The DIS Dad's Club Group W.I.S.H. Journal

Weekly weigh in this morning and....back on track! Lost 2 1/2 pounds this week, and I'm down to 210. Finally got time to exercise. I didn't work on Thursday, so I took the kids down to the health club we belong to. Except I didn't "work out" as one would expect. They have an indoor waterpark, so we swam for about 45 minutes. We then played racquetball for almost 30 minutes (and if you've ever play racquetball with a 4 and 6 year old at the same time: there is a lot of running, ducking, jumping and just plain old survival skills needed:rotfl2:). Finally, about 40 minutes of ice skating. Yeah, I could have dropped the kids off at the child care area and spent and hour and a half on the treadmill, but where's the fun in that?

Sounds great. I'm sure the workout you got was just as good if not better than the treadmill would provide. Spending some quality time playing with the kids probably made it much more enjoyable and made it seem less like a workout.

From the sounds of things from the raquetball game, I just have to say, I hope you were smart enough to wear a cup! :rotfl2::lmao:
It’s about time I checked back in here. I was a little concerned because my schedule last week was so fractured by ball games, travel time and competitions, that I wasn’t able to keep up a consistent schedule on the walking trail (but I did keep my intake pretty much under control). However, I was actually surprised by the weigh in this morning as I'm down two more pounds to 215. :cool1:

That makes 12 of those peanut-butter pounds I’ve lost since starting on this endeavor. :thumbsup2 At this rate, I may just make the original goal of dropping below the 200 mark by early next year. I just have to mind my manners during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays (not to mention the December trip to WDW with the dinning plan :eek:).
It’s getting lonely over here folks. :rolleyes1 I’m starting to think that I’m just talking to myself (but then again, it still seems to be helping, so I suppose I’ll just keep it up for a while :upsidedow). I suspect that between all the fall trips down to The World and the onset of the holiday season, that trimming down (and finding the time to talk about it) has been getting tougher for all of us. I know that it has for me, but I’ve gotten settled into a fairly consistent routine and that has helped a great deal.

Well, enough of that noise. It’s time to hit the scales. :eek: I’m actually still on a good pace and have been loosing about 2 pounds across each 7ish to 10ish day time frame. As of this morning, I’m ringing 213 bells on the ole work scales, which is down a total of about 14 pounds from where I started. If I can get through the holidays & our family visit to WDW without breaking the bank too much, then I might just be able to hit he original goal of getting under 200 by late January or early February. Let’s see if I can stick to the plan. :rolleyes:
It’s getting lonely over here folks. :rolleyes1 I’m starting to think that I’m just talking to myself (but then again, it still seems to be helping, so I suppose I’ll just keep it up for a while :upsidedow). I suspect that between all the fall trips down to The World and the onset of the holiday season, that trimming down (and finding the time to talk about it) has been getting tougher for all of us. I know that it has for me, but I’ve gotten settled into a fairly consistent routine and that has helped a great deal.

Well, enough of that noise. It’s time to hit the scales. :eek: I’m actually still on a good pace and have been loosing about 2 pounds across each 7ish to 10ish day time frame. As of this morning, I’m ringing 213 bells on the ole work scales, which is down a total of about 14 pounds from where I started. If I can get through the holidays & our family visit to WDW without breaking the bank too much, then I might just be able to hit he original goal of getting under 200 by late January or early February. Let’s see if I can stick to the plan. :rolleyes:

Nice job, Rob! Slow and consistent is the way to do it - you'll have a much better chance of keeping it off!

As of Friday's weight-in, I was down to about 209. I had hopes of being an even 200 by the time we leave in 25 days, but that's not going to be easy with as hectic as things tend to get with Thanksgiving and packing, etc.
Thanks for posting here, I forgot about it. I meant to post here yesterday. I haven't been weighing myself, but have been doing a good job of watching what I eat and trying to get into a consistent workout routine. I've been good about getting in some sit-ups and push-ups while watching TV as well as spending some time on the Bowflex.

I played basketball Sunday night for the first time since last spring and let me tell you... it kicked my peanut butter. Apparently my feet have gotten fatter too, because I couldn't fit my ankle braces inside my shoes, so I had to run to the store yesterday to upgrade from size 13 to 13.5. It was an extra expense I didn't want, but I enjoy playing basketball and if it gets my butt up and moving it is worth it. After tearing an achilles and having a history of severely sprained ankles I've learned how important it is to keep good shoes on my feet and braces on my ankles. I'm playing ball every Sunday and Wednesday for the next 5 or 6 months, so if I can keep eating healthy and mix some other activity in there, I should be in good shape for a while.
That makes 12 of those peanut-butter pounds I’ve lost since starting on this endeavor. :thumbsup2 At this rate, I may just make the original goal of dropping below the 200 mark by early next year. I just have to mind my manners during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays (not to mention the December trip to WDW with the dinning plan :eek:).
Nice job!!!!!

