Terry's Marathon training thread (Comments welcome)

Wow Terry,

You are under a ton of pressure right now. I will say a prayer that you and DH can make decision that will benefit both of you. Maybe he can wait until after the school year is done?

Great job completing that walk. I have a hard time walking at a slant because of my knees. The wind added some great resistance, so you burned major calories.

Have a good one,
Hi Terry! :wave2: Thanks for posting in my journal and offering encouragement. Just thought I would return the favor!:teeth:

You are doing awesome with your exercise. And what an inspiration you are to not let your illness or treatments get in your way! ::yes:: You Go Girl!!! :teeth:

My DH went through some tuff times at work. I think it helped to just be able to talk about it. And to know I would support him if he decided to get out. He never ended up leaving, but maybe it took some of the stress off to know that he could leave if it got to that point. Does that make any sense? :crazy:

Have a great evening!

Sharon :sunny:
Thanks for your support everyone! I really appreciate it. Talking about things definitely helped. He went into work and talked with his 'former' boss the next day and he is hopefully that he will be getting some support soon. It is really hard to be the new guy (6 months for DH) who is supposed to fix things, when they decide to do a restructure, have your new boss be out-of-state, and just general chaos. DH is an overachiever (sounds better than workaholic) but the 11 hour days are getting to all of us. My kids are young but old enough to remember that we moved away from STL before so their daddy could be home on the weekends and at night. It is frustrating to see that same old cycle starting again, even though this is a different company. Have I mentioned how much I dislike accounting and retail? :p ;)

Tracy - thank you for your offer! I really appreciate it. DH is too young to be working PT (40).... or should I say our kids are too young for DH to start working PT! LOL! :teeth:

Sharon - I know exactly what you mean. It always helps DH when we talk things through. This was just such a huge bombshell (quitting) that *I* felt the need to talk about it! :hyper2:

Beth - I am glad to hear I am not the only one who has a hard time walking on a slant! I thought I was getting old. :guilty: (<--that looks like an old face, right?)

Back on subject. I flopped. Belly-flopped. Right into the bowl of candy. Ack! That mini-Almond Joy was calling my name. It's happy now. I am happy now. AND I have a huge bag to send to work with DH. ;) It is crosstraining today, only 30 minutes so I will be 2 mile WATPing later. DH asked me to wait for him. I gave him a 'curfew' of 7 pm or I would be doing it alone. I get too tired to do it after 9 pm.

Happy Wednesday! Only 2 more days until the Incredibles come out!! :jumping3: :jumping4: :jumping3:
Soooo...... I ended up doing the WATP alone last night. DH didn't get home from work until 9:30 pm. Ugh.

This morning I took the kids to school and went to Creve Coeur Lake Park for my walk. It is my long day, but this is the 'rest' week, so my long walk was 3 miles. I was happy about that because it was 48º with high winds and a light drizzle. Now that I have finished, I am, of course, tired. My body is screaming for a nap. I suppose that's the MS talking. I may give in to a little one before I have to pick up the kids, but I also have a ton of laundry to fold. :rolleyes:

Anyone else hate housecleaning? I do!

Oh, Oh! I forgot to add: I weighed myself this morning and I am down 3 pounds from last Wednesday! WOO HOO! That was a nice surprise! :teeth:
Hi Terry,

Vent away. It is what the journals are for.::yes:: Congrats on losing 3 pounds.:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc . That is awesome.

You need to endulge in naps. You can't let yourself get worn down. Great job on the walk. I'm just not sure how dedicated I am to walk in the rain.

Take care,
:o Thanks everyone! :wave:
I hope this means the scale is starting to move in the *correct* direction again. TOM arrived today so I am hopefully for a good weigh in next Wednesday too! I think it helps that I weigh before my long walk day, because I bet I am holding onto some water as my muscles try to repair.

Today was my day of rest, so no walking here. Tomorrow my dd has 2 volleyball games so I need to get my short 40 min walk in before her games. Hoping for clear skies! :wizard:
Hi there. I just caught up on your journal. You have alot going on with just moving, husband overworking, getting kids adjusted to new surroundings/school and MS. You are doing a good job. Don't worry about the candy. You only ate one piece. Halloween, although cute/fun for the kids, is evil because of all the candy. :crazy:

My neighbor has MS and says her arms ache. I need to ask her what she takes for the pain. I know I have seen her have warm heavy heating pads on her arms. I'm sorry for your pain and hers. You both have such positive attitudes about this. If your husband can't inject you correctly in the hip, make sure he does it in the flesh of your behind. Have the RN show him where is an appropriate place to inject. I also know someone who has just been diagnosed with MS that gets her shot on Sunday and also doesn't feel well until Wed. I didn't realize that the shot was so strong.

You are doing a great job on exercise. Hope you have a good weekend.
Hi terry,

You know Wilderness is right. You have a ton of stressful things going on right now. Stress hormones play havoc with weight loss. You are doing an amazing job, and you are getting great results. Keep up the great work.
Hi Terry! How was your weekend? Good I hope!!;) Did you see The Incredibles? I did - I thought it was very cute!:smooth:

How goes the training? And how are youy feeling today? I assume you had your shot last night....

