Spring/Spring Advantage 2011 :)

theres no exact date for apps just yet, but theres about 69 to 81 days until they'll be up, using past dates to figure it out!
Hey! I just wanted to join up and introduce myself! My name is Brenda and I applied for Fall 2010 but was instantly rejected because I did it on a mac lol. But I am ready and prepared to apply for Spring 2011!! They said I can apply again September 9th.:)
Hi guys I'm Lexie :] . I just wanted to introduce myself. I'll be applying for Spring 2011. I'm so excited and nervous. I can't wait for applications to go up and to meet new people, definitely joining the facebook group.
Hey everyone! I'm Lauren. I applied for Fall of 2010 and was accepted, but after weighing my options and considering the time frame, my parents and I decided it would be best if I wait. I really hope I get accepted for spring because without a doubt this is something I want to do.
Hey! My name is Lauren, as well. I'm going to be applying for Spring 2011 and I just joined the facebook group. I'd love to join the Skype chat, as well. I reallllly want to do this program! I really want to do attractions. :)
Hey everyone! I'm Lauren. I applied for Fall of 2010 and was accepted, but after weighing my options and considering the time frame, my parents and I decided it would be best if I wait. I really hope I get accepted for spring because without a doubt this is something I want to do.

i'm sorry that must really suck but at least you got to be with your family for christmas and thanksgiving. hope you get reaccepted for the spring and i hope we all make it :]
does anyone know when the e-presentations go up or when they might be going to the different colleges? i saw the list from last time and i couldn't believe when i saw my community college on the list of places they stopped i had no idea that they came
does anyone know when the e-presentations go up or when they might be going to the different colleges? i saw the list from last time and i couldn't believe when i saw my community college on the list of places they stopped i had no idea that they came

The online presentation should go up in Aug, and the school presentations should start in Sept.
Applications are coming closer all the time! I'm getting excited!

But also really really nervous.

I'm Katy, by the way. I don't know if I mentioned that earlier in the thread :).
Hello Everyone!

I am a Spring 2011 CP hopeful too! I am super excited and cant wait to actually apply!! I am probably driving everyone I know crazy as all I think and talk about is Disney this and Disney that! So glad to see I am not the only one completely fanatical about this!!!

Good luck all...fingerscrossed we will be in Disney next spring!!!! :)

Hello Everyone!

I am a Spring 2011 CP hopeful too! I am super excited and cant wait to actually apply!! I am probably driving everyone I know crazy as all I think and talk about is Disney this and Disney that! So glad to see I am not the only one completely fanatical about this!!!

Good luck all...fingerscrossed we will be in Disney next spring!!!! :)


you aren't the only one i'm driving my friends, family and boyfriend crazy cause i constantly talk about the disney college program.

can't wait till august i'm so excited and nervous
you aren't the only one i'm driving my friends, family and boyfriend crazy cause i constantly talk about the disney college program.

can't wait till august i'm so excited and nervous

Me toooo :)
My blog? Oh lord, that thing is a mess! I keep forgetting to update it! or my regular one, for that matter! haha :)
lol i just started it , everyone whose a hopeful or whose gone through the program pretty much all have one. and they've all helped me so much. i figured it would be cool if i made one as well cause maybe some day i can help someone with mine :]
Okay guys...thanks! Now I am gonna have to make my blog! I was gonna wait until apps got closer, but I dont know if I will be able to wait that long! I have enjoyed reading all the CP blogs I can find... especially mebbradley's and chexie's :) They are great!
Okay guys...thanks! Now I am gonna have to make my blog! I was gonna wait until apps got closer, but I dont know if I will be able to wait that long! I have enjoyed reading all the CP blogs I can find... especially mebbradley's and chexie's :) They are great!

aww thank you i know mines not as good as megan's :] but im trying im still a newbie at blogging. i was gonna wait to till it was closer to august to start a blog but i got impatient.
Mine's really bad! haha wow. I keep forget to update it and then when I do...I have nothing to say! lol


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