The "I Can't Believe I'm Doing a PTR for This Trip"PTR-UD 5/17*TR Link!*

You got some great stuff!! Don't you just love vacation shopping? :thumbsup2

I did a little shopping myself this morning... posting pictures shortly.

Yay for 6 weeks!! :banana::banana:
Love the shopping pictures!! And how awesome that you were able to wear a smaller size!! :cool1: I can't wait to see your "during" pictures (that's what I call them too)!! :thumbsup2

I did some shopping this weekend as well, but it was all online. Old Navy got the majority of my business. And I bought some new capris from Bass Pro Shop (their Natural Reflections line). I found these capris last year, but the ones I have are too big. :cool2: So, I ordered a couple more pair in the next size down.

Isn't it great to have clothes be too big? That's never really been an issue for me so it's fun to have jeans that are too baggy!!

You did really good with the shopping. I love all the tops. Oh, I almost forgot.....congrats on going down a size! :yay:

Hopefully, you can find the lightweight sweater you are looking for.

I'm a little picky about this sweater. I know what fabric, color and style I want....I just haven't been able to find it yet.

Vacation shopping is the BEST!!

Kohls and Target are always number 1 on my list before a trip.

You did a great job! Hope you had fun! ;)

I did, thanks! And HI THERE! :wave: Thanks for joining me!

Congrats on going down a size!!:thumbsup2 That's always a great feeling!:goodvibes

Love all your shopping finds!! One of the best things about going on vacation is that it gives you a great excuse to go shopping!!!:woohoo: Oh and that skirt is too cute!!

We went vacation shopping a couple weeks ago when the boys were in school and we got soooo much accomplished during our "boy-free" time.;) I'm glad to hear you did too!!:goodvibes

I'm hoping to find a nice pink shirt to go with that skirt, but if not I have a top that will work. I'm planning to wear it to dinner one night on the ship! :)

You got some great stuff!! Don't you just love vacation shopping? :thumbsup2

I did a little shopping myself this morning... posting pictures shortly.

Yay for 6 weeks!! :banana::banana:

:woohoo: :woohoo: for vacation shopping!!
:banana::banana:on getting your vouchers:banana::banana:
I know that is a relief to have that in and done

I think that was a great decision on the travel to port carnaveral...never know what could happen w/the flight or the travel time.

Great finds on the clothes; I love the skirt such a pretty color!

Can't wait to hear about the weight loss and how exciting to be down from the size you thought you were!:thumbsup2
Page 6 already!!! I just saw the link in your signature now! Better late than never, right?

So how awesome is a nice trip with just you and your husband. Sounds like it's going to be GREAT! I wish for me and Manny to do that one day!

You have some gorgeous clothes ready for your trip. I love vacation shopping too, it's THE BEST!!!

And yay for picking the MK as your park to visit. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.
:banana::banana:on getting your vouchers:banana::banana:
I know that is a relief to have that in and done

I think that was a great decision on the travel to port carnaveral...never know what could happen w/the flight or the travel time.

Great finds on the clothes; I love the skirt such a pretty color!

Can't wait to hear about the weight loss and how exciting to be down from the size you thought you were!:thumbsup2

It was definitely a relief to get the vouchers! It just felt good to have them safe and tucked away!

My new favorite color scheme is the pink and orange....I love that skirt!

Page 6 already!!! I just saw the link in your signature now! Better late than never, right?

So how awesome is a nice trip with just you and your husband. Sounds like it's going to be GREAT! I wish for me and Manny to do that one day!

You have some gorgeous clothes ready for your trip. I love vacation shopping too, it's THE BEST!!!

And yay for picking the MK as your park to visit. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.

Hi Pam!! I'm so glad you found me! The first "just us" vacation we took was 2008 to Las Vegas. It was so nice we decided we need to make it a point to do more often. So we switch on and off with family vacation, then an "us" vacation.
Great shopping update, Missy! Love your finds and woo-hoo on the size!! You go, girl! Please send me some motivation!!

You are getting so close now!!!:cool1::cool1:

Hooray for vacation shopping... the very best kind!

I love all the bright spring colors! :goodvibes

Don't forget a hat with a nice wide brim and lots of sunscreen!

