The Running Thread - 2018

ATTQOTD: I work at home 4 days a week and only go to the office 1 day a week which meshes nicely with my 5 day a week running schedule. I get up early and get my run knocked out before work starts. Only fur-kids, so no family demands (as long as I feed the cats as soon as I get up.)

BQOTD: The only food I really hate is salmon patties (croquettes if you're feeling fancy.) Hated 'em as a kid, hate them now. Luckily they don't come up very often. The only way I can tolerate them is with a healthy dose of Tabasco sauce.
OMG I miss Round Table pepperoni pizza! They aren't out here so last night for my birthday dinner we had Pizza Hut which is not the same!

Happy birthday! But no, Pizza Hut is decidedly NOT the same as Round Table. I'm lucky to get back "home" (to CA) fairly often and my mom and my in-laws both make it a point to make sure we have RT when we're back because they know I (and my daughter) like it so much. I'll be out there again in May and my mom has already planned which night is RT night. My mother in law has actually gone as far as to have the local grocery near her deep freeze some par-cooked RT to bring out to us when she's come out to visit, can you believe it? That way we can put it in our freezer and bake it whenever we want it. So sweet of her.

Bonus: pierogies. Ughhh so gross and I eat pretty much everything.
Really? Pierogies? That is so funny to me! I never had them as a kid, although we did have gnocchi which is sort of kind of similar. We have a place that makes homemade pierogies of all kinds and they are soooooo good, at least in my opinion.
I have some food kindred spirits in you three. I was going to say pork chops with shake n' bake, but I don't actively dislike them, they're just not how we eat in my house. Then I saw @TheHamm's post on pizza. You're TOTALLY right. My parents would get pizza from Round Table with peppers and mushrooms and all kinds of stuff I didn't like and then tell me to pick it off. Now I'm free to get whatever dang pizza I want.

Just stay away from the pineapple, and we can be friends :)
ATTQOTD: I sometimes struggle with this. I commute, so I run after work in favor of not getting up in the 4am hour. I usually don't have any problems, but I can get really sour when something comes up last-minute and I don't get my scheduled run in. Which is something I could probably work on (as could people at their last minute plans...).

Bonus: My mom is an excellent cook, so I don't really have any traumatic foods. As a kid, I always scoffed at meatloaf, but I really like it now!
ATTQOTD: I try to do all 5 of my runs in the morning, because a) as it warms up this is the most ideal time for me to not die while running and b) I like to get my workouts out of the way for the day. So M&F are my sleep in days, I get to sleep until 6am! YAY. LOL. T&W&Th I am up at 4:45am so I can run before work. Then Saturday and Sunday I ~try~ my best to get up early and run. Saturday usually around 6:30am depending on what we have planned for the day. Sunday is the one run I will postpone to later in the day depending on how our Saturday night goes. My husband works from home, so he gets his workouts in during the day usually. It is really up to me to get out of bed all those early mornings and do the work. #IMissSleep

Bonus: I was a picky kid raised by a picky mom. The only thing I remember was having a babysitter force me to eat baby tomatoes, like SO MANY, and now raw tomatoes make me gag. Which really grinds my gears, because I wish I could like raw tomatoes but some dumb lady ruined that for me. For the longest time I didn't eat any other meat except beef because that's all my mom liked. For Thanksgiving we would have Ham instead of Turkey because my mom didn't like Turkey or Chicken. I didn't start eating chicken until I was like 10 and my step-dad got me to try fried chicken. I think I tried my first pork chop when I was like 25. I still don't like seafood and probably never will.