I am sending you :wizard:, :goodvibes and a big :hug:. I hope you have a wonderful day today and that the :sunny: shines upon you!

Sharon :sunny:
Hi Terry,

I just thought I'd drop by and tell you I'm thinking of you. I hope you are well.
:blush: :blush: Gosh, you guys are SO great!! Thanks for checking up on me!!

Things are going okay here. I have been having some significant pain in my leg/knee, so I took the prescribed time off. I don't want to cause an injury that would throw me out of the marathon, so I rested, rested and rested. :rolleyes: I am doing a short walk today - to 'test' things and see if I can hanlde the long walk on Thursday.

Busy weekend. My dd had 2 volleyball games this weekend (only one more weekend to go). We had time to go to Mass and then meet some people for dinner. DH is trying to hire someone new at SAL. This family was in town from MN, so as a nice gesture we met them for dinner. I hope they enjoyed it. My kids were actually rather good hosts to their two children despite the age differences. Way to go, J & J!

Sunday we went to see the Incredibles at the last matinee, then it was time for dinner and the *shot*. Ugh. It was time for the outer thigh - ouch ouch ouch. I think we should take Dr Parks' advice and just skip the outer thigh for now. As part of our 'exercise experiment', I was not to walk after the injection. I know one thing now -- it helps to walk! It must really really help because I felt awful throughout the night and Monday, despite my Naproxen. Today I am still dragging but it is better than yesterday. Whew! I have to get a 40 min walk in today and I am confident I can do that. :) Funny how much easier it is to walk longer. Not even as boring. ;)

Wilderness -- thank you for your advice! I wish we could 'do my bum' but the nurses won't train us for that area because there is the chance of hitting my sciatica. The needle is about 2" long. My arms aren't 'meaty' enough so we can't use that area. The only approved areas I have are my thighs - tops and outer sides. The Dr said we could skip the outer thigh if I wanted. My sister said she would give me in the injection in my bum, if someone would mark the area for her. (She graduates with her RN in May.) We *have* to hit muscle. I hope your neighbor/friend starting feeling better soon. I have been told numerous times that it takes 6 months to a year to get past these side effects. I am in week 7.

Sharon - we did see the Incredibles! Loved Edna Mole! "No Capes, Dahling! No Capes!!" Bob was great too. Heck - I enjoyed all of the characters, even Syndrome.

Beth - thanks for always checking in on me! I really appreciate your support.

Tracy - thanks for your continued support as well.

WISH JOURNAL BOARD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rockband:
Terry, those shots sound terrible! I hope that they are helping. :hug:

If you want to take them in your arms I can trade with you, my arms are definitely "meaty". :crazy2: LOL

I hope you were able to get to your walk, you're doing great! :)
Good morning Terry:sunny:

Wow!:earseek: Those shots sound tough! We'll say some prayers for you.:hug:

Did you get your walk in yesterday?

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!:teeth:

so why am I so relucant to post in my own? :scratchin

I mixed up my training schedule a little this week. I walked my long walk yesterday because it was predicted to be a beautiful sunny day, while today was said to be rainy. They were right! Yesterday the temps started in the upper 40s and ended up in the upper 60s! Today? Rain, rain, rain!! I am SO glad I am not out there trying to walk in this mess.

As I mentioned, I walked yesterday. 6 miles at Creve Coeur Lake. What a horrid walk. Have you ever had a walk so bad, you wonder *why* you are even doing it?!?! Oh man. Between mile 2 and 3, I wanted to cry. At the end of mile 4, I was using my cell phone to call my dh to see if he would talk me out of finishing. Ugh. I ended up doing all 6 miles. It took me 1 hour and 55 minutes. Man - my time sucks! I should be improving, but not this week.

I tried Gu and Power Gel this week. GAG! The Power Gel was the worst. NEVER again! :crazy2: The Gu wasnt' as bad, but it certainly didn't work for me.

I do like my new Coolmax socks. They worked well. :)

Today I am cross training (flopped with yesterday). I am going to do my Pilates dvd because my back started feeling weak towards the end of my walk. I need some core strengthening, obviously. ;)

Tomorrow is a day of housecleaning... er... I mean rest. ;) We hvea out of state company coming, so I need to do some straightening, vacuuming and bathroom cleaning.

Still not feeling very :sunny: about myself, even though I finished my walk feeling waaaaaaay better than when I started, so I will close here.

I'm so proud of you. you finished your walk despite wanting to quit. Don't worry about your time right now. Get comfortable with the distance. You are doing an amazing job.

Have a good afternoon cleaning.;) :rolleyes:
Hey Terry

Thanks for stopping by my journal! I just read through yours and WOW! What a couple of months you've had. You totally know what I'm going through, right down to the lifestyle simplifying. (Though I'm not sure how LA will lend to simpler life. :rolleyes: Maybe just being broke all the time will force the issue. :p )

Guess what? I know about what you are going through with the MS. MIL has it and it has been her undoing. You, on the other hand, seen determined to manage it and not let it beat you. I am so glad that you are taking a positive approach. Anytime you need to vent, you let me know. I have heard diatribes form my MIL that would make a truck driver blush, so you can vent away sweety!

Take care!


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