Stacie's Journey for Weight Loss and the 1/2 Marathon Jan 09!

To all: Yes, as she said, she's as stubborn as they come. She's also as sweet and beautiful as they come, inside and out. 5 feet & 1 inch of pure squeezable love. :flower3: She's one of the greatest friends you could ever have. Hopefully, we'll get to meet alot of you in DW in January at the 5K race.
Stacie: You're my life and will always be what I live for each and every day. :love: And by the way, I love being your trainer. Thank you for putting up with your crazy husband. I'm so proud of you. You are an inspiration to me and are the love of my life. I look forward to our evening stroll this evening and our 5k race at DW in January.

Your Personal Trainer,
Hey, bro, what's happening? Can you believe what an inspiration my sister (and your wife) has turned out to be? She convinced me to start again with this weight loss thing and I am SO PROUD of her for training to run this marathon. I am also SO PROUD of you for helping her with the training - I know she appreciates the support she gets from you.

Hey, little sis - don't sweat the .4 gain. You'll get it off - just do what you know you need to do with your eating and keep training. The weight loss will follow - you'll see!

Love you guys!:hug:
Hello :wave:

I've been catching up with the journaling sisters here :goodvibes: and just wanted to pop in and say hello :)

I think the plan to walk for 5 and then run for 1-2 min (as you feel you can) is AWESOME! You'll find that every time you get out there, it'll get a little easier. And don't sweat the scale...there are so many factors that can lead to increases/decreases....just keep with your plan and I know you'll be just fine. And a 5k in exciting!!!

And kudos to Matt...what a great post dude! So awesome to see a "team" like you guys out of luck with everything!
Thanks guys for your support! My hubby is one of the greatest! He's a great trainer too (Hi honey! :wave2: )! I know I couldn't do this without his support, that my family (Hi Susan!:wave2:) and you guys!!! Thanks to everyone for helping me along the way. WHEN I finish the 5K, Matt and I will be crossing it together, but we won't be alone. You will all be with me as you will have all helped me to get there! :hug:
Hi Stacie,

Welcome to WISH Journaling! :goodvibes I'm sorry I am late with the welcome...I was at WDW last week!:banana:

You are doing a great job and you have some wonderful, supportive family members behind you.:grouphug: Keep up the good work and you will make your goals!:cheer2:

Have a great Wednesday!:goodvibes
Hi - just wanted to say hello and see how the aquacise class went. I bet it was a nice addition to your training. Hope you enjoyed it last night and that today is a good day. Keep it up - you're doing great!
Hey there! So... I did do the aquacise. It was good. We did a lot of jumping around so I know I got my heart rate up a little bit. That class lasts for 45 min. After, DH met me and he joined in for the Aqua pilates. It was my first water pilates class--interesting!!! We mostly worked on abs... Surprisingly, they are not sore today. I just knew they would be!!! That class was only a 1/2 hr. Matt was the only guy in there! :goodvibes I was so happy he joined me. He even said he would do it again!

Eating was ok yesterday... I was going to cook pork chops tonight, but I forgot to get them out of the freezer, so I'm not sure what we'll have... I hate it when that happens!!! :headache:

We do plan to walk tonight. Hopefully I can keep up a good pace!

Hope everyone has a good day!!!
awwwww. :sad1: what a mushy, sweet DH you have, Stacie. :goodvibes

Like Scott said, it's AWESOME that you have such a great support team in your DH and Dsis. :thumbsup2 And your run/walking plan is wonderful!

Keep up the great work, girl! :cheer2:
HI guys!!! Just a quick update...

DH and I had spaghetti last night (Whole Wheat Noodles...) since I forgot the porkchops... I only cooked 1/2 of the noodles, thinking that would be enough for the two of us. Well, we must have been hungry! I gave DH more than me and when I was done, I was thinking...hmmm I could eat more! When DH finished he said he was going back for more, but sadly, there was NO MORE! I guess this is my way of portion control!!! :goodvibes

We were supposed to walk, but my brother and sister in law came over. My BIL has been working on our "tiki" bar upstairs and he had stuff for it. We ended up not even trying to walk until 9:30!!! I was soooo not motivated. I told Matt--let's forget it, this can be my day off this week and I'll walk on Thursday. He wouldn't let me though. We decided to walk to his parent's house, who live just behind his brother (who lives beside us), but we took the long way around the block...

I guess that aquacise did me some good. All this walking I've been doing and yesterday my calves were hurting from aquacise... Go figure! We did do a lot of jumping. Last night my abs started getting a little sore from the aqua pilates too... I really worked it in that class so I'm actually glad to feel some results!

Ok--well, that's about it for now!!!

Thanks everyone for reading!!! I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life!!! :hug:
Portion control is a good thing - that's what I'm doing and it works!

Glad you got some exercise in even though you didn't feel like it - that's so hard to do, but it's good that Matt is keeping you motivated. Good to know your aquacise was effective, too - I'd like to do that if I could find a class that I could work into the schedule.

Keep going, sweetheart - you're doing great!

