So Much To Celebrate - LIFE and Sophie Kate!

I was tearing up at the beginning again. I am so, so glad that all is well.

I just got back a week ago and I miss it so much already. :sad:

Hope you feel better!

It is hard to come back from any Disney trip, but to go from the Florida weather you had plus extra days back to the cold north - that had to be really rough!

I am incredibly sleepy right now, so I will probably make 'Lights Out' be a really early time tonight. A long night's sleep should do a world of good.
All of this kept me busy enough that I did not have many minutes to really let it soak in that if all of the things these doctors were doing didn't end up working, I could lose my daughter, my friend, my Disney buddy. I held up pretty well, I think, but I will tell you that letting that thought have time to soak in even for a few minutes is a sickening shock that you never want to feel. Outside, I was assuring everyone around me that these smart doctors would resolve things quickly, and we would be back to the 'crazy' that is our normal. Inside, I was having midnight conversations with God about how I really hoped His plan and mine were the same this time. My plan was for those three little girls to be raised by their Mommy. I shed a few tears during middle of the night Sophie feedings. I talked to her and told her how loved she was and how lucky she was to have a Daddy who would provide a good material life for her and a Mommy who would provide a fun and nurturing environment. I will admit that it was hard to put her down, as holding her warm body on my chest brought me such happiness and made me feel close to Jill, who was laying in a hospital bed hooked up to tubes and monitors with no family around her. For Jill's sake, though, I didn't hold Sophie as long as I wanted to. I didn't want Mommy to come home to a spoiled baby to have to deal with. :upsidedow

Jill was the amazing person she always is, and she played down all of the tubes she had in her and talked to Brooklynn and Bella as if nothing was wrong at all. At first, she ignored the baby I was holding and focused on the big girls, as that was the most important thing. After a few minutes of time with the girls, and after getting them involved in a TV show she put on for them, she finally looked toward Sophie. I put Sophie into her arms, and Jill pulled her close and fell into quiet tears. I have a picture of them, and the look on her face is nothing more than heartwrenching. We both held back tears, since we had spent so much effort downplaying all of this to the big girls. To them, it was just a matter of 'Mommy has to stay in the hospital until they get the right medicine to make her feel good', and that was all they really ever knew. We could not put any doubt into that by becoming blubbering fools and making them wonder if there was more to it, right?

Oh yes I am grabbing the tissues when I got to the parts I bolded. :sad::sad:

I do remember being glued to Facebook ( I am not normally) and checking in often for any update, and sending all the good thoughts and prayers I could.

The Oct trip will always be special of what it took to get there as well as all the memories that were made on site. :goodvibes
Oh, it was an exciting day in Kansas.
We started out with taking the car in for an oil change and tire rotation, then finding out that we needed new wipers. That appointment was at 7 am.
Next we stopped for breakfast.
We headed home and Marc went and did an energy audit on one school, I did some laundry and worked out.

Later in the afternoon we ran a couple of errands and now I'm sitting here watching The Bachelor.
Big day!
sure, make me cry with the first update :sad: Promise only happy tears from this point on OK??

Hope you are feeling better, sounds like a sick day well spent!
wigdoutdismom said:
Oh, it was an exciting day in Kansas.
We started out with taking the car in for an oil change and tire rotation, then finding out that we needed new wipers. That appointment was at 7 am.
Next we stopped for breakfast.
We headed home and Marc went and did an energy audit on one school, I did some laundry and worked out.

Later in the afternoon we ran a couple of errands and now I'm sitting here watching The Bachelor.
Big day!

I went to Dunkin donuts for iced tea, BJ's and cleaned the kitchen.
Then, Justin had tennis, Jerry did the cover letter for the Lions Club high school scholarship application and I went to the Y. Boston Market for dinner.

I watched the artist and the guys watched October sky on Netflix.

Pretty darn close to a regular Monday, except Jerry and Justin were home :)
Hope you're feeling better soon! :goodvibes

I'm right there with Anita on the crying part. Not so good since I'm at work! I am so glad that God's plan and your plan were the same and that those 3 precious girls got their Mommy back.

