The Pursuit of Disney Magic (June 7-14, 2008) ~ UPDATED 9/30 pg. 191

My DH said the same thing about 50s PT. I told him it could be worse though...I could make him go to WCC and mention his affinity for ketchup! ;)

We also chose Yak & Yeti. It's one of our choices I'm unsure of, but I've been reading some good reviews about it. You have to try everything once.

He he he! I should take DH to WCC and not tell him about it! He would just die! I feel another October trip coming on...

I think we will enjoy Yak and Yeti -- I love Chinese food -- there is nothing like General Tsao's Chicken, Shrimp Fried Rice, and an egg roll -- so I think we will be just fine at Yak and Yeti -- and it's a TS at AK (finally)! I am excited about that!
Today I needed a little Disney Therapy so I just treated myself to an order of new guide books. I know that I can find almost all the information I could ever need right here on the DIS, but I am a little funny (alright, a lot funny (and not the "ha ha" variety) when it comes to books. I am a tactile person, and there is just no substitute for sitting and holding a book and turning the pages of a book and smelling a book (yep, I said that -- try it -- every book has a distinct smell depending on the type of paper) :) . I NEEDED new Disney books to hold and call my own.

Last year I bought Birnbaum's Walt Disney World 2007, Birnbaum's Walt Disney World for Kids, by Kids 2007 (for the kids, of course), Birnbaum's Walt Disney World Dining Guide 2007, The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World (Love it -- even tabbed the pages that I refer to frequently), and Hidden Mickeys. Let's just say all the pages on all the books are a little dog-eared. I wanted new ones this year, but none of the updated editions were really so updated that I needed to replace them. So, I looked for others.

Here's what I just ordered from -- all three of them highly recommended by other DISers!

Passporter's Walt Disney World 2008 -- a guide book and OCD planning outlet all in one. What sold me on this one were the descriptions of the pockets to hold stuff. I have visions of tucking my very own Passporter in my bag at Disney.

The Complete Guide to Walt Disney World 2008 -- a guide book with lots of photos and fun facts -- the fun facts got me. So did the page samples on amazon that showed aforementioned fun facts.

Walt Disney World Guide to the Magic for Kids -- for the kids :thumbsup2 . More cool photos and stickers. And journaling pages (even though I already made travel journals for the kids and myself). The attraction stickers you can stick on the pages after you ride sold it to me. Again, so did the cool sample pages. This might be mine. And maybe I will let the kids share it with me.

Now, I just want the order to get here. I am not the most patient person in the world.
I am going to do a shameless bit of advertising for a second. In my defense it is Disney-related!

Background: My first job was a drive-through cashier at McDonald's -- I know -- so unglamorous for a princess. What can I say? It was my Cinderella phase, and I was told, at 16, that if I wanted a car, I had to pay for insurance. Anyway, I came home everyday that summer smelling like french fries. Yick! I still love McDonald's food though. Can't help it. And honestly, I don't think that story really has any bearing whatsoever on the news I want to impart! Except that the news made me think back on those days of saying, "Welcome to McDonald's! Would you like to try an Extra-Value Meal today?"

Okay, here's the news: the next Happy Meals at Mickey D's are going to be Year of a Million Dreams Happy Meals :banana: :banana: :banana: ! How cool is that? I read it on two other posts on the DIS tonight! One said the date was going to be March 14th, but I am keeping a close eye on that! I can't wait. Not only will the kids be getting Happy Meals, I am pretty sure I will be ordering one too!

But we will NOT be eating them in the new mini-van. No greasy fry fingerprints on the upholstery, please!
I think I may order the Passporter now!! See what you did???????? :)
I love the way books smell too! I had about an hour to kill last night between picking up and dropping off kids, so I went and spent time at the bookstore. I could spend hours there.
Just found your PTR. Your children are adorable. I'm sure that they will love the AKL. Don't forget to check out all the activities the Lodge has for kids.
I love the way books smell too! I had about an hour to kill last night between picking up and dropping off kids, so I went and spent time at the bookstore. I could spend hours there.

