Something about Nothing, come join in........ Part 3

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Last year Cocoa's school board fired 4 principals for providing false information on the FCAT's.

:eek: omg...that is ridiculous!!! Why would they do that....what do the principals have to gain by doing that? :confused3

But even if you knew how to drive in snow (I grew up in Michigan), it really didn't help because the vast majority of people you were facing on the roads didn't. And they'd be all over the place.

That's why we rather not drive in the snow....WE know what WE'RE's the guy comin' the other way or the guy behind us we don't trust! :rolleyes1

I remember when we were in Charlotte one of the newpaper columnists making fun of people running out and stocking up on bread, milk, gas, etc. as soon as snow was predicted. The article said something like "As the snow piled up 2 and 3 flakes deep..." :rotfl: !

Our running joke when it snows is this: when it snows...everyone has a sudden urge to eat french toast. Why? Because everyone runs to the store to buy milk, bread and eggs.....all the ingredients to make french toast! :thumbsup2 :lmao:

Oh, and I have to go to the Post Office for work this afternoon to do a bulk mailing. Don't you think that would be a good time to send packages and presents, including my ornament swap? Exactly what I thought! :cool1:

:rotfl: ...but good idea! :thumbsup2
I KNEW there was a logical reason that my arm hurt! Needed you guys to figure it out for me! :rotfl:

Actually DH insists it was all light that night because of the reflection from all the snow? :confused3 Doesn't make much sense to me because otherwise it'd be light all winter since there always seems to be snow! But who knows!

DS got a new issue of Scientifc American today and on the cover it says:
"Are alien microbes invading our cells?"
I think Lori is on to something with that probe idea.... :rotfl:
Tricia has a new band, called jumping naked boys.

That would be a GREAT name for a band! I can just see it now...

Opening for White Snake and the Rolling Stones, it's Jumping Naked Boys!

And the crowd goes wild... :cool1:
I bought my ornament today. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it was close enough that I could live with it.

So I don't get fussed at for forgetting pictures, lets go back to Thanksgiving for a moment. Here's Joshua's lunch at school:



And the boys playing in the leaves that afternoon:

Evening folks...just stopping by to say hi.

Sorry some of you guys are being hit by that winter's soo early in the season too.
Thanksgiving dinner at my house:


Some of the decorations:



Celebrating Carol's birthday:

My pitiful plug-it-in Christmas decoration:


Which is dwarfed by Carol & Deb's display next door:


I'll get more lights up, I swear!

I have more pics from Christmas on the Square and decorating the tree, etc, but I'll have to get to them later. We must have baths and pjs before Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer comes on! :eek:
Okay, I'm back to try to catch up some more!

I want to have everything packed tonight and ready to go tomorrow afternoon.....I will miss you guys - don't think we get free internet access, so I will surely be lost come friday......we seem to have alot of night owls in the past few days.....I just know I am going to come home to 20 some pages of news and chit chat (as long as its not about me :flower3: )

Man, I think I missed getting to tell you to have a great trip! Hope it is wonderful.

I fear the years that my kids are old enough. I just know I will get a Power Point presentation, complete with catalog numbers or stores where they are located. :scared:

Now, a girls only trip during hunting season sounds like a good plan. That's thinking ahead Lori!

Well I think the PPP would be better than no list at all. Mine are really bad about making lists.

I think it is a brilliant idea myself.

While I'm waiting for DS to get ready and help me shovel, I found these photos of his senior pics I took one day last fall.

Those pics are great Sharon. He is one very handsome young man. Now I didn’t see any mention elsewhere of him actually helping you shovel that snow. Did you get any help at all?

Good morning all-

Lori- :hug:
I also enjoyed your pics, Christmas at WDW and the one of your DD in the outfit at AK :thumbsup2 . Your DD really looks like Bindi Irwin(Steve Irwin's DD) in that pic :thumbsup2

Thanks Rose. I never noticed it before but I guess she does look a little like Bindi.

RVGal said:
I didn't drink at the party. I know. Bummer. But, I had to drive about an hour each way, so no PUI or hangover. I promise to share the joy the next time I indulge, okay? ;)

So, we've switched the road trip to Lori's house? Okay, I'll have to re-pack my stuff for the different weather...

What does a Jelly Belly reject taste like? :confused3 :scared:

It’s best that you didn’t drink then. Next time you need to rent a hotel room so you can drink all you want.

Yep, the road trip is at my house now. Let me know when you guys will be here so I can make sure the house is clean.

I would like to think that there was a time when the holidays were perfect... and I would like to think that there will come a time when the holidays will be perfect... but, somehow, I doubt it.

