Team Hakuna Matata - MAY Thread!

Good morning Team.

Today was 40 degrees again so it was treadmill again. I had a strong 3.5 miles then played in the pool for an hour.

Eva, we count hours also on the teams so you can keep track of how much time you spend doing any type of exercise. The exercises that you can track miles with all count for the miles catagory.

If you run 5 miles in an hour, bike 10 miles in an hour and take a pilates class for an hour you have 15 miles total and 3 hours total.

I'm off today so might do a movie.

Have a super day y'all.

Happy Panda:hippie:
I wondered if I was able to count my Taebo..not I know I can!!

One more question though. Do I send my miles/hours in weekly or daily?
It's back to reality.:mad: Had to catch up on work this morning.

A great trip and races as per the usual Disney high standards.
Was worried about the humidity but made out really well. Stayed well hydrated going into the races. Sat. morning was good. Sun. morning was more humid but with the earlier start I made out fine.
Really wanted to push myself and had a PB in both races. Sub 28 min. 5k and sub 90 min. 15k.

Found the start of the 15k a little congested and didn't see any wishers even out on the course.

Congrats. to all Minnie participants and welcome Eva.

Tonights training.:laundy: .....Sue
We keep track on a spreadsheet by the week. Our first May week ends tomorrow! So, you can start sending in totals then. You can also count hours for more unusual activities like mowing the lawn or painting the house. In addition to planned miles, you can count miles (if you use a pedometer) while on vacation and walking around! Those can really add up!

Our weeks go:

May 1-7
May 8-14
May 15-21
May 22 - 31 This is a long week, but the spreadsheet was set up for four week periods. It makes the last week look really really great! :banana:
Welcome Eva, Glad to have ya with us.

Good thing you gals are all better looking than Dave and I, helps balance us out. LOL
We also have the most handsome men on our team as well!!!

Welcome Eva, glad to have you on the team!!!!
Good morning Team mates, please welcome another princess, RoyalCinderella, I thought this would be the perfect team for her.

Sounds like everyone is doing great, now I need to get my lazy butt off to the gym and shake up some pudge cells.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Kim yes we do, Flattery will get you anywhere. LOL

Off to the Studios gotta get some TOT time in. Practice for the Race. LOL

Have a great day kids, Lynn will be wearing her Garmin today to see how far we go.
Hi Everyone,

I had an absolutely great time at the Minnie. I was happy to meet so many WISHers. And I got to meet my fellow Hakuna Matatians Lynn G, ScottH and bunnyfoo.
My race was great. I was hoping to run at a 9:30 pace and started the first mile at that pace, but continued to get faster as the race went on. Mile 5-6 was my fastest and that might be due to the fact we were running thru Hollywood Studios or that at that point I was running with Charlie (Honibee's DH). I probably pushed a little early since the last mile was a struggle for me. I had caught up with CynthiaCindy, but I just couldn't stick with her. I ended up finishing 1:23 which was an 8:50 pace, so much better than I had originally hoped.

Scott & Lynn: I really enjoyed meeting you. What a great idea to wear your Garmin in the parks. I'm sure I walked another 15K on Sunday afternoon in AK.

Connie: I love the pictures you posted. Great pioneer costumes.

Dave: Great job on sticking with your stretching routine. Congrats on losing 2 inches in your waist.

Erica: I hope your recovery continues to go well. I hope you can wear your shoes soon.

Denise: Good job on all your hill walking. And congratulations on your WW success. It doesn't seem fair to have to lose points, but I guess that's the price you pay for continued success.

Bunnyfoo: It was nice to meet you at POR, if only briefly. I hope your foot feels better soon. I hope you find your official time.

Wilbur: Congratulations on your personal best in both races!! The Minnie was so much different than the marathon due to the lack of spectators on the course. At least it was nice to see the WISHers at the finish.

Welcome to Eva and Royal Cinderella.

Have a great day everyone.
Cindylou Congratulations on your great race!! That's really great! Is Scott as good lookin' as his posts sound.

Lynn Good luck with the Garmin in the parks. I tried that one time, it drove me crazy.

RoyalCinderella :welcome: :disrocks:

Erica Can't wait to hear you are cleared for walking. :thumbsup2

Dave (Also a very good looking teammate!) Hope you enjoy your workout.

