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After my Seedy Encounter, the day was about to get a whole lot rosier. And crownier. In more than one sense of the meaning and meanings. One of my trip tenets was to “take time to stop and smell the roses”, meaning I really wanted a lot of this trip to be a slower, really see what’s out there, sort of experience. I did a ton of that, as you’ve already seen, and I’m quite excited to show you the myriad of other ways those moments became reality over the next week of our trip!

Now, in a literal sense, I knew there were a lot of roses to stop and smell, and these are some of my favorites- on the International Bridge between Future World and World Showcase. The intoxicating smell is so enchanting, and I couldn’t help myself from sniffing my way along. (My goodness, did I really just make myself sound like a dog?)



Eventually, as about half the travelers along this path do (unless you subscribe to the theory that more go left), I came to Canada.


But today, there’d be no stopping here. I was in a hurry, as I was sure my day was about to get even rosier. My single-minded objective of the afternoon would not be able to start here in this corner, but rather in the Land of Tea and Crumpets where first I’d dine in the earthy establishment of The Rose and Crown Pub.

It was after Lady Lallie posted her review that I really started looking into this as an option. Part of the decision also stemmed from another of my Personal Touring Tenets: That Soldier #1 would try at least 5 new TS restaurants on this trip. Why NOT? I had the freedom of no one dictating their tastes during my solo time, no kids to veto or influence, and a bit of extra cash to play with. So choose R&C I did! The food sounded yummy, and one drink in particular was calling my name... And what better place to start my afternoon adventure? …The Mother of all Power Shopping Trips! But first things first.

Ah, United Kingdom! How quaint and tidy you are! So proper and so diverse! Regal in some places, yet not stuffy or uppity in others. Some architecture on your lanes is stately, others are more simple down the road with thatch instead of slate. All of it surrounded by a profusion of flowers in every shape and color. In the background sweet tunes of harpsichord and flute play songs of Tudor times mingles with more modern ditties such as “Consider Yourself at Home” from Oliver. Would I feel at home in the Rose and Crown? Well, not exactly. At home I cook the food and do the dishes. Today, someone else was going to do that!

Let’s see what the R&C check-in looks like. Oopsie, guess you’ll have to be better at getting a picture of it than I was. But I did get these. It very definitely has a lovely entrance:



I was told to wait (making me feel much more “at home”- I’m told that all the time) and they’d call me soon- by way of being flashed. I guess word had gotten around that that’s how I communicate. While I waited, which wasn’t long at all, I watched some older gentleman having the time of his life up on stage. I’m sure his family will have many hilarious memories for years to come!


Famished, I hurried up to the podium and was shown to an okay table. Not by the window, but nevertheless, ok. I probably could have asked for a window seat and waited, but was too hungry to have even thought of it, and even if I had, would likely not have given how STARVED I was. (Yogurt and Granola can only go so far.) I had already looked at the menu, but had not chosen for sure what I wanted. I think I left that open to how hungry I was feeling on this particular day; some TS restaurants I had known for sure for MONTHS what I was going to get- not so with this one. After looking things over, both on the menu, and on others’ plates, I became pretty sure I wanted the bangers and mash. The corned beef sandwich came in a close second, but I was hungrier than a sandwich.



Bangers and Mash - traditional English sausages, with braised cabbage and bacon, mashed potatoes and shallot gravy $14.99

Can I just say right now, that meal was absolutely HEAVENLY!!! The combo of meat and taters was simply fabulous, and throw in some bacon and cabbage, and Oh. My. GOSH! I could easily have gone back here in the same trip, but sadly there are too many other wonderful places to at least try.

So, I hadn’t decided on my food, but I definitely HAD decided on a drink!!! I can’t even begin to tell you whose TR I had seen the Green Dragon on, but my taste buds had been screaming for one for months. WOW!


Welsh Dragon - Peach Schnapps, Melon liqueur, Créme de Menthe, Orange Juice, and Pineapple Juice served in a souvenir cup $9.50

And did I love it?