Bonus: Peas. Barf.
I love canned peas. I can eat canned peas all day long.
ATTQOTD: It’s balanced with a very good day planner. I work 6-3:30 Mon-Thurs, 6-2:30 every other Friday, then have the other Friday off. I’m also lucky in that I work from home Wednesdays and the Friday that’s not a day off. Then I also teach fitness classes at night/weekends but that schedule is sporadic. I typically have the month schedule about a week before that month begins. So once that comes out, I’m able to plan my runs for the month, which kind of sucks if I’m using a specific training plan. I do my maintenance runs at lunch, so I plan that around weather because I’m a wuss and won’t run in the rain, especially at work. If I’m doing an every other week long run plan, then I’ll schedule the LR for my Friday off, that way I could move it to Saturday or Sunday if something came up. I HATE doing LRs on days that I teach class, but sometimes it has to happen. Recently though I’ve been having to do my maintenance runs at home after work because it’s been so windy here and I work on a Navy base surrounded by water, so the wind is way worse and whips me around. I’m sure it’s comical to watch.

Bonus: Another vote for peas! I think it’s the only veggie I can’t stand. My mom used to make chili at least once a week and I still hate it. It’s like meat soup. Gross. But when we did Whole30 I did end up making a turkey chili (no beans) but loaded mine with sweet potato and avocado. It was very good!
I tolerated people dissing bananas and Triscuits, but I draw the line at pierogies. :)

I carb-loaded on pierogies (just boiled, not fried) the night before Rocket City Marathon.

What's not to love? Inert carbs wrapped in inert carbs.

They were the Mrs T frozen ones. I’m pretty sure it was they was they were prepared/served but it’s scarred me enough that I stay away from them now. Putting the 6% polish part of me to shame.
ATTQOTD: It's a struggle for sure. I work full time and DH works a lot of overtime, and we have 3 kids involved in all kinds of sports & activities. During the week, I get up at 4:30am to get my runs in before the kids get up - this is the only time I have! On the weekends, our schedule is more flexible, but I still like to get those long runs out of the way early.

Bonus: Broccoli - I will eat it now only because I know it's good for me, but nothing will ever make me like it.
ATTQOTD: I struggle. I work full time as a teacher and I run clubs and tutoring not to mention all the committees so the school year can be kind of rough. This year has stunk as far as running goes. Summers are super easy. Up early, run.

Bonus: Peas. Barf.
We are counting on you for the Castaway Cay 5k on the Member's Cruise though!

BTW, I teach as well...
ATTQOTD: I try to fit in runs when I can, but it is tough as between my job, my wife's job (which I end up being her secretary), and all of my DD's activities. It is a bit easier in the Summer. The hardest is in Fall, because, well, we live in Tuscaloosa, and here, in the Fall, Saturdays are for Crimson Tide Football!

Bonus: Count me in with the Lima bean crowd. Those are horrible. As to one thing that I have never, ever been able to eat... It is raw tomatoes. I cannot fathom anything more gross. (That being said, cook them or douse them with vinegar and cilantro and turn them into salsa, and I love them!)
They were the Mrs T frozen ones. I’m pretty sure it was they was they were prepared/served but it’s scarred me enough that I stay away from them now. Putting the 6% polish part of me to shame.

Those are icky! I love pierogi though. My favorites are filled with kapusta or apples.
Happy birthday! But no, Pizza Hut is decidedly NOT the same as Round Table. I'm lucky to get back "home" (to CA) fairly often and my mom and my in-laws both make it a point to make sure we have RT when we're back because they know I (and my daughter) like it so much. I'll be out there again in May and my mom has already planned which night is RT night. My mother in law has actually gone as far as to have the local grocery near her deep freeze some par-cooked RT to bring out to us when she's come out to visit, can you believe it? That way we can put it in our freezer and bake it whenever we want it. So sweet of her.

Your mother in law is the best! My son still lives in CA so I make sure I get some Round Table on every visit out there. Lately he has been visiting us instead so haven't been in a while.
The only pierogi I'd ever eaten were the Mrs. T brand pierogi and a couple of years ago a Canadian friend made homemade ones and as soon as I took my first bite, every color became more vivid and "A Whole New World" started playing out of nowhere.


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