Love ya!!!:hug:
STACIE!!!! :cool1: Great job with those classes. The aqua pilates sounds really interesting :). I'd love to hear more about that!!! :thumbsup2 You are doing so just have to be so proud of yourself ((HUGS)). And Matt.....what an awesome partner you have there!!!! You guys just make me smile :love: . There is nothing like having a supportive and loving man in your life to go along on this journey! It makes every step of the way so much more meaningful. Great job again this week Stacie...I'm really enjoying following along on your journal. :cheer2:
Hi Stacie,

You are doing a phenomenal job. Keep up the great work.

Your DH sounds like a really nice guy. You are both lucky to have found each other.

Taking a bunch of different classes is a good idea. They work disfferent muscle groups and your body never knows what is coming. Good for you getting out there and walkinf despite the late hour and not wanting to. You will rock that 5k!:cool1: :cool1:

Take care,
Thanks Susan, Amy, MIdancemom!

I was reading Scott's journal and as I was posting, I thought, well...I should post this in mine!

So I decided to start the Couch to 5K next Monday. I'm little leary of it because I don't know if I'm really up that fitness Level or not, but thought, what the heck...let's see what happens...So...

I've been sitting here looking at the Couch to 5K Plan going... Week 1, maybe, Week 2, possibly, Week 3, ummm dont know... Week 4, not so sure, Week 5, maybe tough, Week 6--you want me to run for 8 minutes!!!, Week 7, jog for 2.5 miles--NO WAY!!!

Then I think of Amy, Kim and Scott (I'm sure there are others, just haven't read all the journals yet) and I think well...Maybe, just maybe I can do this...

For those of you that are posting to my journal...Thank you so much!!! You are an inspiration to keep on keeping on.

I am not a runner, but just like some of you, I hope to maybe, just maybe get there one day!

Thanks for all the support guys!!! :hug:
Hi Stacie! :wave:

Thanks so much for the post :) I think it's AWESOME that you are starting the plan on Monday!! :goodvibes: I know those weeks in the not so distant future seem like a lot of miles/minutes, but you'll be surprised at what happens once you get out there a few times and start to develop your own style/pace/groove.

When I started out...running for one minute was daunting...I'd be so out of breath and felt like I was completely out of place out there...but within a couple months, I was able to complete a 5k doing a 4 run/1 walk plan. Have you read or looked at Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham? I know you aren't planning a marathon but he has some GREAT advice and pretty cool plans that you could easily modify for a 5k. I found that a combination of running and walking has always worked best for me...even during the races :)

You are gonna do so great!! I can't wait to read about your successes :)

Have a good night!
Hi Stacie,

I think you underestimate yourself. You are looking at things far in advance. You will be improving your cardiovascular endurance everyday that you are out there running. You will surprise yourself and be amazed at how much you CAN do. I know you can do it. Just remember that you can always repeat a day or week if you need to.

Keep up the great work, and we'll be here :cheer2: you on.

Take care,
I agree with Beth - you CAN do this. You don't know how much you are encouraging me to keep going with my lifestyle changes just KNOWING that you are out there training for a 5K run! There's no way I can quit knowing YOU are making such changes and getting fitter EVERY DAY, even when you don't feel like it, so you can do this 5K at Disney. HANG IN THERE - you WILL make it!

Hope your eating is going well, too, and that you have a good weekend! Love ya!:hug:
Thanks Scott, Beth and Susan for the vote of confidence! It's amazing how I can support and push (lol susan!) other folks, but I just can't seem to do it to myself!!!

I am feeling pretty good today mentally. I really want to do this couch to 5K thing and I'm actually quite excited about starting it on Monday. I got up this morning at 530 and went walking w/ my sister in law and brother in law. I also weighed to gauge where I am at or would be for the BL weigh in on Tuesday...Down 2lbs! Now...If I can just make it through the weekend eating sensibly and maintain that til Tuesday, I'll be 1lb ahead of my goal (to lose 1lb per week). Even if I gain 1lb back as long as on target I'm happy!

Oh--Scott...John Bingham? Is that his name??? I checked out his site yesterday and I saw he has a new book--running for mortals. I think I may check that out and/or the marathoning for mortals too. Which do you reccommend for 1st timer??? I really want to get addicted and maybe do the 15K in 2009... That would be soooo awesome!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi Stacie! :wave:

Yep...Bingham is the person I was referring to. I don't know anything about the new book, but I bet it's pretty solid. MTM is the one I'm familiar with so that's why I recommended it. i love the way he gives you realistic goals and smart training plans and I think you'd find either one of the books highly beneficial. I've had MTM for over a year now and still refer to it from time to time...our Goofy training plan was based off of his plans, too :)

Have a great weekend!
Hi Stacie, I have been catching up on your journal and I must say I am so impressed with your dedication and the great support you get from your husband and other family members! Good for all of you! Aqua pilates sounds really interesting. I may have to see if my rec center offers that. I love aquasize. Great job on portion controlling that pasta. Too often we throw the whole package in the water and end up eating too much. Keep up your hard work, you are really doing great! And motivating this fellow Wisher! Have a great weekend.

Hi Stacie
just checking in to see how your doing :)
Looks like your doing great & so motivated too :)
keep it up :)


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