The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves! (my journal)


Apr 27, 2005
Ok, so Mykelogan inspired me to start this thingy! Thanks, Mike! :earseek: I figure my window of opportunity to play O-line in the NFL is pretty much closed at age 38 3/4, so i really don't need to weigh 400 POUNDS anymore. I'm really sick of it. Now I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but ...
I hate:
Dreading summer 'cause i can't stand the heat.
Dreading the archery deer hunt with my in-laws 'cause i can't hike the hills.
Not having any cool t-shirts 'cause they don't come in freakin' 4X Tall.
Not being able to snuggle the wifey, etc., very well 'cause my PIZZA BELLY is in the way.
Not getting invited to play DunkBall (basketball played on an 8 ft. rim by full grown men, not the trampoline stuff from tv) by the other guys in the office (they either just don't like to play with me, or they're scared i'll have a heart attack and die in the middle of the game, which would be inconvenient).
Breaking chairs!
Worrying whether I'll enjoy WDW very much if I'm too tired from walking.

Here's my half-baked plan (

1. Pound the Pavement - not run, which might cause pavement damage, but walk, at night, when its a little cooler out, is 1 am too late?
2. Ditch the Doc P - I've been known to down as many as 5 44 oz. Dr. Pepper's in a day. That's almost 2 gallons! Its my stress reliever, i run to the soda fountain.
3. <gollum> What's Taters? Precious <sam> PO-TA-TOES! I like 'em french fried, hash-browned, mashed with brown gravy, white gravy, purple gravy, it don't matter, english chips (i want Rose and Crown! and I've never even been yet!), baked with butter and sour cream, bacon bits, you get the picture. Hey, what can I say, I was BORN in Idaho for heck's sake.
4. Actually use that old weight bench i bought for my son and me last Christmas, its currently buried in tools and scrap from my hard working in-laws finishing the rest of my basement. See, I fix all their computers (not exercise) and they build rooms in my house (exercise). I only have 185 lbs of weights for it so far, so i won't be tempted to try and do too much weight, which really kills my old joints and tendons, and it would be really good for my awesome 12 yr old football playing son. His coaches call him man-child, he towers over the rest of his team, and most of the other team (yes, i'm proud :teeth: ). He has very strong legs and back, but could use some more chest and arm muscle mass.
5. OK, so i'm trying to cut the carbs, but so far i just haven't got the hang of eating the burger without the bun. Must do it. I know that I can do the meat and veggie thing, I'm a grillin' fool. I grill in the middle of the winter, in snowstorms (under the awning :earboy2: )! I just have to make myself skip the carbo side dishes, pasta, bread, rice, tortillas, PO-TA-TOES. I like salad, just sometimes i get tired of chewing, chewing, chewing. I need more tasty veggies, like asparagus, brussel sprouts, stuff that I can GRILL! Gotta be more constant with the low-carb breakfasts too, sometimes i do well, but sometimes the Peanut Butter Capn' Crunch tempts me.

So, that's my plan for now.
<3PO> We were made to suffer, its our lot in life
<Bug's Life, queen> Its not a lot, but its our life!

BTW, anyone know where I'm standing with the gorilla? (see below)

Hey! Welcome to WISH. Great title, BTW.

Sounds like you're off to a good start. You'll be amazed at what you can do just by cutting the sugar from soda. And once you start walking, you'll be feeling better already.

So when is your trip to WDW?
Hey! Welcome to the WISH journals! You won't find cooler losers anywhere! :cheer2:
Welcome to the WISH boards. You have found a great bunch of supporters.

Like your journal title - have a client that keeps telling his employees that. Of course half his employees are his younger brothers.

You should sign up for one of the challenges. They motivate you to move to meet whatever goal you set for yourself.

good luck on your journey
Yay Don! Glad to see you posting your journal and the title is hilarious.

I think that you have set forth a pretty sensible plan for yourself so far and I think you can do it! I definitely empathize with you about the potatoes... I could make a meal of just potatoes and have before. And don't worry, when you get to Disney in December I am sure that you will have been doing so well that a side of English chips on the patio of Rose & Crown during Illuminations will be a nice treat!

I look forward to reading of your exploits as your journey begins!
Mike :cool1:
So, the name is "Don", eh? Well, welcome to WISH, Don, where you will get more support than you can stand and a lot of unsolicited advice from people who are learning the same lessons you are. I love your plan. IF you are anything like my DH, when he cut all soda and chips out of his diet, he lost more than 10 pounds in one month. That was it --- no other effort. I was so jealous.

You can do this. I am sorry you had to give up your dream of playing the O-line, but I think a dream of playing basketball with your buddies in a healthier bod and not having your weight interfere with your ability to have a great time in WDW are both noble and motivating goals.

So, welcome to the journey!
Hi Don! :wave: Welcom to WISH!