Great shopping update, Missy! Love your finds and woo-hoo on the size!! You go, girl! Please send me some motivation!!

You are getting so close now!!!:cool1::cool1:


Going down a size is definitely inspiration to keep going! :banana:

Hooray for vacation shopping... the very best kind!

I love all the bright spring colors! :goodvibes

Don't forget a hat with a nice wide brim and lots of sunscreen!


I've been thinking about a hat, but I don't tend to look good in them. I love how they look on everyone else, but when I put one on it never looks right. Maybe I just need to find the right hat! :)
Hi Missy...

so glad you picked MK...I think that is the perfect choice (glad we could help.)

I love your plan for what to try and see too...I think it is very doable for 2 Adults. How fun! Can't wait to hear all about it, makes me excited for my trip just w/ Matt next yr.

I wouldn't never skip IASW either ;)

YAY! on the blankets and vouchers...I be envious, but it works just perfect for you since you'll only be there one day anyhow.

Love the shopping trip and all the great tops and stuff and that is so great about your mom watching the boys.

looking forward to more...

OH did you hand draw the ship on your binder, that is very cool!

Hi Missy...

so glad you picked MK...I think that is the perfect choice (glad we could help.)

I love your plan for what to try and see too...I think it is very doable for 2 Adults. How fun! Can't wait to hear all about it, makes me excited for my trip just w/ Matt next yr.

I wouldn't never skip IASW either ;)

YAY! on the blankets and vouchers...I be envious, but it works just perfect for you since you'll only be there one day anyhow.

Love the shopping trip and all the great tops and stuff and that is so great about your mom watching the boys.

looking forward to more...

OH did you hand draw the ship on your binder, that is very cool!


Hi Julie! The GAD vouchers are really perfect for a one day doesn't save as much if you are already doing a multi-day trip. Without them, we would have just enjoyed DTD and skipped the parks. It really is a shame the program closed so early, though.

I did not draw the ship. Sadly, I can't even draw a good stick figure! I found it online and just printed it and then cut it out! :rolleyes1
As promised, I am going to let you all in on what I have been working on since the beginning of 2010. MY WEIGHT!! I've struggled with my weight since graduating from college and, once or twice, won a battle or two but never the war. :headache: In late November/early December I went on a shopping trip with my two great friends to a local mall. Fun, right? Well...yes and no. And this is really the background story to why I decided to fight the war again and this time I would WIN! ::yes::

We were having a nice day, mostly window shopping and just enjoying spending a "girl's day out". We got to JCPenney and they were having a sale on all of their beautiful evening wear know, the kind you wear to the company Christmas party or a fancy dinner. My friends and I decided to browse a bit...there were literally racks and racks of dresses in all styles. I knew Jeff's Christmas party was coming up, and at 50-60% off maybe I could get a good deal. This is where the trouble began. :sad2: Both of my friends grabbed several dresses to try on....but sadly NONE of the dresses were my size. The racks only went up to size 14 and I could not squeeze into a 14. I was pushing being able to wear a 16 and, if I'm honest, was really more comfortable in an 18. It was so disappointing. My friends were having a great time trying on fancy dresses and I couldn't participate. :sad1:

Well...I tried not to let it get me too down, so I told the girls I was going to head over to the Women's department and see what I could find that would fit me. When I got there, no lie, there was ONE rack of dresses with ONE style of dress. Are you kidding??? Then and there I decided that it would be my goal to fit into a size that I could buy in the regular department and not the Plus size area.

So....starting in January, I made a plan. I had received the Biggest Loser game for the Wii for Christmas at my request. I went on and set myself up for a short 4 week plans and schedules my work-outs and I can track my calories and any extra activity that I do. It also only lets me weigh in once a week. But exercise alone was not going to do it...I knew I needed to radically change the way I was eating.

Since I was going to change my eating habits, that meant that the rest of the family was, in some ways, going to have to change along with me. The only way to be successful long-term is to make changes that I can live with for the rest of my life. That is what I set out to do.

:)First, I committed to changing all of our pastas, bread, crackers, etc to whole grain versions. An easy change and one the kids barely noticed.

:)Next, I cut sugar out of my coffee. I like it a little sweet, so I use Splenda instead. I drink a LOT of coffee, so I really believe this made a huge difference.