It was somewhat tasty, but worse than that, I’m pretty sure it had no alcohol in it whatsoever. Let’s face it, when I get a drink and pay $9.50 for it, I want a kick to it!! I expected to leave at least a teensy bit more merry than when I walked in, and at the very least feeling like I had something to ease the pain of the $30 I had plopped down. This was actually the beginning of a valuable lesson in ordering and consuming Disney booze- but I’ll save my findings for a couple drinks from now, when I have given you more forensic evidence of my findings.

Had I known, I would have saved my dough, and gotten dessert. :headache:

Briget, my server, was exceptionally friendly, and I thoroughly enjoyed her service. At one point, I had to flag down another server for something inconsequential, but it was minor in the grand scheme of lunch. All in all, she earned her tip.

Here are a few shots of the interior to give you a feeling of how lovely this place was. I would completely agree with Magdalene, it is WAY too tidy and clean to be classified as a genuine pub. But just noisy enough to make you feel like you were in one, if you closed your eyes.



Bottom line: Would I go back here?? You betcha!! In fact, I’d go so far as to say I enjoyed the food here more than I did over at Brown Derby. I can’t say I enjoyed the dining experience as a whole more, but if I were to go strictly on the flavor of the food, I’d choose this place over the other.


Bidding a fond Cheerio, it was time to start what my heart had set out to do- SHOP the World!!! But which way would I take off??

Have you ever seen a lassie go this way:


Or that:

I was wondering about this drink! I had a feeling it wasn't going to be that great with the mint in it. Sad to hear with all that booze you couldn't taste any of it. Strange, huh?

This isn't the first time I've heard or felt there wasn't booze in my so called boozie drink that was ordered. :headache:
This happened to me the first time I had a drink at WDW, my non-boozie drink happened at Coral Reef. :rolleyes: But only on my first trip.

Second trip with my family, all my drinks were pretty good and spot on for what was described. :thumbsup2 I think watching them make it or making sure they don't overload it on ice is key.

I actually had a waiter chuckle when I said more drink than ice this go around. :laughing: I had a some what rough day and wanted my Boma's experience and rest of evening a good one. He totally delivered!! :love: :laughing:
sliding in before this one gets closed

:woohoo: :dance3: :woohoo: :yay: :woohoo: :banana:

party: :jumping1: :rainbow:

Jordy's back!!! Jordy's back!!! :hug: I know what Liesa meant by being at a loss for words and being emotional to see you back on here. When I saw your first post back on FB I actually yelled out loud Jordy!!! I think I scared myself and everyone else around. Ha! :laughing:
I was wondering about this drink! I had a feeling it wasn't going to be that great with the mint in it. Sad to hear with all that booze you couldn't taste any of it. Strange, huh?

This isn't the first time I've heard or felt there wasn't booze in my so called boozie drink that was ordered. :headache:
This happened to me the first time I had a drink at WDW, my non-boozie drink happened at Coral Reef. :rolleyes: But only on my first trip.

Second trip with my family, all my drinks were pretty good and spot on for what was described. :thumbsup2 I think watching them make it or making sure they don't overload it on ice is key.

I actually had a waiter chuckle when I said more drink than ice this go around. :laughing: I had a some what rough day and wanted my Boma's experience and rest of evening a good one. He totally delivered!! :love: :laughing:

Ugh! I wanted to call you today, but Monday's are flipping insane!!

Now, it's run into dinner time and the hordes will be screaming for sustenance soon.

I'd say, it was hit and miss on the drinks- I'll let the story tell itself as it unfolds. I think you have a great theory on the "watching" element... Hmm....:idea:

The drink itself tasted pretty ok; I like minty drinks- esp, a mint julep (although those tend to get me into trouble (ie. leaving cameras behind)) but this was just lacking something. And I mean more than a pretty umbrella.
sliding in before this one gets closed


My daughter is sitting her beside me getting ready to take a spelling test, and just asked my why I was crying. Words won't come....

