The Magic Is Real!

Ok. I tried to read this thread all the way through. I really did. But if I keep trying, I'm going to end up bawling at my desk in the office. Not cool, man. Not cool. ;)

These stories are wonderful. In this time when so much is up in the air and folks are upset and whatnot...this is what I needed. This is what it really is about. Thank you.
Ok. I tried to read this thread all the way through. I really did. But if I keep trying, I'm going to end up bawling at my desk in the office. Not cool, man. Not cool. ;)

These stories are wonderful. In this time when so much is up in the air and folks are upset and whatnot...this is what I needed. This is what it really is about. Thank you.

Well-stated! I LOVE threads like these! Wonderful memories shared by others that love Disney as much as I do!
Oh these stories are giving me the feels!!! Tears are flowing!!! Thank you all for sharing your stories....I so want to read more!!!

There are just no words to express how excited I am to see how my DD reacts to being in WDW for her first time in September! I tear up when I get in line for the Magical Express bus, during Wishes and during parades, so I know I am going to be a mess! Cannot wait!
I probably have too many stories to count but one that always sticks with me is our last trip to WDW when we checked in to our hotel a family that was checking out gave their Mickey head balloon to my daughter to "pass the magic along" - it meant so much to her and she repeatedly brought up during our trip that she couldn't wait until we were leaving so she could give it to another family - which we did and that made her smile just as big

Lesson - those balloons might be pricy but they can provide enough pixie dust for at least 3 families ;)
I like to think DD and I shared a little magic on our last trip. While on the bus hopping from MK to Epcot DD (11) and I noticed a family with several small children sitting directly across from us. Just as the bus pulled out they realized that one of the kids had lost his magic band. The boy was about 4 years old and immediately started crying. He was so sad. The other members of the family were surprised and upset as well. For the whole drive we listened as they debated what to do and looked around for the band. Everyone was upset but no one was really doing anything to comfort the kid.

DD and I watched and whispered together. We both knew the problem could be easily fixed and we felt so sorry for the sad little boy. He cried the whole way and DD wanted to do something to cheer him up. She had her lanyard. She loves pin trading and always has extra pins that she doesn't consider special to her, that are designated 'traders'. Together we chose a Duffy Bear pin and when the bus arrived at Epcot I pressed it into his little had and whispered, "That's for you. Don't worry, you're day is going to get better." He looked at his Dad, who nodded, and DD and I got off the bus.

As we walked away we saw the family gathering on the sidewalk. The boy was pointing at DD and I, the pin still in his hand as his dad explained to the others what had happened. Just for a moment, I felt a little like a Fairy Godmother.
I go to WDW with my boyfriend and our group of friends in June. While in the room one night our friend lost his keys. We found out later that he dropped his keys on the walkway at the resort and they were turned in at the front desk, but while tearing apart our room looking for them we found an autograph book in the pull out couch. Inside was a little girl's name and her address but absolutely no autographs. We noticed the book was from Disneyland, so we know whoever owned it had probably visited the West Coast as well. Well, after checking with the wonderful desk people in our building (Poly club level) we couldn't find any recent record of anyone with the same last name as the girl in the book staying in our room, so who knows how long the book was actually lost. After some internet sleuthing we found that the address in the book is accurate and someone with that same last name lives at the address.

Sooooo we spent the next few days of our vacation getting every signature we could for the little girl! We're going to be mailing the book to her shortly, along with photos of us meeting everyone in the book and a letter telling her what happened.

Someone here on the boards were behind us at Anna & Elsa and posted about what we were doing here, along with a picture (Thread is here. Looks like the picture is gone now though.).

The boyfriend also made a video about it to post to YouTube.
Warning though - summarizing isn't his strong point, he rambles on, hah.

I don't believe we've heard anything back.
I wish I could share more magic, as happy as Disney makes me. But I have a few good moments

When I failed my second American Idol audition (I made it to the second level, but not the audition), I got an anytime FP good for up to 5 people. I was alone that day, and figured I'd go ride TSMM, since it was the only ride I hadn't done. I tried to get other people to go on the FP with me, and was able to treat a couple that was there for their honeymoon/anniversary. Needless to say they were ecstatic.

Treating my best friends (in Florida) to a few meals during a trip I went on where I had some extra money.

Seeing Dick Van Dyke in Disneyland this past December. Ok, that's not exactly sharing the magic, but it was a sort of communal sharing of joy getting to see a legend perform in person.
I go to WDW with my boyfriend and our group of friends in June. While in the room one night our friend lost his keys. We found out later that he dropped his keys on the walkway at the resort and they were turned in at the front desk, but while tearing apart our room looking for them we found an autograph book in the pull out couch. Inside was a little girl's name and her address but absolutely no autographs. We noticed the book was from Disneyland, so we know whoever owned it had probably visited the West Coast as well. Well, after checking with the wonderful desk people in our building (Poly club level) we couldn't find any recent record of anyone with the same last name as the girl in the book staying in our room, so who knows how long the book was actually lost. After some internet sleuthing we found that the address in the book is accurate and someone with that same last name lives at the address.

