The ABC's of Trip Planning, Pt 1- K is for Keeping Things Kooky- Drinks V-Z; pg. 197 + New Link

Congratulations on the employment decision! :banana::cool1::woohoo: I had faith that it would become clear what was best for your future career path! :thumbsup2

I'm counting on you to keep the Marvalator in line!

I give this a 10% probability!

(Or you could just join me in being juvenile in our shenanigans.)
And I give this about a 90% probability! :rotfl:

And for Rosie joining in on the shenanigans...... 100% probability, although in her case it could be purely accidental. :rolleyes1:sad2: :rolleyes1
Congratulations on getting a formal offer! I hope you love it.

On your contest you have the flight portion. I can't remember, did you find a direct flight to Orlando? And as for seating together, do you consider rows directly across the aisle, row in front and row in back as "together"? We had picked our seats each leg and every time, the airline changed them and we were seated far apart.
Congratulations on the employment decision! :banana::cool1::woohoo: I had faith that it would become clear what was best for your future career path! :thumbsup2

Thanks, Marv! It's definitely an exciting time; adventure is out theeeeeere!

And I give this about a 90% probability! :rotfl:

And for Rosie joining in on the shenanigans...... 100% probability, although in her case it could be purely accidental. :rolleyes1:sad2: :rolleyes1

See! There is going to be some fun.

But there aren't any bleachers for torpedoing down at the River Roost. :lmao::crutches:

Congratulations on the new job!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:Seems like everything is falling into place nicely!

I'm pretty excited! It's a full $10/ hr than my LPN job I'm at now. I"ll likely stay at that job for a while, though, since both are per diem.

Congratulations on getting a formal offer! I hope you love it.

Thanks, Dearie! My really good friend/ study partner whose already started in the OR there says she loves it! So I'm hopeful!

On your contest you have the flight portion. I can't remember, did you find a direct flight to Orlando? And as for seating together, do you consider rows directly across the aisle, row in front and row in back as "together"? We had picked our seats each leg and every time, the airline changed them and we were seated far apart.

Ok, yes, some clarifications...

I did not. There are 2 legs- we originate out of Seattle (was $200 PER TICKET to fly out of there rather than Portland!) and we change planes in Chicago, O'hare if that helps you in the "on time or not" category... Most people aren't reading the in-between chatter, but those who do, will get massive hints. ;) And you can always change your answers until the day I leave as well.

Here's the skinny on sitting together: I'll consider it sitting together if I can pass something to my kids or talk to them without leaving my seat. So directly behind me (next row back) or in front of me will count as well as across the aisle from me. However, (massive hint #2) I just booked our seats. ;) However, you never know what the airline will do. They're about as predictable as the weather in Oregon.
Congratulations on your first real nursing job! I think it sounds really great, as you say working as a team on your first job is a good thing. And those additional qualifications might be useful in the future, too.

Michael's mother was a nurse and after she retired she actually went back into nursing and became a hospice nurse. She did it part time and really liked her job. So, I think there still will be plenty of time for you to try out being a hospice nurse at a different point in your professional life!
Well, I have come to my decision; it was confirmed that I was making the right one by my own heart and the strong convincing of my Nursey Girls. The hours are simply better for our family and the Per Diem status allows me time to take off on short term trips with Medical Teams International or Mercy Ships. It also didn't hurt that I was called this afternoon and given a formal offer with a dollar amount. I will go into the Clinic tomorrow and sign papers.... It also makes sense given that I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie and need variety and a bit of excitement in any job I take. I think as brand new nurse, I need the team atmosphere of the Surgical environment as opposed to the mostly independent nature of hospice.

Congrats! This does sound like a better fit for you, now that you have the full description. Hospice sounds a lot harder, emotionally, too, tbh. Cool that you can keep both per diem jobs for now, too.

I'm going to have to go back and find the contest stuff - pages and pages ago, at the rate I'm going! But thanks for the hints, lol.
Here are my attempts at Queen Steppe's Contest!

