Terry's Marathon training thread (Comments welcome)

Terry, you are amazing! There are people out there without health issues that don't have it in them to do a 6 mile walk! You should be incredibly proud of yourself for finishing that walk, I know I'm proud of you! ::yes::

I'm giving you 6 sunnies for that walk, one for each precious mile! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
LOL! Thanks for the :sunny: s, Michelle! I appreciate it! I just don't know if I could call those miles precious. ;) :teeth: hee hee

Hi Tracy! Thanks for stopping by! Together we understand what each other has/will be facing. I will definitely keep you in mind for a good vent. ;) :hyper2:

Beth - confession time. I didn't finish the cleaning. :confused3 I hate cleaning house. I shouldn't say that. I really don't mind cleaning the house. I just hate cleaning up messes someone else made and didn't clean up! (Kids! Men! What are we supposed to do with them?!? :rolleyes: :p :teeth: )

No school today because of teacher meetings. We had parent/teacher conferences last night. I love my dd's teacher. She is really on the ball, very proactive in helping Jess with her learning disability, and very open and communicative. Love her! My ds's teacher - eh. She says his grades will be better next quarter because she didn't know what he was capable of and she didn't know him. Huh? Aren't grades based on performance? We weren't unhappy with his grades (A's and B+'s) but she made it sound like she held his grades down. Weird. It is only 3rd grade so no stressing over it! Anyway.... her attitude is very much one of 'if this causes stress, then I won't address it'. She 'lets it go'.
She marks that he has problems working in a timely manner, but has decided that rather than nag him about it (her words), she is just going to let it go.
I am not quite sure how this is going to help Jake. She couldn't answer if she thought it was a maturity thing - which would then make sense to kind of 'let go' since we would be hoping he would outgrow it? :confused: :confused: :confused:
I asked about him getting some phonics help since he has difficulty spelling a word when sounding it out. (His inner voice has a Nashville acccent so fin is spelled fen.) Since his Iowa Basic Tests were so high, she says he doesn't need help. :confused: :confused:

Okay - I am letting go now..... :crazy:

Anyway, this morning Jake woke up with a fever and a cough. Fun. We haven't been to see a doctor here yet. DH just picked one out of the provider book when he filled out the paperwork, so today we are going to see Dr. Smith. Let's hope he is good! Ugh. Another joy of moving. ;)

Today *will* be spent cleaning house! Our company will be here around 4:30 pm. Jake's appt is at 2:30. Let's home we are finished in time!

This is a day of rest in training for me, but I might try a very very short walk with some speed drills. Work on form and length of stride, but only 20-30 mins of walking.

Here's to a Happy Friday!
Hi Terry:wave:

Let me congratulate you on completing your walk! Six miles is amazing, Terry! You hung in there and you did it! :Pinkbounc I am so proud of you!!!!:Pinkbounc :teeth: :hug:

I was reading the part about your DS's teacher and I was wondering... Is she a first year teacher? I'm kind of surprised that she wouldn't give him the "tools" that he needs to help him get his work done in a timely manner if she has a concern about it.:confused: (By the way... before becoming a stay at home mom, I was a fifth grade teacher.:teacher:)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend Terry! Sending healing :wizard: to Jake! I hope he starts feeling better.::yes::

Take care,
Hi Tracy!

Before moving to STL, I was a sub for 1st - 4th grade. :wave2: I did 5th grade a couple of times, but those kids are taller than me. :crazy: hee hee

Nope - Jake's teacher is not a first year teacher. I am not sure what her family situation is but I know she mentioned that if her daughter calls and needs her, she does have to leave the class (and building) to go to her. :confused: She seems to have a very carefree attitude. Definitely not what I am used to. I agree with you - despite Jake's scoring 92 CORE on his Iowa's, why shouldn't he get tools to help him? I am confused. Parents have mentioned that the 3rd grade teachers are considered very weak -- maybe this is what they mean. :rolleyes:

Jake is holding his own. Dr said it was just a virus at this point. Whew. DH has the same thing but a step advanced. He pushed and got some antibiotics. Suffice it to say that my DH is the same as every other DH when he gets a cold. :crazy2: :faint:

Today was walking on the treadmill. Did my 5 minutes of warm up. 40 minutes walking. 5 minutes cool down. I don't understand though. It is SO hard to walk for those first 20-30 minutes. OUCH OUCH OUCH!! My ankles/calves are just killing me! :eek: Things will loosen up after quite a while and then I am fine. Anyone have any idea why this is happening??
Hi Terry!:wave2: Sounds like you had quite a busy few days since I've stopped by. I don't understand your DS's teachers attitude either. :confused: Doesn't make since to not help him with phonics at this age, does it???

You are doing awesome with the walking!!::yes:: And on a treadmill, facing a blank wall to boot??? Wow! :smooth: Keep going girlfriend, you are doing great!:Pinkbounc

Have a wonderful, peaceful Sunday Terry!

Sharon :sunny:
:wave: Hi Terry,
Thanks for stopping by my journal. I have been reading through yours and you are doing an amazing job :D . I hope you have a wonderful Sunday :sunny: !
Hi terry,

I would be totally frustrated by your son's teacher. Hello! it is her job to help DS learn and get things done in a timely fashion.:rolleyes: As for the phonics, perhaps she could at least reccommend some books/programs that could assist him, and you could get them yourself?

I hope everyone is feeling better. I'm sending :wizard: take good care of yourself, so you don't get it too. Is tonight your shot? :hug:
Good afternoon, Beth! Thanks for the PD! I think I need it. I feel my sinuses acting up, but hopefully it is due to the big weather change, instead of getting that virus!

