The How-Do-I-Write-a-PTR PTR!

Wow - okay - I dropped off the planet! :scared1:

Anyway, I actually have an update to make (don't let me fool you - it isn't exactly exciting, but it is an update). So if I can get some pictures off my camera, onto my computer, onto Photobucket, and then onto here, I will be back with an actual update!!! [insert some kind of fainting emoticon here]

Please bear with me! ;)
I'll be awaiting the update! Photobucket has been slow as molasses for me, so good luck!
Well, while I'm waiting for pics to load onto my computer, why not do some replies??? :woohoo:

Congrats on the new ticker! June is hot, and it is more crowded than Oct, but I think you'll do just fine. You are a rope drop family, so you can take advantage of lower crowds then, and Willow is older, so she can go in the evenings, and you can take advantage of the EMH evenings.

I actually think my favorite time to tour the parks is late evening in the summer. I love it around 10 or 11 when the major heat of the day has dissipated but it is still warm, and the parks are so magical late at night.

I'm also glad that everything worked out with the dog sled excursion. Your mom can have some solo time, and you guys can enjoy the doggies!
Yeah, I really think June will be do-able. Of course, I had to break down and buy a new car last weekend, so I'm not sure right now whether or now we will make the June trip or push it back a little. But for now, I'm keeping the ticker, and we'll see how things go! :thumbsup2 And I like your late-evening strategy - it would be new for us, but that could be really fun!

Swimming to cool off then a nap to refresh before dinner & the parks...Laundry then work for me yesterday....I'd rather do laundry all day:confused3

Perfect plan!!!!:goodvibes
Laundry all day??? No thank you! :rotfl2:


Stop by to say hi and see how to "chat" but I can't manage to know what to do or where to look..???:confused3 Hope you can read this...:confused3:rolleyes2:blush::worried:
Welcome ag73!!!! I'm so glad that you made it over. :woohoo: You posted just perfectly - are you all ready for the cruise???? Only a month away!!

I'm still here! I promise! Life has just been crazy busy.

So glad to hear that y'all were able to keep the sled excursion. That really does sound like a lot of fun. And your mom will definitely enjoy her time on the Wonder!

And a new ticker! :cool1: Don't worry about the crowds or the heat: you have a year to plan around that stuff. :thumbsup2 Is it early June when y'all will be there?

Sounds like y'all had a very nice Saturday. We spent Saturday afternoon & Sunday morning building Reid's new swingset. I have a nice sunburn on the back of my shoulders to prove it! :( Note to self: let Ed do your sunscreen on your back - that's what he's here for. :rotfl2:
Hi Amanda! I feel you on the crazy-busy. So not fair! :rotfl:

Are you all moved in????

I'll be awaiting the update! Photobucket has been slow as molasses for me, so good luck!
Coming up soon! I hope.......
Okay. That was surprisingly painless! Now let's see if I remember how to post pictures here. :rotfl2:

So it's June 1! That means that we have exactly 30 days before we hit the road for Seattle (from which we will board our ship the following day). Well, our tradition for Disney trips is that, at 30 days out, the countdown calendar goes up! :woohoo:

I have been insanely busy at work, so as of this morning, the calendar was not even started. :scared1: I had, however, purchased supplies the preceding weekend. And my friend at work who always helps me make our countdown calendar was game for spending our lunch break doing a little crafting. ;)

So here is the calendar:

The way it works for us: each evening, Willow gets to tear off a day. Underneath that day is a slip of paper with a clue to finding a gift somewhere in the house (BTW - bear with me, my clues are very lame this year - it was a rush job :rotfl:).

First sight of the calendar:


The countdown begins!


The clue:

Finding her present (located under her Minnie stuffy from our first trip):

The present - a photo book of our first WDW trip. :love:

BTW - never fear, I will not subject you to this level of detail for every day of the calendar! :rotfl2:
The calendar is cute enough by itself, but the clues are awesome! What a great keepsake for Willow, and that picture that the book is open to is adorable.

Hope you guys are getting excited, I would be!
So good to "see" you! I was just thinking about y'all today.

Hope things calm down a bit for you. I think things are finally getting a little settled down for me. We are all moved in. The only thing I'm waiting on to complete the house is our new den furniture. Hopefully, we'll be getting it in the next couple of weeks.

The countdown calendar so cute! I had made one for my best friend's kids for their 1st Disney trip this past Feb. I did Disney facts under each Mickey head that they tore off. I really love your clues leading to a present. Terrific idea! And that photo book is such a great keepsake!

Are you still job hunting? Are you getting excited for the cruise? I know....questions, questions, questions. :laughing:
The calendar is cute enough by itself, but the clues are awesome! What a great keepsake for Willow, and that picture that the book is open to is adorable.

