SwatCash ?

JMO, but given that Swat Cash is givng rewards for things two different rewards programs have listed as being things the advertisers want them to not do any longer to prevent fraud, I'm staying far away from them.
Hmmm. And now we know why the GPT sites are in the state that they are in.:confused3

Very sad for those of us who do these sites with caution. We have already seen alot of Advertiser pull their offers, I guess this is why. But then again I guess I have more important things to do besides sit at my computer for hours at a time doing GPT offers. A few at a time okay, that many in one day, let alone one week is ridiculous. Sorry just MHO.
I guess that is a valid point, but honestly if it comes down to that it WILL be the end of reward programs for a very high percentage of the users.

Let's face it. Most of us are here to make money. We are selling email addresses and marketing info in order to get some cash. We aren't interested in the 2 sheets of worthless information that come in the Google Toolkit envelope. We don't really want to party with Chingy and Steve-O, and most of these free trial websites are just laughable. We sign up for them because they promise us $10 or whatever. They pretty much offer them for sale because they are hoping to trap a percentage of the people into a month or two of charges.

As a newbie, I will probably get flamed for this, but I have to say I do agree with this viewpoint.

Most of these offers are things you get in your Junk/Spam mail anyway...if you are looking for offers you are TRULY interested in, you wouldn't be looking for them on GPT sites, you'd be doing research on the "subject" on the Internet and finding out the information for free, if that makes any kind of sense.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that these companies are looking for the one or two people that will pay them monthly fees for (mostly) useless information. (My only hope is that I REMEMBER to cancel what I've "trialed" before they actually start charging me!)

If the point of the GPT sites wasn't to make money, they wouldn't be so immensely popular nor would there be so many. I think there may be a few advertisers out there that are truly looking to have their products noticed, but basically, I've sat here for two nights and tried to make my way through as much of CD as humanely possible (those surveys are killers), not really concerned w/the actual products, and most of them are all the same thing--college degrees, getting out of debt, etc. etc. etc.

If you are doing this for the products or a little bit of spare money that is fine, but personally, I work part-time as a teacher, and my husband doesn't make a big salary, so this is another way of bringing income into our household along w/making some Disney money too.

Just MHO....

I have done like 10 freebies on there and so far only 2 have credited...wonder how she did so good...and so many from the same site!! :confused3

But like we said, they have to crackdown, which sucks for us, but is understandable. Soon enough SWAT is going to have to change their ways like all the other sites have...sure makes you wonder how some keep going doing it and others keep going on...
I did 12 last night on SWAT--4 credited, but 8 are still pending....same w/CD--did a bunch in a few nights (mostly surveys)--and 35 are still pending after 4 days....even though they are showing up on my cc already....bummer!
JMO, but given that Swat Cash is givng rewards for things two different rewards programs have listed as being things the advertisers want them to not do any longer to prevent fraud, I'm staying far away from them.

ditto ;)
I did 12 last night on SWAT--4 credited, but 8 are still pending....same w/CD--did a bunch in a few nights (mostly surveys)--and 35 are still pending after 4 days....even though they are showing up on my cc already....bummer!

You really have to be cautious about what you are doing. I know the draw of lots of free money is tempting but as has been proved you are committing fraud if you are doing too many offers free or not in one day. 35 offers over several sites in 4 days is probably too many in one week. I would also be very careful about doing paid offers that you dont intend to keep and then cancelling as soon as you get credit. This is also considered fraud by the advertisers. Does that mean you cant cancel a service you dont like once you have tried it and dont like it? No by all means you can cancel in that case. However, doing 5 diet offers in one week really shows the advertisers you aren't really interested in their products and just want the money. While this may be the case, it is considered fraud. The idea is to try the product and if you dont like it, cancel it, if you do, keep it. A more appropriate way would be to try and offer and if you dont like it to cancel and try another that may work better for you. Trying them all in one day or even one week can get your credits revoked by advertisers. I know it stinks because they are often trying to catch you on the chance you will forget to cancel but lets not forget that they dont really have to do this at all in which case none of us would get paid anything for trying anything. We play by their rules or we dont play at all.
Hey Janet!

That was the answer I was looking for!

At first, I was reading through a lot of threads and people were telling me they made $100-$500 per month on these sites, and the only way to do that (that I can tell) is to sign up for a lot of the trial offers and surveys on the sites.

So...anyway...I got about four or five good, reliable sites from the girls on these threads, and I signed up at those websites; however, I didn't think I could juggle so many, so I concentrated on a just two at first (CD & SWAT).

HOWEVER, I quickly realized exactly what you were saying AFTER I had spent four nights really doing a lot of the offers.

So, now I'm going to let the trials I have run their course before signing up for anything else. I don't run to risk of fraud.

But, that begs another question from me--how do you girls work the sites?

Typically, how many offers and/or trials will you sign up for in a month? I'm not just going through and signing up for all the trials w/no interest in them. I really am picking the ones I'd like to see/hear about, but there quite a few of them I am interested in!

What would your advice be? (A) How do you normally navigate and sign-up for these offers and (B) Should I let what I have out there (i.e., the trials only) run their trial periods before signing up for anything else?

