The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

Okay I will be first to answer the summons of my Queen:hyper::Pinkbounc

Flights and travel
10pts one will be on time
5pts other within 1/2 hour
5 for aisles as I have NO idea what this means , most planes have 1 aisle:confused3
0 all seated together unless you had assigned seats
20 you sleep, lordie you slept for 10 years in Blankistan a plan should be a breeze
40 points 8out of 11
0 cuz I said you'd miss 3
0 you'll get many but 26 I don't think so
60 Liessa Ooops the Queen loves a challenge
40 that is very conservative and The Quenn is up to a challenge but is also conservative
Shop around the World
Shop around the World
80 I.m sticking with 8 outta 11
0 I said 8
0 at least 1 will be over $20
0 never is on arrival especially with multiple rooms
10as it may be later in the day
0 just don't see it for all rooms
0 am thing can't see multiple rooms

Top 10 list
40 that's 80%
0 Even Janet did,t get 100% althought we were 90%
20 I have faith you can do them all
0 someone will get blisters
0 you may be organized
5 that's easy
0 I don't think so
5pts this one I am sure of I will see to it with Marv's help!!
10 points the Queen must have her magic
20 points ? 2 resorts

I make that 250 points !!:dancer:
The morning finds us trekking around AK where the deer and the antelope play.

And are preyed upon by feral cats large and small.

I figure if they can, so can I.

Seems only fair.

and while I have big plans, I'm also notuhnaziparktourer.

<slow clap>

(The tip jar is over there on the counter. ;) )

<Clink!> Hope you're happy. That was my last nickel.

we'll be getting our silly on with the help of Mr. Bob Jackson, a long-time staple who puts on a phenomenally funny show.

I'm so ashamed.
We actually stayed at POR and never saw him.
Probably because the DDs were too little to stay up too late and we'd get home from the parks late enough as it is.

K is for Kermit, kibbitz, and kimchee. Had me some of 'dat the other day with my eldest daughter when we went to Korean for lunch.

I've never had kimchee. Know what it is (Geez, I've practically got MASH memorized) but...
I've never been a fan of cabbage, so I'm loathe to try it... even if I could find some around here.

every Tuesday at 2:00 they shut down and serve a meal for the homeless community here in Salem.

Nice. Definitely a place worth going to.

'K' also happens to be for Krakatoa Punch. Because why would I go to Trader Sam's and not get some?

I give up? Why?
Is this a trick question???

Kooky New (to me) Place of Sam's.

Me too. Never been.

I'm going to enlist the help of my server at Victoria and Albert's, who'll probably think I'm completely off my rocker,

Oh, definitely.
"Madame, we do not sell wine by the letter!"

I will certainly find out in 99 days. (You did notice that is now double digits, right?)

::yes:: Woot!

The natural place to hang out is La Cava (after we Meet up in the Norway Pavilion to begin) where I'll have Marg #3. I'm going with the generic Margarita for 'M' because I haven't quite decided on WHICH one I'll get.

Mentioned this to Ruby just today.
She was very excited about Margaritas, but...

However, I'm leaning towards the Jalepeno.

... and I quote "Why would anyone put a Jalapeno in a Margarita??"

@pkondz, since you will be there before me, you could scope the 'N" situation out. Has to be in EPCOT, and it can't be beer.

I`ll see what I can do!
And neither Ruby nor I drink beer, so no danger there.

Go. And have fun; make good choices, and all that....

Make good choices?????
Where's the fun in that?!?!?!?

From Allears: Outpost Oasis - lemon soft-serve and Grey Goose vodka $10.75.

OMG. Must. Have.
(Added it to my Disney list.)

We'll see what this old bod is still made of.

Sugar and spice and everything nice, of course.

I'm beginning to see a pattern to your weak spot.


Do you use egg in yours? My MIL made the best with lots of egg and buttermilk in it. I've tried for 25 years to duplicate it, but can't seem to get it *just* right.

Hard boiled eggs, yes.
No buttermilk. Mayo and sour cream.

You asked.... :lmao::scared1:

:lmao: :rotfl: I can't believe you put an arrow!