Flights and Travel:
10 – on time from Seattle, not on time from O’Hare. Nothing is ever on time from O’Hare. Well, hardly ever.
10 – 2 aisles for Queen Steppe!
10 – one leg sitting together, one time not (the O’Hare leg will get messed up)
20 – Why yes, that Ambien will get put to good use
Total: 50

I’ll say you go to 10 of the 11 ADRs – 50 points

Sorry, I don’t think you will manage all 26 alphabetical drinks, but you will come close! You didn’t ask, but I’ll say you get 23 of them.
Yes, you will get 6 challenge drinks: 60 points
3 souvie mugs: 30 points
Total: 90 points

Shop Around the World Tour:
I think you can do it! 85 points!

Hidden Mickeys:
25 Hidden Mickey points

10 points – AoA ready
10 points – AKL ready
No upgrades
Total: 20 points

Completion of Top 10 Lists:
Totally complete: 3 lists (AoA, AK, MK) 30 points

20 bonus points for 5 modes taken

Miscellaneous Points: (not including last part):
5 points for no blisters (really hoping for this one!)
You are very organized: 5 points
5 points for a character photo
5 points for doing something ridiculious at Yeehaw Bob – of course!
10 for getting Magic – of course!
10 points for getting in a pool – but just one
40 Miscellaneous Points (can’t do the other ones until later)

Grand total: 410 (if I added everything correctly!)
Well, I have come to my decision; it was confirmed that I was making the right one by my own heart and the strong convincing of my Nursey Girls. The hours are simply better for our family and the Per Diem status allows me time to take off on short term trips with Medical Teams International or Mercy Ships. It also didn't hurt that I was called this afternoon and given a formal offer with a dollar amount. I will go into the Clinic tomorrow and sign papers.... It also makes sense given that I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie and need variety and a bit of excitement in any job I take. I think as brand new nurse, I need the team atmosphere of the Surgical environment as opposed to the mostly independent nature of hospice.

I will be starting in the PACU (post-anesthesia care unit), then be trained for Pre-Surg. After a while, I will also be cross-trained for the OR. It may turn into a part time status position shortly if the census stays high as it's been lately, I am told. I will be starting it looks like on or around Tuesday in training. First I have to locate the proof of my Hep B vaccine, TB test, my tetanus shot proof, etc... I will immediately start working on my ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) certification, my PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) cert and all of the ho-hum HR stuff. I can start before my RN licensure because I already have my LPN. Lots of hard work coming up- but I am ready!

It was a very difficult decision, I think I would also really love hospice, but the on-call hours would be tough on the family until my daughter is 18 and graduated. For all of you who've supported me during the last years leading up to this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! You are an amazing encouragement!!
Congratulations! I think you will be very pleased with your choice!
Some are just random guesses. You'll do fine! :) And since some of my readers are GOING, I HAD to make it mostly done before the trip- otherwise, it just wouldn't be fair. LOL!
Hey! Aren't we already being punished enough??? :confused3 :rolleyes1

See! There is going to be some fun.

But there aren't any bleachers for torpedoing down at the River Roost. :lmao::crutches:
Never underestimate Rosie's ability to embarrass herself...... :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Congratulations on your job, and by the way....Speaking of contests, thereis a certain one on my TR that might be closing up soon. I may be away, but my next update was ready to go long before I left. We have Internet access now and it will only take five minutes of my time, so time is ticking!
First :dogdance::dogdance::dogdance: congrats on the job offer! As someone who's spent my share in post and pre-op a friendly sympathetic competent person is exactly the person you're looking for!

Second... What page, chapter will I find your reservations? I'm trying to plan our trip and can't remember dates and times I was joining the liesa RN party. And third (or 2d part B) I may want to add my son to the via Napoli festivities.... But need to see where everything else is going to play out first.
:yay::dogdance:Look who got a job offer!! There never was a doubt something good would find you. The details you give really do sound like a good fit for you.
The variety of things you could do/learn and co-workers along with you would be nice. Also anything that make it easy for the family regarding scheduling and hours is a vote for a yes.
So happy for you!

Will have to look at that contest info again before I even could try to answer.
Ok, my brain officially hurts now... but here goes it....