I could spend hours in bookstores! The downfall of where we live (small town) is there is no bookstore -- the nearest one is 25 minutes away. :scared1: I keep hoping for one soon (we got a Starbucks about six months ago so there is hope).

You think I am joking :) . Our last car was a mess by the time we traded it in -- including a petrified french fry I found under the seat! Another :scared1: ! I am determined this will not happen in the new car -- at least until the novelty wears off!

Just found your PTR. Your children are adorable. I'm sure that they will love the AKL. Don't forget to check out all the activities the Lodge has for kids.

Thank you! They definitely keep us on our toes. DD (10) came home this week informing us that she had a boyfriend! Yet another :scared1: ! Of course, then she told us that she nevers talks to him (oh the joys of fifth grade relationships :)).

I know they will love AKL. On our must-do list so far are the folktales by the firepit, the nighttime animal viewing, and the cookie decorating. Are there any other must-dos that I can add to the list?
As you all know, I was really hoping that my new guidebooks would arrive today. In hopeful anticipation of their arrival, I started my morning with the usual morning chores -- drinking coffee, catching up on the DIS, feeding animals and family. Then, since the mail still hadn't arrived, I tried to do as much as possible to free up the rest of the day (just in case) -- paying bills, starting laundry, unloading the dishwasher, taking out the trash. Just as I was taking out the trash, the mailman came (purely coincidental, I promise) bearing mail and a package! Hooray! I practically danced into the house.

DS: What did we get in the mail?

Me: Something for me! La, la, la, la!

DD: Must be Disney Mail because you are all excited! (I guess I do this everytime I get something connected with the trip -- which is not nearly often enough).

I did manage to squirrel away the Guide to the Magic for Kids before my kids saw it -- I want to give it to them on Friday, our 100 day mark. But it looks great! I am hoping to look at it some more tonight after Chelsea and Connor go to bed.

The other two are simply fabulous! They smell nice too :). The Complete Guide to Walt Disney World really is full of information and lots of cool pics. They really delve into the stories that accompany all the parks and attractions -- I never knew the full story behind Harambe or Expedition Everest, but I do now! DH has also heard quite a bit read out loud to him :).

The Passporter is also great. I have tabbed all the sections already (with the stickers they give you) and sticky noted the sections I know I will want to reference frequently like all the worksheets and the pages on AKL. It really fits nicely into my OCD planning. :thumbsup2

The downside to my wonderful day of reading and obsessive compulsive indulgence is that all the weekend chores are still waiting for me. Tomorrow is looming with cleaning the house (the kitchen looks like it belongs in some Wild West movie with dust bunnies blowing across the floor -- that music is playing too) and grocery shopping. I need some house-cleaning/errand-running pixie dust right about now!

The other two are simply fabulous! They smell nice too :). The Complete Guide to Walt Disney World really is full of information and lots of cool pics. They really delve into the stories that accompany all the parks and attractions -- I never knew the full story behind Harambe or Expedition Everest, but I do now! DH has also heard quite a bit read out loud to him :).

The Passporter is also great. I have tabbed all the sections already (with the stickers they give you) and sticky noted the sections I know I will want to reference frequently like all the worksheets and the pages on AKL. It really fits nicely into my OCD planning. :thumbsup2

The downside to my wonderful day of reading and obsessive compulsive indulgence is that all the weekend chores are still waiting for me. Tomorrow is looming with cleaning the house (the kitchen looks like it belongs in some Wild West movie with dust bunnies blowing across the floor -- that music is playing too) and grocery shopping. I need some house-cleaning/errand-running pixie dust right about now! book smell. Hey, you're really spoiling yourself this week---new book smell AND new car smell!
You've now convinced me to buy the Complete Guide. I had assumed it was just a book with some maps. Now that I know it includes back story, I must get it. (It's very important that I always know more than my DH. We are extremely competitive.)
Love how your kids seem amused by your excitement for the Disney trip.
Great pre-trip so far! And your kids are just darling!