Yep - it was shot time yesterday. Weird stuff. My training nurse said we needed a half filled bottle of clorox for disposal of my needles. Okay - no problem. Well, this Sunday night, when we opened it to dispose of the needle, it HISSED!! The bottom of the bottle is bulging too! :eek: What's up with that?!?! Like idiots, we peeked inside. There was lots of black stuff (maybe mold?? - how can mold live in bleach???) in there, as well as the needles. We sealed the bottle up as instructed, with duct tape, and disposed of it. Not sure how we should proceed. I may just get a traditional sharps container, but everyone says they are very hard to dispose of when it is full.

Anyway.... I got my shot. Outer right thigh. Ouch on the plunge again. :rolleyes: I am guessing this is something that isn't going to change. Afterwards I did my 3 mile WATP tape. Whew. That's hard still! I had a rough night's sleep. The naproxen just doesn't seem to be enough to get me through 12 hours. I took my second 550 mg at 6 am, but was still running a fever of 99º (felt higher) at 7:30 am. I slept the rest of the morning away and do feel better. I have a slight headache, so I am downing some caffeine in hopes that will help. No body aches, no more fever. Yeah! :bounce:

Tomorrow is scheduled to be a 40 minute walk so I will head to Fleet Feet afterwards to get my shoes checked out. Won't that be a big DUH moment for me if this is what's causing me so much pain! :o Live and learn!!

Here's to a GREAT WEEK, everyone!! Sending :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: and :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to all! :wave2:
Terry, when we needed to dispose of my Grandpa's insulin needles we used an empty laundry detergent bottle. That's what his nurse advised and it worked out well. :)

I hate hearing about your shots, they sound so painful but I'm so glad that they make you feel better after the initial badness is over.

Have a great time on your walk tomorrow! :)
Oh boy I hate hearing about the pain from your shots as well. Does that medicine just cause pain upon injection, like the flu shot? Boy that hurts with burning and pressure. Your husband will get better with time. I wish Beth (you don't mind me offering you up right?;) ) and I lived closer to you to help you. I hate hearing about people in pain........You are doing such an awesome job with your workout schedule. You should be very proud of yourself. I'm sorry about your son's teacher. I can't even go there or I will take over your journal. Hang in there and hopefully the school year will fly by.
Hi Terry,

I am sorry that the shot was so painful. I do wish that i could help. You are a strong and brave woman.

As for your walk tomorrow. Please listen to your body. You were running a low grade fever and exhausted this morning. Please don't overexert yourself. I hope it is the shoes that are the problem, so you don't have more pain.

Get some rest, sweetie,
Not to worry, Beth. A fever is one of the side effects of the Avonex shot. I can expect up to 103º. Fun stuff, eh? ;) Don't worry though - I am always the first to suggest a nap! Sleeping is one of my favorite hobbies! :teeth: :crazy:

I think I am just coming to accept that IM injections are simply no fun. I don't have to like them, but I am not afraid of them either (Well... I am afraid of giving them! :eek: Receiving them is okay. :p )

To my nurse friends - any better ideas on disposing of the needles? Do you think this was just a freakish thing and we should continue with the clorox bottle?

I want to give you a great big :hug: . I am sorry that those shots are so painful for you. I'm sending you a ton of :wizard: to help that pain go away.

I hope Tuesday is a wonderful day for you! Take care!

I am surprised that mold would grow in a clorox bottle, but really anything can grow in a damp dark place. What do you do with the clorox bottle when you are done? Would it be just as easy to get rid of the sharps in a sharp container at a local hospital? I don't know the protocol on this. You are so brave accepting all this. My neighbor is just like you and I am in awe of her. She doesn't stop living her life, takes it easy when she needs to and is truly brave without ever complaining. I hear more complaining for the other neighbor for headaches. I know everyone's pain tolerance is different but really she is an inspiration. I agree with Beth though that you should very much take it easy when you are not feeling well and after your shot. You don't want to push too much ok? Take care of yourself.
Oh no! Shots! Run away! Run away!

You are a brave girl.....I have panic attacks at the thought of needles.

:wave2: Hi Terry! I just got caught up on your journal. Sorry it has taken me so long to visit you!

Your dedication to training for the half marathon in spite of your MS and those nasty, nasty shots is amazing! Why am I whining about my walking??? I'll be thinking of you tonight when I stop my complaining and get out there! ::yes::

I hope you're feeling better today! :sunny:
Amanda, you are brilliant!! I need to think of an IM when I feel myself lagging as I walk. That will give me a boost of speed, if I pretend I can outrun it! :teeth: :laughing:

Doe, I hope you found some warm walking pants. It is hard enough to go these long distances, without feeling cold. I know you can do it! We all can!! :hyper:

I am off to do my short walking, then a trip to Target and Fleet Feet for some new shoes! Woo Hoo! I am excited!! :tongue:

I really appreciate everyone's support! :wave2:
HI Terry!

Gosh, soundls like you've had a rough couple of days. Your strength and committment is so positively inspiring! Thanks for sharing your stories with us, both good and bad.

A short walk sounds nice. Maybe that's what I need too. The sun just poked out and I could really use a pick me up. Thanks for the inspiration!

Keep the faith!
Hey Terry! :wave2:

Sounds like you are having a good week! Good for you!:Pinkbounc

I hope you are able to find a pair of sneakers that make your feet feel like :cloud9: ! Then you will be able to walk and walk! :p Seriously, wouldn't it be nice if it was that simple of a solution for you? I'll keep my fingers crossed!:jester:

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Sharon :sunny:
:wave2: Hi Terry,
Just driving through to wish you a wonderful Wednesday :moped: ! I hope your shopping trips were successful ::yes:: .


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