. He would sit in the stroller, get still, and be asleep before it started. Even as he got older and was no longer in the stroller, he would lay his head on my shoulder and fall asleep before the parade started.

It must have been hard to type the words about Jill. I cannot imagine anything happening to my babies.

I admit, I got a little teary as I was writing.

Bella is the same way - a bundle of energy, but give her two minutes in the car, and she's out.

I'm here to read along on another report!!!! Hopefully one day soon our paths can cross!!!!

We hope so, too. We want to meet all of our DIS friends. ::yes::

Wow, what a beautiful start to the report. God is good!

Can't wait for some Disney fun!

Even when I don't understand things that happen, I trust that that is true.

Lots of Disney/Halloween fun to come! :goodvibes


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