Something About Nothing............ #14

Oh yeah, and this fire bird, that you see when first come in:

Yay, Buckeev’s alive. Thanks for motoring by.

Charade, it was a very neat two story store.

More about the store, and how to get a return time:

That brown bird was perched on a rotating base. Was cool as it overlooked the winding around stairs. And must look inside the elevator if you can. Very neat paint outside and in. Though was somewhat looking forward to myrtle in the bathroom, but alas no. But was pleasantly surprised to see those very plain, but clean looking bathrooms, as had to go badly, and thought we’d try to find a place with a bathroom after shopping, as most of the other stores do not open until 11am.

But as we were very early up to get the early return time, at around 9:30 we arrived at the Rag and Bone sample sale store that was only a couple of blocks away. So waiting in line until the store opened at 10, and we walked right in, as first of group that was allowed in. And while the Potter store scan said you would get a text for return time, after we got out of the Rag store, refreshed the scanned app, and it said you are to return now. Heard that when first opened they allowed you a return time of only 15 minutes after being told return now notice. Lately, it is now within the hour of getting that first notice. So we are not sure when we were first told okay come now, though we think it was the 10 o’clock time. As we were only a five minute walk away after getting out of the Rag store, around 10:20. So we had no trouble checking in and in the store by 10:30am. So just a FYI, if you think you should be returning now, refresh the app if you did not get any text. Also, you can come later, but then you risk a much later time to return. We went by the front as we exited around 11:30am, and they were still scanning to get a return time. I assume they will not be able to return until later in the afternoon. I assume by later in lunchtime timeframe, all scans will be done, as the store is open until 9 pm. Your choice as to when you want to return. Oh and app does tell you how many were before you. Ours said 53 people will check in before us, I don’t know how many are told to return in that hour, but I assume we should have been told around 10 am to start that hour return time clock. Waited in a short line fo checkout, though we saw longer lines when we first came into the store. And if you just want a butter beer, that line starts outside the store, so you should be able to get it without needing to getting any return time. That line looked long when we exited the store. As both of us are not fans of that drink, and heard was not as tasty as in the parks, we did not try to buy it. But YMMV if you want to buy it. And I think very neat to see what I think I’ve seen in the parks, available to those in NYC. And also an FYI, the store is down near 21st, and 5th. And except for a Lego store, that we did not go in, and the two sample stores, which don’t know if they are always there or not, there is not much near the Potter store. And if you think you want to view those famous 5th Ave stores, be ready to walk up 5th until the mid 40’s blocks. And they end just a few blocks down from Central Park, that starts at 60th.

We wanted to be closer to our hotel by dinner time, so we were happy to get an early return time. We walked along 5th Street until taking a rest in Central Park. But before, as getting out of the Potter store, we went in Bryant Park, the little park near the Potter store, and where the clock picture and drink picture were done. Was a cute park with some food options, and a dog park inside the one side of it. So was fun to not only people watch, but dog watch too.

And so, recovery afternoon after our walk back to the hotel in the 36 Street block, just past 8th. Also an FYi, that block between 7th and 8th Streets is mighty long feeling. And if you return from 5th you also have to cross over Broadway between 6th and 7th. Almost ready for some dinner. Places seem busy, but as restaurants are all opened late, we thought a later dinner would be fine. We did bring drinks and snacks with us, as easy to carry the few blocks from the train. And hotel has a microwave and small refrigerator in the room. Ramen and chips, and candy were perfect snacks. Off to find some food, later homies.