Going back for more reading.
Nevertheless, time to get your brains dusted off and your memories geared up...)

<groan> Oh, no. Not memory.
I can't remember what I did today!

QUEEN STEPPE'S ALPHABET GAME!!! (Only a very small portion of this actually has anything to do with the alphabet, as you'll see, but it sure sounds great, don't it?!)

Very impressive.

(The King will make a grudging appearance, for he'd rather spend his time frolicking in the forests.)

Silly King.

(yes, there really is an official Scorecard the Queen will have at hand).

:laughing: Somehow I knew you would.

Oy! I'm working the midnight shift.
My brain can't process contests of this magnitude right now!
I'll come back when I'm slightly more alert.
Sounds like some gross mismanagement, Pat. Burn out is real.... no chance on finding a new job using your skills, not in swimming per se, but in managing a small staff??

It is something, that is for sure. :laughing: There are changes coming down because of the salary rule minimum being changed and ridiculous rules when it comes to hours due to the ACA that are compounded by by government incompetence. Then we have our issues being government ourselves and the cumbersome and sometimes idiotic procedures and policies that we have to abide by.

I like what I do, just not so much where I am doing it right now. I am hoping this shall pass soon and if not ..... I may need to make a change, time will tell.

This may actually be a nice way to spread the wealth and make things a bit more managable.


I'm liking the martini slider! And because you set it with so little time... it's going to FLY across it!

I hope so.

I may need more brain power to think about these. :faint::eek::thumbsup2

Okay I may be ready now to ive some guesses. Maybe not but here goes anyway.

Flights and Travel: (80 points available)

10 points for each departure on time (2 Royal Carriage rides)
5 points within 1/2 hour (for each)
5 points for each aisle for me (2 possible)
10 points if we all sit together (each leg)
20 points if I get any sleep (hint, I have Ambien and I'm not afraid to use it)

20+ 5 + 20 for sleep so 45 total
ADRs: (75 points available)

5 points for each ADR we go to
20 point bonus if we go to all of them (there are 11)

I don't think you will make all of them but my guess is for 50 points.

Drinks: (150 points available- this is an ambitious Quest!)

50 points if I get 1 drink from every letter
10 points for each Challenge drink gotten = 60
10 points for each souvie mug I buy (4 is the plan; 2 may be n/a drinks)

60 for sure. I will go for a total of 90. If you DO make every letter it will be a nice surprise...

Shop Around the World Tour: (85 points available)

5 points for each Pavilion I buy something in
10 point bonus if I buy something from all 11 Pavilions
20 point bonus if each one is under $10

65 for the win. At least 1 will be over $10.00

Hidden Mickeys: (50 points available)

1 point for every one I find **and post (up to 50 points available)

AND POST??????? Yikes 35?

Resorts: AoA; AKL (60 points available)

10 points if room ready on arrival (AoA)
10 points if room ready on arrival (AKL)
20 points if upgraded (AoA)
20 points if upgraded (AKL)

Sadly I am going for a big goose egg here. A red eye and then resort transfer.... You will be waiting for a room for at least a little bit. Even telling then when you plan to arrive, sadly the room still isnt ready. Now for upgrade :rotfl2: While I hope you get one, they are far and few between now.

Completion of "Top 10 Lists": (60 points available)
*More posts on these to come...


10 points per list if totally completed (4 parks, 2 Resorts)

Transportation: (50 points available)

30 bonus points if no wait is more than 15 minutes per ride during entire trip
20 bonus points if all 5 modes are taken (bus, mono, boat, train, ferry)

I will give you 20 but you will probably have at least 1 wait that exceeds 15 minutes.

Miscellaneous Points: (60 + 26 = 86 points available)

5 points if no one gets any blisters
5 points if no one forgets anything (hint: I am very organized)
5 points if I actually get 1 photo with a character (hint: possibly at MNSSHP)
10 points for the MNSSHP Pentafecta: HM, Parade, Hallowishes, Hocus Pocus Show, 7 Dwarves Photo
5 points if I do something ridiculous at Yeehaw Bob (we'll see who knows me well)
10 points if I get any "Magic" while wearing my Mickey ears, or button, or grad cap
10 points for each pool I actually get in

1 point for every Mystery Photo Location you correctly identify (this portion to be played out during TR!)