:)I also started using a small plate at meals instead of a large dinner plate and removing the plate from in front of me when I've eaten ONE serving. I watch portion sizes as well and measure when necessary.

:)I do not purchase chips or junk food at the store. Instead I buy lots of vegetables like cucumbers, celery, broccoli, carrots, and green peppers and use those for snacks. I buy pretzels instead of potato chips so the boys don't feel too deprived! I learned that if I buy the chips "for the boys", I will eat them. We also switched to air popped popcorn rather than microwave. The boys can add butter and salt and I can eat it plain.

:)I buy light yogurt and fruits to have on hand when we want sweet snacks. My boys love the "dessert" flavored yogurts.

:)I do count calories, but not religiously. I know my calorie budget for the day and try to stick with it.

:)I love to cook, so I have been doing a lot of "adjusting" of our favorites to make them more healthy. I use fat free sour cream and cream cheese, reduced fat cheese and ONLY ground turkey (no ground beef). I also use turkey pepperoni and turkey sausage on our favorite recipes.

:)We switched to skim milk. Again, my boys didn't even notice.

I firmly believe that some of these things are just a matter of establishing good habits. I really don't feel like I'm missing out on food. I eat out...I am just more diligent about what I order. I allow myself treats, like dark chocolate or french fries...I just watch HOW MUCH and HOW OFTEN! The only thing I really miss is BREAD. I love garlic bread and soft rolls....and I do miss that, but again, I allow myself to have them on occasion. I simply adjust my calories for the day accordingly.

So....have I seen results?? OH YES!! I have lost 23 pounds since January 2 and am halfway to my goal of 46! I hit a big milestone last week when I weighed in at 198....below the 200 mark!! :woohoo: :woohoo: I also have lost at least one size....I can now wear a size 16 very comfortably. My size 18 jeans fall off of me. Jeff calls me "baggy pants" because I won't buy new ones yet. ;) I can wear a Large instead of an X-Large! I can definitely FEEL the difference in how my clothes fit and that is a huge motivator to keep going.

Like a said, I am going to share a few pictures. I tried to find a few pictures of "before" that were good examples of where I was. Unfortunately, because I hated the way I looked, there aren't a ton to be had. But...I did find a few that show the God-awful spare tire around my waist which I HATED! These are pics from summer and from this past Christmas.

This one is with my brothers any my sister-in-law at Christmas. This sweater showed that spare tire I was referring too all too well. :rolleyes1

This is with my brothers on the Fourth of July. I saw these pictures(we took several that day) and was really embarrassed about how heavy I had become.

This is with a few friends at camp this summer. Again, you can see the awful roll and how heavy my face is.

Now on to the "during" pictures. I am about halfway to my goal. The spare tire is still there, but now it's a bike tire instead of a monster truck tire! :laughing: I tried to wear the same shirts so you could make a good comparison.


Last night we went to Jonah's Open House at his school and I ran into a woman that I haven't seen for a while. We were chatting and she stopped mid-sentenced and said, "You've lost weight!". It's the best feeling when someone who does not know what you are trying to do notices the changes. My friends have all said they can see the difference, but sometimes I feel like they say that because they know how hard I am trying. :hug: Hearing it from someone who had no idea felt so good!

So there's my story. I hope to lose about 10 more pounds before we leave in 5+ weeks. I'll keep you all posted!
You know...your story is quite inspiring. I have to give you a great big old CONGRATS! You tickle me with your monster truck tire reference.:rotfl:

I have a little spare tire myself and I only weigh 120. But, all my life, I weighed just 100. While most folks might not say 120 is heavy, I can feel it on my small frame. I just need to toughen up and start exercising to tone up. I also need to take a lesson or two from you and stop buying all those snack foods and junk food.

Again, congratulations for the weight loss. At the rate your going, I am sure you'll hit your goal in no time at all.:thumbsup2
Wow Missy!! You look fantastic - I can REALLY see it in your face!!

I know that spare tire too... I'm small and always have been, but have added some pounds over the past couple years and they are all around the middle. Thanks for listing out the things you have changed in your diet... DH has battled his weight over the past 10 years or so... He used to smoke and since he quit about 5? years ago he has gained quite a bit of weight. With his work schedule he has a hard time working out regularly. He does eat a lot of bread & sugar in his coffee so I'm going to make those changes.