Abd give that wide grin, tomorrow is Friday. Yay!
Cool photos from the store!!
Hey all! Quick drop by as didnt' sleep well last night, and dozing off. Work tomorrow and then off to lake for a couple days-bringing doggy too as warm out. But I've got two stinkin hens who want to be mamma's and stay in box all day-have to have neighbor check them and pull them out (but the hens growls and hisses are a bit daunting the first time you hear them)
My family is doing well! And since March, Joe and I are now..... part time Floridians!!! We purchased what will be our permanent retirement home in Sebring!! I've cut down on work and can do so remotely. Joe plans to work full time a little longer. His comfortable allotment of vacation will allow us to be in Sebring often!! The exit plan from the north is in motion!! We're very excited!:cool1:
Yay for a DIS house warming party!! :cool1:

We're still working on furnishing it- it's been a bit challenging as furniture is hard to come by and sometimes there's a wait on delivery!
JEALOUS of the planned move!! With 2 kids in Florida, plus the grandson there hubs is coming around to part time condo in central area...but right now focusing on updating house. Furniture delay is real-most places 6 weeks to 8 months!! Managed to find some living room furniture that won't take that long-getting delivered Tuesday. Now have flooring samples arriving-wood flooring upstairs is next, then fireplace redo. Getting it ready for market sometime in next 3 years...
Hope to catch up with you and Joe again this fall??

Tea time and bed-sweet dreams to all!
Everyone has gone to bed but me. I am bored. I’m sort of half watching Avengers: Age of Ultron.
I got my Amazon gift card for taking the Disney card survey. I’ve already used part of it to buy B a mattress topper for her dorm room this fall.

I should go to bed, but I’m not very sleepy since I took a nap this afternoon.

Here’s a cute, weird little night light I found.


Good to see you buckeev.....hope all is good in your part of the world.....don`t be a stranger :wave2:

@Monykalyn.....not sure where your quote went.......I can imagine hissing chickens would be quite alarming to hear!

Enjoy your time at the lake.... the pictures fo the store. How many more days are you in the City??

Charade....your quote was supposed to be here too........I had a nap this afternoon, a short one though, but I still yawned my head off and was in bed by 11pm......slept like a tot! Hope you got to sleep and fairly quickly too.

Yes, nice night light.........

Super night light charade !

I’m still up and reading thru the forums.
Will be up for a few more hours

I’m on the night crew

Very early morning crew checking in here.........think you might have gone to bed by now........

Even though it was hot again during the night, slept really well again as there was a little breeze and we had all the bedroom windows open.

And it`s still breezy this morning, so walking will be nice again today. Into the 70`s for us is nice. And agin, no idea for food later, will play it by ear and see what everyone feels like doing. But, breakfast is cherry muffins I made last night and some fruit, will chop that up soon. Although Kyle is already up and had his breakfast. I`m so glad he` like us and gets up so early though.

Started the new book, love it. One woman asked for a little longer to read this one as she is going to be extra busy with her business next few months, of course, no problem, we have no definitive time scale for reading the books.

Fancy a cup of tea for now........




Have a wonderful Friday 😁
Holy cow!!

I was finishing up reading threads and saw shumi here

Idea the time but it must be late because Schumigirl is up
That means it must be late as I am just finishing up reading the sans

Schumi you missed seeing buckeev a few
Hours pass

it’s time for me to go to bed

hold done the fort for us as early birds will be waking up soon!

Good night.....sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite
If they do get a shoe beat them till their black
And blue

good night
Last edited:
Holy cow!!

I was finishing up reading threads and saw shumi here

Idea the time but it must be late because Schumigirl is ip
That means it must be late as I am just finishing up reading the sans

Schumi you missed seeing buckeev a few
Hours pass

it’s time for me to go to bed

hold done the fort for us as early birds will be waking up soon!

Good night.....sleep
Tihjt do t let the bed bugs bite
If they do get a shoe beat them till their black
And blue

good night

Yep, I was glad to see Mr buckeev drop by.......hope you get a very good sleep tonight......will hold the fort till you wake up.....although I am heading out soon, but most are sleeping then!

Friday feeling, and yay, for cooler weather.

Will sleep in our own beds tonight. But before that, another day of walking miles.