Yep, I was tearing up too!!! I'm glad Jill is totally back to normal now!!:)

Hope you are feeling better.
I was crying while reading such touching and moving words you wrote about Jill.
(I often tear up thinking about what life would be like if I lost Aaron, Lexi or my DMom or if they lost me.) Too awful to imagine.
Thanks for reminding me to be more grateful and not sweat the small stuff.
Glad God's plan was to keep Jill here with her family & friends. ;)

Just like the magic in your TR's seem to sadness switched to joy as I watched the "getting Bella's hair done" pic.

I can feel the excitement of arrival day and I can put myself in the pics!
Especially the airport ones...I should take some next trip cause they totally make me smile. :thumbsup2

Great location at POP. I'm sure it was nice having a shorter walk to the bus.

Sophie looks so precious in that pink hat. I bet she grows up to love Disney as we all do.

Hope you are feeling better tomorrow. :hug:

I was happy to have today off as well.
Our holiday is called "Family Day" and we enjoyed just hanging out together. (minus my son as he had to go hang out with his friends who just got back from vacation.)
No big outings were planned as almost everything is closed here.
We had a yummy brunch and played some Disney board games from our collection.

I would love to get a room full of my DIS friends and try to play Disney Headbandz....that game is hilarious and harder than it looks.
Wonder how well you would do? :rotfl:


Sleep tight! :goodvibes
Sleep well MeMom.

I got up twice for a sip of water, but went right back to sleep. And to prove that I do have some kind of 'something', I slept until the 3:15 alarm went off! That's a rare thing. :yes::

Hopefully a long good night's sleep will clear you up:). Here's to a better day, Memom!!

The gunky eyes have been traded in for sniffles. I'll take that. Headache is dull in comparison to yesterday, so I think I am good to face the day. :thumbsup2

Oh yes I am grabbing the tissues when I got to the parts I bolded. :sad::sad:

I do remember being glued to Facebook ( I am not normally) and checking in often for any update, and sending all the good thoughts and prayers I could.

The Oct trip will always be special of what it took to get there as well as all the memories that were made on site. :goodvibes

It was nice to have the social media at that time. Like you, I don't stay on FB. I scroll through in the morning to see if anything exciting happened overnight - like one of Jill's friends had a new baby boy yesterday, so that was sweet to see. I check in in the evening, too, and sometimes I will have conversations by FB private message, as it is easier than doing so by my cheap phone. I enjoy FB for keeping up, but I am a little puzzled when people say they are 'taking a break' from FB. That indicates to me that they are on it for many hours, and I guess I just don't understand what you could do on FB for hours. Maybe play the games? I don't do those, so that's not a factor for me.

It was a thrill that Jill could be in WDW for this particular birthday!

Oh, it was an exciting day in Kansas.
We started out with taking the car in for an oil change and tire rotation, then finding out that we needed new wipers. That appointment was at 7 am.
Next we stopped for breakfast.
We headed home and Marc went and did an energy audit on one school, I did some laundry and worked out.

Later in the afternoon we ran a couple of errands and now I'm sitting here watching The Bachelor.
Big day!

There is much to be said for ordinary days. :)

I think it is about time for an oil change and tire rotation for my car, too.

sure, make me cry with the first update :sad: Promise only happy tears from this point on OK??

Hope you are feeling better, sounds like a sick day well spent!

Happy tears only - gotcha. :thumbsup2

It was a good choice to stay home. It seemed long, even at home, so I know it would have seemed neverending if I had been in the workshop.

I went to Dunkin donuts for iced tea, BJ's and cleaned the kitchen.
Then, Justin had tennis, Jerry did the cover letter for the Lions Club high school scholarship application and I went to the Y. Boston Market for dinner.

I watched the artist and the guys watched October sky on Netflix.