Thread hog? Anytime one of us has time to spend on the computer, be it catching up or chatting, we post a bunch. That doesn't make us a hogger, does it? Am I a thread hog? :confused: :sad:

There are rejects from Godiva? What am I missing out on here? :laughing:

My right arm has been bothering me too. I finally figured out that it is from playing Wii games with Joshua. I have Wii arm!

Yeah, it really is sad that this world can’t be a peaceful place for just one day.

Well, I guess we can all just be happy being thread hogs.

I want some of those Godiva rejects myself!

Tricia has WII arm????

Tricia - no, I don't have Wii arm. I was thinking maybe sympathy pains for Brett Favre? :confused3 Don't know and it's not any better this morning - sigh!

Lori - I don't think anyone was criticizing you, but I do feel a bit frustrated too when I log in and there are 4 pages to go through and they're between 2-3 people basically IM'ing back and forth. Feel like it was a private party that I wasn't cool enough to be invited to! :cool2: Now I just kind of scroll through the late night stuff and look for pictures but don't bother reading the back and forth conversations.

Sharon - your pics look like a good size to me!

Well, I'm off to work with a "sick" son here at home yet again. My boys have been passing the "sore throat, feel icky" bug back and forth. See you all soon! Have a great Monday, and to quote Mac from many pages back (I LOVE this quote) "When today's over there'll only be 4 more days until the weekend!"

How is the arm today Marcie? I’m telling you it was the aliens probing your arm.

I know there are times I think there are a lot of yaking going on but I am more like man I wish I had been online to be in on the fun, not thinking I wasn’t invited to the party.

Hope the boys are feeling better.

sharon and I are both in the midst of a blizzard... no school anywhere and my office is actually closed:cool1:

thanks again Lord!

we will get up to a foot and it is bad out right now- northern and western mountain maine will get 18 inches easy.

no school anywhere in maine or new hampshire.

How much bad weather did you end up getting and better yet, did you get another snow day????

Hey Mike! I was once a Sci Fi geek. I probably will again when I can watch grownup tv again. :laughing:

The area I live shuts down if we get snow. With the exception of the 24 hour grocery store and the 24 hour Huddle House, nothing is open if we get snow. Of course, we only get snow once or twice a year, so we don't have much equipment to clear the roads or any of that helpful stuff. :rolleyes:

I kinda like watching the Disney channel. At least I don’t have to worry about Ally walking is and seeing something she shouldn’t, like last night when dh had control of the tv cause we were gone. Wasn’t real thrilled with the scene that was on and him not having enough common sense to change the channel. Not that it was real bad, but it was an almost sex scene on the knew show “Life” that she didn’t need to see. Sometimes I just want to choke him!

Well, we would probably be better off if things did shut down. There was a little snow in OKC a few days ago & there were so many wrecks it was unbelievable and the snow was all melted before the morning drive started. Very scary!
I remember as a kid, here in Florida, that it started snowing once and they let out school so the kids could see it. It melted when it hit the ground but it was snowing!

We have had those kinds of snows before but I bet it is a lot less normal there then it is here.

Ok, about an hour ago, I get this phone call from my township (the place my family and I went to this past Sat. for the children's Christmas party).:santa:
They tell me a reporter from our local newspaper wants to interview a family that was present at the party. Well, the person from my township volunteered ME to be interviewed! I was like WHAT?! Ok, like what do I say??:confused3

Have you done the interview yet? How did it go? I am so glad you have something to be happy about finally. Here’s to a very happy & prosperous 2008!

I don't know what we would do if we lost you! :eek: :grouphug:


Thanks! You are so sweet.

Hanging ornaments on Sunday was hysterical. They were all clumped together in two spots... one at Joshua's height and one at Daniel's height.

Carol has had a really hard time with this round of chemo. She is doing some better today. She is off getting IV fluids and her Procrit shot, so hopefully that will help even more.

Lori, here is my lesson for today. Never, never let something that someone else says cause you to alter your behavior if there was no intent to offend behind your actions. You are a sweet, warm natured, good hearted person. Don't you change a thing.


Our tree is decorated by Ally so we have had lots of those years where everything is hung in the same areas and there are lots of bare spots. I love those trees! Took me a while to get used to it but they are very special.

How is Carol doing today? I hate that she is going through this and having such a hard time with it.

Thanks for the life lesson. I don’t know why it hit me wrong, but it did. Guess I am just too sensitive. I never want to hurt anyones feelings or upset them.