Schumi, glad to hear good sleep, and nice breakfast. Here they usually have a breakfast spread, but because of these restrictions, half of the entry is blocked off, the dining room where there were chairs and tables and a kitchen, is also closed off. There is a bar in the entry, that too is not in service. But there is grab and go breakfast items on the bar, for youto take and eat in room or on your way out. Available from 7 to 10 am, we did not see what was there. We will today, as stores not open to around 11 am, so no need to get going early today. We will check out after seeing what to grab and go, and leave our bags, and will swing by to pick them up on our way to the train station. And then an hour ride later, back to our City at dinner time. Quick trip, but that’s okay. When the train is cheaper, even a long day here would not be that unusual. But good for NYC. We have seen many on the streets and the stores and restaurants are open. And nicely decorated dining areas on the sidewalk every so often. And while masks are still required or encouraged for entry, most workers wore masks, and when please do, not not required for vaccinated, masks wearers were still the large majority. Though as walking on the street, masks were very much not the majority. Wonder if we will see masks when in my City. As today, masks are not required if you are vaccinated. No checking if you really are.

And interesting, Springfield show opening in a few weeks here, will require evidence of vaccinated. If cannot, no entry. And saw Royal Caribbean cruise line, first said must be vaccinated, then said not requiring, now saying if not vaccinated, will charge you more for tests and other expenses. What? If I was a family, with kids not old enough to even be vaccinated right now, and others that are medically as such to not get the vaccine. Well, even though all of my family is vaccinated, and enjoy cruising. No way will we be cruising any time soon. Sadly. But such is the times. And I guess thankfully, we are comfortable enough to be in a masked required train and plane, and stay in hotels.

With that, can go down to see what to grab and go. Letting little one sleep. She would not like breakfast food anyway. I’ll bring some back, to see what she says.

Fabulous Friday homies.
LG, yes you can do a lot in 2 days. Our longest trip staying in the city was 7 nights and we still wished we had longer, shortest was 4 nights with my mum on several trips. Grab and go will work fine for me, if not there are so many options to eat out for breakfast. We were spoiled for choice for breakfast as much as dinner and lunch choices. I love a real NY diner.

How often do you go for the day, it`s ideal just a train ride away.

6 mile walk on the books this morning.....beautiful but breezy walk which was lovely.

Back home and had some grilled sea trout fillets for lunch, simply grilled with lemon butter and salad.

Absolutely loving this much warmer weather we`re having.......
Good afternoon. A productive day for me so far. I had a medical appointment this morning then stopped by Walmart. We are having a neighborhood block party tomorrow. We signed up to bring some drinks, chips, and I am making a dessert. After Walmart I stopped by the post office to mail a gift to the cat sitter. I hope she likes Mickey Mouse.

Great news from B & dh's university. For the first time in over a year they have reported zero Covid cases on campus. Of course almost all of the students have left for the summer, but they still have some faculty and staff working. Hopefully the numbers will stay very low when the students return in the fall.
Nothing like being in your own bed. Have to say. We had a nice time, and the Potter store was certainly something new to see. And while crowds, it was good to see all open and ready for customers.

Though traditionally we could find some good discounts at the 5th Avenue stores, the mark downs were no where close to the discounts we found two years ago. But we still found some good bargains, with the sample stores that were not in the fashion district, but close to the new Potter store. When we were in NYC last, we really wanted to go to the sample stores in the fashion district. But that area was so far from where we stay, we decided just not go there. So was a nice find that we happened to go that way to the Potter store, to see people standing in line. Realized both were sample stores. I knew Rag and Bone, but the other store name I never heard of. Though of course little one did. And she found two pieces in that store, and one in Rag. And I will say, after seeing online the prices of what she got, those were good buys. But coming from a state that does not tax most clothing, we were always like oh yeah, tax applied to the clothing purchases.

Hope Charade is not hearing any rain now. And so happy I can say, the weekend starts now. Ahhhhh. And tea with the water I enjoy tea bags in. NYC water just is not as tasty, and upset my stomach. Know should have done what I do in FLA. Heat up bottled water for tea. All is back to routine. And sometimes, that’s absolutely perfect.
Charade.....I love a good old storm! Think we are due one, no on Floridian standards of course, but when it`s over the sea, it looks spectacular.