Sooooo we spent the next few days of our vacation getting every signature we could for the little girl! We're going to be mailing the book to her shortly, along with photos of us meeting everyone in the book and a letter telling her what happened.

Someone here on the boards were behind us at Anna & Elsa and posted about what we were doing here, along with a picture (Thread is here. Looks like the picture is gone now though.).

The boyfriend also made a video about it to post to YouTube.
Warning though - summarizing isn't his strong point, he rambles on, hah.

I don't believe we've heard anything back.

What a cool way to spread the magic! And, yes, I actually watched the full 12 minutes of your boyfriend's video sharing all the character interactions you had so you could fill the little girl's autograph book. I am surprised you did not receive a thank you letter from the girl's family.
Every time we go to a park, we experience Disney magic. My son is a very caring child who loves to pay it forward. Handing out stickers or collector pins to others.

He is a huge Frozen fan. Likes Frozen almost as much as Star Wars. During FSF we'd sit inside the Backlot Express to stay cool, and come out the side door just as the parade was about to come by. He'd wave and cheer for every group and especially Anna and Elsa.

One day we were at the Frozen Sing-Along and a cm came to us right after the show and asked us to remain seated because someone wanted to meet us.

Much to our surprise, it wasn't just one person who came out to meet us, it was the whole cast of the show!

Turned out that Anna really enjoyed seeing ds' enthusiasm and smile at the parade and she wanted to meet him!

The picture of his meeting them is my avatar picture!
We've had a number of magical moments at Disney, and we also try to share some pixie dust (sharing stickers or bubbles with kids waiting, etc.). And I tend to start tearing up easily - especially at Disney (probably in part due to lots of prior memories plus the physical and emotional exhaustion!).

But the first magical memory that came to mind when I started reading this was back on our first family trip - my first as a parent. DS was about 20 months old, and we stayed at Wilderness Lodge. Being there by the beach watching the Electrical Water Pageant with my husband and son just got me so choked up! I still start to cry just watching the videos.

Another trip, when my parents came along, the most memorable magical moment was again on a beach (this time at the Polynesian). We were watching the EWP and the fireworks after our dinner at O'hana. We've had a lot of ups and downs on all our trips, but when the culmination of all our planning has things fall into place just right, it's nice to just sit back and enjoy the magic!
I love these kinds of stories. On our first trip we showed up at Philharmagic just as the previous show had begun, and so had the length of the show to wait. DD and DS were 5 and 2 at the time. It was late in the day, and my kids were starting to fade. While we were waiting, another family with two little girls came in. The kids looked to be a few years older than mine. DD was in a princess gown and the older of the two little girls came over and exclaimed to her sister something like "Oh look, a real princess! She's so beautiful in her dress!" She then turned to DS and said "and you must be her prince!" The girls then said they would be honored to get to dance with a real prince and princess and spent the duration of the wait time laughing and dancing with my kiddos. It was adorable and my kids were so thrilled with the experience. I couldn't believe that these other children had taken it upon themselves to bolster the spirits of kids who were obviously not enjoying the wait and created a magic moment for them.
That is so sweet!
When DS was 6 he was chosen as the Junior Mayor of Mainstreet. The Fire Chief gave him a badge and told him his responsibilities. He needed to take naps like the real mayor but that his main job was to greet visitors. He was supposed to wish children with birthday buttons a "Happy Birthday" as well as anybody else he thought needed to be greeted and celebrated. DS decided to take these duties very seriously after his initial hesitation. He waved at all the CMs along the way and told him they were doing a great job! He wished children and adults a happy birthday when they were wearing buttons. All the CMs made a big fuss that the "Mayor" was around. Anna even asked him if he thought he could come to Arendelle and give them tips on village management. When we were ready to leave we decided to take the train to the Mainstreet station to leave the park. A little girl in front of us was wearing a birthday button. DS wished her a happy birthday and asked her if she was having a good time. She smiled and said yes but that she really wanted to meet Elsa and Anna. DS reached into his pocket and pulled out his "golden Fastpass" that he had been saving. He handed her the Fastpass told her that he had spoken to Anna, and that Anna and Elsa were waiting for her and she should have a magical birthday.

The look on her face was magical. The look on DS's face was full of pride. And I don't know who cried more me or the little girl's mom.
Oh wow, I'm crying too! Where were you when your son was selected to be Junior Mayor? My co-worker just told me that they were at the Plaza Inn for lunch when her son was selected, and he was given his badge by Mayor Weaver.
Oh wow, I'm crying too! Where were you when your son was selected to be Junior Mayor? My co-worker just told me that they were at the Plaza Inn for lunch when her son was selected, and he was given his badge by Mayor Weaver.