Keep up the great work - you look amazing!! :cheer2:
First let me say YUCK to the Pittsburgh Jersey in the first picture......lmao! Hubby is from Pittsburgh so all day every day I hear Pens this and Pens that.....(and being from Buffalo I have to say that I am a Sabres fan)......:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Second, isn't amazing how just 1 size makes so much difference? You are looking AMAZING! Keep up the good work! It is so wonderful that you are making life changes! I am glad that you are pulling this off without the kids cringing! I understand what its like to not be able to buy off of the rack....sometimes the things that you find just dont fit right either.
I got word from my Dr that I can start at the gym....I am supposed to start off slow to get used to the changes. My start date is April 15th. By that date I plan on being ready to start "real" workouts. I am excited about doing push-ups again (and being able to go all the way down). Keep up the good work and I am sure that not only will you hit your goal but you will knock off those last few lbs before your trip! Once I start my goal will still be 30lbs in 7 months. I know that I can do it if I get my mind set!
You Rock and dont give up!!!!!!!!!!
Missy!!! You look fantastic!! I can really see a difference. :thumbsup2

And because you were so brave, I will share my numbers with you. I'm too self-conscious to do it on my own thread (maybe when I've lost all of the weight I want I'll post numbers there), but I'll share with you. :goodvibes

I can't tell you my dress size because I honestly have not put on a dress in many years. :rolleyes1 But, my pants and capris were 18's and have just moved back down to 16's. I currently weigh about 185 so not much different than you. :hug:

I have made much of the same eating changes as you have. And I think it is very important to make those changes for the entire family. It not only benefits you by not having the "dangerous" foods around tempting you, but I think it is a huge deal to teach children the right foods to eat. :thumbsup2

Keep up the great work! I'm so proud of you!!! :cool1:
YAY Missy!! You look great!:thumbsup2 Congratulations!!!

I know that spare tire well.:rolleyes: I've been battling with the darn thing since the boys were born.:rolleyes1 My biggest downfall is snacks before bed and chocolate!!UGH! Lately, DH has been trying to lose weight (because of his high blood pressure) so I've been buying lots more fruits and vegetables and less junk food!! He's been doing great but I've had such a hard time staying motivated! :confused3

I must say've really inspired me to get busy myself!! You've made some positive changes and they have paid off!! Good for you!!:thumbsup2 You look fantastic!!!:goodvibes
You know...your story is quite inspiring. I have to give you a great big old CONGRATS! You tickle me with your monster truck tire reference.:rotfl:

I have a little spare tire myself and I only weigh 120. But, all my life, I weighed just 100. While most folks might not say 120 is heavy, I can feel it on my small frame. I just need to toughen up and start exercising to tone up. I also need to take a lesson or two from you and stop buying all those snack foods and junk food.

Again, congratulations for the weight loss. At the rate your going, I am sure you'll hit your goal in no time at all.:thumbsup2

Thanks Lisa! I really hate to exercise...but after I do a workout, I feel really good about it. I try to focus on how I'll feel AFTER rather than during!! :thumbsup2

Wow Missy!! You look fantastic - I can REALLY see it in your face!!

I know that spare tire too... I'm small and always have been, but have added some pounds over the past couple years and they are all around the middle. Thanks for listing out the things you have changed in your diet... DH has battled his weight over the past 10 years or so... He used to smoke and since he quit about 5? years ago he has gained quite a bit of weight. With his work schedule he has a hard time working out regularly. He does eat a lot of bread & sugar in his coffee so I'm going to make those changes.

Keep up the great work - you look amazing!! :cheer2:

Thanks for the kind words Amy. I really think the sugar in the coffee is a big deal....if you figure each teaspoon of sugar has 16 calories you can shave a ton of calories off your diet if you just eliminate that one thing. It was a bit of a taste change to go to an artificial sweetener, but not impossible to get used to.

