Spur of the moment trip,,,,,, Live TR with pics.

Born 2 Fish

Jun 19, 2008

Howdy ya'll, from the Wonderful World of Disney !

Yes Friends of the Fort, we arrived late afternoon yesterday (bout 3:PM), full hook up was full so they up graded us to a premium site. Got the site set up (by bout 5:PM), then went for our Giddy Up Go and bait. After dinner, took the sweety for a long walk.
We listened to the EWP before we hit the sack. Later as we laid in bed we listened to the fireworks from the MK, and then when things quieted down in the Fort, you could hear the boat whistle off in the distance.
Later into the night, it started a light to medium rain .

Oh my goodness , it is soooo good to be back home.
A few pictures...
Rental carts

Bailey on her buggy

New refill mugs

A few decorations





And proof,,,, Frank does fish

Today was a hang out day. Wal-Mart, lunch at CSR's Pepper Market, looping, a little fishing and dinner at Cooke's of Dublin. Temperatures not too bad but off and on rain all day. It still beats being home/work.
Spur of the moment? Surely there is a backstory.

How's the fishin'?

More pix please. popcorn::


Bama ed
The man who is fishing...the one with the pink crocs on (not that I am noticing or anything)..would that be you, Born 2 Fish?

Hey now,,,,they aren't pink, they are red, and red can be a very manly color.(Especially if I'm wearing them ) Besides, they didn't have yellow when I bought them.
Spur of the moment? Surely there is a backstory.

How's the fishin'?

More pix please. popcorn::


Bama ed

The story is, we were suppose to be here in Oct. Both our jobs got in the way. Haven't done much fishing, but, so far, it's not too good.
So how long you two gonna be there? I have two boys that might like to throw a line in off that dock. Do we need any permits?
Started off the day with a walk for Bailey.




Then off to Epcot.






Next up F&W Festival,,,,food pics.
A few more Fort pics.


Cool light post.

Turkeys in 1900

Saturday and Sunday The Fort was full. A few people left today, but, it is still busy.

Epcot was average in the morning but got busy as evening went on. We were told this is Jersey Week. Apparently kids there have off Thur and Fri and come to WDW.
The story is, we were suppose to be here in Oct. Both our jobs got in the way. Haven't done much fishing, but, so far, it's not too good.

"it's not too good" is subjective. The fishing is great, catching however is a little slow, :goodvibes

WE a had a really awesome time at Epcot yesterday, the weather was very prettyful :woohoo:

I am shocked at how busy Epcot was yesterday and how full the campground is today. Very little folk checked out of the Fort after the weekend and half of the vacant spots are filled all ready !:confused3
For those who ask about bus times. We took the bus to Epcot twice yesterday. From the time you step on the bus it's 10 minutes to get there and 20 minutes to get back. Back is longer because it stops at WL first.
One of the traditions we do at Epcot is get a kakigori, (shaved ice) from the little cart nestled in between to the left of the Japan pavilion and another country at Epcot.
We have been eating kakigori since 1991,,,there is a little bitty woman who has run the concession all by herself and she does a SUPER job on service and quality. In all the years we have been going to Epcot, there has only been twice she hasn't served us, one time she was sick and yesterday.
Yesterday the concession cart was gone, Disney replaced it with a bigger concession stand, toward the front, and now there are 3 young women to take the place of what that one tiny little women did by herself.
the girls told me they moved the older woman into the Japan kitchen.
Between the 3 girls, they served a kinda sad looking kakigori.

I don't take change well. :sad2:



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