So, Raven got new tags... Lori got her first tags... and I MISSED IT! :sad2:

I missed it for most of the day too! But they are so cool!

love your tags lori.
checking in on my late lunch hour and i have no idea what is going on with that post...?????

maybe i will find out when i get to the end of the thread.

but you wear your new tags well.

I like hanging out with you! I finally got tagged! And I’m good now.

yea, tag fairy was on our thread last night.
but mine changed again around today.

i sent a request to get my universal homie tag back and i just did.

Glad you got your homie tag back.

fresh oatmeal raisen butterscotch cookies just out of the oven:goodvibes

YUMMY! Can you ship some my way?
don't you dare stay away from posting here missy.
i'll have to hunt you down like a rabid dog then.

i'm sure there are many times that the homies get tired of reading my crap. some that know me well usually skip over my crap to get to the good stuff. if you stay away, just think of the disservice you will be doing to the homies.
they need to read your crap too.......:rolleyes1

a jelly belly reject tastes like sh!t

we'll rent one room and sneak 10 in there.
split it by 1/10ths and look at all the money we will save up for refreshments then....

I promise you guys are stuck with me! No need to send rabid dogs.

I never get tired of reading what you post and it’s not crap.

They make jelly belly’s that taste like sh!t!!!!!

Sounds like lots of fun to me!

I can smell them over here Penny. Did you enjoy your snow day?

Not a piercing or tatoo in site, although I wouldn't mind a small tatoo. I keep threatening DH that I'm going to get one on my lower back. Can't print here what they call them thou.
Did you enjoy your snow day???? Other than shoveling the snow that is!

Now I want to know what that tatoo is going to be???/

Dontcha worry....we ain't THAT easy to get rid of :rotfl:

Congrats on passing're doing great!

Well the problem with having so much time to post at one time is that I always seem to then not have any time for a few days.

If I don’t get some time to post I’m not ever gonna make it to 3000 before the end of the year.

:lmao: :lmao: Sadly, yes....heck, karate alone is $85 a MONTH.... but, I am comforted by knowing you have TWO kids :rolleyes1


Oh that’s bad!

loribell - I guess us homies will be on opposite sides at the Fiesta Bowl. Good luck to your Sooners - but WVU needs a major decisive win to get RESPECT back. State is still in mourning. Many folks are scrambling as they booked New Orleans packages last week. As they say - don't count your chickens. . . :rolleyes1

-Jennifer -

Well, all I can say is tell your coach not to say anything to make the team/coaches mad. They won’t have a chance to win if they make them mad. I wish you luck, I guess.

Charlie Brown xmas special on tonight at 8 eastern.
not the usual xmas one.


NO ONE QUITS!!!! we are not quitters.
we are universal blue
and dis green croc wearing homies.

No quiting going on here! But I don’t have any lime green crocs.

If you only come back here and post 'occassionaly'..THAT will offend ME! :mad: So quit talkin' like that....remember....NO QUITTERS!!! Once you are a member of this thread, you are considered "one of the crazies" for life! ;) :lmao:

Well, don’t be offended. I just got super busy. I am going to try my best to get completely caught up tonight. KNOW we won't forget...but YOU have to promised to let us know when you are IU... :cool2: And you know we don't forget cuz we are still WAITING ON KATIES HALLOWEEN PIX :confused3

Yeah KATIE where is that Halloween pic.

and you were the one that mentioned hallmark stores didn't have anything under a fin.

i like your new rule!
do i have a second for it to pass?

madam chairman, i think i see rose in the 3rd row with her hand up.
and if you can't see her, look to her side and there is tricia jumping up and down with naked boys to get her second in for the amendment passage.

yea, i thought of the person also when i went shopping for it.

now i have to find where i hid it.

I’ll third it although I am a little slow. And I gotta ask too, why did you hide it?

when families are large, many draw names to celebrate a happy occasion.
think of us as that one big happy family. (except for me and tracie when we don't get our morning coffee....)

And this is a wonderful family! I love you guys!

i thought jumping naked boys lady had a nice ring to it.

Me too!

i think i get an 'assist' on that.... i think i 'provoked' it :blush:

Yep, and you didn’t want me bringing any logic in to the discussion either.

uh, i'm not glad...wish you'd figure it out...YOU JUST HAVE TO HAVE A MAC INSTEAD OF A REGULAR PC LIKE THE REST OF US THAT CAN HELP YOU...DON'T YOU??? :headache:

Hey I know how to work with a mac, Mac. What you need to know.

Oh yeah, this was lots of fun!

DD was supposed to be helping me, not taking pictures of me doing all the work!

Umm, and where were those kids while you were shoveling snow????

i could cry when i see pictures of snow.