Villains Rock Your welcome. Anything for a teammate!

Everyone Else Hi! :wave:

Today is a rest day. I will be doing some stretching throughout the day, though. I am feeling really tight....Make a great DAY! (Never wait to just have one!)
Connie I'll be PMing you my miles and hours after I finish this post.

It was a warm 65 degrees this morning but of course it was raining, that has been the story of our spring.

3 Miles on the treadmill then a complete stretching and cals routine, total time 2 hours.

Cindy I'm glad you and some of our team got the chance to meet. It's so much easier when you have faces to put with our words.

Have a great day y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Garmin was funky in the park today, but showed a solid 5 miles.

Got teh Dream team Fast passes, KEWL!!! so stayed longer than we would haev, off to PI tonight and MK early tomorrow. Last day Blues are setting in.
Nice to read all of the race reports! I have gotten a bug to sign up for something local. I'm going to start looking for something! :yay:

I got 3 miles in this went much better than yesterday, but I ended up feeling a pain near where my surgery was. I have a follow up with my doc tomorrow so I guess I'll mention it. It felt great to work up a nice sweat though and it was a beautiful morning!!

Happy running!
No way I can actually catch up reading these post :headache:

Glad your toes are feeling better, sweet Erica and do hope you get to wear some cuter shoes soon!

Not sure Panda - It's sure a challenge for this grandma. I had three kids today. Energy was depleted - brain cells had left the body but I went to the gym anyway :rolleyes1

Oh, Connie thank you for the pictures. I love the outfits! You guys look like real pioneers :goodvibes

Congratulations and a huge Thanks everyone for their Minnie reports and pictures!

Connie, I am PMing mine and Erica's miles and time.
Here's a copy of my introduction from the Week of May 4th WISH walking/running club:

"I have posted/lurked all around the DISboards for years, am a grad student about to finish my degree, and have let my health and fitness go for the past 10 years after high school (during which I ran cross country and other, local races). My sad end to my teenage-years fitness occurred at mile 14 of my first marathon (for which I was thoroughly trained and physically/mentally prepared) when I learned I had a 104 degree fever and a rampant case of the flu. I quit the race, crying and very sick, climbed in my mom's car with my boyfriend and a bunch of flowers they meant to give me at the finish and never looked back, as life got crazy and the demands of college got in the way. I've been looking for a way to motivate myself to get into better shape, and started spin classes a year ago. I just finished my first full spin class with no modifications a couple of weeks ago, and finished C25K the first week of this past March.

I'm a Disney Princess fan, and Cinderella's story is my very favorite - so, this is a perfect combination of my leisure-time passion, vacationing at WDW and all things Disney Princess, and the desire to transform myself for my fairy tale wedding at WDW and a healthy happily ever after! The race, and our vacation afterwards at WDW, has fallen into place, as I checked my fiance and my college calendar and the race is held on the first Sunday of both our Spring Breaks that semester! Yea! Here's to donning my tiara and running towards my happily ever after with my new fiance and my mom cheering me on next March in Disney's Princess Half Marathon!"

Its great to meet everyone and to be a part of a "no worries" team. I like that! Looking forward to contributing to our team's total miles and hours!:thumbsup2
Yes Cindylou it was also great to meet up with ya,

RoyalCinderlla, glad to have ya with us, this is a great place for motivation,

Eva be carefull and do tell your doc about the pain,

Have a great day kids
Good Morning Team:flower3:

Since I still have the underarm chub rub I just went to the pool and did some running in the pool. The darn chub rub needs to go away I'm had all the fun with it I can stand. I'm taking that shirt out of the gym bag. I really like the feel of that tech material but it doen't like me back.

I still had a decent workout though. A half mile of running in 5' deep water and then some modified cals and stretching in the water. I love being the only one in the pool in the mornings.

Have a super day y'all

Walking Panda:hippie:
Well. . .I did an RPM spin class at the gym today instead of running because my favorite instructor is back to her normal schedule Tuesday/Thursdays at 4:30-5:30pm. Does that make me a terrible Hakuna Matata team member? I do have 45 minutes to contribute to the team total, though, and had an incredible workout burning 570 calories according to my HR monitor! A run is in order tomorrow, then we'll see how I'm really doing fitness-wise. Wish wish wish for those couple of miles or so at 15 minute/mile pace!:wizard:


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