Hope you guys are getting excited, I would be!

Hey there! Speaking of getting excited.....aren't y'all closing on the new house soon? Or did I miss that?
The calendar is cute enough by itself, but the clues are awesome! What a great keepsake for Willow, and that picture that the book is open to is adorable.

Hope you guys are getting excited, I would be!
Thanks! I have so much fun planning the calendar and silly little gifts. I love making photo books - used to have one for every month of her life and have gotten very behind. Over the last month or so (due to a great 50%-off code), I am almost caught up!!!

Can you believe what a sweet little baby she is in that pic? That was her first-ever BBB experience at 3 years old. I can't believe what a difference a couple of years make. :sad1:

So good to "see" you! I was just thinking about y'all today.

Hope things calm down a bit for you. I think things are finally getting a little settled down for me. We are all moved in. The only thing I'm waiting on to complete the house is our new den furniture. Hopefully, we'll be getting it in the next couple of weeks.

The countdown calendar so cute! I had made one for my best friend's kids for their 1st Disney trip this past Feb. I did Disney facts under each Mickey head that they tore off. I really love your clues leading to a present. Terrific idea! And that photo book is such a great keepsake!

Are you still job hunting? Are you getting excited for the cruise? I know....questions, questions, questions. :laughing:
All moved in!! That is wonderful! You must be so happy. :woohoo:

I had two more job interviews this week (and others in between the last time we were both on here, I'm sure. :rotfl2: These federal jobs take FOREVER. Do you know that I have not had a final decision in any one of these jobs to date??? :rotfl2: It really works well for me though because I have never felt so conflicted on any decision - the longer that it is put off, the better right now. At least I know that we will still be here to do the cruise with my mom - that is actually a huge relief!

You know, we are really excited now for this cruise. We still don't feel like we know what to expect, and I don't feel like I have done the kind of research I should have, but we don't care anymore - we are going on vacation in one month!!!! :woohoo: I really think that my mom is excited now too! :thumbsup2

Hey there! Speaking of getting excited.....aren't y'all closing on the new house soon? Or did I miss that?
Oooh - I want an update too!
All moved in!! That is wonderful! You must be so happy. :woohoo:

I really am! I don't know what it is but this move seemed to go on forever. Ed & I have been married almost 13 years & this was our 8th move. And, for whatever reason, this was the most taxing. Last night, we hung pictures in the house & that has really helped to make it feel done & put together.

I had two more job interviews this week (and others in between the last time we were both on here, I'm sure. :rotfl2: These federal jobs take FOREVER. Do you know that I have not had a final decision in any one of these jobs to date??? :rotfl2: It really works well for me though because I have never felt so conflicted on any decision - the longer that it is put off, the better right now. At least I know that we will still be here to do the cruise with my mom - that is actually a huge relief!

That's good that nothing has been rushed & you'll still be there for the cruise. Still praying that whatever is best for you & Willow will come your way. :goodvibes It is kind of crazy how long it takes though. Although, I don't know why I'm is the government after all. Shoot, even regular companies are taking longer & longer these days in their hiring process. Ed still gets letters & such from companies he applied to back in the fall.

You know, we are really excited now for this cruise. We still don't feel like we know what to expect, and I don't feel like I have done the kind of research I should have, but we don't care anymore - we are going on vacation in one month!!!! :woohoo: I really think that my mom is excited now too! :thumbsup2

I'm so happy that y'all are getting excited for the cruise! I think that's a great attitude: just go & know you'll have a great time no matter what you end up doing on or off of the boat. I think that's one of the things I'm looking forward to with our cruise next year: not a lot of planning. I know a lot of people on the DIS who are on our sailing that are already researching excursions & trying to see how much they can fit in at each port. I'm like whatever! We'll go to the beach at each port & that's it! We just want a laid back vacation. We'll need after our WDW vacay this year since it'll be jam-packed busy. :laughing:
I really am! I don't know what it is but this move seemed to go on forever. Ed & I have been married almost 13 years & this was our 8th move. And, for whatever reason, this was the most taxing. Last night, we hung pictures in the house & that has really helped to make it feel done & put together.
Moving is so hard. And I would think that moving once you have a child/children must be even more difficult. Also more exciting, but more time-consuming and exhausting. I'm so glad that you are starting to feel finished. Phew!!!!