Yes the junior mayor is usually selected from the Plaza at lunch. We've seen mayor Weaver and the Fire Chief Smokey Miller present them.
ALL. THE. FEELS. :sad:

Thank you for starting this post. This is one of the many reasons I love Disney so much and why it doesn't even come close to any other theme park. It truly is magical.

One of my favorite moments wasn't even at WDW, it was on the way to WDW. My youngest sister was 3 at the time and we were flying from Atlanta into MCO. As soon as the plane lands, my sister opens her window shade, looks out and in her loudest voice yells, "I'm coming Mickey!" The whole plane heard her. It was the sweetest, most joyful moment that captured her excitement and love for WDW. Everyone on the plane had smiles on there face after that.

I am looking forward to adding more magical memories to my list as we take DD2 for her first trip in a year.
My family and were there in January of this year ,it was a rainy day and we were at Disney Springs my wife and I have had Disney Quest passes that were non-expiring.. and we had 4 of them my wife saw a family of 4 in line and they looked a little over whelmed at the prices so we gave them to that family ,, with a great big thank you from them we went along on our way,,
My family and were there in January of this year ,it was a rainy day and we were at Disney Springs my wife and I have had Disney Quest passes that were non-expiring.. and we had 4 of them my wife saw a family of 4 in line and they looked a little over whelmed at the prices so we gave them to that family ,, with a great big thank you from them we went along on our way,,
(Be warned & accept my apologies for the length) We're a blended family (and rather new at that, only 4yrs). I have no bio children, my DH has a 13yr old DD; (who I'm blessed to feel like my own). Even though she's only been in my life since she was 8, (sappy alert but since true, can't help) I feel like I've loved her all my life. DH divorced when she was a baby (joint custody, but he's the primary parent). On his cop's salary, he never had the $ to takes her. I've always loved Disney but hadn't been in yrs. When we got married, I was determined we were going. With DH's hatred of crowds, he was only going to "endure" it for us. DD didn't seem as into it as I expected. So, I was really the only one excited. Two weeks, blow it out of the water; we had a deal of "one and done". From the moment we started our 1st park day, til the last; it was honestly non stop family magic for ALL 3 of us (not to say perfect, but you roll w/it). By the end of the trip, DH (my crabby no smiling crusty cop) was the one making us stop for more PP pics; smiling ear to ear. AND, he mastered MDE and took charge of our touring! DD and I had both morphed into giggly excited 6yr olds. Our last night, as we stood there watching Wishes together; ALL 3 of us started tearing up. DH put his arms around us, & we ended up in a group hug crying (only 2nd time I've seen him cry). Him telling her he always wanted to bring her, telling me he always wanted a wife to enjoy it with them, her saying she wanted it so long & it finally happened, me saying I have my family now. Then she looks up and says "yes, it's complete now". So, more tears lol. We then had another group hug moment standing in a deserted Main Street watching the last Kiss Goodnight...I started masterminding our 2nd trip on the drive home. Flash forward to a 13 yr old who's now so Disney obsessed, even the boy bands came off the wall for Mickey and Minnie. It's our special "thing" together now. DH even chimes in concerning the planning. AND an AP upgrade with 3 trips on our horizon this year (one being a surprise Bday trip for DD, who won't know til we wake her up in the middle of the night!). That's our family 's Disney Magic....and it's certainly very real to us. :love:
Love all of these!!!! Our magical moment was last August when DS (4) pulled the sword out of the stone at MK :-) there was a photo pass girl there that got some great pics ( I'm sure she was the one who made sure the sword came out too LOL) but just to see DSs little smile and excitement and disbelief that he did it.... And then to have some great pics of it, too.... Awesome!!!
The whole trip was just super magical actually... DS was just SO into the whole thing- perfect age to go! And the low crowd levels that week made sure we got to do and see more than we had hoped... Just an awesome magical week :-)
Love all of these!!!! Our magical moment was last August when DS (4) pulled the sword out of the stone at MK :-) there was a photo pass girl there that got some great pics ( I'm sure she was the one who made sure the sword came out too LOL) but just to see DSs little smile and excitement and disbelief that he did it.... And then to have some great pics of it, too.... Awesome!!!
The whole trip was just super magical actually... DS was just SO into the whole thing- perfect age to go! And the low crowd levels that week made sure we got to do and see more than we had hoped... Just an awesome magical week :-)

How cool! I thought they weren't doing that anymore. Did he get anything special (besides the photos)? We have cute pics of our 3 boys trying to pull out the sword.


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