The "I Can't Believe I'm Doing a PTR for This Trip"PTR-UD 5/17*TR Link!*

I forgot that I was going to do this installment! I got all excited about my MK list and it slipped my mind! you know, Jeff and I are taking this trip, "just the two of us." Although my kids are older, they're not old enough to go it alone for a week. We do have family in town, but with school and bus schedules and for the sake of routine, it's just easier to have someone come here to stay with them. That's where my mom comes in!

My mom is amazing! :hug: We are very close and she has taught me everything I know about almost everything! The only bad thing about our relationship is that we live so far from each other. Ok...relative to some others who have family halfway across the country, it's not THAT far. But it is far enough that she is not able to participate in our every day lives. She would love to be here to see the boys' baseball games and swim meets and music performances, but it's a 3 hour drive so that's not practical. She gets here as often as possible, but it's not nearly enough. It used to be that she would take my boys for a week in the summer, either together or one at a time, but with their busy schedules lately that hasn't been happening.

For all of those reasons, she was more than happy to agree to come stay with them while Jeff and I take a vacation! She will drive here on Sunday May 2nd and be here with the boys for the week. She is very involved at her church (my dad is the pastor so she has a lot of responsibility) and will need to be back there for the weekend, especially because it will be Mother's Day. Like, I said, at that point with the bus etc. no longer being an issue, the boys can go stay with Jeff's sister for the weekend.

Here's a picture of my mom!


And this is one of my mom, me and my grandma (my dad's mom)


It's so great that she can come because the boys will be able to maintain their school day routines and we won't have to kennel the dog. Plus...she'll get to spend some quality time with the boys. She'll also have her days fairly free so she'll be able to go to our local Goodwill (which she loves) and have time to get some peace and quiet!

In my next installment...where are my vouchers?? and shuttle or rental car?? :confused3
That's wonderful that your mom is going to stay with the boys while you are gone!! I'm sure your boys are looking forward to spending some quality time with their grandma!!:goodvibes
Your mom sounds great! :thumbsup2 I'm glad she'll be able to come stay with the boys.

You have me a bit worried with "where are the vouchers?" :eek:
I bet your boys have your mother wrapped around their little fingers. Just like Hunter does with my mother. I am sure that your mother along with your boys are excited that she's coming to stay. Pastor's wives are really busy. John's parents pastor a church and there's always always something to do. At least she can get some rest while at your house.
The plan with your mom sounds great!! Your boys will be so spoiled if your mom is anything like my MIL!!:love:

I turn in my blankets my Saturday. I am so worried that you have not received your GAD vouchers.:scared1: Please don't leave me hanging too long.
Hey, I just got caught up! Your trip looks amazing and let me say that with a house full of 2 deserve a trip to yourselves! And you mom seems amazing. My mom is local too and helps out whenever she can. I love being close to my family. And Hey, I used to be a CM Consultant too! Dh made me quit though because I was acquiring too much stuff and not making any money lmao :lmao: I cant wait to hear more as you get closer to sailing away!
That's a great picture, Missy. :goodvibes I'm sure having your mom stay with the boys will allow you to just relax and not worry about things at home. :thumbsup2
how great that your mom is staying at your house to keep the boys on schedule. My mom would do the same; in fact she spent a week in Atlanta last year doing just that for my sister. it is so wonderful to have awesome mom's!!!!

If your kids are like mine they are just as excited as your mom!
sounds like everthing is falling into place.
That's wonderful that your mom is going to stay with the boys while you are gone!! I'm sure your boys are looking forward to spending some quality time with their grandma!!:goodvibes

Yeah, my mom is great! The boys love hanging out with her...and for some reason she can even get them to do chores without complaining! :confused3

Your mom sounds great! :thumbsup2 I'm glad she'll be able to come stay with the boys.

You have me a bit worried with "where are the vouchers?" :eek:

Not to worry...update coming up next! :thumbsup2

I bet your boys have your mother wrapped around their little fingers. Just like Hunter does with my mother. I am sure that your mother along with your boys are excited that she's coming to stay. Pastor's wives are really busy. John's parents pastor a church and there's always always something to do. At least she can get some rest while at your house.