First let me say YUCK to the Pittsburgh Jersey in the first picture......lmao! Hubby is from Pittsburgh so all day every day I hear Pens this and Pens that.....(and being from Buffalo I have to say that I am a Sabres fan)......:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
Second, isn't amazing how just 1 size makes so much difference? You are looking AMAZING! Keep up the good work! It is so wonderful that you are making life changes! I am glad that you are pulling this off without the kids cringing! I understand what its like to not be able to buy off of the rack....sometimes the things that you find just dont fit right either.
I got word from my Dr that I can start at the gym....I am supposed to start off slow to get used to the changes. My start date is April 15th. By that date I plan on being ready to start "real" workouts. I am excited about doing push-ups again (and being able to go all the way down). Keep up the good work and I am sure that not only will you hit your goal but you will knock off those last few lbs before your trip! Once I start my goal will still be 30lbs in 7 months. I know that I can do it if I get my mind set!
You Rock and dont give up!!!!!!!!!!

LOL! I lived in Pittsburgh for 9 years so I am a big Steelers fan. I never really followed hockey, but you can see my brother is a big Penguins fan! Too funny that now I live in Rochester....big Sabres country!

It really bothered me that I couldn't "shop" with my friends. I guess the weight really had to get to me before I decided to do something about's kind of silly that it was something like that, but it was a terrible feeling.

Ugh I HATE push-ups!!!

Missy!!! You look fantastic!! I can really see a difference. :thumbsup2

And because you were so brave, I will share my numbers with you. I'm too self-conscious to do it on my own thread (maybe when I've lost all of the weight I want I'll post numbers there), but I'll share with you. :goodvibes

I can't tell you my dress size because I honestly have not put on a dress in many years. :rolleyes1 But, my pants and capris were 18's and have just moved back down to 16's. I currently weigh about 185 so not much different than you. :hug:

I have made much of the same eating changes as you have. And I think it is very important to make those changes for the entire family. It not only benefits you by not having the "dangerous" foods around tempting you, but I think it is a huge deal to teach children the right foods to eat. :thumbsup2

Keep up the great work! I'm so proud of you!!! :cool1:

Thanks for sharing your numbers with me Carissa. I guess I just figure if people see my pics, they know I'm a big sense pretending I wear a size 6!! LOL!

I agree about the diet changes being good for the boys. It's important that they learn now, so they don't have to fight the same battles I'm fighting with my weight. They're tough lessons, but if we all do it together it's a little easier. :)

YAY Missy!! You look great!:thumbsup2 Congratulations!!!

I know that spare tire well.:rolleyes: I've been battling with the darn thing since the boys were born.:rolleyes1 My biggest downfall is snacks before bed and chocolate!!UGH! Lately, DH has been trying to lose weight (because of his high blood pressure) so I've been buying lots more fruits and vegetables and less junk food!! He's been doing great but I've had such a hard time staying motivated! :confused3

I must say've really inspired me to get busy myself!! You've made some positive changes and they have paid off!! Good for you!!:thumbsup2 You look fantastic!!!:goodvibes

Thanks Angie! I have a problem with late night snacks too. I just try now to keep it to veggies or fruit...then I can still have the snack without the guilt! As far as motivation goes...there's no better motivator than a little success. It makes you want more! ;)
Last night we went to Jonah's Open House at his school and I ran into a woman that I haven't seen for a while. We were chatting and she stopped mid-sentenced and said, "You've lost weight!". It's the best feeling when someone who does not know what you are trying to do notices the changes.

Those three little words every woman wants to hear... not "I love you"...

"You've lost weight!" :goodvibes



you are AWESOME!!!! :cool1:

you look great and are well on your way. CONGRATS and good for you. I know you will stick w/ it. that is the key to change everyone...

I know I find myself snacking way more on the stuff I supposedly buy for the kids. the school yr is the worst for me, that mid-day binge in front of the "fat-tube"

I don't consider myself overweight...but definetly out of shape and I too carry that spare tire...UGH!

hitting the mid 30's and never quite got that stomach area to spring back after 3 pregnancies (considering my first one was twins w/ a 40+ weight gain).

you and Carissa are certaintly inspiring w/ spring and summer on the way..that extra belly weight is so icky.

This is one band wagon I need to jump on!

thanks for sharing!

you look fantastic! Missy :yay:
what a wonderful job you have done! at this rate I believe you are going to hit your goal by the wnoderful that you have found a way to incorporate it into the entire families meal plan...
Keep up the great work!


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