Pretty darn close to a regular Monday, except Jerry and Justin were home :)

So nice to have your family at home. :love:

Yep, I was tearing up too!!! I'm glad Jill is totally back to normal now!!:)

Hope you are feeling better.

She is 'healthy as a horse', as they say, and happier than ever. :goodvibes Sophie is crazy about her Mommy and gives her a lot to smile about!

I was crying while reading such touching and moving words you wrote about Jill.
(I often tear up thinking about what life would be like if I lost Aaron, Lexi or my DMom or if they lost me.) Too awful to imagine.
Thanks for reminding me to be more grateful and not sweat the small stuff.
Glad God's plan was to keep Jill here with her family & friends. ;)

Just like the magic in your TR's seem to sadness switched to joy as I watched the "getting Bella's hair done" pic.

I can feel the excitement of arrival day and I can put myself in the pics!
Especially the airport ones...I should take some next trip cause they totally make me smile. :thumbsup2

Great location at POP. I'm sure it was nice having a shorter walk to the bus.

Sophie looks so precious in that pink hat. I bet she grows up to love Disney as we all do.

Hope you are feeling better tomorrow. :hug:

I was happy to have today off as well.
Our holiday is called "Family Day" and we enjoyed just hanging out together. (minus my son as he had to go hang out with his friends who just got back from vacation.)
No big outings were planned as almost everything is closed here.
We had a yummy brunch and played some Disney board games from our collection.

I would love to get a room full of my DIS friends and try to play Disney Headbandz....that game is hilarious and harder than it looks.
Wonder how well you would do? :rotfl:


Sleep tight! :goodvibes

DIStown Community Hall will be filled with fun games. ::yes:: I looked at the Headbanz game for Brooklynn for Christmas, actually, but I didn't get it, as I had already gotten the girls too much. As it was, I held back two Christmas items, and they just became Valentine's Day gifts this past weekend. ;)

I have never been one to sweat the small stuff. Really, there is not a lot that upsets me. I hate to misplace things, and I get aggravated at myself when I can't find something I know I have. I rarely get upset with other people or circumstances. With people, we never know what their backstory is and why they are acting like they are, so I try to be very understanding and forgiving. I don't know, it's just hard for me to get stressed about things, for the most part. I get a little stressed about paperwork and school deadlines, but I think I do fairly well on keeping a 'chilled' frame of mind.

MCO is the best airport in the world, as far as I am concerned! :cool1:

So glad you had a nice Family Day. We need more of those!
Again, welcome to more 'old' friends and new! :welcome:

I woke up with 'gunky' eyes and a serious headache this morning, so I have decided to forego the workshop today in exchange for taking time to nurse this sinus (?) condition and be more productive on the homefront. I have never not gone to a workshop day before, but so many of these are 'filler' days anyway, and this is a perfect example. There are many sessions to choose from, and we are free to choose whatever interests us, so obviously there is no one thing they want us to get from this. It's more of a way for us to count a teacher day while the kids are out for a long weekend. Every school is doing their own thing, but it just can't be used as a day to be in our rooms working, which is what every teacher needs, of course.

So, for now, I am going to close my eyes and try to go back to sleep for a bit. Pictures will begin later this morning.
I took DD to the Dr yesterday and ended up getting two shots myself. :confused: What's up with that? :confused3 And DD has to go to a pulmonary specialist, our regular Dr thinks that she has a new strain of RSV. Or as he called it, "a mutant strain", that they are starting to see in adults. :( We need to kick this before our trip in April.
Yay, we got back from Centerparcs (Wooden lodges in a forest, with a lovely indoor pool complex and lots of other activities) last night and I was very pleased to see a new trip report has started. Our area's schools are on a half term break this week so I have lots of time to DIS and watch my Once Upon a Time DVDs with my girls, ready for season 2 starting in the Spring :goodvibes.