I will say 55 on this portion.

I will have to give deep and reflective consideration before posting my final answers, however I couldn't pass on this one............

Since I will be there to influence your actions to a certain extent, you will do AT LEAST one ridiculous thing! 100 bonus points for me if I get said ridiculous thing on video............5000 bonus points for me if said ridiculous thing on video is not posted online for the whole DIS world to see. :banana:

Nice..... :earseek: :rotfl:

Hello! Busy with getting everything ready for the arrival of Michael tomorrow!! :-)

Welcome to Germany Michael. :wave: Hope he has a safe flight and you both enjoy your time together.
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Wow I thought only England performed that torture !! More than one student passed out during the shot !!!Mine was in the arm and I had a scar for years but it has faded with the years and year . Yes Marv I'm OLD!!!:rotfl2:

I think he only got it because we were headed back out to a country where TB was/is absolutely rampant. We had many friends and neighbors with it. It's a horribly sickness and WAY too hard to get rid of, so worth it to us, even if it offered a little bit of protection for him.

I will have to give deep and reflective consideration before posting my final answers

... yes, this will require deepness and reflectiveness.... and yes, you should be considerate when posting your answers. LOL! Your Queen requests that.

Since I will be there to influence your actions to a certain extent, you will do AT LEAST one ridiculous thing! 100 bonus points for me if I get said ridiculous thing on video............5000 bonus points for me if said ridiculous thing on video is not posted online for the whole DIS world to see. :banana:

I bet you'd gladly take a resounding loss if could and did post such nonsense. (Be forewarned, I do a mean Conga Line.)
And are preyed upon by feral cats large and small.

See?! It's a park that offers incredible entertainment packages!

<Clink!> Hope you're happy. That was my last nickel.

Good, now I have one.

I'm so ashamed.
We actually stayed at POR and never saw him.
Probably because the DDs were too little to stay up too late and we'd get home from the parks late enough as it is.

And these are the things that make a Disney trip a "slow down and smell the roses" kind of trip. Not necessarily less stuff to do, just stuff off the beaten path. But I get the late night stuff with littler ones. Can't burn the candle at both ends.

I've never been a fan of cabbage, so I'm loathe to try it... even if I could find some around here.

Best stick to poutine... ;)

I give up? Why?
Is this a trick question???

Tricky, and only a little rhetorical.

Me too. Never been.

.... you could remedy that....

"Madame, we do not sell wine by the letter!"

"But kind Sir, I DID pay nearly the cost of an annual pass to have you sommelier me something that will fit my tastes, preferences and letters."

... and I quote "Why would anyone put a Jalapeno in a Margarita??"

"Uhhh, the same reason you'd put an olive in a martini. Or a diaper on a baby. It's just a good idea."

I`ll see what I can do!

Awww, shucks. Thanks!

Make good choices?????
Where's the fun in that?!?!?!?

I didn't say they have to be legal or responsible. Just good.

OMG. Must. Have.
(Added it to my Disney list.)

SEE! I DO have some good ideas once in a while.

Hard boiled eggs, yes.
No buttermilk. Mayo and sour cream.

My 21 year old made it tonight for a BBQ on our beach; it was amazing!

:lmao: :rotfl: I can't believe you put an arrow!


Yes. Yes, I did!
Well, I have come to my decision; it was confirmed that I was making the right one by my own heart and the strong convincing of my Nursey Girls. The hours are simply better for our family and the Per Diem status allows me time to take off on short term trips with Medical Teams International or Mercy Ships. It also didn't hurt that I was called this afternoon and given a formal offer with a dollar amount. I will go into the Clinic tomorrow and sign papers.... It also makes sense given that I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie and need variety and a bit of excitement in any job I take. I think as brand new nurse, I need the team atmosphere of the Surgical environment as opposed to the mostly independent nature of hospice.