I have so much to tell you, and can't wait to share a few words. Gotta get a hold of my emotional self over how much I've missed you and how far I know you've come and, and, and. Oh Jordan- it's just so good to "see" you!! :banana::hug:

:woohoo: :dance3: :woohoo: :yay: :woohoo: :banana:

party: :jumping1: :rainbow:

Jordy's back!!! Jordy's back!!! :hug: I know what Liesa meant by being at a loss for words and being emotional to see you back on here. When I saw your first post back on FB I actually yelled out loud Jordy!!! I think I scared myself and everyone else around. Ha! :laughing:

I did the same thing- tears, choking up and then yelling and cheering.

:sad1: but with a smile, :blush: ::yes:: :hyper: :bitelip: party:
Lovely review! I think my favorite pictures is of the "happy plate" (empty plate). Like Michelle would say "You can never go wrong with potatoes". She hasn't met one yet she doesn't like.
I did the same thing- tears, choking up and then yelling and cheering.

:sad1: but with a smile, :blush: ::yes:: :hyper: :bitelip: party:


Lovely review! I think my favorite pictures is of the "happy plate" (empty plate). Like Michelle would say "You can never go wrong with potatoes". She hasn't met one yet she doesn't like.

Ha! I've not heard that one yet- "The Happy Plate"! I love it!! I dont' have too many from this trip- which sure gives testimony to this outstanding dish!

Nope- never had a bad potato. Anywhere. Ever.
I've had a good experience at Rose and Crown as well. It's not on my must do list for every trip, but it's definitely a viable option, and oddly enough, I think it was one of LL's reviews that made me think about trying it as well! :lmao

Every time I see any kind of interaction in the UK, all I can think of is, "Grail, grail, grail, whoooop!"

Anyone remember / know what I'm talking about?

Bangers and Mash - traditional English sausages, with braised cabbage and bacon, mashed potatoes and shallot gravy $14.99

Oh....that looks guuuuud!

Welsh Dragon - Peach Schnapps, Melon liqueur, Créme de Menthe, Orange Juice, and Pineapple Juice served in a souvenir cup $9.50

The ingredients list sounds really good. Maybe they skimped on the schnapps?

What's the matter with the rind? :rotfl2:
Great update Liesa!

If we made in to R&C in December I was going to go for the Bangers too!

I'd respond more but I need to hit the hay! :goodvibes
I've had a good experience at Rose and Crown as well. It's not on my must do list for every trip, but it's definitely a viable option, and oddly enough, I think it was one of LL's reviews that made me think about trying it as well! :lmao

Every time I see any kind of interaction in the UK, all I can think of is, "Grail, grail, grail, whoooop!"

Anyone remember / know what I'm talking about?

I think, in fact, BOTH the HBD AND R&C were recommendations from her! She knows how to pick 'em! :thumbsup2

Nope- unless was it Monte Python?? Been a looooooooooooooooooong time since I've seen that one.

Oh....that looks guuuuud!

The ingredients list sounds really good. Maybe they skimped on the schnapps?

What's the matter with the rind? :rotfl2:

That's it! The drink was missing rind! :lmao:

Those were some tasty victuals right there!!

Great update Liesa!

If we made in to R&C in December I was going to go for the Bangers too!

I'd respond more but I need to hit the hay! :goodvibes

Thanks! You're there now-- try and pop in and get some weiners!

keep on having fun!
Great update Liesa!

I was hemming and hawing over an ADR at Rose & Crown but I'd read that their gluten free options were rather limited. But your meal looked fantastic! Oh, I can totally appreciate your solo kids hampering your restaurant choices, etc. Was it a bit liberating? I'll bet it was!

Out of curiosity, who flashed whom here? Was it the host flashing you or you flashing them when your table was ready?;)

Bummer about your drink though. It looked and sounded appealing. Maybe you could've sent it back for just a smidge more alcohol? My grandmother used to do that all the time!:laughing:

Soooo, where did you go shopping then??
Great update Liesa!