As of Friday's weight-in, I was down to about 209. I had hopes of being an even 200 by the time we leave in 25 days, but that's not going to be easy with as hectic as things tend to get with Thanksgiving and packing, etc.
I was down to 203.. now I'm up to 208. I don't think I'll ever hit 200. :confused3

Thanks for posting here, I forgot about it. I meant to post here yesterday. I haven't been weighing myself, but have been doing a good job of watching what I eat and trying to get into a consistent workout routine. I've been good about getting in some sit-ups and push-ups while watching TV as well as spending some time on the Bowflex.
Getting into a routine is the hardest part. Once the routine is established.. it does get easier. Playing ball will help get the blood flowing!

I finally made it back to the gym yesterday. I walked 2 miles in 30 minutes. I didn't want to press my luck with running because my arches just started feeling better. Then I lifted for another 40 minutes till the wife had to drag me out of there because she had to get home to get ready for work. I felt good when I got home but while I was there I kept thinking this suc.s I hope to hit the gym at least 2 days next week. I hope.
No change this week- still 209. Which isn't really that bad, considering all the Halloween candy I ate this past week. Sometimes no progress is still progress.
A couple of observations from this past week...

I was working out Tuesday night, both on the Bowflex, then on the dreaded, boring, pain in the butt elliptical machine. I had the TV on the Toledo/NIU football game (which I care very little about) and I had my Ipod playing some good workout music. My time on the elliptical came to an end and I went another 10 or 15 minutes because I was enjoying the music and just wanted to keep going.

I haven't worked out since Wednesday night though. I went and played basketball, and I was moving better, shooting better and having more fun than I did Sunday night. At least until I rolled my left ankle..... twice. Yeah, I'm the guy with bad ankles who isn't smart enough to stop when I should. Swelling never got too bad and the pain is going away, so I might give it a try on the elliptical tonight. I plan to be back on the basketball floor Sunday.
Just checking in. I may have run into my first wall. Same regiment, same intake, weight holding steady at 213. Now, that’s still considerably better then where I started, and I’m obviously not giving up. It’s just disappointing. Well, as the old punch line goes: “Alright… Break’s over… Back on your heads!” ;)
Hit the gym today and didn't have a lot of time but I walked 1/2 mile, ran a mile, then walked another 1/2 mile in 25 minutes. Then lifted- did legs and biceps for another 30 minutes or so. It felt good making 1 mile running- I was up to almost 3 miles before the summer so I still have a long way to go. Let's see if I can make it back there tomorrow. :confused3 :goodvibes
That’s better… Just went through the dreaded weigh-in process and as it turn out, I’ve succeeded in dropping a couple more pounds. It’s been a long couple of weeks of following the rules only to make no gains, but finally I got a little bit of payoff. The master scale at work now says 211 which make a total of 16 lost so far. Now all I’ve got to do is not mess it up across the holidays this long weekend. I’ll happily settle for just not gaining if I can pull it off. (Now just where did I put that bottle of extra willpower? :rolleyes:)
‘Morning all… It’s been a bit quiet on this little thread, but I’ve got to tell you, I’m really finding it very helpful. It’s a good place for getting out the frustrations and the occasional good news.

Well, it’s weigh in time again. I was plesently surprised this time around. Not only did I get through Thanksgiving without gaining any extra pounds, but as of today, I’m back on the target track of loosing a couple every seven to ten days. The total came up to 209. That’s down 18 pounds from my starting point in September. Let’s see if I can stay with it through the next couple of big obstacles. (Christmas & WDW 16 more days!!!)
‘Morning all… It’s been a bit quiet on this little thread, but I’ve got to tell you, I’m really finding it very helpful. It’s a good place for getting out the frustrations and the occasional good news.

Well, it’s weigh in time again. I was plesently surprised this time around. Not only did I get through Thanksgiving without gaining any extra pounds, but as of today, I’m back on the target track of loosing a couple every seven to ten days. The total came up to 209. That’s down 18 pounds from my starting point in September. Let’s see if I can stay with it through the next couple of big obstacles. (Christmas & WDW 16 more days!!!)