They really do! My mom has always loved being involved with them...when she does get the chance to come for a visit she always tries to plan around one of their events so she can be a part of it. I think you're right about getting some rest while at my house...with all the responsibility she has at home it will be a nice break for her!

The plan with your mom sounds great!! Your boys will be so spoiled if your mom is anything like my MIL!!:love:

I turn in my blankets my Saturday. I am so worried that you have not received your GAD vouchers.:scared1: Please don't leave me hanging too long.

My mom is so great with them....they really enjoy spending time with her. She loves to play cards and board games with them. They just eat it up!

Update about the vouchers coming up next!

Hey, I just got caught up! Your trip looks amazing and let me say that with a house full of 2 deserve a trip to yourselves! And you mom seems amazing. My mom is local too and helps out whenever she can. I love being close to my family. And Hey, I used to be a CM Consultant too! Dh made me quit though because I was acquiring too much stuff and not making any money lmao :lmao: I cant wait to hear more as you get closer to sailing away!

Hi there and welcome! :welcome: My boys really do keep us will be nice to get away from being the mom taxi, the mom ATM, and the mom homework police for a bit!

I so wish I lived closer to my family. Jeff's family is local, but it's just a different relationship.

I've been a CM consultant for 8 years. I enjoy it but don't make a ton of money...enough for the business to really run itself and for me to be able to keep up my album projects. I have a great, loyal customer base which is nice.

That's a great picture, Missy. :goodvibes I'm sure having your mom stay with the boys will allow you to just relax and not worry about things at home. :thumbsup2

Hi Carissa! You hit the nail on the head. With my mom here I really don't worry about what's going on at home. She is great with them and they love having her. I trust that she gets them where they need to be and makes sure they do what they need to do! :thumbsup2

how great that your mom is staying at your house to keep the boys on schedule. My mom would do the same; in fact she spent a week in Atlanta last year doing just that for my sister. it is so wonderful to have awesome mom's!!!!

If your kids are like mine they are just as excited as your mom!
sounds like everthing is falling into place.

My mom is actually going to stay with my brother's girls over Spring Break and with my other brother's kids the first week in June! When I called to ask, she told me I was lucky she wasn't already "booked"! :laughing:
Yay!!!! The long awaited Give a Day Get a Disney Day vouchers arrived today!! :banana::banana: I'll admit I was a tad worried because the program closed the weekend after I signed up. I knew I wouldn't be satisfied until the vouchers were in my hands.

I sent the blankets in to the Project Linus coordinator on March 9th. On March 12th, I received an email from her that she had received the blankets. Now I knew that I had chosen March 15th as my "volunteer day" which just meant that I needed to have the blankets to her by then. I also knew that meant that she could not verify my service with Disney until that date passed. So I waited. :rolleyes1 On Tuesday March 16th I got an email from the Hands-On-Network that thanked me for my service and stated that the vouchers would be sent as soon as my service was verified by the Project coordinator. They also said that process could take up to two weeks. OH MAN....torture! I wait again! :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

Well, today that wait was over! I woke up to an email in my inbox from Disney Destinations that my free day was only a few clicks away! :banana: I followed the steps and within minutes my vouchers were printing and in my hands! I swear I was grinning from ear to ear and felt like a 5 year old on Christmas morning! :hyper: :jumping1: :hyper: They also gave me a cute Miss Piggy badge that says "Moi volunteered" for my Facebook page....too cute! :)

So now, I can rest easy. The vouchers are safely tucked away in my planning binder and we are all set to visit the Happiest Place on Earth! :woohoo:

I did take care of a few other trip details over the past few days. Jeff and I had been debating whether to rent a car for the day we arrive in Orlando and drive ourselves to Port Canaveral or to use the transfer service provided by Royal Caribbean. The cost of a rental car for the day, with drop-off fees (because we wanted to pick up and drop off in different places), was about $60. I looked for codes and special rates and priced many different companies and that was the best price. The transfer service cost $36 per person, so $72 for both of us. A bit more than the car, but here is how we made our decision.