That's good that nothing has been rushed & you'll still be there for the cruise. Still praying that whatever is best for you & Willow will come your way. :goodvibes It is kind of crazy how long it takes though. Although, I don't know why I'm is the government after all. Shoot, even regular companies are taking longer & longer these days in their hiring process. Ed still gets letters & such from companies he applied to back in the fall.
Yeah, I really am dreading making the decision so I'm good with the employers dragging out the process and/or it taking a while to find the right job. It's really hard to leave here, but I know it will have to happen eventually - my boss has been on leave for the last 2 and 1/2 weeks for surgery. She is getting older, and I'm sure she will retire before tooooooooo long. The only person in our office eligible for her job (and who is obviously gunning for it now while she is out :rolleyes:) - well, let's just say that I would be making a MUCH BIGGER effort in my job search if he was currently in her position. ;) So I know that I will eventually have to land and accept something. :confused3

I'm so happy that y'all are getting excited for the cruise! I think that's a great attitude: just go & know you'll have a great time no matter what you end up doing on or off of the boat. I think that's one of the things I'm looking forward to with our cruise next year: not a lot of planning. I know a lot of people on the DIS who are on our sailing that are already researching excursions & trying to see how much they can fit in at each port. I'm like whatever! We'll go to the beach at each port & that's it! We just want a laid back vacation. We'll need after our WDW vacay this year since it'll be jam-packed busy. :laughing:
You know, I think that's part of it - if I am going to take a cruise, it is going to be relaxing. I love our jam-packed, fast-paced, uber-planned Disney vacations. But if we are going to cruise, what the heck! I am going to hang out and read a book! :rotfl2: Of course, if Willow decides that she hates the kids' club, I am going to be doomed because I really won't have a clue what to do every day! :scared1: :rotfl2:
I LOVE your countdown calender! It looks awesome, its obvious that you put some work into making it look so nice. I also like your idea of clues leading to gifts, Willow must really enjoy that!

I also am really impressed by your photobook! I have always said I'm going to do one, but I haven't. :sad2: How long does it take to get one back? Maybe I'll make one for DH to take with him on deployment. I bet he'd really like that. I could put in photos of me and Everett and even include the ultrasound pics of baby-to-be.
Hey there! Speaking of getting excited.....aren't y'all closing on the new house soon? Or did I miss that?

Oooh - I want an update too!

Thanks for asking ladies! We have Maddie's dance recital this evening which is the very last thing we stayed here for. We move out of the hotel tomorrow, and on Monday morning we close on the new house. :woohoo: We'll move all our stuff in on Monday, and I'll spend the rest of the week unpacking. I am beyond excited to have a house again. We've been in hotels for 6 weeks now, and had our old house ready to show for 4 weeks before that. It's time.

Bryan is loving his new job, and I have an 'interview' (really just a chat with someone-nothing formal) on Wednesday.

Thanks again for asking. :goodvibes

That picture of Willow is precious. I can't believe that you have a photo book for every month of her life! I still haven't managed to develop and put pictures in an album. The last ones are from when she was 3 months old :rotfl2:. I did get 3 albums put together from her first WDW visit though. ;). It's been on my to-do list for 2 years. :lmao:

Can't wait to hear about the cruise. Cruising seems like the most relaxing way to do Disney. Hope that you find some mom time while you're sailing.:thumbsup2

Moving is so hard. And I would think that moving once you have a child/children must be even more difficult. Also more exciting, but more time-consuming and exhausting. I'm so glad that you are starting to feel finished. Phew!!!!

It's definitely harder once you have a child(ren). But, I was so happy to be back in a house with a decent yard for Reid. The house we had been renting was very nice but it was a patio home so it only had a teeny tiny side yard. :sad2: Now, Reid gets to spend a lot more time outside & wear himself out! :rotfl: It's amazing how much better he's sleeping at night!

Yeah, I really am dreading making the decision so I'm good with the employers dragging out the process and/or it taking a while to find the right job. It's really hard to leave here, but I know it will have to happen eventually - my boss has been on leave for the last 2 and 1/2 weeks for surgery. She is getting older, and I'm sure she will retire before tooooooooo long. The only person in our office eligible for her job (and who is obviously gunning for it now while she is out :rolleyes:) - well, let's just say that I would be making a MUCH BIGGER effort in my job search if he was currently in her position. ;) So I know that I will eventually have to land and accept something. :confused3

Oh goodness! Yes, it does indeed sound like you'll have to get something else sooner or later. :eek: But, at least it's not an urgent situation yet. Hopefully, that'll allow you time to find the best fit for y'all.