LG........we`re the opposite, we were surprised by how nice NY water was. I expected it to be like the pond water in Florida, but I was told I`d like it by everyone there and I did. Could drink it straight. It`s not as good as Scottish water of course.....😉

Beautiful Saturday morning here.....and the heat is there already which is lovely.....bifold doors are wide open in the kitchen and enjoyed a lovely breakfast outside of bacon, slice of toast and sunny side up eggs and not cooked by me which is lovely.........::yes::

Vaccine day for my boy today, hoping he has no issues as we didn`t.

Then it`s a slow day of some laundry and definitely lazing in the garden again......Kyle is out for dinner tonight so we`re trying to decide between barbecue food or just get takeout........might go for barbecue as we have a load of things to have.

We really are being spoiled with this weather......:sunny:




Have a wonderful Saturday 😁

Schumi, don’t know. Did not smell like Florida water, but it upset my stomach which is not usual for me. Except for Florida water, I’m usually fine with any other tap water. Eh, maybe just was a bad cup of tea. Though happy to have tea this morning too.

And that cold front remains, as good thing I had packed pants, and even yesterday it was much cooler out. Will most likely wear lightweight pants again today. And the rain chances are coming too. Older one said it rained hard the day before. We were lucky, saw no rain on our trip, but for some rain seen as the train crossed into NJ. But by the time we got home, the streets were mostly dry, but you could see rain drops on my car sitting in the driveway. And ooh, saw while we have some rain chances, Orlando’s 7 day forecast looks like rain chances every day. Happy that our 7 day forecast says lots sun, with rainy chances tomorrow, and of course, on Monday. Then full days and partly cloudy days with more seasonal highs in the high 70’s and low 80’s. A more refreshing feeling as Spring ends. But like Orlando, our Summers will both be hot and humid, with the humidity going so high, those wild, later in the day, thunderstorms that give that huge downpour, then the sun comes out, and still warm after the rain. We got a taste of that earlier this week. Joy. And a hehe, DH has sweatshirt and jeans on. The other day, you’d have seen him with shorts and no shirt. The wonderful weather of oh my it’s hot, to hmm, maybe wear a jacket too.

And finally, that super stupendous Saturday homies. The weekend is here! Time to relax and enjoy the day. And let little one sleep until at least noon. Older one was out the door very early. A full work day for him. He’s not fond of those very early starts, but he gets up without a mom alarm, and does go out the door in time to be there timely. And DH has left to check on him mum, so it will be a little one and me day again. Yay! It’s the weekend.
Schumi, don’t know. Did not smell like Florida water,

Sorry, my wording was confusing I think.

I didn`t mean NYC water was anything like Florida water, quite the opposite.

I don`t know why, but before we ever went to NY the first time, I thought the water would be poor there, but it was lovely.

Florida water however, is disgusting.

Glad you had a nice trip.

Waiting for friends son who Tom helped buy their car with them to come round.....I think he just wants to show it again, they are so proud of it. Tom will go out a drive with him I think, I`ll stay here with his girlfriend, she is lovely too.

Then, some prosecco will be opened as we sit in the garden, not as warm as promised (it very rarely is) but tomorrow will be searingly hot.....for us.

And bbq food is the choice today.....🥩🥂

Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday :sunny:
Tried yesterday to book with Delta but the hold line was at 9 hours

Started over today and wait time was only two hours.
( and I call that great)

Remember the days in the past where waits were only minutes to reach an agent

Now I wait for airline flight changes

Hope all the homies are relaxing and having a laid back weekend!
Hugs to all
Yay! Mac to get her flights done. Yeah, I guess that was not too long a wait. Ugh though being on hold any more than 10 minutes. Yeah, I like my flights’ times. I hope no changes. I feel like after being in totally full trains, I assume by the Fall, the flights will be full, so less changes for not enough of a full flight.

I will say though, so far, the rental car prices have been scary high. I keep trying though.

Relaxing we are. And with close to 80, shorts are on, even with a 64 degree start. And a leak of sun for a bit on this otherwise cloud covered day.


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