We are flying into MCO on the day the cruise ship departs. We are arriving at 10:30 so we have plenty of time, but we want to be sure to get to the port in a timely fashion. Renting a car would mean going to the rental car facility, signing papers, etc. It would also mean that one of us would have to unload luggage at the port and wait while the other returned the car to the rental facility and took the shuttle back to the pier. :rolleyes1 Also, the drive to Port Canaveral is on a toll road so we had to figure that into the cost. If we take the transfer shuttle, Royal Caribbean will take care of our luggage once we get it at baggage claim. We won't have to worry about it again until it arrives in our cabin on the ship. Another major advantage....being a Royal Caribbean run service, if we run into traffic, car trouble, or anything that delays us from getting to the ship on time, it's their responsibility. In a rental car if any of those things happen we could be out of luck! So....yesterday I called the travel agent and added two one-way airport transfers to our reservation! CHECK! :thumbsup2

I also ordered our Luggage Tags from Royal Caribbean and some customized maps from Disney. We got the maps on our 2007 trip, but not last year so I decided to get them this time. I got the character design so they will be different from our first set.

Last but not least, I got Remy Mail today! Not quite as good as Mickey Mail, especially since I can't use it, but still exciting. I got a PIN code for Free Quick Service Dining for travel through July 4th. :yay: Sadly, we won't be using it, but still........:rolleyes:

So that's it for now. Thanks for reading along everyone! In my next post I'll fill you all in on my weight loss progress! :woohoo:
Yay for receiving your vouchers. :cheer2: They seem to arrive 3-4 days after you are verified like clockwork! But I can understand your anxiety since the program was closed.

Good decision about the transfers! You're on vacation - no need to deal with the stress of a rental car for just one day.
Last but not least, I got Remy Mail today! Not quite as good as Mickey Mail, especially since I can't use it, but still exciting. I got a PIN code for Free Quick Service Dining for travel through July 4th. :yay: Sadly, we won't be using it, but still........:rolleyes:

So that's it for now. Thanks for reading along everyone! In my next post I'll fill you all in on my weight loss progress! :woohoo:

My Mom got Remy mail too! She seems to be Lady Luck in our family....shes the only one that gets the pins! We are going in Nov/Dec so it was no help to us! I cant wait to hear about your progress! I am working to lose 30lbs by November........I would like to have it gone sooner but I am still in recovery and my plastic Surgeon says it will be at least 4 more weeks until I can jog again :headache: BUT, being the horrible patient that I am, I am figuring once the stitches come out next week I can at least start walking in a brisk fashion! We shall see!
Hi Missy! :wave2:

Gee... don't exactly know HOW I missed this, but, I did! Sorry! :flower3:

I'm glad you picked the Magic Kingdom; that would've been my pick, too!

I'm so excited for you!

YAY!! I'm so happy you got your vouchers!!!!:yay::dance3::yay:

Good choice on the airport transfers! It sounds like a much better way to go and one less thing you have to worry that's great!! It seems like every time I cross something off my list here..I'm adding something else!:rolleyes:
Yay for receiving your vouchers. :cheer2: They seem to arrive 3-4 days after you are verified like clockwork! But I can understand your anxiety since the program was closed.

Good decision about the transfers! You're on vacation - no need to deal with the stress of a rental car for just one day.

I had read enough to know that I would probably be fine, but until those vouchers were in my hands I was just a bit nervous!

We figured the same we don't have to deal with directions or tolls or anything. We get on the bus and GO! :)

My Mom got Remy mail too! She seems to be Lady Luck in our family....shes the only one that gets the pins! We are going in Nov/Dec so it was no help to us! I cant wait to hear about your progress! I am working to lose 30lbs by November........I would like to have it gone sooner but I am still in recovery and my plastic Surgeon says it will be at least 4 more weeks until I can jog again :headache: BUT, being the horrible patient that I am, I am figuring once the stitches come out next week I can at least start walking in a brisk fashion! We shall see!