You know, I think that's part of it - if I am going to take a cruise, it is going to be relaxing. I love our jam-packed, fast-paced, uber-planned Disney vacations. But if we are going to cruise, what the heck! I am going to hang out and read a book! :rotfl2: Of course, if Willow decides that she hates the kids' club, I am going to be doomed because I really won't have a clue what to do every day! :scared1: :rotfl2:

Part of me is sad about not having all of the researching, planning, ADR-stalking, etc to do next year. But, when I think about the vacation itself: I'm happy that we're going to have a full relaxing week. I'll miss the parks as always. But, we'll be back in the parks come 2014!

I also am really impressed by your photobook! I have always said I'm going to do one, but I haven't. :sad2: How long does it take to get one back? Maybe I'll make one for DH to take with him on deployment. I bet he'd really like that. I could put in photos of me and Everett and even include the ultrasound pics of baby-to-be.

That would be such a sweet gift to give him! :goodvibes I've made one on Snapfish before. It was very easy to do & I think it only took a few weeks to get it. I would definitely check out their website. He would cherish that book!

Thanks for asking ladies! We have Maddie's dance recital this evening which is the very last thing we stayed here for. We move out of the hotel tomorrow, and on Monday morning we close on the new house. :woohoo: We'll move all our stuff in on Monday, and I'll spend the rest of the week unpacking. I am beyond excited to have a house again. We've been in hotels for 6 weeks now, and had our old house ready to show for 4 weeks before that. It's time.

Bryan is loving his new job, and I have an 'interview' (really just a chat with someone-nothing formal) on Wednesday.

Thanks again for asking. :goodvibes

Yay! :yay: House closing is almost here for you! I can't imagine how out of sorts you must feel staying in the hotel. I hope everything goes smoothly for your closing. And that you're able to unpack quicker than I did! :laughing:

And how fun that Maddie has her dance recital tonight! I bet she'll have lots of fun!

That's great that Bryan is loving the job - seems like it was really worth it to make the move! :thumbsup2 Good luck with your "chat" on Wednesday! Hope it leads to more good things for you! pixiedust:
I LOVE your countdown calender! It looks awesome, its obvious that you put some work into making it look so nice. I also like your idea of clues leading to gifts, Willow must really enjoy that!

I also am really impressed by your photobook! I have always said I'm going to do one, but I haven't. :sad2: How long does it take to get one back? Maybe I'll make one for DH to take with him on deployment. I bet he'd really like that. I could put in photos of me and Everett and even include the ultrasound pics of baby-to-be.
How clueless am I?????? I didn't even realize you had a baby on the way! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo:

We do have a total blast with our countdown calendars! And the photo books are so easy! I use Shutterfly, and absolutely love the books they do. They are super-fun to make, easy, and quick. They ship within a day or two of placing your order, so you don't wait long at all. Check them out - they have nearly endless varieties of templates, and you can customize any page if you don't care for a particular page in a template album. Really fun!

Thanks for asking ladies! We have Maddie's dance recital this evening which is the very last thing we stayed here for. We move out of the hotel tomorrow, and on Monday morning we close on the new house. :woohoo: We'll move all our stuff in on Monday, and I'll spend the rest of the week unpacking. I am beyond excited to have a house again. We've been in hotels for 6 weeks now, and had our old house ready to show for 4 weeks before that. It's time.

Bryan is loving his new job, and I have an 'interview' (really just a chat with someone-nothing formal) on Wednesday.

Thanks again for asking. :goodvibes

That picture of Willow is precious. I can't believe that you have a photo book for every month of her life! I still haven't managed to develop and put pictures in an album. The last ones are from when she was 3 months old :rotfl2:. I did get 3 albums put together from her first WDW visit though. ;). It's been on my to-do list for 2 years. :lmao:

Can't wait to hear about the cruise. Cruising seems like the most relaxing way to do Disney. Hope that you find some mom time while you're sailing.:thumbsup2
Oh, I'm so happy for you to be so close to moving in - I would think living in limbo like that must have been very difficult. Yay for a house again!!!

:rotfl: Well, I used to a do a photo book for every month - I feel about a year and a half behind. :rotfl2: That said, I am now more than halfway through 2011 thanks to the kick in the booty I got from that 50%-off code. I am riding that wave of momentum to finish up the rest - I will just save them on Shutterfly and order when I get another great code. All that said, I have combined two or three months into one book several times for 2010 and 2011 because I did not take as many pictures in some of the months. But still, I'm so happy to be almost caught up, and Willow loves to look at the books. :thumbsup2

It's definitely harder once you have a child(ren). But, I was so happy to be back in a house with a decent yard for Reid. The house we had been renting was very nice but it was a patio home so it only had a teeny tiny side yard. :sad2: Now, Reid gets to spend a lot more time outside & wear himself out! :rotfl: It's amazing how much better he's sleeping at night!
A good-size yard is really wonderful to have with an active kiddo. I wish we had a better one. Ours is tiny, and well, it is largely dog-ified. :rolleyes: Now that Willow is 5 and 1/2 :sad1:, I have started letting her play out front - riding a bike, etc. She usually likes to have Oscar the Beast tied up out there with her, so that eases my mind a bit, and I have set strict boundaries about where she can go and can see her pretty much all the time. Still makes me nervous though! :rotfl2:

Oh goodness! Yes, it does indeed sound like you'll have to get something else sooner or later. :eek: But, at least it's not an urgent situation yet. Hopefully, that'll allow you time to find the best fit for y'all.
Yep - it is a luxury to be able to look for a job with no rush or urgency. But I do know that eventually it will be the right thing to go elsewhere. :thumbsup2

Part of me is sad about not having all of the researching, planning, ADR-stalking, etc to do next year. But, when I think about the vacation itself: I'm happy that we're going to have a full relaxing week. I'll miss the parks as always. But, we'll be back in the parks come 2014!
I feel the same way - I love the planning of a WDW trip! :woohoo: Planning a cruise just doesn't appeal to me though. :confused3 If I'm going to do a cruise, I am going to do a cruise - RELAX! :rotfl2:
A good-size yard is really wonderful to have with an active kiddo. I wish we had a better one. Ours is tiny, and well, it is largely dog-ified. :rolleyes: Now that Willow is 5 and 1/2 :sad1:, I have started letting her play out front - riding a bike, etc. She usually likes to have Oscar the Beast tied up out there with her, so that eases my mind a bit, and I have set strict boundaries about where she can go and can see her pretty much all the time. Still makes me nervous though! :rotfl2:

It's funny you talk about letting her play out front - I was thinking of that the other night. I'm nowhere close to letting Reid do that yet. But, I was thinking to myself that it wouldn't be too long until he wants to do that. Just thinking about it was enough to send me almost into a full-blown panic attack. :eek: I'm going to keep him locked up in the backyard as long as I can. :rotfl:

I feel the same way - I love the planning of a WDW trip! :woohoo: Planning a cruise just doesn't appeal to me though. :confused3 If I'm going to do a cruise, I am going to do a cruise - RELAX! :rotfl2:

Indeed! I truly want to just go on the boat & enjoy everything that it has to offer. I do want to get off at the ports & check out the beaches. But, I just have no desire to do much besides that. I figure when we get back from our cruise next May, I'll start planning our 2014 trip to WDW. :goodvibes I'll be ready for some planning by then! :laughing:
Wow - it's so much more fun to update now that we are closer to the cruise! :woohoo:

Today, I ordered some Sea Bands for me and for Willow along with some ginger candies and gum. JUST IN CASE! :rotfl: I don't want to take any chances - I do NOT want to spend this fabulous vacation sick to my stomach! :thumbsup2

We also ripped off another countdown day! Clue:

Yes, this is one of the lamer ones. :rotfl2:


What can I say? The child thinks gum is a fabulous prize! :confused3 :rotfl2:
That's good that she's excited about the little gifts, too! If she only wanted big gifts, then you'd have a problem. :laughing:

I think it's a great idea to be prepared for seasickness....just in case. :sick: I highly recommend Bonine. It helped me a great deal on the first night. And the pharmacist told me to bring Benadryl for Reid. Luckily, he never needed it.
That's good that she's excited about the little gifts, too! If she only wanted big gifts, then you'd have a problem. :laughing:

I think it's a great idea to be prepared for seasickness....just in case. :sick: I highly recommend Bonine. It helped me a great deal on the first night. And the pharmacist told me to bring Benadryl for Reid. Luckily, he never needed it.
Thanks! I was going to get some Bonine too, but you had to buy about a thousand packages on Amazon, so I am going to look for it locally before we go. :thumbsup2 If I don't forget.... :rolleyes:

:rotfl: My countdown gifts are pretty small this year for the most part because I decided to do one for every day. In the past, I have only done them for some of the days - mostly because they were things like Disney Store princess gowns and such. :rotfl2:
Thanks! I was going to get some Bonine too, but you had to buy about a thousand packages on Amazon, so I am going to look for it locally before we go. :thumbsup2 If I don't forget.... :rolleyes:

I got the Bonine at like CVS or Walgreen's so you should be able to find it. That's crazy that you would've had to buy a lot from Amazon.

:rotfl: My countdown gifts are pretty small this year for the most part because I decided to do one for every day. In the past, I have only done them for some of the days - mostly because they were things like Disney Store princess gowns and such. :rotfl2:

It doesn't take much to make a small child happy. That's one of the many great things about them. I think it's great to do small little gifts like that! :thumbsup2


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