I was hemming and hawing over an ADR at Rose & Crown but I'd read that their gluten free options were rather limited. But your meal looked fantastic! Oh, I can totally appreciate your solo kids hampering your restaurant choices, etc. Was it a bit liberating? I'll bet it was!

Oh man! You have NO idea how liberating it was!! All my time to fill with all my whims! I LOVED it!

I would imagine there might be some gluten in the potatoes... Dang!

Out of curiosity, who flashed whom here? Was it the host flashing you or you flashing them when your table was ready?;)

hahahahaha! wouldn't you just like to know.... All I can say is that it came with buzzing as well! :rotfl2: And it wasn't from any Green Dragons. :sad2:

Bummer about your drink though. It looked and sounded appealing. Maybe you could've sent it back for just a smidge more alcohol? My grandmother used to do that all the time!:laughing:

Oh wouldn't THAT have been funny!! I forgot to say earlier, because I totally just remembered what it was I flagged down the other server for: When the drink arrived, it looked very boozy-scary, so I asked for a roll so as to not have to ask for a wheelchair too when leaving. Guess that ended up being unwarranted! :sad2:

Soooo, where did you go shopping then??

Ahhhh, that's the question of the century, ain't it?! :confused::confused::confused:;)
Fantastic update and wow...JORDAN! WOW! If you see this, welcome back! :banana::cool1:

I love bangers and mash. I also love England. I mean, I love the real England, so I'm a pretty big fan of fake England, as well. And I do love home you can pretend to be on Cherry Tree Lane right before you meander up to a quaint cottage! You captured all of that beautifully.

Which brings me to the conclusion, that perhaps Rose and Crown should go on the list for next time. We ate there several times when I was a youngster, many moons ago and real (ish) English food was more or less unheard of over here, so it was really cool to go there.

Cannot wait to hear more, as usual!
Your meal at R&C sounds lovely, even though I would not have liked those bangers and mash - I might eat a fish which still has its head, but I can be very picky. Anything cabbage just isn't my thing. And for some reason I never had a sausage in England which I liked (unless it was imported from France, Spain, Italy or Germany). :confused3 I think it is something about the spices they use in England.

And I have seen many people writing about the drink you got, but never was tempted. Melon Liqueur does not sound tasty to me. So your review is another good reason for not getting it! :thumbsup2

But still, you made me once again curious about this place. It has been on my maybe list for quite some time. It's just that I wonder whyI should eat at a European restaurant in the US if I have the real thing around the corner... I will see wether it finally will get a chance in October...

Every time I see any kind of interaction in the UK, all I can think of is, "Grail, grail, grail, whoooop!"

Anyone remember / know what I'm talking about?


I know!! I love the World Showcase Players and try to catch their performance every trip! The one in Liesa's picture to the right is one of my favourites. He is really funny!
wow that meal did look really good, might have to add it to the list for next trip.

and it never fails when you order the drinks that dont taste like the booze, always tell your server they seem a little weak, i have found 90% of the time, they will bring you a shot glass of the booze that is in there and you can dump it into your drink.
:thumbsup2 to kick it up a notch.
Fantastic update and wow...JORDAN! WOW! If you see this, welcome back! :banana::cool1:

I love bangers and mash. I also love England. I mean, I love the real England, so I'm a pretty big fan of fake England, as well. And I do love home you can pretend to be on Cherry Tree Lane right before you meander up to a quaint cottage! You captured all of that beautifully.

Which brings me to the conclusion, that perhaps Rose and Crown should go on the list for next time. We ate there several times when I was a youngster, many moons ago and real (ish) English food was more or less unheard of over here, so it was really cool to go there.

Cannot wait to hear more, as usual!

I know! Jordan's post knocked my socks off! Golly danged, I miss him!!

I adore England too- in real life. I've been twice, and both times wished I could have stayed a LOT longer to see everything I wanted to. So much there, and so very different from the US! I love the rambling English gardens, and although my MIL has a nice one going here, they are so much work, I really don't know if I can keep it up.