Oh better take things slow or you may be sorry! I really started to change my diet and exercise habits in's not been easy but I'm determined!

Hi Missy! :wave2:

Gee... don't exactly know HOW I missed this, but, I did! Sorry! :flower3:

I'm glad you picked the Magic Kingdom; that would've been my pick, too!

I'm so excited for you!


yay!! Hi Kathy! I'm glad you found me! :goodvibes

YAY!! I'm so happy you got your vouchers!!!!:yay::dance3::yay:

Good choice on the airport transfers! It sounds like a much better way to go and one less thing you have to worry that's great!! It seems like every time I cross something off my list here..I'm adding something else!:rolleyes:

Yeah...I'm sure as the trip gets closer I'll be doing the same thing! :rolleyes:
Good morning everyone and Happy Monday! Six weeks from today I will be getting ready to land in (what I hope to be) sunny Orlando!

This weekend my boys were very busy. Jonah had his Cub Scout Pinewood Derby and Isaiah made a car to enter as well. Dan was in Boston for a youth event with our church. On Saturday afternoon, Jonah went to a friend's sleep-over birthday party and Isaiah went to a friend's house to hang out. What is a girl to do with all that KID FREE time??? :confused3

Go vacation shopping of course!!! :thumbsup2 Jeff tagged along with me...he's usually a good sport about shopping. And I need someone to help me make decisions, right?? :rolleyes1

So off we went with our sights set on Old Navy, Kohl's and Target. I had received a few gift cards for my birthday and wanted to use them if I could. I also had seen a lightweight zip sweater at that I wanted to look for at the store....if I could save shipping I was all over it!

We started at Old Navy and although I did not find the sweater I was looking for, I did find something even better. I found that I can fit into a size smaller than I have normally been wearing!!!! :woohoo::woohoo: That alone was worth the trip!

(I haven't forgotten that I am going to update about my weight loss progress...I'm just waiting until I can get Jeff to take a few "after" (or during as the case may be!) pics of me. This week, I promise! :) )

Jeff and I enjoyed shopping and spending some "boy-free" time. Here are the pics of our LOOT!!

Jeff's new shirts--two from Old Navy and one from Kohl's

My flip-flops from Old Navy

New shirt and shorts from Kohl's


Swimsuit cover-up from Target

Beach towels from Wal-Mart

Oh...and a few things I got from my mom and gram for my birthday. I figured since I was posting pics of trip clothes, I'd include these.




Cute skirt!


Basically the only other clothing item I need is that lightweight sweater. I want something light but not too casual. Something I can put on if the ship's public rooms are cool or if the breeze on deck is chilly. Here is the item from Old Navy that is closest to what I am looking for.

It was definitely a fruitful day! I love vacation shopping!! :love:
Love the shopping pictures!! And how awesome that you were able to wear a smaller size!! :cool1: I can't wait to see your "during" pictures (that's what I call them too)!! :thumbsup2

I did some shopping this weekend as well, but it was all online. Old Navy got the majority of my business. And I bought some new capris from Bass Pro Shop (their Natural Reflections line). I found these capris last year, but the ones I have are too big. :cool2: So, I ordered a couple more pair in the next size down.
You did really good with the shopping. I love all the tops. Oh, I almost forgot.....congrats on going down a size! :yay:

Hopefully, you can find the lightweight sweater you are looking for.
Vacation shopping is the BEST!!

Kohls and Target are always number 1 on my list before a trip.

You did a great job! Hope you had fun! ;)
Congrats on going down a size!!:thumbsup2 That's always a great feeling!:goodvibes

Love all your shopping finds!! One of the best things about going on vacation is that it gives you a great excuse to go shopping!!!:woohoo: Oh and that skirt is too cute!!

We went vacation shopping a couple weeks ago when the boys were in school and we got soooo much accomplished during our "boy-free" time.;) I'm glad to hear you did too!!:goodvibes


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