I think you have a great sense of humor and I can really understand the seriousness of why you are here. This board will give you a lot of support. The people here are AMAZING! All of us, for one reason or another were just plan tired of getting through each day and not feeling good about ourselves. That is why we are here. It amazes me everyday that there are others who know exactly how I feel and can understand the ups and downs.

This is a journey to a better life, so make it a good trip. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Thanks everyone for your kind words. Just starting this journal fired me up, I went home and grilled up some garlic burgers and had a nice low carb dinner. All the carbs were in the whole wheat bread i used for the burger. Had some salad and ice water. Then tonight when my wife got off the JetBlue phone (she does reservations from home) we all went walking, from 10:15 to 11. I think it was at least a mile, i'll have to retrace the route thru the neighborhood in the morning with my car, check the odometer. I say we all, but the 3 middle kids rode their blade scooters. Big DS tried to ride the scooter thru a dip in the rode, fell flat on his hind end. He's a little sore now. So now I just need to get to bed quick, get some sleep, and get up early, have an 8am meeting, and a 45 minute commute. I guess #6 on my plan is to get to bed earlier, so i don't feel so tired in the morning, craving the Doc P. That's my other excuse for drinking it. I went last saturday and sunday without it, started getting a headache monday morning. Oh, and I did have a couple of homemade chocolate chip cookies, don't worry, they won't last long. We'll see how I do tomorrow.
:banana: Doesn't that banana ever get tired?
rcyannacci said:
So when is your trip to WDW?

The trip was originally planned for the first week of December, but may get postponed. Hopefully making progress on the weight wil help it NOT get postponed :rolleyes1
Great Journal! I just wanted to offer a few tips on dieting (if you don't mind.) You may hate them and dismiss, but that's OK. Big guys like you do great on low carb diets, BUT!!!! if you cut out everything you love, this diet will be temporary. Baby steps, baby steps.

I suggest making mashed potatoes with fat free sour cream & bacon bits and garlic salt. Then add the water the pots were boiled in to add in creaminess. I swear, you will not miss the butter long. They are SOOOO good. Not every day, but when you really need a potato fix. Looking forward to those creamy mashed potatoes will stop you from eating a bag of chips or going a getting a biggie fry. Don't deny true cravings, it's the number one way to fail.

You can have anything you want, in moderation and on occasion. Knowing that will stop the desperation.

Also, on Dr. P. I know to a true pop-aholic this is blasphemy, but have you considered Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper. In my opinion it is the best drink on the market. YUM, YUM, YUM. Everyone I give it to loves it and doesn't even know it is diet. It cant hurt to try, right? I love pop, and though I've replaced some with water, I've replaced most with diet. I just have to have one vice. I'm such a good healthy girl now, and a calorie free vice? That's a good one!

You CAN do this!!!
Welcome to WISH and WISH Journaling Don! :wave2:

You have a great sense of humor!!! :rotfl: Laughter is such good medicine for the soul. ::yes::

Your plan sounds like a good one. I wasn't born in Idaho (Ohio instead), but I love potatoes too! :teeth: So, I completely understand where you are coming from. I allow myself to have potato-type foods, but in moderation and with protein included.

We're going to WDW in December too! :Pinkbounc Have you ever been to WDW before? We went last year in December and it was great! The crowds were minimal and the decorations were absolutely beautiful! It's a great time of year to go so I hope you and your family don't have to postpone your trip.

Have a great day Don! Welcome to WISH! :cool1:
estherhead said:
I suggest making mashed potatoes with fat free sour cream & bacon bits and garlic salt. Then add the water the pots were boiled in to add in creaminess. I swear, you will not miss the butter long. They are SOOOO good. Not every day, but when you really need a potato fix. Looking forward to those creamy mashed potatoes will stop you from eating a bag of chips or going a getting a biggie fry. Don't deny true cravings, it's the number one way to fail.

You can have anything you want, in moderation and on occasion. Knowing that will stop the desperation.
That sounds good, I already use the potato water to make the gravy, just the water, a couple of bullion cubes and some corn starch. I know that baked or mashed is not as bad as french fried or hash browned, I'm going to try and cut them all out for now, then ease some back in when I reach my goals. I know in my head that, as I start to make real progress, that will help me to stay motivated, I REALLY want to get it done this time.

estherhead said:
Also, on Dr. P. I know to a true pop-aholic this is blasphemy, but have you considered Diet Vanilla Cherry Dr. Pepper. In my opinion it is the best drink on the market. YUM, YUM, YUM. Everyone I give it to loves it and doesn't even know it is diet. It cant hurt to try, right? I love pop, and though I've replaced some with water, I've replaced most with diet. I just have to have one vice. I'm such a good healthy girl now, and a calorie free vice? That's a good one!

You CAN do this!!!
Haven't tried that kind, the closest I have ever come to liking a diet soda was Diet Squirt. I really want to get off the carbonation too, and I really do enjoy ice water. I haven't been able to bring myself to buy other drinks, they just seem too expensive to me, and don't appeal that much. I like gatorade and powerade, but i know they have quite a bit of sugar in them, better than Dr. P tho.

