The Official People who are alone on VFK thread

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I'm technically alone. I was in pretty good shape at home but logging in from work, I can't talk or see anyone once again. Firewall problem, maybe?

Well my daughter is on a laptop in the next room and she can see some not all and she can talk?
I have been alone for the two days also, i can not speak and i have not seen anybody else.
Yesterday I could see people who could not talk, and could not see people who could talk...Today I can not talk and I am all by myself..I think :scared1:
Ok I logged off to get my Space+Grumpy logged on so he would get his shirt and pin... and he is all alone also and no talk! I also just logged in my grandson and same with him... no talk no can see anyone. It reminds me of me onlyesterday...argggg

But I also tried loggin me back after I got hubby on before I got grandson on and I was also alone and can't talk either!! so hmm...

But I am not to diappointed as I did get to talk and meet some of friends disers so that really made me feel so good! I have never been involved in a beta game before.. But I really am likeing what I see so far! Plus to be able to talk and see so many friends from vmk! I just think this will be a good good place as time goes on for them. Yes it is frustrating... bue we must remember that this is beta.. and that means we all a part of something that going to be good!! And that we are helping them learn to get this going!
So glad I am not alone being alone :rotfl: Just been walking around hoping that I might see someone else. I did hear the music at Merlin's sign so I feel that is a major step for me today. :banana: Still can't talk or have not seen the bubble with the words that I have tried so I have no idea what my guest # is.
Alllll by myseeeeeeelllfff...don't want to be...aaallll by myseeeeeeelffff...anymore!

I logged in probably the first minute that it was open yesterday, and was able to talk to VFK_Lion, VFK_Owl and a few guests. I got the impression that although I could see Lion, he couldn't see me. I soon got lost in Stonehenge and had to log out and back in, at which point I could still see Lion and chat, but there were A LOT of invisible people.

After that, I've not seen or been able to talk to anyone. My chat bubbles don't show up, even in my room.

I can be patient. I understand what they're up against. And I'll just keep logging back on and checking!
This is the most depressing thread ever...

We are all alone and trying desperately to reach out to others that we know should be there, but just cant seem to find them.

I am all alone...never to speak, never to see another soul. Not once have I been able to see or do what others have experienced.

Virtual (abandoned by) Family Kingdom!
Count me among the ones who cannot find anyone nor see any chat bubbles. I am currently guest numberless but I do have a pet rock out back that turned out to be my couch. :rotfl:
Count me among the ones who cannot find anyone nor see any chat bubbles. I am currently guest numberless but I do have a pet rock out back that turned out to be my couch. :rotfl:


EVERYTHING is the couch! All of VFK is one with the couch. It's all very zen. :)
This is Day 2 now and I am still lonely.
I have yet to talk to anyone of my own kind (including myself).
I can walk around fine with no problems.
I see the chat bar and can type- no outcome when pressing enter.
I dont have any other options of buttons other than the chat bar.
Don't have a name- what are these so called "Guest#"- and where do I get one?

On top of this and more- I look like a shorter-haired version of Carrot Top.
I was told not to pre register because it was apparently a scam, and now that everyone from VMK is on it, I went to register and now I'm on a waiting list for months :( I feel lonelier than ever.
I understand how you feel. I am on a waiting list too. :(
I was told not to pre register because it was apparently a scam, and now that everyone from VMK is on it, I went to register and now I'm on a waiting list for months :( I feel lonelier than ever.

Yes, people had been warned to be cautious. I only signed up a couple of hours after VMK closed, as I figured I had nothing to lose anymore .. and I guess I got in on the last Beta group. You're not missing much right now, but that probably doesn't help you much .. sorry :flower3:
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