Well before the major crackdown I would do one site per day or every two days and I'd do maybe 10 offers on that site. I never got into the whole paid trials but that is how most people make their money. Now with the crackdown I'm sure people will make money from them but maybe not as much.

Now I'm still doing one site per day or two but I'm trying to cut down on the total number of offers that I do each week.

The easiest thing is to create your spreadsheet so you know which offers you are doing where and then you can try the one site per day thing to try and change things up and see if you can get things to credit that way.

Coming from experience in the past month (I've been home alot and bored while BF starts his new job and goes out of town) I've tried the whole spend hours each day on a site and do as much as possible and I'd say maybe a quarter to half of the things I do credit which is frustrating. This was right before the crackdown and a few of my sites were doing the thing where you'd do X amount of offers and get an extra dollar or two to your account which has now been cut out.

So I personally would suggest finding your happy medium and tackling sites that way. One thing that helps is most sites do a daily survey ranging from 75-80 cents each. You can do one per site per 24 hour period. Normally I get a different survey each site each day so I don't ever repeat surveys.
I am so glad to hear that you tried it "my" way too, and you were having the same difficulties I was! At least I know it wasn't me and I'm actually doing the sites "right." I really appreciate you telling me that!

I also love your spreadsheet idea because I am completely OCD, and I LOVE spreadsheets! I am visiting my Mom for a week right now, so I think I may lay off the site for a few days and then when I get back home, do a spreadsheet!

I was printing out all the e-mails and webpages w/the confirmation numbers, number of days in the trial, and the phone number to cancel. I really don't want to get stuck w/any of them.

That's not to say I'm not interested in them; I am, but not for those ridiculously high monthly fees they hit you with.

I was reading some of your posts on another thread, and you seem to get a lot of Disney stuff (i.e., dollars and/or cards). Do you really make enough off the non-trial stuff to rack up enough cash for them?

Thanks too (again), for the 10 offers per site per day tip....I may try that! Sounds so much better than spending hours on a website doing offers and trials only to not have them credit!

I am so glad to hear that you tried it "my" way too, and you were having the same difficulties I was! At least I know it wasn't me and I'm actually doing the sites "right." I really appreciate you telling me that!

I also love your spreadsheet idea because I am completely OCD, and I LOVE spreadsheets! I am visiting my Mom for a week right now, so I think I may lay off the site for a few days and then when I get back home, do a spreadsheet!

I was printing out all the e-mails and webpages w/the confirmation numbers, number of days in the trial, and the phone number to cancel. I really don't want to get stuck w/any of them.

That's not to say I'm not interested in them; I am, but not for those ridiculously high monthly fees they hit you with.

I was reading some of your posts on another thread, and you seem to get a lot of Disney stuff (i.e., dollars and/or cards). Do you really make enough off the non-trial stuff to rack up enough cash for them?

Thanks too (again), for the 10 offers per site per day tip....I may try that! Sounds so much better than spending hours on a website doing offers and trials only to not have them credit!


The TT forum people actually suggest between 5-7 a day and you should be able to get 90% to credit so I've been trying to stick with around that number.

I tend to do just freebies and then I wait until there is a special cash out on QR or SR then I'll cash out. Usually I cash out about once per 2 to 3 months on sites so its not a huge money maker to do just freebies but I'm not wanting to deal with trial offers and trying to cancel since I work in a conference room with other people at work and have absolutely no privacy nor my own phone to try and call these places and cancel.

So basically I can do about $50 every 2 months on each site doing the freebies then anything over that is attributable to my online shopping bad habits.
Thanks! I really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction!

I think I've got it now!

I thought you were doing a lot more; I must have caught you posting near a cash-out time, and I just "assumed" you were making BIG-ger money! :)

Thanks again for the great advice! Deb
Thanks! I really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction!

I think I've got it now!

I thought you were doing a lot more; I must have caught you posting near a cash-out time, and I just "assumed" you were making BIG-ger money! :)

Thanks again for the great advice! Deb

Yeah this month was my cash out month. $75 on CD and $75 on QR. Next month it should be about $200 on SR but that's been since February. Like I said I do some damage shopping at Nordstrom through QR. That is usually a good $5-$10. My shoes this week from shoe buy was $8 on QR.
Like M 'n C I mostly do the freebie trials. I have signed up for some trials most of which I kept like Stamps.com, Zooba, Literary Guild, yourmusic.com because I liked them. Without the rewards sites, I might not have tried them.

I earn most of my money by shopping.
I have 2 favorite sites (SR & QR) that I use another site that I only do email clicks on (MP) and shop when my 2 favorite sites don't have that online store.

If I can order something online and get free shipping (which I usually do) and use a coupon or a discount code on top of that.......all the better.

SR now offers a service where they will email you when one of your favorite shopping sites has a new coupon.

I too shopped through Shoes.com on QR for the $8.00 one time credit. They have quite a few shopping deals where you get a set amount no matter what you spend which I took advantage of.

I earn between $25 and $50 a month, which helps me keep my Super Member status on SR and my loyalty points on QR.

If you only use a few rewards sites it's easier to keep track of the offers you do, plus you will find your rewards build up quicker. You don't have your rewards spread out between 5 sites. When the 2-3 rewards sites have a special cashout, you will be able to take advantage of it because all your funds will be concentrated.

Good luck and have fun!


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