You've inspired me to do a pre-trip report myself; we're also going to be there from June 8-15 (4 days at WDW and then a 3-day cruise). I have been doing my usual OCD planning, and the pre-trip would just be icing on the cake - no one understands the joys of planning like the DIS folks!
I saw your link on another pre-trip and followed it over and couldn't stop reading! I can absolutely relate to the new book smell and bought myself the '08 Unoffical Guide for this summer's trip! There's something about putting your hands on a book and flipping through it!!
Your family is beautiful, I can't wait to read more!
Great pre-trip so far! And your kids are just darling!

You've inspired me to do a pre-trip report myself; we're also going to be there from June 8-15 (4 days at WDW and then a 3-day cruise). I have been doing my usual OCD planning, and the pre-trip would just be icing on the cake - no one understands the joys of planning like the DIS folks!

:welcome: ! I am so thrilled I inspired someone else -- I am headed over to your PTR next -- I can't wait to read it! The Disney cruise is definitely on my to-do list -- I am thinking the year I turn 35, it would make an awfully nice birthday gift ::yes:: ! book smell. Hey, you're really spoiling yourself this week---new book smell AND new car smell!
You've now convinced me to buy the Complete Guide. I had assumed it was just a book with some maps. Now that I know it includes back story, I must get it. (It's very important that I always know more than my DH. We are extremely competitive.)
Love how your kids seem amused by your excitement for the Disney trip.

Technically, I bought the new car last month, so I only spoiled myself once this week -- unless we count the new vacation clothes I "accidentally" bought while running errands today (just three shirts and a pair of shorts)! ;)

You will love the Complete Guide -- I haven't been able to put it down because it is so full of neat information that I never knew. I especially like the "fun finds" sections on each page -- those little things to look for that I have obviously always blown past with my "tunnel" vision. You'll blow DH out of the water with all the knowledge you will have :thumbsup2 !

I saw your link on another pre-trip and followed it over and couldn't stop reading! I can absolutely relate to the new book smell and bought myself the '08 Unoffical Guide for this summer's trip! There's something about putting your hands on a book and flipping through it!!
Your family is beautiful, I can't wait to read more!

:welcome: and thank you! I am glad you are enjoying all my rambling! I, for one, have thoroughly enjoyed flipping through my new books today! They will be as dog-eared as the rest of them in no time!
Okay, so I just had to share what I managed to do today with you guys -- because you will truly understand my excitement and pride.

Last night I saw on another thread someone's kid picture itinerary and thought it was one of the cutest things I had ever seen. So, after looking at it and studying it, I figured I could copy it on my own. I did, and I am just so proud of myself. It's no where near as good as the original one, but I am really happy with it.

I have to say that I have learned more about computers while on the DIS boards than ever before. Amazing, what a person can learn when it is Disney-fied ::yes:: !

I also have to admit that I have not quite managed to figure out how to post pictures and have them retain their quality. I didn't know if I could just copy the file so I scanned it and uploaded it. The picture just doesn't do it justice -- the colors and pictures are much sharper and brighter on the real thing :sad1: . But it gives you an idea of it!

Thank you! I really can't take too much credit for it since I lifted the idea from a thread over on the Theme Parks board -- but I am just in love with it.

I am such a big dork that I keep pulling it out to look at it. :)
I do the same thing when I impress myself with my craftiness! If only my dh would do the stroking for me, I wouldn't have to congratulate myself!
I do the same thing when I impress myself with my craftiness! If only my dh would do the stroking for me, I wouldn't have to congratulate myself!

Exactly! DH came home today, and I was just bursting to show him! He tried to show interest and excitement, but I could tell he was just not quite on the same level as I was. As long as he continues to let me be Royal Ruling Queen of the Disney Trip, I guess I won't complain too much :) .
I tried to convince my dh that we need a new van for the trip.

He said the 2 hour drive to the airport didn't justify spending 20k. I just don't get it!:)


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