Me too! I don’t like the stuff at all.

here's to barb, what a homie. yes, you were there and helped lori earn her wings


she wears her halo quite well.....

Ahh, thanks!

::yes:: she does....

(i just wanted to see pix of Xmas at Disney :blush: )

I am an angel, aren’t I?

well, i just looked back and guess i was talking to myself again. that happens when the days are long

i wonder how many will catch on to invisible writings.

i'm full of fun tonight.....

i am experiencing memory loss..........:rolleyes1

I see all the invisible writings. And what did you forget?

now i am wondering if anybody has ever figured out my invisible writings.......been doing it off and on.....

sometimes i surprise myself and find out there are more blondes out there in the world.

in my next life, i want to be a redhead.

Saw that one too.

i hate the snow.
i hate the cold weather
i hate being stuck in the house with stupid people in the winter......wait, i'm in the house but i'm not the stupid one.

i have never been and never will be a snow bunny.

Totally agree with that one, and I’m not the stupid one either. I’m actually free of that one till late Thursday! Yippee!!!!!

you are so funny...:laughing:

we have those markers on all our fire hydrants in town.

i need to go take a picture next to it so i can measure my butt too.

So we are measuring our butt’s with fire hydrants now?

Ok, how about a smiling Sharon?

Very pretty!

I would agree....smilie Sharon....happy it's over maybe??

Sorry was mia for awhile...DH came home from hockey and wanted HIS computer back :rolleyes1 So, came downstairs and fired up my laptop and started makin' his lunch for tomorrow... then he comes downstairs with an old video of him and some buddies (on a car ride home) that he burned onto dvd...also on dvd, was some family pix (DH's late mom included) and Bubba when he was 2-2.5....i'm a sucker for pictures...even a bigger sucker for home video...especially of my baby!!! :rolleyes:
but....couldn't go to bed without saying goodnight....

Gotta love the old family pics!

YAY - MY 200TH POST!!!!

I'm just a newbie here, I can't imagine having 30,000 posts like you know who!

Woo Hoo!

do you guys remember when i hit 8700??? :confused3 was it Friday??? if so....i'm going to shoot for 9k by year's end.... (prolly won't make us unless mac's got my back and 'pushes' me :rolleyes1 )
Nope, I don’t remember but I say let’s shoot for 9K anyway!

Seeing as you are all my homies and won't tell a soul, I will share my nickname with you.

BB (bertha butt)

That coat hides alot!

And where is the tag fairy for that one? You are living dangerously.
Evening folks...just stopping by to say hi.

Sorry some of you guys are being hit by that winter's soo early in the season too.

and i can see it now.
todd smiling and laughing at the homies in the north with the snow......:laughing:

it started snowing at 2:30 and hasn't stopped yet.

someday i will get to be just like you todd!
live in the south, laugh at the cold weather
Heff kinda gives me the creeps thou. What's with those pjs he wears 24/7?

I would wear pj’s all day if I could.

That's true...still weird thou. I wonder if he can still.....?

Oh my!

:eek: I'm sure...why couldn't he :confused3 ....but ya can't tell me those girls would rather have him than some young beefcake.....

Ya know...I heard a news story the other day that said someone "polled" senior citizens and asked them how often they do it.... Turns out, the poll said as much as younger folk....3-4 times a week :eek: Dunno if I believe THAT :sad2:

Think of the stories they will have for their grandchildren!

Maybe they are just remembering the past as it being the present!!!!! It’s the same thing over and over, not actually a new occurrence.

Well, that catches me up through page 537. Now to catch up on today's postings.
and i can see it now.
todd smiling and laughing at the homies in the north with the snow......:laughing:

it started snowing at 2:30 and hasn't stopped yet.

someday i will get to be just like you todd!
live in the south, laugh at the cold weather
Well...I sometimes miss the snow. After's kinda hard getting into the Christmas spirit when it's 85 degrees outside....but....I manage. ;)

It's supposed to get into the mid 40's tonight here.
Hi guys! Happy evening! Home from work so not quite as bored! :banana:

Meant to write a story about the hydrant markers. DH works for a large company in Green Bay that has centers all over the country. A few years back, they had a potential candidate up from either Mississippi or Alabama (can't remember, but deep south). He saw the markers on the hydrants and asked what they were for. One of the guys explained they were so the fire department could find the markers when the snow was too deep.

The guy burst out laughing, and was like "No, REALLY, what are they for?" Saw everyone's bewildered looks as they replied, "Um, really!" He immediately said "That's it! No WAY am I coming here!" :sad2:
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