Thanks! :banana:
Welcome... There is a lot of support on this board!!!

We'll be in WDW in Dec.. we're going 11/27-12/3 .. my first trip to the world!!!

but anyways... good luck with the carb thing.. Taht is my biggest problem.. I just can't give them up!!!
Good job at getting the walk in. It is a great start and so wonderful that your family is behind you on this. That will go along way in getting you to where you want to be.

BTW, where are you with the gorilla? ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I agree, family support is TOPS!!! You're moving right along and WE'RE HERE TO SUPPORT YOU ALL THE WAY!!! :cool1:

I can't wait til gator guy gets a chance to read your two will have a blast going back and forth with funny stuff! :)

have a SUPER weight loss day!

ok, i'm not big on keeping people in suspense. The big gorilla topiary is at Tavern on the Green, overlooking Central Park, NYC. DW and I stopped by there on our way to our quick overnighter to Orlando. We didn't actually eat there, are you kidding?! Maybe if my millionaire boss took me out there for dinner. There's several big topiaries there, pretty cool.
The boss DID buy us lunch today at Wendy's. I was torn about what to order, but the 1st guy of our group ordered a chicken salad, so I followed suit. I like the chicken salads there, just usually think they're overpriced, but since the boss was paying... I did have a medium Dr. P, but I knew it would be the only one today, since I'm out of lunch money for the week. I brought my leftover garlic burger to nuke, so its still in the break room fridge, stinking things up :teeth:. In my rush to get here this morning i didn't take time for breakfast, so just grabbed a granola bar out of the break room. We're just a small company, 35 or so employees, and the boss does nice little things to take care of us, like filling the breakroom with food. There's quite a bit of healthy stuff that I can't stand, lots of un-healthy stuff that I usually eat, and just a few healthy things that I actually like. Oh well, he did mandate recently that there would be no more caffeinated sodas stocked, so there's none of them to temp me anymore. My feet are sore today from walking last night, one of the aggravating by-products of being the size of a small car. I can take it!! :headache:
DisDon said:
ok, i'm not big on keeping people in suspense. The big gorilla topiary is at Tavern on the Green, overlooking Central Park, NYC. DW and I stopped by there on our way to our quick overnighter to Orlando. We didn't actually eat there, are you kidding?! Maybe if my millionaire boss took me out there for dinner. There's several big topiaries there, pretty cool.
The boss DID buy us lunch today at Wendy's. I was torn about what to order, but the 1st guy of our group ordered a chicken salad, so I followed suit. I like the chicken salads there, just usually think they're overpriced, but since the boss was paying... I did have a medium Dr. P, but I knew it would be the only one today, since I'm out of lunch money for the week. I brought my leftover garlic burger to nuke, so its still in the break room fridge, stinking things up :teeth:. In my rush to get here this morning i didn't take time for breakfast, so just grabbed a granola bar out of the break room. We're just a small company, 35 or so employees, and the boss does nice little things to take care of us, like filling the breakroom with food. There's quite a bit of healthy stuff that I can't stand, lots of un-healthy stuff that I usually eat, and just a few healthy things that I actually like. Oh well, he did mandate recently that there would be no more caffeinated sodas stocked, so there's none of them to temp me anymore. My feet are sore today from walking last night, one of the aggravating by-products of being the size of a small car. I can take it!! :headache:

Well your SUV-sized WISH buddy thinks you have yourself on track Don! what is it they say, no-pain, no-gain! Your feet probably love the fact that you honored them with a walk. Thanks for sharing where the gorilla was, my brain had been wracked over that one! hehe

Hope that you are having a great day!
Mike :banana: (Nope, the banana never tires!)
Hi Don.

I am so proud of you. It is great that you have decided to take this step. I am also trying to lose alot of weight myself and know how hard it is.

I need to lose approx 150 lbs and boy it is tough. My husband is a chef and brings home alot of stuff I shouldn't be eating (which of course I do) late at night.

You have inspired me to start my own journal and start this journey to weight loss and healthy living.

Thank you.


P.S. I hope you can make it to Disney this December. We went last year at that time and it was so wonderful. It was our first trip and we enjoyed it so much that we are trying to go again this year. It has been hard but I really hope we can pull it together.

Good luck!!!!

December is a great time to go! Hope it's not postponed, but regardless you'll be in better shape once you get there.

Keep journaling...when someone first told me I should keep a food journal, I though it would be to huge a drain on my time from my writing. But, coming here to post my journal has been such a big part of my success so far. The support from people here is amazing. And it really helped me put everything into perspective and see this as a journey. Knowing I'd be coming back each day to post kept me on track even on bad days.

Keep up the walking...feet will get sore, but then they'll feel better. Then, YOU will feel better, and that's the real motivation!


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