SwatCash ?


Jan 10, 2006
I just signed up with swatcash, does anyone have some solid info on this gpt site? do they actually pay and do people really win all those prizes? I dont know why but when I looked around the site something just doesnt seem right about it. maybe just cause its new to me and plus I havent heard alot of people in here talk about it. if anyone out there can give me some info that would be great. thanks :)
I just signed up with swatcash, does anyone have some solid info on this gpt site? do they actually pay and do people really win all those prizes? I dont know why but when I looked around the site something just doesnt seem right about it. maybe just cause its new to me and plus I havent heard alot of people in here talk about it. if anyone out there can give me some info that would be great. thanks :)

I love, love love it!!!

I know it's legit, because the admin there are people I recognize from TT. If you go to the forums, there are tons of pics in the payment section of people showing off their prizes and checks.

I even had some people PM me last night after I won the PS3 letting me know that they were skeptical at first too, but they all received their prizes right away.

Admit has emailed me already looking for a W-9.

They seem to be doing this site all on the up and up. ALL of these sites are having some issues right now because of advertisers pulling, but I see know reason why this one is less likely to pay than any other one.
I don't really know anything about them. The thing that makes me question them is the number of high value prizes that they are giving out every month. The amount of revenue that is needed to pay for those prizes alone is very high. Plus I have never heard of them before a few days ago.

I think I'll be waiting on this one until reputable reports of payment/prize fullfillment show up.
BTW, if anybody has any questions about this site feel free to ask me. I'm still new at it myself, but I've done soooooooo much already that I really have a feel for the site now. It's even more "involved" than TT, so if you like TT's treasure hunts, etc., you'll love this site.

And no, I'm not a paid advertiser or promoter for SWATcash. I have a grand total of $0.40 in referral money there! :banana: :rotfl2:
The amount of revenue that is needed to pay for those prizes alone is very high.

And the owners of most the the other sites are very wealthy!

Last night I was talking to a woman who is in the process of starting up another GPT site. She said it's launching in 10 days. Apparently there is PLENTY of revenue generated from these sites to pay out big daily prizes. Most of the owners choose to pass along very little.

Here's an example that I've been ranting about for the past few days (if you're a TT VIP you probably saw my post in the VIP forum). TT pays us $.75 for the daily survey. As most of us know, if you do surveys through the survey companies directly, you get paid anywhere from $1.00 to $20 per survey. Most average about $4. TT only pays us a small fraction of what they are receiving in income from surveys, yet we are hostage to doing them if we wish to participate in other parts of the site (e.g., guilds, etc.). The sites are definitely making a lot of money and as long as they can put the advertisers' minds at ease, they'll continue to make a lot of money.

It also bugs me that the other sites can pass out big prizes, but TT only does one $75 - $80 treasure hunt a month...and yet they have one of the biggest member bases. Even their $100 treasure hunt isn't *really* a $100 payout. Very few will complete it (relative to the total number of members) and those who do aren't really getting a full $100.
And the owners of most the the other sites are very wealthy!
TT pays us $.75 for the daily survey. As most of us know, if you do surveys through the survey companies directly, you get paid anywhere from $1.00 to $20 per survey. Most average about $4. TT only pays us a small fraction of what they are receiving in income from surveys, yet we are hostage to doing them if we wish to participate in other parts of the site (e.g., guilds, etc.).

This is absolutely 100% incorrect. The sites are paid a flat fee for every survey and TT is paying you more than 50% of what they are getting per survey, depending on the bulk rate that they get. It could actually be more like 80%.
I tried signing up for SWAT last night...and I never got the confirmation e-mail, I e-mailed them about it and haven't gotten a response. So I tried to sign up again with a different e-mail and it won't let me :confused3
I tried signing up for SWAT last night...and I never got the confirmation e-mail, I e-mailed them about it and haven't gotten a response. So I tried to sign up again with a different e-mail and it won't let me :confused3

That's why I told you to email them. They track you by IP to avoid duplicate signups.

Try signing up at their forum and then you can post or PM to admin...
Ok I did 5 offers and I want to see what credits. Do you do cccleaner between each offer or wait until they clear then do it?

I REALLY want that Wii, DH has wanted on forever and I have been taking out extra money and putting it into vacation.
I'm going to say something that I probably shouldn't because I know that it is going to tick some of you off and make you not want to use my site. But I feel so strongly about this that I have to say it.

This list of offers is a PERFECT example of the fraud that is causing the decline of rewards programs. This is the exact kind of thing that can get a reward site owner banned from running an advertier's offers anymore. It's obvious when you do so many trial offers in one day that you truly have no interest in the offers but rather only want the signup money so that you can cancel.

This is not a personal attack. This kind of thing goes on across rewards sites everyday and I would be angry about anyone doing this. I just want to caution all of you who think that this sounds too good to be true. It is. It's not fair to the advertisers or to the people who truly want to try these products and will not be able to when the offers get pulled. And it's not fair to the site owners who will end up getting all of these credits reversed after they have already paid out for prizes and cashouts.