I will be starting in the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit), then be trained for Pre-Surg. After a while, I will also be cross-trained for the OR. It may turn into a part time status position shortly if the census stays high as it's been lately, I am told. I will be starting it looks like on or around Tuesday in training. First I have to locate the proof of my Hep B vaccine, TB test, my tetanus shot proof, etc... I will immediately start working on my ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) certification, my PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) cert and all of the ho-hum HR stuff. I can start before my RN licensure because I already have my LPN. Lots of hard work coming up- but I am ready!

It was a very difficult decision, I think I would also really love hospice, but the on-call hours would be tough on the family until my daughter is 18 and graduated. For all of you who've supported me during the last years leading up to this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! You are an amazing encouragement!!
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<groan> Oh, no. Not memory.
I can't remember what I did today!

But I'll bet you remember what you ate today.

Very impressive.

Why thank you. It took a while to develop. I mean I could have gotten a nursing degree in the amount of time that took....

Silly King.


:laughing: Somehow I knew you would.

You're never one to doubt me!

Oy! I'm working the midnight shift.
My brain can't process contests of this magnitude right now!
I'll come back when I'm slightly more alert.

Somehow, I have a feeling you are working another one tonight.

Hello! Busy with getting everything ready for the arrival of Michael tomorrow!! :-)

HELLO, Michael!! I hope your flights were great and you're getting settled in nicely! (Ask Magdalene's dad about his acorn fed ham!!!)

What am I? Chopped kimchee?

I KNEW I should have put in that darned parenthetical clause- "except the ever-faithful ponzi"
Awesome! :yay: Congratulations on the new job!! It sounds like you made the best choice for you and Hospice and or Home Health of any kind is pretty hard on a new grad (I did it with Home Health and I would do it again, but it wasn't easy). Great that you will be starting so soon.
Yum!! I love balsamic vinegar! That looks scrumptious!! I'm gonna have to go back and re read the contest, my eyes are tired and my brain says " no thinking right now !"

This was a beautiful basalmic reduction that was SOOOOO good! And the tomatoes were fresh and sweet off the vine.

Yes, it's not an easy contest to shoot off haphazard guesses. But I think you'll do well....

Sorry will share my guesses to your big beautiful alphabet game soon. I had to have injections in my wrists and hip due to RA flare up so haven't felt much like typing.

OUCH!!! And I absolutely don't blalme you, Poor Girl! That doesn't sound very fun at all!

It is something, that is for sure. :laughing: There are changes coming down because of the salary rule minimum being changed and ridiculous rules when it comes to hours due to the ACA that are compounded by by government incompetence. Then we have our issues being government ourselves and the cumbersome and sometimes idiotic procedures and policies that we have to abide by.

I like what I do, just not so much where I am doing it right now. I am hoping this shall pass soon and if not ..... I may need to make a change, time will tell.

"idiotic"- the single word that stuck out to me. I'd give this kind of bogusness about 4-6 more months and be done. If it's doesn't change by then, it likely won't.

I hope so.

You need a vacation as badly as I do!

I may need more brain power to think about these. :faint::eek::thumbsup2

Some are just random guesses. You'll do fine! :) And since some of my readers are GOING, I HAD to make it mostly done before the trip- otherwise, it just wouldn't be fair. LOL!

Nice..... :earseek: :rotfl:

I'm counting on you to keep the Marvalator in line! (Or you could just join me in being juvenile in our shenanigans.)
Awesome! :yay: Congratulations on the new job!! It sounds like you made the best choice for you and Hospice and or Home Health of any kind is pretty hard on a new grad (I did it with Home Health and I would do it again, but it wasn't easy). Great that you will be starting so soon.

Thanks!!! I do think hospice would be pretty darned hard and the weekends and holidays would make it moreso. AND trying to learn how to make so many independent decisions. I'm excited to start and make $$ so I can get some of these house projects done!
Ugh! I step out for a bit and there is a huge new contest and all kinds of updates. I'll have to catcheck up with you on the flip side when I get back!
Ugh! I step out for a bit and there is a huge new contest and all kinds of updates. I'll have to catcheck up with you on the flip side when I get back!

I hope you're having simply the most fabulous time, Alison!! Be safe and we'll "chat" soon!


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