Your Majesty::worship:

Flights and Travel: (80 points available)

10 points first one will be on time
5 points within 1/2 hour for 2nd carriage ride
10 points as you will get isle seats for each one
0 points sitting together, 1 of you will have to be apart in each leg of the flight.
20 points for sleep because you need it and you will finally be relieved because you will have a secure
job waiting on your return and have already passed your licensing exam!

ADRs: (75 points available)

40 points, you will keep 8 of your ADR's.
0 points, you will not go to all of them.

Drinks: (150 points available- this is an ambitious Quest!)

0 for every letter, I see this ending in cement kissing if you truly make it! Lots of cement kissing!
40 points, I think you will succeed at 4 of the challenge drinks.
20 for souvie mugs... I think you will get 2... Krakatoa Punch with mug from Trader Sams and Air Pirates Mule
in Jock Lindsey's Ape mug.

Shop Around the World Tour: (85 points available)

35 points, you will buy stuff in 7 pavilions
0 points, you won't buy from them all, you will be to drunk to remember which you already bought from and
will double up on a couple thinking you are in a new area!
20 points as each item you buy will be under $10.

Hidden Mickeys: (50 points available)

20 points You will find 100's, but you will only POST 20 because about 1/2 way in you won't remember where
you found them.

Resorts: AoA; AKL (60 points available)

0 points as room at AoA will not be ready
10 points room ready on arrival at AKL
0 points no upgrade at AoA
20 points you will be upgraded at AKL

Completion of "Top 10 Lists": (60 points available)
*More posts on these to come...

10 points per list if totally completed (4 parks, 2 Resorts)

Transportation: (50 points available)

0 bonus points as no wait is more than 15 minutes per ride during entire trip is a dream that Disney can't even
20 bonus points all 5 modes will be taken (bus, mono, boat, train, ferry)

Miscellaneous Points: (60 + 26 = 86 points available)

5 points ino one gets any blisters because you are a nurse and know how to prepare!
5 points no one will forget anything because I have a feeling you make lists and check it twice!
5 points you WILL actually get 1 photo with a character (hint: possibly at MNSSHP)
0 points for the MNSSHP Pentafecta: 7 Dwarves photo won't happen.
5 points for EVERY ridiculous thing you do at Yeehaw Bob (See what I did there?) (25 total as I am limiting my guess to 5...)
10 points because you will get "Magic" while wearing your button and grad cap
20 points, you will get into 2 pools

Total points:350

It was a very difficult decision, I think I would also really love hospice, but the on-call hours would be tough on the family until my daughter is 18 and graduated

I am glad you feel good about the decision you made. My sister does Home care and all though she loves it, it is very hard on her. My nephew is only 13 and she is a single mom so she puts in A LOT of overtime and on call hours. She say's it is to hard to resist the on call pay, but on the same hand, it runs her down very quickly when she gets called out all the time.
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Just a drive by but congrats on the job decision. It sounds great and it must be a load off to have it done and not think about anymore. Sounds like you will have lots to keep you busy but it's all very exciting!!
First :dogdance::dogdance::dogdance: congrats on the job offer! As someone who's spent my share in post and pre-op a friendly sympathetic competent person is exactly the person you're looking for!

Second... What page, chapter will I find your reservations? I'm trying to plan our trip and can't remember dates and times I was joining the liesa RN party. And third (or 2d part B) I may want to add my son to the via Napoli festivities.... But need to see where everything else is going to play out first.

Are you even kidding me?! LOL! I have no idea.... I'm actually out the door to go work out, but will be doing responses here and checking other threads tonight after dinner. I will DEFINITELY spell it all out for you, and even send you the spreadsheet of amazingness if you want me to. I can PM it if you send an e-mail address...
Well, maybe not page :rolleyes1 but I thought maybe from your chapter titles you might have known.
I know I "signed up" for the Flying Fish/Captains Grille dinner and Via Napoli and I think I have the right days (Friday and Sunday?) but I wasn't sure on the times.
Hubby is going on a solo trip in August so he's had me booking his fast passes and a meal or two. That's triggered my "need" to plan mine and Rynes trip...:teeth:


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