Loving the new photo of the girls with the elephants statue, I did a double take, at first I thought Brooklynn was holding a doll :upsidedow
I am sure you already know this ,but those girls are absoloutely gorgeous!!!
and oh boy did you ever make me cry my face off,yikes!!! I can't imagine having to go through all of that but luckily theres someone close to you so willing to help,unfortunately I have to admit that if it were me I think my kids would be doomed......alot of people in this world don't have that kind of support on the plus side it has definitely made me aware of just how much I will strive to make sure that my kids will have that in me if ever they need it.*sigh* whoo okay.......on a happier note i love the kids suitcases where did you find them?
I took DD to the Dr yesterday and ended up getting two shots myself. :confused: What's up with that? :confused3 And DD has to go to a pulmonary specialist, our regular Dr thinks that she has a new strain of RSV. Or as he called it, "a mutant strain", that they are starting to see in adults. :( We need to kick this before our trip in April.

I hope everyone gets better quickly!!! We want you well long before April!

Didn't know you had already started this report! Subbing, only two days late.:thumbsup2

We've only just begun, so you haven't missed anything but travel. We'll head to a park tonight. :thumbsup2

So excited for the new TR! :happytv: I love to read about the adventures of MeMom and crew!:cool1:

Glad to have you here, of course. I will have to recall the adventures as I pull up the pictures. One trip seems to merge into another until I start looking at pictures and have better recall. I know there was one evening when I alone had five either four (Brooklynn, Bella, Carson, and Parker) or five (add Mary Beth) kids with me going back from AoA to Pop to get food from the food court and get it and them up to the room. I can't remember if MB was with us on that jaunt. That was kind of an adventure, as you might imagine. :laughing:

Yay, we got back from Centerparcs (Wooden lodges in a forest, with a lovely indoor pool complex and lots of other activities) last night and I was very pleased to see a new trip report has started. Our area's schools are on a half term break this week so I have lots of time to DIS and watch my Once Upon a Time DVDs with my girls, ready for season 2 starting in the Spring :goodvibes.

Loving the new photo of the girls with the elephants statue, I did a double take, at first I thought Brooklynn was holding a doll :upsidedow

The elephants statue has been a long time photo stop spot for us. :) Maybe one day, we can add some cousins to the group.

Enjoy your down time!

Joining in!! And reaching for tissues...

Sorry for the tears, friend. :goodvibes
Thanks for joining us once again!

I am sure you already know this ,but those girls are absoloutely gorgeous!!!
and oh boy did you ever make me cry my face off,yikes!!! I can't imagine having to go through all of that but luckily theres someone close to you so willing to help,unfortunately I have to admit that if it were me I think my kids would be doomed......alot of people in this world don't have that kind of support on the plus side it has definitely made me aware of just how much I will strive to make sure that my kids will have that in me if ever they need it.*sigh* whoo okay.......on a happier note i love the kids suitcases where did you find them?

Jill has great friends who helped in every way they could. Also, Erin, a DISer from that area, brought dinner one night and checked on Jill in the hospital, as well. So kind!

Glad you are feeling a little better today MeMom.:goodvibes

I am at school, but I can't say I won't be glad when it is time to leave. ;)
It had been decided, that we would go to Magic Kingdom first.

As usual, the orange and gold and the decorations of fall added an extra exciting touch to this already wonderful place.


If you have never seen Main Street in October, make a point to do that sometime. It is very pretty.





This just makes a person smile.


We saw a minute of the castle show,


and made our way to Sophie's first Disney ride.










At six weeks, I don't think one has much of an opinion on a first Disney ride. :upsidedow




I'm not sure why, but we ended up at Pinocchio's. Maybe Jill needed a nursing break or a sit down break, or maybe the girls were thirsty, or maybe John wanted dessert, or maybe all of those things. I really don't remember. I just remember being there and liking these cups.



Has anybody seen Monstro?


Can we please get the cricket out of the bubble? :eek: That really troubles a claustrophobe, you know!

Don't you love these expressions? :laughing:


You lookin' for me, kid?





A quick menu picture, for informational purposes.


What interesting things lie beyond these walls?


I think this coaster is going to be a big hit.







Next, we'll check out Storybook Circus.


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