I would imagine that most everything on their menu is good- unless, you are like Magdalene and just don't care for some of the ingredients- like cabbage.
I would definitely put it on your list; even if for the nostalgic reason of visiting a childhood favorite. :thumbsup2

More will have to be in the next thread...

Your meal at R&C sounds lovely, even though I would not have liked those bangers and mash - I might eat a fish which still has its head, but I can be very picky. Anything cabbage just isn't my thing. And for some reason I never had a sausage in England which I liked (unless it was imported from France, Spain, Italy or Germany). :confused3 I think it is something about the spices they use in England.

Well, then that would also rule out the corned beef and cabbage sandwish as well. But there are a few other things that looked mighty decent. I'd keep it on your maybe list, and not completely toss it out. Yes, I will admit Germany rules in the sausage making dept. I will definitely concede that! :thumbsup2

And I have seen many people writing about the drink you got, but never was tempted. Melon Liqueur does not sound tasty to me. So your review is another good reason for not getting it! :thumbsup2

It really ended up not being so tasty afterall. The description sounds nice, but in actuality, it really is too sweet, esp. for hte amount of schnapps they didn't throw in. Glad I was helpful!

But still, you made me once again curious about this place. It has been on my maybe list for quite some time. It's just that I wonder whyI should eat at a European restaurant in the US if I have the real thing around the corner... I will see wether it finally will get a chance in October...

See, again, Artist's Point for us PNWers.


I know!! I love the World Showcase Players and try to catch their performance every trip! The one in Liesa's picture to the right is one of my favourites. He is really funny!

The little that I did catch of it was hilarious. I wished I had had more time to see the whole show.

wow that meal did look really good, might have to add it to the list for next trip.

and it never fails when you order the drinks that dont taste like the booze, always tell your server they seem a little weak, i have found 90% of the time, they will bring you a shot glass of the booze that is in there and you can dump it into your drink.
:thumbsup2 to kick it up a notch.

OK, I guess I was under the assumption that you paid for what you got no matter what came to the table- maybe I was being too polite or nice. YES!!! You are right! I totally should have asked what the dealio was. Next time I'll know! :headache: I can see where that woudln't work with something like the Sangria at HDDR, where it is pre-mixed, but soemthing like this would be an easy fix!
OK, I guess I was under the assumption that you paid for what you got no matter what came to the table- maybe I was being too polite or nice. YES!!! You are right! I totally should have asked what the dealio was. Next time I'll know! :headache: I can see where that woudln't work with something like the Sangria at HDDR, where it is pre-mixed, but soemthing like this would be an easy fix!
just be careful sometimes that extra shot will put it over the edge...:laughing:

they gave candi and extra one once, and she was like okay, i need to lay down after this drink now.
I agree with Magdalene, cabbage = :crazy2:

I remember my mom making what she called boiled dinner. Pork roast with carrots, potatoes and CABBAGE! Although it was baked? :confused3 Don't know why she called boiled dinner. I can still smell it to this day! I could smell it out side the house before I even entered! :scared1:
just be careful sometimes that extra shot will put it over the edge...:laughing:

they gave candi and extra one once, and she was like okay, i need to lay down after this drink now.

Although that's happened in other places at other times (think college) NEVER so in Disney. With the heat and humidity and excitement, I could see things going south pretty quickly. I'll be sure to be careful. And hey, it's not like there's plenty of benches to lie down on. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I agree with Magdalene, cabbage = :crazy2:

I remember my mom making what she called boiled dinner. Pork roast with carrots, potatoes and CABBAGE! Although it was baked? :confused3 Don't know why she called boiled dinner. I can still smell it to this day! I could smell it out side the house before I even entered! :scared1:

HEY GB!!! They're ganging up on us!!! Come to my cabbage-y rescue!!!

Yeah cabbage does have a "unique" way of stinking things up. You should smell our old city on Saturdays when the fresh KimChee would come into the markets. :rotfl2::rolleyes1
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