WDW can be a big obstacle, that's for sure. But, if you look, you can find good choices. Many of the food locations will server healthier fare such as grilled chicken instead of fried.
The hardest part is tring to limit the Dole Whips and Mickey Ice Cream bars to 4 or 5 a day. :rotfl2:
The best part is everywhere you look, they have beautifully landscaped sidewalks around the resorts. If you have the energy, take a few laps in the morning or evening. :thumbsup2
Several trips around the grounds at POR are certainly part of the plan. The walking I’ve been doing the past few months has paid off greatly and I’ve just about turned it into a habit, so that part will get done. Laying off the sweets will be a little harder, but I’ve just about written them off as well. The trick will be simply not eating too much at lunch & dinner, but I’m pretty sure that I figure it out (and if not… well I’m on vacation, I’ll get back on the wagon once we get home :rotfl2:)
Weigh-in time… And the result: 209ish, so no real change. But then again I haven’t gained and that is good for November/December. Our house is absolutely stuffed with really, really tasty (and very, very bad thing for you) things to nibble on, so just not gaining weight is a major accomplishment (although watching everyone else munching on all those fabulous baked goods is a bit of a bummer). Now comes the real test. We leave for WDW Friday. I’ll get plenty of walking done at the parks so it will come down to the caloric intake factor. I wonder if I can actually spend five days in the World and not gain any additional heft. Stay tuned…
Ok, I've definitely slipped, big time. A couple of weeks ago playing basketball I rolled an ankle and strained the achilles tendon that I ruptured about 3 years ago. I've been very inactive and haven't had the will power I should with all the holiday food around me. As a result, instead of losing weight or maintaining, I've gained about 4 pounds.

I'm looking for something that will really keep my interest and keep me focused that I can start after the first of the year. I've been looking at P90X which I think would be a great program for me, but my wife wants to start working out too and if I'm going to spend the money on something like that, I want it to be something we would both use. Has anybody had any experience with this or any other workout programs?
We bit the bullet and got P90X. I've started it and I had no idea you could get that kind of a workout without weight training. It is intense, but in a very good way. It really showed me that I'm not in the kind of physical condition I thought I was. I've never been into the concept of the video workout before, but this one really gets me motivated and seems to make the time go a little bit quicker.

My achilles has gotten better, so I decided to get back to the gym and play some basketball last night. I got a good workout there, but I learned a very important lesson... if I play basketball on the same day I do the Chest & Back portion of P90X, it is very, very hard to shoot the ball.:rolleyes1

Since I really slipped and went back to my start weight over the holidays, my weigh in weight as of 1/1/11 was 233. Next week should be better.
Well, it’s been a couple of weeks, one trip to WDW (on the dinning plan) and an entire Christmas/New-Year feasting season, and as you might expect… I gained back some of the weight. :sad2: On the up side, I’m only up a couple of pounds to 210. All things considered, I’m pretty pleased with that performance. :rolleyes:

I’ve gotten back into a normal routine around the house and I’m hitting the walking trails on a regular basses again. All the sweets are almost gone from the house (and won’t be returning for a while) so caloric intake is much easier to manage again. I figure I should be able to get back to 207 in a couple of weeks and then start shooting for the 200 mark after that. I’d certainly like to be in the 190s by our planned summer cruise on the Disney Dream (of course, I’ll probably have to start over again after that :lmao:)
A week into P90X I've already dropped 4 pounds, feel good and last night I played the best game of basketball I've played in a couple of years. I hate getting up at 4:45 am just so I can work out, but as long as I keep seeing the payoff, I'm pretty sure I'll be motivated to stick with it.

I also just found out this weekend that my dad has been diagnosed with diabetes. We've had a history of it in the family, but his diagnosis was kind of a wake up call to me in a way. He's by no means obese, but not skinny either, and I tend to eat the same stuff he does. He's had heart issues in the past and now diabetes, so the way I see it, now is the time for me to make a lifestyle change rather than waiting until the guy holding my medical chart tells me to.
Well, I'm going to bring this long dead thread back to life. I don't know if any Dads are still interested in this thread, but I've got some good news that I'm Peanut Buttery proud of! At my highest weight about a year ago, I was at 242 lbs. I've done a combination of several things, including variations of P90X workouts, playing softball and basketball recreationally, lifting weights, using an elliptical and eating much, much healthier over the last several months. I had been at a plateau for a couple of months now, and this morning I finally broke through the 205 barrier at 204.5 lbs. This is the first time I've been under 205 since high school. I'm going to celebrate with some junk food!!! Or maybe some watermelon. :thumbsup2


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