I don't want to start a war. But I do want everyone to think carefully about the consequences of taking advantage of the rewards sites.
I'm going to say something that I probably shouldn't because I know that it is going to tick some of you off and make you not want to use my site. But I feel so strongly about this that I have to say it.

This list of offers is a PERFECT example of the fraud that is causing the decline of rewards programs. This is the exact kind of thing that can get a reward site owner banned from running an advertier's offers anymore. It's obvious when you do so many trial offers in one day that you truly have no interest in the offers but rather only want the signup money so that you can cancel.

This is not a personal attack. This kind of thing goes on across rewards sites everyday and I would be angry about anyone doing this. I just want to caution all of you who think that this sounds too good to be true. It is. It's not fair to the advertisers or to the people who truly want to try these products and will not be able to when the offers get pulled. And it's not fair to the site owners who will end up getting all of these credits reversed after they have already paid out for prizes and cashouts.

I don't want to start a war. But I do want everyone to think carefully about the consequences of taking advantage of the rewards sites.

You are right Tricia, I thought that same thing when I saw the number of paid signups done in one day. I am sure they will HAVE to change, just like the other sites have.
The FRUAD comes in when people use fake cards and/or cards with low balances to pay for the stuff, so that they won't have to call back and cancel. These are the people the advertisers are cracking down on!

I think you dreaming if you think that is all they are cracking down on.
They don't like it when people try an offer knowing they NEVER plan to buy. To them it is fraud, maybe not to teh person trying the service. And they don't like it when someone signs up for an offer at one RP and the same program at another site just using different addresses and such. This is fraud. I know there are those out there doing this and they are trying to figure ways to prevent this. It is not just using prepaid cards with low balances that is fraud. Everyone wants to make a buck and so everyone trys new ways to do it. Us and them.
I'm going to say something that I probably shouldn't because I know that it is going to tick some of you off and make you not want to use my site. But I feel so strongly about this that I have to say it.

This list of offers is a PERFECT example of the fraud that is causing the decline of rewards programs. This is the exact kind of thing that can get a reward site owner banned from running an advertier's offers anymore. It's obvious when you do so many trial offers in one day that you truly have no interest in the offers but rather only want the signup money so that you can cancel.

This is not a personal attack. This kind of thing goes on across rewards sites everyday and I would be angry about anyone doing this. I just want to caution all of you who think that this sounds too good to be true. It is. It's not fair to the advertisers or to the people who truly want to try these products and will not be able to when the offers get pulled. And it's not fair to the site owners who will end up getting all of these credits reversed after they have already paid out for prizes and cashouts.

I don't want to start a war. But I do want everyone to think carefully about the consequences of taking advantage of the rewards sites.

Thank you for your view on this. you know better then anyone what the reward program and advertising world is feeling right now. It is nice not to be left in the dark wondering what is going on.
I think you dreaming if you think that is all they are cracking down on.
They don't like it when people try an offer knowing they NEVER plan to buy. To them it is fraud, maybe not to teh person trying the service. And they don't like it when someone signs up for an offer at one RP and the same program at another site just using different addresses and such. This is fraud. I know there are those out there doing this and they are trying to figure ways to prevent this. It is not just using prepaid cards with low balances that is fraud. Everyone wants to make a buck and so everyone trys new ways to do it. Us and them.

Yup. And don't forget the quick cancellations as well. I wouldn't be surprised if you saw more advertisers not paying out unless you stay on past the trial period. The quick cancellations is what started this mess when people were cancelling before the places even had a chance to mail the product as discussed a few months ago on here :rolleyes1 . The prepaid cards just added to it. Now doing too many in one day is going to raise the alarm if it hasn't already. I only sign up for offers I'm truely interested in not offers to make a quick buck. I plan to stick by this policy and hope that I and my reward sites get past this messy period.
I only sign up for offers I'm truely interested in not offers to make a quick buck. I plan to stick by this policy and hope that I and my reward sites get past this messy period.

I guess that is a valid point, but honestly if it comes down to that it WILL be the end of reward programs for a very high percentage of the users.

Let's face it. Most of us are here to make money. We are selling email addresses and marketing info in order to get some cash. We aren't interested in the 2 sheets of worthless information that come in the Google Toolkit envelope. We don't really want to party with Chingy and Steve-O, and most of these free trial websites are just laughable. We sign up for them because they promise us $10 or whatever. They pretty much offer them for sale because they are hoping to trap a percentage of the people into a month or two of charges.

So I don't know what the answer is - am I a fraud? I guess so because if I'm honest I just freely have to say that the only sign-up so far that I have kept is the Zooba book service and once I get my book this month I think I'll probably be canceling that.

As for the list, it is very long. I think that it must take you hours to fill all those out. :eek:


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